Moscow University Press


«Война и мир» Л. Толстого Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual deals with L. Tolstoy’s identity as a writer and a man and gives a detailed analysis of ‘War and Peace’ on a wide range of issues. The author sheds new light on such traditional topics as the spiritual quest of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky as he dwells heavily on their religious meaning. Students will find answers to questions about Kutuzov and Napoleon, Tolstoy's views on history, the original genre of ‘War and Peace’, etc.

The book is addressed to high school students, applicants, college students, teachers, philologists, linguists and specialists, all those interested in Russian literature.

«Мастер из Мулена» Жан Хей ‘Master of the Moulins’ Jean Hay and the French Art Around 1500: Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

The first Russian language monograph on the Master of Moulins, one of the most mysterious painters in the Northern Renaissance. After heated scientific discussions, which began in the 19th century, it has been finally agreed to accept the view that this anonymous master was Jean Hey. The painter worked in the late 15th century, believed to be the least studied periods in French art history. This is a transitional period from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, innovative solutions and unprecedentedly strong international artistic ties. The book provides an insight into the features of French court culture and political history under Charles VIII, king of France (1483–1498) and reflects the latest trends in contemporary art study.

«Мягкая сила» и публичная дипломатия. Курс лекций Soft Power and Public Diplomacy. Lecture Course

The main purpose of the textbook is to provide students with sufficient knowledge in the field of soft power and public diplomacy, the main aspects of the practical implementation of this foreign policy resource. The paper highlights theoretical issues, as well as historical and modern processes of functioning of the institutions of soft power and public diplomacy of the leading geopolitical actors of the modern world: the United States, Great Britain, Germany, China, Russia, etc. This course of lectures is the first example of educational literature in Russia devoted to the phenomenon of soft power and public diplomacy in world politics.

For students of higher educational institutions of humanities, engaged in the study of international relations and global governance.

The book may also be of interest to a wider audience interested in current issues of global political development.

«Политическое завещание» Ленина: реальность истории и мифы политики Lenin's "Political Testament" The reality of history and Myths of Politics

The monograph is devoted to the last articles, letters and notes of V.I. Lenin, known as his "Political Testament", which had a significant impact on the political development of Soviet society. The analysis of available sources leads the author to the conclusion that not all the texts included in the "Testament" belong to Lenin (in particular, the "Letter to the Congress" and the notes "On the question of nationalities or on "autonomization""). The work is based on a source analysis conducted in organic connection with the study of the internal party struggle of those years. 

For specialists-historians, as well as a wide range of politically active and interested in history readers.

«Преступление и наказание» — роман-пророчество. Crime and Punishment as a prophecy novel

The books in the "Rereading the Classics" series contain a modern analysis of the works included in school literature programs. Spiritual, moral and religious aspects in theworks of Russian writers of the XIX–XX centuries are covered in details for the first time. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, which is necessary for passing school exams and entering any university.

This manual discusses the traditional "plots" and problems of the novel: Raskolnikov's theory, the essence of the crime, what is the hero's punishment.

Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the last episode of the "Epilogue", which refers to the "resurrection" of Raskolnikov - so far it has not been discussed enough in criticism and science.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, specialists in philology, as well as a wide range of readers.

«Цветные миры». Американская литература в поисках национальной самобытности Colored Worlds. American Literature in Search of National Identity

«The Worlds of Color»: The Quest for National Identity in American Literature The problem under investigation In the research is the cultural identity quest and assertion in the course of emergence and evolution of the American literary tradition. The transformation of the European background shared by non-European racial and ethnic groups in the New World is in the focus of attention. The key moments of the process as reflected in literary texts are under consideration: the conversion of Africans and Native Americans, the nascence of the double consciousness, the debates over separatism, assimilation and integration, the controversy between the patriotic and eurocentrist viewpoints, the making of new and re-making of old concepts (the primitive, the New World utopia, the American Eden, etc.) integrating the “worlds of color” in multicultural American kaleidoscope.

The book is addressed to the university and college professors, students, scholars in American literature, culture and history.

Academic writing (pdf) Academic writing

The presented manual is a collection of practical activities for developing academic writing skills. The materials on which the content of the textbook is based have been selected from the universally acclaimed sources (“Bailey's Academic Writing”, “Extended Writing and Research Skills”, “The Academic Phrase Bank”), and are optimally structured for academic needs. This publication is intended for students, graduate students, researchers, and everyone who aims to form, consolidate, and expand their knowledge in academic writing. It can also be successfully used to prepare a draft of the final qualifying work in English (Project Proposal).

The study guide consists of five sections, organized logically and systematically so that students could work either under the guidance of a teacher or independently. Each part focuses on a specific aspect of academic writing. Thus, the first part ("The Writing Process") offers an overview of the academic style's main features. The second section of the manual ("Literature Review") aims at developing students' skills in reviewing scientific literature. The "Main Body" section is dedicated to the project's principal part (Project Proposal). It proves to be especially useful for future graduates, giving them a clear understanding of each part of the project's goals and providing them with the materials, taken from real works, as a writing model. According to the international standard, the basic principles of citing sources are detailed in a separate chapter of the manual ("Citing the Sources"). The final part of the proposed publication ("Presenting the Research") aims to develop academic speech skills, which will be useful not only for university graduates but also for researchers who intend to integrate into the international academic community successfully.

Dozen Lessons From British History: Reader Dozen Lessons From British History: Reader

Reader “Dozen Lessons From British History” highights the most important periods in the history of Britain, stresses the role of particular monarchs, public leaders in political, economic, social, cultural and legal reforms. The reader helps to acquire background knowledge and cross-cultural cometence for better understanding of spoken and written English and further studies in law, history, political and social sciences.

Key words: William the Conqueror, Henry I, Henry II, King John, Edward I, Henry VII Tudor, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, the Stuarts, Charles I, Charles II, James II, Glorious Revolution, Robert Walpole, The Victorian Era, Disraeli, British Empire, World War I, World War II, Margaret Thatcher’s policies.

English Grammar in Tests (pdf) English Grammar in Tests

The book “English Grammar in Tests” includes tests to train and control students' comprehension of the most essential grammar points. The book is intended mainly for intermediate students and consists of two parts. In Part I the tests are arranged by topic in a sequence that matches the one found in the self-study and reference book “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy.

Part II offers a comprehensive review of the grammar material presented in Part I. “English Grammar in Tests” can be used to prepare both for international exams such as PET, FCE, CAE, CPE and TOEFL, and for the Unified State Exam in Russia.

English of Global Economics English of Global Economics

The manual includes texts dealing with modern economic issues and contains an overall vocabulary and conceptual basis enabling students to easily read and understand the economic literature and to have a sufficient mastery of the professional language required for written and oral communication with their foreign colleagues.

For senior and graduate university students majoring in economics as well as for a wide range of people studying world economic problems.

English-in-Law: Textbook English-in-Law: Textbook

“English-in-Law” is a textbook presenting interesting material with a major focus on legal English. It combines incentive ideas from the field of law with the strongly task-based approach. It can be used both in class and for self-study by students of law, philosophy, sociology, political sciences, etc. Its assignments and tasks help learners of English to acquire and develop useful skills of reading, writing, speaking as well as communicative and cross-cultural competences.

Key words: law, aims of law, morality, self-interest, lawyers, positive law, international law, common law, statute law, public law, parliament, government, state.

Grammatica Latina: Латинский язык для переводчиков Grammatica Latina
The tutorial allows you to quickly and efficiently master the technique of translation from Latin into Russian. The manual consists of three parts and includes, firstly, information about the structure of the Latin language, presented in the form of analytical tables; secondly, the methodology for analyzing the Latin text; thirdly, exercises aimed at developing the methodology of translation from Latin into Russian. The appendix contains excerpts from the works of Cicero, St. Jerome and L. Bruni, in which these outstanding theorists and translation practitioners present their views on the essence and methodology of translation. The manual contains Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionaries, as well as a list of Latin grammatical terms and their accepted abbreviations. Particular attention is paid to the methodology of translation from Latin, which differs significantly from the methodology of translation from modern Western European languages. For students and teachers of non-philological departments of humanitarian universities, as well as for all other persons studying the Latin language.
INMOST-программная платформа и графическая среда для разработки параллельных численных моделей на сетках INMOST: A Software Platform and Graphical Environment for Development of Parallel Numerical Models on General Meshes: Textbook

This manual encompasses the experience of creating a parallel software MPI platform and a graphical environment for developing parallel numerical models on general meshes. The INMOST (Integrated Numerical Modeling and Object- Oriented Supercomputing Technologies) technology kit is a tool for supercomputer modeling characterized by the maximum commonness of supported meshes, flexible and economical nature of its distributed data structure, its cross-platform and also the graphical environment for an interactive user interface.

This manual will be useful for instrumentation and automation developers, engineers and mathematicians, whose activities are related to supercomputer modeling: to all those directly involved in creating parallel applications or using parallel numerical models.

Python: большая книга примеров (pdf) Python: a big book of examples

A large book of examples is based on the description of the Python programming language ( and many materials from various Internet sources. The main purpose of the book is to form an idea of the language based on its description and examples of its application.

The book can be used as a teaching aid.

Revise Your Grammar. Сборник тестов по грамматике английского языка Revise Your Grammar. Collection of tests on English grammar
The manual includes tests for training and quality control of knowledge of English grammar at the Intermediate level. The purpose of the manual is to control, consolidate and develop knowledge of a basic level of grammar and the ability to use correct grammatical structures in oral and written speech. Can be used in preparation for TOEFL, IELTS, FC exams, as well as by applicants for philological and linguistic specialties, students of specialized faculties (English as a specialty), university teachers, school teachers.
Автоматизированные системы финансовых расследований Automated Systems of Financial Investigations: Course of Lectures

This book is an introductory course of lectures which allows learning about one of the largest projects on the creation of information systems in law enforcement authorities of Russia being implemented in the authorities of finan­cial investigations — automated financial investigation systems. The tutorial is intended for students of Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Higher School of State Audit (Department) as well as other educational establishments of law enforcement authorities and employees of the authorities of financial investiga­tions, and all the other readers interested in the problems of creation of infor­mation and analytical support systems for prevention of economic (financial) crime. 

The course of lectures is written for Bachelor students in the specialty 030900 “Legal Studies”, field of study “Economic Crime Investigation”. 

Агрохимия Agrochemistry
The textbook, based on the achievements of agrochemical science, presents new experimental data on increasing the efficiency of fertilizers in the interrelation of factors “soil, climate, fertilizer and plant”. Much attention is paid to the role of agrochemistry in regulating plant nutrition in order to increase yields and the quality of crop products, as well as in reproducing soil fertility, improving the balance and biological cycle of substances. All these issues are considered taking into account the characteristics of natural and climatic conditions. New ecological functions of agrochemistry have been formulated. The scientific basis of zonal fertilization systems and individual crops, their agronomic and environmental assessment are presented. For students of soil specialties at universities, as well as for students of agricultural universities.
Агроэкологический мониторинг почв и земельных ресурсов Российской Федерации Agroecological Monitoring of Soils and Land Resources of Russian Federation

The paper presents the results of long-term agroecological monitoring of the state of Russia's land resources: the dynamics of changing agrochemical and physicochemical indicators, the content of organic matter and elements of plant mineral nutrition in soils; it characterizes agricultural technologies used in agriculture and plant growing; productivity of agricultural crops; contamination of soils and products with residual quantities of pesticides, oil and petrol products, heavy metals, nitrates, radionuclides; it also covers problems of erosion and melioration of agricultural lands.

Comprehensive and comprehensive information can be used by state and regional authorities, agricultural specialists, scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students of universities, academies and agricultural higher educational institutions.

Азбука природы (мечтаем и размышляем вместе с детьми) The ABC of Nature
The first part of the book presents short stories about the life of different creatures on planet Earth, their relationships with each other and with humans, written in a language understandable to children and introducing the ideas that man is part of nature, and not еthe owner, and it must be taken care of for the benefit of the present and future generations. The second part of the book consists of short stories from the lives of sister and brother, Katya and Fedya, who will help organize children’s active assimilation of the content of the first part. The keywords highlighted in these stories indicate the titles of the stories in the first part of the book. For mentors to communicate with younger children using key words, training test questions have been prepared. For a wide range of loving mentors: teachers, parents, older brothers and sisters. Published by decision of the Academic Council of the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after A. N. Belozersky and Lomonosov Moscow State University as a textbook for the additional general education programme “Scientific education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren” ( protocol No. 5 of June 28, 2021)
Академик А.Н. Несмеянов — ректор Московского университета и президент Академии наук СССР Academician A.N. Nesmeyanov: Rector of Moscow University and President of the USSR Academy of Sciences

The monograph is an analytical study of Academician A.N. Nesmeyanov’s activities as Rector of the Moscow State University (1947–1951) and President of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1951–1961). ‘The Nesmeyanov epoch covers the time of the construction of the new complex of the Moscow University on Lenin Hills and the implementation of profound changes in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It also saw the university and the Academy actively engage in international scientific collaboration worldwide. That was a very strenuous period when the country was consequently headed by Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, who had their own views on education, science, culture and Nesmeyanov himself.

In spite of the contradictory position of the authorities, he succeeded in solving numerous problems facing the Moscow University and the Academy of Sciences and went down in our history as a bright personality, outstanding scientist, public figure and citizen.

Академик И.Г. Петровский — ректор МГУ Academician I.G. Petrovsky: Rector of Moscow University

The book is an analytical study of Academician I.G. Petrovsky’s activities as Rector of Moscow State University. He held this post for 22 years in the period between May 18, 1951 and January 15, 1973. This covers a third of the Soviet period in Russian history. The time of Petrovsky’s rectorship is the heyday of the Moscow University as a major scientific educational and cultural center of world renown. Based on a detailed investigation of a large amount of documentary, factual and statistical material, most of which was unavailable for scientific research before, the book analyses the functions of the MSU Rector as a civil servant (in terms of management sociology) and their implementation by specific people in the 1920s – 40s. All of this enables us to link the dynamic development of Moscow University more organically and directly with the scale of Petrovsky’s personality as an inividual, scientist, state and public figure of a high civil and moral standing.

Академик Р.В. Хохлов – ректор Московского университета Academician R.V. Khokhlov - Rector of Moscow University

The book about academician, Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Rector of Moscow State University R.V. Khokhlov is based on his interviews, reports, articles, as well as a large number of memoirs of his students, colleagues, friends and relatives.

Актуарные расчеты в страховании жизни Actuarial Calculations in Life Insurance: The Manual

The manual contains a consistent and systematic account of actuarial practice proven methods of calculation of tariff rates, life insurance reserves. The methods of forming net and gross premiums, changes in the reserve during the operation of the insurance policy for the various types of long-term insurance are discussed in detail.The book is based on the part of lecture course and seminar materials that the authors have been delivering for a few years at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University at the elective course "Actuarial methods". The uniqueness of the publication and its main advantage is that in additional theoretical material it provides solutions to many problems of actuarial mathematics.

The book is designed for the students of economic and mathematical departments of universities and individuals using actuarial calculations in their work.

Алгоритмические и компьютерные методы в трехмерной топологии: монография Algorithmic and computer methods in three dimensions topology

The monograph contains an accessible presentation of the theory of three-dimensional manifolds, which plays a huge role in modern mathematics and mathematical physics. The main emphasis is on algorithmic problems of three-dimensional computer geometry. The publication clearly describes the spectacular and unexpected applications of computers in topology and geometry. The book teaches the competent use of computers to form (and sometimes prove) geometric hypotheses and test them. The application of computer geometry methods to problems of Hamiltonian geometry and physics is shown.

For specialists in computer geometry, for mathematicians, geometricians and topologists. The book can also be used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students involved in the creation of modern geometric type algorithms.

Александр Николаевич Островский Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of the school literature curriculum. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The book deals with the art of the great Russian writer and playwright A.N. Ostrovsky. The authors shed light on what has come to be known as Ostrovsky theater which became an innovator and reformer of Russian stage art. It contains a profound literary and historical analysis of the writer's major plays (‘It’s Family Affair – We’ll Settle it Ourselves!’, ‘The Storm’, ‘The Forest’, ‘Without a Dowry’, ‘Talents and Admirers’).

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, students, high school and college students, applicants, philologists and general readership.

Александр Солженицын Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of the school literature curriculum. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual gives a specific analysis of artistic and journalistic works by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The novel ‘In the First Circle’ is presented in a broader context of Solzhenitsyn's short stories of 1960s – 1990s, ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ and the epic ‘The Red Wheel’. Special attention is paid to the writer’s religious and philosophical views that help to understand both his concept of the Russian national character, his historiosophy, and the principled social stand he took upon his return to Russia.

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Александрийская школа в истории христианской мысли The Alexandrian School in the History of Christian Thought

The study guide presents a course of lectures the author read at the philosophy and history faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997–2009. The book introduces the reader to the Alexandrian School – a historical and philosophical concept, embracing a whole range of crucial issues of the late Antique and early Christian worldview. Closely connected with the reflection of religious thought, the development of philosophical ideas can be traced throughout centuries – from the emergence of the Alexandrian School to its eclipse and qualitative regeneration into the intellectual tradition of ‘The Golden Age’ inherent in Christian patristic thought. As a cultural world center, Alexandria competed with Rome and led the way in the field of philosophical education. It gave the world Plotinus and Origen, made a decisive contribution to overcoming Gnosticism as the first temptation of Christian philosophical thought.

It was from here that Arianism and Origenism began to spread, but it was also here that the Orthodox dogmas and doctrine were formulated by SS Athanasius the Great and Cyril of Alexandria. The history of the Alexandrian School continued to cause fundamental disputes until after the end of the Middle Ages. Even today Alexandrian philosophy has not lost its relevance associated with such fields of humanitarian knowledge as hermeneutics and exegetics, semiotics, metaphysics, ontology, anthropology and the philosophy of religion.

For teachers, senior and postgraduate students of philosophy faculties.

Александрийская, Антиохийская, Каппадокийская школы в истории христианской мысли. Комплект Alexandrian, Antiochian, Cappadocian Schools in the History of Christian Thought. Set of 3 books.

These study guides present lectures delivered by the author at the philosophy and history faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997–2009. For teachers, students and graduate students of philosophy.

More about the monographs

Анализ I. Краткий курс (pdf) Analysis I. A short course
The textbook corresponds to the first-year programme of the discipline “Mathematical Analysis”. In the book, the author sought to provide a complete, consistent, mathematically rigorous and at the same time compact presentation of all the main definitions, formulations and proofs included in the programme of this course. The author also sought to make the course as self-sufficient as possible, so it includes some information from other branches of mathematics: set theory, algebra, general topology. The book also includes additional paragraphs that are not included in the standard course syllabi. For students of universities and educational institutions with in-depth study of mathematics. May be useful for graduate students, teachers and researchers.
Аналитика и технология виноградных дистиллятов Analytics and Technology of Grape Distillates

This book considers major issues directly related to the monitoring of the chemical composition of cognac distillates and brandy by using capillary electrophoresis and gas chromatography. It also discusses technological aspects and a number of new approaches to the processing of additional materials in the technology of brandy and cognac. The author examines the specifics of quantitative analysis of the monitored brandy and cognac parameters.

This monograph is intended for specialists in analytical chemistry and the technology of winemaking.

Аналитическая геометрия. Элементы алгебры. Линейная алгебра Analytical geometry. Elements of algebra. Linear algebra

This publication is both a textbook and a problem book on the courses of analytical geometry, the basics of higher algebra and linear algebra, created based on the materials of lectures and seminars that the authors have read and conducted for several years for 1st-year students of the Faculty of Space Research of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The publication covers all topics necessary for future researchers with a good mathematical background. Each section is equipped with an impressive set of tasks, the solution of which will provide a good understanding of the subject.

For university and university students with advanced study of mathematics.

Аналитическая химия в Московском университете Analytical Chemistry at Moscow University

The topic of the book is analytical chemistry as a science and applied chemical analysis at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The central place is occupied by the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry, its scientific achievements, pedagogical activity and its people. Studies at other departments and faculties of the university are also considered. Attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel, university graduates who have proved themselves in analytical chemistry. 

The list of books on analytical chemistry written by the university staff is given, the awards received by the staff are named.

Англо-русский словарь по радионавигации English-Russian Dictionary of Radio Navigation

The dictionary incorporates terms and abbreviations used in English literature in the field of radio navigation. The dictionary consists of two parts. The first part gives English terms and abbreviations and the second one provides Russian abbreviations. About 400 English and 139 Russian abbreviations are deciphered, translated and interpreted in this book.

For specialists, translators, teachers, students and all readers of English scientific and technical literature on radio navigation.

Англо-русский словарь по экономике (с пояснениями и перекрестными ссылками) English-Russian Dictionary of Economics (With Brief Comments and Cross-references)

The English-Russian dictionary of economics contains over 50,000 terms and terminological phrases covering various spheres of economic activity. The dictionary gives short explanations of terms, as well as cross-references, which allow the reader to build logically connected terminological chains.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students and teachers of English at university faculties of economics, for a wide range of specialists and individuals working in related fields, whose province it is to master knowledge in the field of economics.

Англо-саксонская модель военной разведки. История и современность Anglo-Saxon Model of Military Intelligence. History and Present

This monograph is another study published under the auspices of the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and devoted to the questions of the formation and development of the Anglo-Saxon model, or concept, military intelligence, poorly studied in the framework of Russian political science and military history. The monograph is a continuation of a series of studies affecting the history of the formation of a conglomerate of Anglo-Saxon states, their inherent features of state and military construction, the establishment of special relations between them, joint planning and conducting coalition wars, etc.

The emphasis in this work is on the disclosure of specific issues of the emergence of ideas in the Anglo-Saxon states, and then the formation of a model of military intelligence, its formation through testing in numerous wars and military conflicts of various sizes, the disclosure of the features of the historically established priority of information work in intelligence, problems of relationships with counterintelligence and competing civilian intelligence agencies.

The monograph is intended for students studying problems world politics and international law, experts in the field of international and military security, as well as for everyone interested in the problems of international relations.

Англо-саксонская модель военных реформ: история и современность Anglo-Saxon Model of Military Reform. Past and Present

This book continues a series of Sergei L. Pechurov’s publications on the origins and development of the Anglo-Saxon model of society and armed forces. The author examines dominant views (both historical and current) in the Anglo-Saxon military science on military reforms. This book, for the first time in the Russian military and historical scholarship, traces the links between military reforms in the Anglo-Saxon countries (mainly, in the United States) and the revolution in military affairs. Drawing on numerous examples the author illustrates a thorny path of these military reforms and outlines the main trends for future military reforms both in the Anglo-Saxon countries and globally.

The book is addressed to the students of military and civil institutions of higher education specializing in world politics and international law, experts in international and military security, and to a wider audience of readers interested in military planning.

Андрей Платонов Andrei Platonov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

In his book, the author draws the reader into ‘a neighborless country’ – Andrei Platonov’s unique artistic world. Most amazing heroes with an unprotected heart and anxiety for the humanity wander forever in this ‘fierce and beautiful world’. These truth-seekers, 20th-century Hamlets and Don Quixotes, are convinced that ‘a song is dearer than things, for it brings one human being closer to another’, that ‘the main thing is to sow souls in people.’ The return of the novel ‘Chevengur’ and the story ‘The Foundation Pit’ – Platonov's ‘banned’ prose of the 1920s – 1930s – allowed the researcher to uncover the writer’s dramatic path in its fullness and in the unity of personal destiny and history. ‘Without me, people are incomplete,’ said one of his main characters. Being a most active character in his own works, especially in the linguistic sphere, Platonov emerges as our contemporary and a co-author of most profound human insights into the tragic 20th century.

The book is addressed to teachers of Russian literature, high school students, university entrants, students, all admirers of Platonov’s ‘inadvertent’ and innermost Word.

Антикризисное управление: библиотека специалиста. Математическая составляющая Anti-Crisis Management: a Specialist’s Library. A Mathematical Component

This manual contains the programs of mathematical disciplines for the Crisis Management Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University's faculty of Public Administration.

A specialist in crisis management ought to master rather wide range of mathematical models which allow him to clearly formulate a problem in the emergent management situation; algorithms which in their turn allow gradually approaching the desirable result; diverse mathematical apparatus which can help in the quantitative execution of the results of management efforts. These are the motives that have defined a number of disciplines in the presented course as well as their content.

Антиохийская школа в истории христианской мысли The Antiochene School in the History of Christian Thought

This manual presents a course of lectures read by the author at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2008–2009. They reflect the path Greco-Syrian Christian thought traversed as an independent philosophical-theological tradition based on its own foundations and continuing some tendencies of ancient philosophy. The manual reflects the most important philosophical achievements of the Antiochian School – the methodological synthesis of Bl. Theodoret of Syrus and the experience of axiological constructs in St. John Chrysostom’s moral and exegetical method. It also presents the historical formation of the Antiochean approach to hermeneutics.

The theoretical course of the manual is based on the materials of fundamental domestic and foreign studies on the history of Greco-Syrian patriotic thought.

For teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students of philosophy.

Антиповедение Antibehavior

The book is a scientific interdisciplinary monograph on modern forms of symbolic, ritual behavior including the form that uses the virtual Internet space. The research involving modern factual material is based on theoretical generalization of the methodological approaches. views by Z. Freud, J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky, K. Levy– Strauss, J. Lacan, J.G. Mead, as well as on the analysis of the social role of K.I. Chukovsky’s book ‘From 2 to 5’ and the book-induced process of collecting and recounting ‘children's utterances’ in Soviet society.

In general, the publication will allow the reader to form a clear idea about the method of social psychoanalysis.

Антон Ажбе и художники России Anton Ažbe and Russian Artists

Anton Ažbe (1862–1905) was a Slovenian artist and educator who, through his work, incorporated Slovenian art in the European cultural context and exerted serious influence on the fine arts in several European countries. The book examines Ažbe’s life, work and pedagogical activity based of the materials and research hitherto unknown to the Russian reader. It shows for the first time all the preserved and attributed works of this artist and teacher and also expands and clarifies the available information about Ažbe’s Russian students – Bilibin, Grabar, Dobuzhinsky, Kandinsky, Petrov-Vodkin, etc.

Аргументация. Познание. Общение. Argumentation. Cognition. Communication.

The book contains the text of a monograph first published in 1991, the author made stylistic and other changes, and also presents two additional chapters prepared in 2023. In the monograph, argumentation is interpreted as human activity in the interrelation of its various aspects: logical-epistemological, pragmatic, ethical, emotional. In the additional chapters, the correlation of argumentative and manipulative influences is considered.

Keywords: argumentation, theory of argumentation, rhetoric, discussion, protection from manipulation, argumentation, philosophical text

Асимптотические оценки сложности управляющих систем Asymptotic estimates of the complexity of control systems

The textbook, the 1st edition of which was published in 1984, covers a significant part of the course "Elements of Mathematical Cybernetics", taught at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University for more than 40 years, as well as part of the material provided for by the mandatory part of the candidate's exam program in some specialties. The manual discusses the main classes of discrete control systems (contact circuits, formulas, circuits of functional elements). The simplest synthesis methods, the Shannon method, the asymptotically best synthesis methods, and the cascade method are described. Examples of the application of the principle of local coding are given.

Астрономические роботизированные сети и оперативная многоканальная астрофизика (на примере Глобальной сети МАСТЕР) Astronomical robotic networks and operational multichannel astrophysics (using the example of the Global MASTER Network)

The monograph presents the principles of operation of robotic networks on the example of the Global Network of Robot Telescopes MASTER (Mobile Astronomical System of Robot Telescopes). The first chapter tells a brief history of the appearance of robotic optical telescopes in the world. The next four chapters are devoted to the principles of operation of individual robotic observatories and their interaction as part of a network united by a common goal and management. The next six chapters of the book are devoted to the most striking astrophysical discoveries made by the MASTER network in the study of extreme processes in the Universe.

In real time, it is possible to observe the formation or collision of relativistic stars and relativistic processes occurring near them. After the discovery of the polarization of its own optical radiation, the MASTER network became the world leader in early observations of gamma-ray bursts — the most powerful electromagnetic explosions in the universe. Its robots independently produced the first in the history of astronomy localization of the source of gravitational waves with optical accuracy. The MASTER network is a leader in the operational search for extragalactic sources of high-energy neutrinos. At the same time, its telescopes constantly carry out a regular survey of the sky and have discovered thousands of explosions in the universe and even potentially dangerous asteroids and comets. All the largest telescopes in the world have observed objects discovered by the MASTER system.

Аудит эффективности использования государственных средств Performance Audit of the Use of Public Funds

The tutorial is devoted to the comprehensive review of public funds’ handling audit as a modern type of state audit. The consistency of upraise and peculiarities of audit execution in foreign countries as well as its establishing in Russia are indicated. Theoretical bases of efficiency audit are revealed and its place in financial control is stated. Special attention is given to the problem of organization and method of efficiency audit actualization on its each stage. The experience and problems of ef­ficiency audit execution by audit institutions of the Russian Federation as well as conditions necessary for its application in the state financial control of Russia are considered.

The book is intended for students of Higher School of State Audit (Department) of Lomonosov Moscow State University, it can also be of use for post-graduates and students of economic universities, researchers and specialists in the field of state financial control and employees of audit institutions of the Russian Federation.

Аффективно-поведенческие комплексы. Наблюдение, оценка и развитие Affective-behavioral complexes. Observation, assessment and development

The fundamental model of level-based development of affective-behavioural complexes (ABC) is presented in the edition. The practical issues of the ABCs’ assessment and their correction in children with affective disorders and autistic spectrum disorders are analyzed in the book.

The model has been developed based on the data of systematic observation of 439 children’s development with behavioural disorders, emotional disturbances, autistic spectrum disorders, psychotic states. The unique authorial method of observation with therapeutic actions is described. It allows to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively recordings of children’s behaviour and emotions and their development. The book contains many photos of key affective patterns of human behavior and drawings made by children during their psychotherapeutic sessions with the author.

Басни Ивана Крылова Ivan Krylov’s Fables

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

This book is devoted to the fable writing art of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, a great son of the Russian land. The author set himself the task of narrating a general story about fable, the history of the fable genre in Russia comparing Krylov's fables with those of his predecessors in an attempt to explain the uniqueness of Krylov's fables. The author also made an attempt to clarify and revise the current views of Krylov's fables being ‘simplistic’. The Russian fabulist was indeed concerned with ‘important issues’, and his fables fully bear out Nikolai Gogol’s opinion.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, university entrants, philologists and generally for all admirers of Ivan Krylov.

Биология индивидуального развития (генетический аспект) Biology of Individual Development (Genetic Aspect)

This is the first textbook in both Russian and foreign literature to provide complete information on the achievements of modern experimental embryology based on research in molecular genetics including mechanisms underlying individual development, embryonic induction and animals cloning. The book also shows individual scientists’ contribution to ontogeny; special attention is paid to Russian researchers, their priority developments and the scientific schools they have founded.

The textbook has been written based on a course of lectures read by the author at the biology faculties of Moscow and Novosibirsk universities.

For students and postgraduates studying biology, genetics, embryology, molecular biology and researchers who study the problems of ontogeny.

Биофизика в 2-х томах Biophysics.

This book is a fundamental textbook (in two volumes) on biophysics, which presents the basics of modern biophysical science.

The first volume sets forth the theoretical foundations of biophysics. It places special emphasis on the problems of mathematical modeling of biological processes at different levels of living matter organization. It considers physical features, dynamic and electronic properties of the structural unit of living matter – the macromolecule as well as physicochemical mechanisms of energy transformation in biostructures.

The second volume (Chapters 15–30) deals with the physicochemical mechanisms of major processes that occur in organisms. It discusses in detail the issues of biological membrane structure and functioning, bioelectrogenesis, muscle contraction, reception, electron transfer and energy transformation in biomembranes. It considers the mechanisms of primary phases of photobiological processes including photosynthesis, sense of vision, photochemical reactions in biopolymers.

For students, postgraduates and multi-discipline specialists who are interested in the physicochemical foundations of life processes.

Благотворители и меценаты в истории Московского университета Philanthropists and Patrons of Art in the History of Moscow University

The book is devoted to philanthropists’ and art patrons’ contribution to the development of Moscow University in the pre-revolutionary period (1755–1917). It presents various forms of assistance to the university from financing the construction of buildings, dormitories, donations of collections and books to creating charitable societies and establishing scholarships for ‘necessitous’ students. The narrative includes many well-known and lesser-known figures whose support has contributed to the transformation of Moscow University into Russia’s leading scientific and educational institution.

For professional historians, culturologists and a wide range of readers.

Богатству Севера наукой  прирастать Science Will Generate More Wealth for The North

The book reveals the history of the development of science and higher education in Russia and the current problems they are facing. It investigates the specific features of these processes in the European North in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, and highlights the role the Lomonosov Pomor State University and the scientific activities of its professors, teachers and researchers in developing this strategically important region of Russia. It also analyzes key problems and tendencies in the university’s scientific research work and scientific and teaching staff training and certification.

The publication is intended for heads of higher educational institutions and research centers, university teachers, researchers, graduate and postgraduate students, all those interested in the history and contemporary problems of science and higher education.

Божественные атрибуты Divine attributes

The work is devoted to the logical and philosophical analysis of attributes ascribed to various philosophical and religious concepts of such entity as God.

For philosophers, religion scholars and those who are interested in the problems of theology and metaphysics.

Большой Каспий: строение и история развития The Great Caspian Region: Its Structure and History of Development

The monograph is based on the author's long-term (1960–2012) field research carried out on all the Caspian Sea coasts. It represents one of the first complex investigations of the Great Caspian Sea history of the last 3 million years including such aspects as the evolution of its water basins, facial and palaeogeographical variability, and faunal changes.

Боратынский Boratynsky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

Boratynsky is the only one of Russian lyricists of genius to have more than a hundred books and articles written about his art of which many conspicuously misconstrue his poetry. It is especially difficult for the young reader to understand the poet’s works. This manual can help fill in the void. Without skirting the most difficult questions regarding the poet's art, the author speaks about them in an easy-to understand manner. He places much emphasis on analyzing the works that are included in school syllabi and university curricula. Despite its small volume, the book gives a holistic view of Boratynsky's poetry as it reveals for the first time the religious foundations of his worldview, philosophical lyrical poetry, as well as the national underpinnings of his art, the connection of this European educated poet with his native land. Being the first literary work on Boratynsky, it is directly addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students and university and college entrants.

It will also be interesting for specialists in philology and every lover of Russian poetry.

Бюро убийств The Murder Bureau
"The Murder Bureau" is published as a separate edition for the first time in our country. The genre of the novel is adventure and detective.
В поисках града Тьмутаракани In Search of the City of Tmutarakan

The book includes an original interpretation of the Old Russian epic poem ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’ in terms of Christian religion revealing its hidden and perhaps the only possible implications. This is a writer's interpretation of the epic poem not solely as a historical monument, as it often tends to be interpreted, but also as a creation of the spirit, a work of art expressing the concept of Russian life. The poem is presented as part of the overall development of artistic thought, against a broad background of much more recent Russian literature.

This book is not just about an ancient Russian epic poem, but also about man’s spiritual nature in general, not only about the past but also about the present, about the nature of artistic creativity and the peculiarity of Russian literature that explores the tragedy of a single human life and the spiritual path of the whole people.

В.И. Вернадский - создатель учения о ноосфере V.I. Vernadsky: A Creator of the Noosphere Concept

The monograph deals with V.I. Vernadsky’s teachings about the noosphere. It analyzes the process of Vernadsky’s formation of his noospheric views in the course of his academic, scientific and organizational and socio-political activities.

For specialists, university lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students and a wide range of readers who are interested in the problems of the noosphere and Vernadsky's heritage.

Вариационные методы в топологии Variational methods in topology

The book is devoted to the issues of modern multidimensional calculus of variations. The central place in it is occupied by the presentation of the original methods developed by the author for the explicit finding of multidimensional extremals of functionals and the study of their topological properties. The book is unique in that it presents a solution to the spectral multidimensional Plateau problem in a form accessible to a wide range of specialists.

For mathematicians specializing in topology, global calculus of variations, functional analysis, theory of differential equations, Lie groups and algebras. It can serve as the basis for special courses and special seminars.

Введение в историю культуры Introduction to the history of culture

The textbook is focused on revealing the essence of culture through the meaningful variety of its forms. The authors considered their main goal to involve the reader in the exciting world of multiplicity of cultural meanings. Various stages of the history of culture are analyzed by modern methods of humanitarian knowledge.

The publication is intended for students of humanitarian faculties studying the history of culture as a general educational discipline, as well as for all those interested in the patterns of development of world culture.

Введение в историю Церкви. Часть 1: Обзор источников в общей истории Церкви An Introduction to the History of the Church. Part 1: A Review of Sources in the General History of the Church

Being the first part of the university course in the general history of the Church, the book is the first systematic review of sources on general church history to have been prepared in Russian science since the late 19th century.

The manual contains an overview of material and narrative sources grouped according to a wide array of data (works by ancient and medieval historians; canonical, hagiographic, liturgical and theological sources; memoirs and archival documents, mass media sources), and extensive reference material. It particularly highlights the sources produced by international Christian organizations (WCC, etc.).

The manual was prepared by the Department of Church History, the History Faculty (Lomonosov Moscow State University), and is addressed to university students of history studying in the specialty ‘History’, as well as all those interested in Church history, world history, the history of foreign art, Christian archeology, cultural studies, social psychology and religious studies.

Введение в океанологию Introduction to Oceanology

The manual covers a range of issues that oceanology has to solve to form strategic directions in the study of the World Ocean.

For students and magistrands studying in marine science, disciplines of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, biology, geography, ecology) as well as teachers, researchers and postgraduate students in relevant specialties.

Введение в специальность: Механика (010701. 65 «Фундаментальная математика и механика») Introduction to Specialty: Mechanics (010701.65 ‘Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics’)

Most of the texts in this book are based on assignments that were published in various manuals and materials pertaining to Mechanics and Physics Olympiads for schoolchildren and students. Part of the problems were written by the staff members of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University including S.I. Arafajlov, A.V. Zvyagin, A.S. Zelenskiy, A.G. Kalugin, N.E. Leontiev, A.A. Malashin, E.I. Mogilevskiy, V.L. Natyaganov, V.A. Proshkin, N.N. Smirnov, O.Yu. Cherkasov, M.V. Yumashev, A.G. Yakushev, and Ya.D. Yankov.

For seminars which are conducted for 1st year students at the Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, as part of the ‘Introduction to Specialty’ course and for training schoolchildren for Olympiads.

Введение в специальную теорию относительности Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity

The manual outlines the main ideas of the special theory of relativity. It is shown how their consistent use makes it possible to formulate relativistic dynamics, electromagnetic field theory and relativistic quantum mechanics. In this regard, the book will be useful when studying the relevant sections of theoretical physics.

It is intended for students and postgraduates of physical specialties of universities, as well as for anyone interested in the theory of relativity.

Введение в химию твердофазных материалов Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

This is a systematic presentation of the course in the line of solid-phase materials with special properties, which is read at the Faculty of Materials Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers features of the chemical bond and structure of solids, thermodynamics, kinetics, and the mechanism of solid-phase reactions leading to the formation of practically important materials and gives an overview of the main classes of modern materials and methods for obtaining them. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching this discipline at the Faculty of Materials Science and the Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For university students of materials science, chemistry and physics; it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and specialists working in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state physics.

Введение в экологию растений Introduction to Plant Ecology

The manual describes interaction between plants and their populations and their environment and the factors that have an impact on these processes. It examines ecological and botanical phenomena at different levels and covers its various aspects (ecological plant physiology, the ecology of species, populations and plant communities).

For students of botany and ecologists of various specializations, postgraduate students and university professors who read courses in plant ecology as well as all those who are interested in expanding their biological and ecological horizons.

Век без поэтов (pdf) The Era without Poets

The book by Y. V. Yanushevskaya, Ph. D. (Philosophy), a specialist in axiology, is composed of diff erent genres of philosophical prose. In a relaxed manner or with scientifi c rigor, the author presents her view on the essence of emotional, lyrical, poetic and artistic value – for the fi rst time giving them an independent, substantial status and linking creative imagination and artistry with virtuality.

The experience of thinking about value is inscribed in the cultural context of the information society; correlated with the idea and the crisis of classical humanism; comprehended in connection with the most pressing issues of our time. What is the future of aesthetics as a relation to the world? Will artistic knowledge continue in a technocratic society? What is the basis of a holistic valueoriented development of individual? How does the idea of theosis correlate with the doctrine of postman? According to A. Badiou, the turn of the XIX and XX century was the ”era of poets”; so why are these days the era without poets?

”Will the world save beauty?” – the main question of the book, intended for a wide range of readers interested in philosophy, poetology, modern poetry and art.

Венчание с Россией. Переписка великого князя Александра Николаевича с императором Николаем I. 1837 год Wedded to Russia. Correspondence between Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich and Emperor Nicholas I. 1837

Correspondence between Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich (future Alexander II), the 19-year-old heir apparent to the Russian throne, and his father Emperor Nicholas I during the former’s 1837 tour of Russia is an interesting historical document. The content of the letters allows the reader to take a fuller and, most importantly, a more vivid look at both personalities - the young heir apparent and the autocratic monarch, to see the Russia of the1830s, its cities and towns with their inhabitants of every class and rank.

For specialists in history and all those who are interested in Russian history.

Вероятностно-статистические методы декомпозиции волатильности хаотических процессов Probabilistic and Statistical Methods of Decomposition of the Volatility of Chaotic Processes

The book describes probabilistic mathematical models of chaotic processes and methods for their statistical analysis. The focus is put on the special class of mathematical models of stochastic chaotic processes – subordinated Wiener processes (processes of Brownian motion with random time). To explain the choice of these models the authors use an asymptotic approach based on limit theorems for compound doubly stochastic Poisson processes (compound Cox processes) which can be regarded as the best mathematical models of non- homogeneous (or non-stationary) chaotic flows on time micro-scales. This approach leads to the distributions of increments of the processes on time macro-scales havivng the form of mixtures of normal distributions and makes it possible not only to find formal probabilistic models of chaotic stochastic processes, but also to give a reasonable theoretical explanation of their adequacy based on mild assumptions concerning the inner structure of the characteristics under investigation. The book proposes a new multivariate interpretation of the volatility of these processes by representing the distributions (logarithms) of increments of financial index evolution processes or those of plasma turbulence as mixtures of normal distribution. For the statistical analysis of chaotic processes it proposes a method of moving separation of mixtures (MSM method) enabling spontaneous decomposition of process volatility into dynamic and diffusive components. Much attention is paid to the analytical and asymptotic properties of mixtures of normal distributions. Systematic consideration is given to statistical procedures for such numerical separation of mixtures as the EM algorithm and its modifications, grid separation methods. The author discusses questions of optimal implementation of these methods and considers examples of CPC method application to analyze the impact of information interventions in financial markets and the data obtained in plasma turbulence experiments.

For postgraduate students and university professors who are interested in the modern state of research in the field of probabilistic and statistical modeling of chaotic stochastic processes as well as scientists, engineers, specialists in the application of mathematical methods and applied statistics for analyzing characteristics of financial markets and plasma turbulence.

Вершины русской драмы The Heights of Russian Drama

The aim of the first book in the new series ‘Classics of the Genre’ published by the Moscow University Press is to show the national and genre uniqueness of Russian drama, its contribution to world aesthetic development. The author links the difference between domestic drama and foreign models with special ideas of an individual’s destiny, purpose and place in history.

For philologists, culturologists, philosophers, university and secondary school teachers, students, inquisitive schoolchildren and those interested in literature and the spiritual history of Russia.

Взмах крыла: Рассказы и эссе Wing Flap: Stories and Essays
The collection includes selected works by Loren Eiseley (1907-1977), a famous American anthropologist, naturalist, essayist, poet. As a prose writer, Eiseley earned fame as an outstanding stylist and thinker, continuing in the 20th century the humanistic traditions of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. His autobiographical stories and essays, both lyrical and philosophical, contain the writer's reflections on the evolution of life on Earth and the fate of the human race.
Видеосъемка развития и анализ видеозаписей в детской клинической психологии Videography of development and analysis of video recordings in pediatric clinical psychology

This publication is the first, which has no analogues in Russian, educational and methodical manual for working with video materials of children with mental development disorders. The author's long-term experience of using video recordings in research, diagnosis and psychotherapy of children is summarized. The history, theory and practice of organizing video recordings of psychological observations and therapeutic classes are considered. The technique of analyzing video recordings of children's behavior and emotions in interaction with a specialist in the method of assessing the development of affective-behavioral complexes in the light of domestic traditions of pathopsychology and taking into account the achievements of ethology and psychoanalysis is revealed. The manual is illustrated with frames from the author's scientific and practical work, therapeutic classes, video materials, a detailed analysis of which is carried out within the framework of several training courses taught at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The manual is a methodological supplement to the book "Affective-behavioral complexes: observation, assessment and development", and also provides the necessary educational and practical material for the courses "Mental development disorders in children", "Emotional and personality disorders in childhood", "Clinical and psychological studies of early development", a workshop on pediatric clinical psychology.

For students, specialists working with children, researchers of child development and parents, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in issues of mental development in norm and pathology and modern methods of its diagnosis and correction

Византийский временник. Т. 101 (2017) Vizantiyskiy Vremennik. Volume 101 (2017)

The new volume of the oldest academic yearbook opens with an article by R.M. Shukurov, where he proposes an attempt to give a general description of the Byzantine culture in its attitude to multilingualism and readiness to master foreign languages. New article by academician of RAS S.P. Karpov, written on the material of the Italian archives, is dedicated to the slave trade in Venetian Tanya. Other topics that attracted the attention of the authors of the volume include various aspects of the interaction of Christianity and paganism in the late Roman Empire, the limits of jurisdiction of church departments of the East and the West, the role of Byzantine gold in the value system of greedy to him nomadic barbarians.

The art criticism articles, which traditionally occupy a prominent place in the publication, this time are mainly devoted to the history of the manuscript book and the evolution of the decoration of Byzantine churches, and are side by side with similar studies by historians and archaeologists. In this work, S.V. and A.A. Bliznyuk, D.A. Chernoglazova and A.V. Zakharova demonstrate the fruitful cooperation of specialists of different qualifications.

For professionals and a wide range of readers interested in the history of Byzantium and its centuries-old bonds with other world.

Византийский временник. Т. 105 (2021) Vizantiyskiy Vremennik. Volume 105 (2021)

For professionals and a wide range of readers interested in the history of Byzantium and its centuries-old bonds with other world.

Владимир Маяковский Vladimir Mayakovsky
The books of the Rereading the Classics series contain a modern analysis of the publications included in school literature programmes. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the works of Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries are covered in detail. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge of Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and entering any university. V.V. Mayakovsky, officially the most recognized poet of the Soviet era, has now practically lost his readership. "Mayakovsky began to be introduced forcibly, like potatoes under Catherine," wrote B.L. Pasternak in 1956. "This was his second death. He is not guilty of it." Mayakovsky was a most interesting personality and a remarkable artist of words, a skillful master, the most outstanding innovator in 20th century poetry, not only Russian. The lack of understanding and recognition of Mayakovsky by both the mass and elite readers impoverishes the consciousness of modern man. The book discusses how Mayakovsky's legacy is perceived today, characterizes his creative individuality, outlines the main milestones of his life and creative path, and analyzes in detail the works included in the curriculum for applicants to Russian universities and Moscow State University. Addressed to high school students, applicants, students, and teachers.
Владимир Федорович Лугинин. 1834-1911 гг. Vladimir Fedorovich Luginin. 1834–1911

The book is devoted to the life and scientific biography of Vladimir Fedorovich Luginin. Recent findings in more than 20 Russian and foreign archives have added a lot to the well-known image of Luginin, a prominent scientist, philanthropist, founder of the Russian cooperative movement. The new documents testify to the deep involvement of Luginin, his brother and father in preparing and implementing the Russian peasant reform and participating in zemstvo construction in his native Vetluga district of the Kostroma province. Based on the analysis of the archival sources the book provides a chronological account of the main character’s merits in developing the cooperative movement at home, in creating Russia's first loan and savings partnership, in disseminating this experience throughout the country in the capacity of a member of the Committee on Rural Loan and Savings Industrial partnerships and its St. Petersburg branch.

The book provides a detailed analysis of Luginin’s scientific and pedagogical activities, its directions, motives and priorities and shows the man’s mediating role in the process of rapprochement between Russian and Western European science and culture. For the first time Luginin is presented in his close family environment and in cooperation with his numerous Russian and foreign colleagues, friends and pupils.

Luginin’s diverse activities, we hope, will expand the potential readership of his biography. Its material will be of interest to social historians and historians of science, economists, sociologists, cooperators, school and university teachers of natural sciences, chemists, librarians and museum workers.

Военная мощь Исламской Республики Иран The Military Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The authors examine unique features of modern military construction in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) by drawing on a wide range of Russian and foreign sources. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of IRI military might and gives an assessment of the overall defense potential and its elements: the economic, scientific and technical aspects of its defense capabilities, military potential as well as its armed forces’ moral and political potential. The article briefly describes the population of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its ethnic, religious and social structure as well as the Iranians’ national and psychological characteristics. Attention is paid to the analysis of the Iranian military doctrine, its socio-political and military-technical aspects and main elements. It considers the history and current state of the Iranian armed forces, specific features of the structure and order of the functioning of the armed forces management system as a key element without which the armed forces will be unable to carry out its mission.

The book is intended for Orientalists, political scientists, students studying questions of modern international relations in general and Near and Middle Eastern problems in particular as well as a wide range of readers who are interested in the issues of the internal, foreign and military policies of oriental countries and, primarily, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Волшебный мир немецкого языка The Magic World of the German Language
Franz Stark’s book “The Magical World of the German Language” (“Faszination Deutsch”) presents in a popular form the issues of interaction between language and culture, as well as the mutual influence of the main European languages. Facts of language development are considered as historical evidence. The author of the book, an international journalist, discusses the role of the German language in the modern world, its function as a language of European communication. The book is intended for a wide range of readers. The variety of data provided is of interest to those who study the history of culture and society, European contacts, and for students of the humanities.
Вопросы биографии и научного творчества М.М. Бахтина Issues Pertaining to М.М. Bakhtin’s Biography and Scientific Work

This is what might be called a peculiar kind of biography of M. M. Bakhtin, an outstanding literary critic and thinker. The book covers the period of his life from the late 1930s to the early 1940s. It gives an account of how he wrote his book on Francois Rabelais and submitted it as a dissertation for a doctoral degree, and interprets certain aspects of his theory of carnival. It also investigates Bakhtin’s correspondence with B.V. Zalessky, V.V. Kozhinov, and V.N. Turbin. The archival materials form the documentary basis of the book.

For all who are interested in the problems of literary criticism and the fate of 20st century culture.

Восточная музыка цифровой эпохи Oriental music of the digital age
This publication is a monograph by Yu Hui on oriental music, including works on the art of playing the guqin, the creation of the science of musicology, the translation of musical terms, as well as brief summaries of Chinese famous scientific works on music compiled by the author. The works cover a wide range of topics from antiquity to modernity and from China to the West, which allows the reader to discover the attractive power of Eastern music of the digital age. The original book is one of the masterpieces provided under the Major programme of Chinese Fund for Social Sciences in arts, 14ZD02.
Вступительные экзамены и олимпиады по химии: опыт Московского университета Entrance Examinations and Olympiads in Chemistry: Experience of Moscow University.

The book presents all the examination problems and Chemistry Olympiad problems off ered at the MSU entrance examinations for the fi ve years. For each problem the detailed solution or answer is given. The book is intended for pretenders, entering the University in chemical, biological, and medical specialty, as well as for high school students and teachers of chemistry.

Вступительный письменный экзамен по английскому языку Entrance written exam in English
The manual contains the scope of foreign language requirements for applicants, methodological recommendations for organizing independent preparation for the exam and for working with educational and examination materials, topics for written compositions (essays) and information about the main difficulties and typical mistakes of students. Training materials are offered for the applicant’s preparatory work - texts for zero, initial, basic and “advanced” levels of language proficiency, which allow “step-by-step” preparation according to the principle “from simple to complex.” Samples of materials for preparation for the DVI (additional entrance tests at Lomonosov Moscow State University), entrance exams for various humanities faculties (history, sociology, journalism, international relations, art history, etc.) and examination materials from past years of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University are provided. The main purpose of the manual is to help applicants to humanities faculties to prepare comprehensively and in detail, as effectively as possible, for the entrance exam in English, as well as for various Olympiads. For those entering humanities faculties and universities with a humanitarian profile, as well as for everyone who wants to learn English.
Вся жизнь в борьбе за  мир A Lifelong Quest for Peace. Dialogues
The book is a dialogue between the two-time Nobel Prize winner American chemist Linus Pauling and the famous Japanese public figure, president of the international peacekeeping socio-religious organization Soka Gakkai International, winner of the 1985 UN Peace Prize Daisaku Ikeda. It was first published in 1992 in Japanese and English. The dialogue touches on a number of serious world problems, the main of which, having not lost its relevance to this day, is the problem of maintaining world peace and preventing threats to the very existence of human civilization in the era of the development of nuclear energy. The authors emphasize the need for full support of the UN, express faith in the possibility of a world without wars and hope that the younger generation, entering into active conscious activities, will be able to cope with the challenges of the 21st century.
Выдающийся отечественный военный теоретик и военачальник Александр Андреевич Свечин. О его жизни, идеях, трудах и наследии для настоящего и будущего Alexander Andreevich Svechin, an Outstanding Russian Military Theoretician and Military Leader. About his life, ideas, works and heritage for the present and the future

The fundamental historical and political work by A.A. Kokoshin, an Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the sixth Secretary of Russia’s Security Council is dedicated to the biography and creative work of Alexander Andreevich Svechin, an outstanding national military leader, military theoretician and political scientist.

The book analyzes his methodology of research into the relationship between politics, military strategy, operational art and tactics; his views on the correlation between defense and offensive in military strategy; formulas for strategic leadership and Svechin’s insightful observations on the future war (WWII).

The book is intended for specialists in the field of politico-military and military strategic problems and for all those who are interested in national military history. It can be used for educational purposes in civil and military educational institutions.

Высшая нервная деятельность: вчера и сегодня. Сборник научных трудов, посвященных 100-летию со дня рождения Леонида Григорьевича Воронина Higher Nervous Activity: Yesterday and Today. Collection of scientific papers dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Leonid Grigorievich Voronin

The articles summarize the work performed in various laboratories of the Department of Higher Nervous Activity at Lomonosov Moscow State University and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Leonid G. Voronin, an outstanding Russian physiologist, founder and organizer of the department, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences who initiated these researches.

The collection considers his concepts about new methodological approaches to the analysis of cognitive activity and animal thinking in organizing complex behavioral forms, about the possibility of modeling and correcting pathological states by using inverse immunoregulation, about the neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms of learning and memory, the principles and patterns of processing various visual information in humans and animals as well as phylogenetic aspects of higher nervous activity.

Вычислительная математика и структура алгоритмов Computational Mathematics and Algorithm Structure: Ten Lectures

The book presents lectures read by the author in various educational institutions, institutes and at scientific conferences. All of them are devoted to the problems of efficient problem solving on parallel architecture computing systems. Particular attention is paid to the study of the informational structure of algorithms and its impact on the development of effectively implemented programs. The book discusses the specific features of mathematical education in relation to the requirements of parallel computations.

For students, graduate students and researchers specializing in the study of algorithm structure, large-scale problem-solving and creation of parallel computing systems software.

Вычислительно сложные задачи теории чисел Complex Hard Computational Problems in Number Theory

The textbook examines in detail the four problems that have attracted researchers’ attention in the past few decades: prime factorization of large composite numbers, computation of discrete logarithms in the multiplicative residue group by a prime modulus, the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations over finite fields, the computation of the rank of elliptic curves defined over field of rational numbers. The fastest algorithms for solving the first two problems are based on what is known to be a numerical field sieve algorithm that reduces them to the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations over finite fields. These systems are so large that conventional solution algorithms are not applicable to them. Special block iterative algorithms are used instead. This area of the applied number theory is now being actively developed around the world due to its application in cryptography. Because of the absence of lower complexity estimates for solving these number-theoretic problems, the only way to verify the reliability of the cryptographic algorithms used is by running a practical test involving most advanced algorithms and most powerful computers.

Вячеслав Петрович Волгин Vyacheslav Petrovich Volgin

The monograph is dedicated to the academician Vyacheslav Petrovich Volgin, a historian and rector of the Moscow University. A graduate of the Faculty of History and Philology, a revolutionary and a publicist after the October Revolution, he became directly involved in university reforms and often initiated them. He had to run MSU in a most difficult period of its history when the entire system of higher education was being overhauled and there was a search for the best version of university restructuring as educational curricula were being revised to train specialists for the young socialist state. Most of the illustrations have been published for the first time.

The book is addressed to the widest possible circle of readers.

Г.Н. Голубев. Научные работы. Страницы жизни. Путешествия. Воспоминания G.N. Golubev. Scientific Works. Pages of Life. Travels. Memoirs.

Th is book has been written for memory of Genady Nikolaevich Golubev, professor of faculty of geography of Moscow State University. It includes selected papers written by G.N. Golubev, memories by his colleagues, friends and family members, biographic facts, photos taken during his numerous journeys. Th ese materials show uncommonly colorful and intensive life of the scientist who devoted his life to exploration of global ecological problems. G.N. Golubev had been a profound researcher, eff ectual director of science and internationally recognized practitioner in global environmental policy. Due to his works, a new discipline «Geoecology» has already occupied a solid position among other courses of Russian universities. His mission in the UNEP (1981—1989) and other international environmental organizations strengthened the prestige of Russian geographical sciences on international level.

Гарантии избирательных прав граждан: вопросы теории и практики Guarantees of Citizens’ Electoral Rights: Issues of Theory and Practice

The present monograph considers guarantees of citizens’ electoral rights as a scientific category of Russia’s constitutional law, which forms the basis for developing hypotheses, concepts, laws and theories of voting rights. After selecting this category as the center of the ‘conceptual grid’ the author studies it through the prism of the legal system and the mechanism of legal regulation.

The construction of structural and functional conceptual legal lines using the category of guarantees of citizens' electoral rights is accompanied by examples from federal normative legal acts, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation constituents, law enforcement acts of courts and election commissions, existing as of the first half of 2013.

The book makes much use of the historical-legal method of research and also analyses the constitutional and legal foundations of the existing Russian legislation which guarantees citizens’ right to vote. It examines current problems in this area and suggests ways of resolving them.

For specialists in electoral law, employees of government agencies, local self-government bodies, school and university students of law and a wide range of readers who are interested in the recognition, implementation and protection of citizens’ electoral rights.

Гарантирующий подход и L-аппроксимация в задачах оценивания параметров БИНС при стендовых испытаниях Guaranteed Approach and l 1-Norm Approximation in the Problems of SDINS Parameter Estimation under Bench Testing

The book investigates two problems of estimating the parameters of strapdown inertial navigation systems (SDINS) and gives a detailed description of their solutions by using the methods of non-smooth optimization.

The first part of the book considers the application of the guaranteed approach to the bench calibration scheme of the SDINS accelerometer blocks. It also describes an optimal experiment plan and develops an iterative algorithm of SDINS bench calibration that improves calibration accuracy. The second part is devoted to l 1-Norm Approximation (the least modules method) in navigational estimation problems. Particular attention is paid to the problem of detecting salutatory variations in the bias of zeros of the SDINS sensors under bench testing.

Both parts present simulation results illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed methods and the features of their use in solving specific problems.

The book is intended for specialists in navigation and assessment.

Генезис просадочности лессовых пород Genesis of Loessial Rock Subsidence

The monograph describes subsidence as a specific property of loessial rocks, its genetic types, hypotheses that have been advanced in this field, some experimental evidence that was obtained both in the course of laboratory modeling and in the study of processes in virgin rock. It considers logical and graphic models of subsidence formation of loess rocks of different genesis and formulates the main provisions of particular and general theories of loess subsidence formation.

For geologists, geologic engineers, geographers, soil scientists as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of geology and engineering geology.

География почв Pedogeography

The textbook examines factors and general patterns of geographical distribution of soils, principles of pedogeographical zoning. It characterizes the soil cover of Russia and neighboring countries and describes conditions of soil formation, genetic features of the most widespread soils and regional features of the soil cover structure and specificity of economic use of soils. The book outlines the world history of soil mapping, gives a brief overview of the soil cover in the world’s pedological and bioclimatic belts and regions and analyzes the land resources of Russia and the world, ways of soil cover rational use and protection.

For students of university faculties of soil, biology and soil and geography and natural sciences and the geographical faculties of teacher-training colleges, faculties of agrochemistry and soil science in agricultural universities.

География почв России Geography of Russian Soils

The textbook ‘Geography of Russian Soils’ is a revised edition of the 1987 book ‘Geography of USSR Soils’ in line with new material and ideas. It contains a regional description of Russia’s soil cover based on the geography of soil-forming processes and provides brief information about the physicogeographical features of its major regions. The first part of the book describes the main theories of soil geography and gives an overview of small-scale soil maps. The second part deals with the genesis and evolution of soils typical of specific regions and discusses anthropogenic changes in soils and some aspects of soil classification. Thus, the textbook reflects modern ideas about the composition of Russia’s soil cover, causes of its formation and factors that determine its differentiation.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students of geography, pedology, specialists in environmental protection, forestry and agriculture.

Геология и геохимия нефти и газа Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas

This textbook (its first edition was in 2000, the second one – in 2004) covers all major questions of oil and gas geology and geochemistry – hydrocarbon origin, migration and accumulation, the composition of gas, oil and its derivatives and their distribution conditions in the earth's crust. Hydrocarbon formation is considered as a pervasive process and a natural outcome of the development of the earth's crust. Particular attention is paid to the role of fluid dynamic processes in the formation of oil- and gas-bearing structures in sedimentary basins. Typification of sedimentary basins is based on modern geodynamics using the latest ideas about the structure of the earth's crust and the nonlinear processes of tectogenesis and lithogenesis. The book highlights the role oil and gas play in the economy, fuel and energy balance of the world and the country.

For university students studying in the specialty ‘Geology and geochemistry of fossil fuels.’

Геология полезных ископаемых Geology of minerals
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. This textbook covers a wide range of issues on the origin of various mineral deposits. The latest achievements in the field of geology, geochemistry, experimental and calculated physicochemical data related to the genesis of deposits were used. The characteristics of the main genetic divisions of minerals are given. The geotectonic position of the ore regions is shown. The fundamentals of tectonophysical conditions for the formation of structures of ore fields and deposits are considered. For the first time, information is provided on probable nuclear transformations in the Earth's core, which may be the basis of global and historical metallogeny. The presented material is a necessary basis for training students in the field of geology, geophysics, hydrogeology and ecology, and can be used by specialists involved in the search, exploration and development of deposits of metallic and non-metallic minerals.
Германские канцлеры от Бисмарка до Меркель German Chancellors from Bismarck to Merkel

The book represents the country’s first literary account of the life and work of all the thirty German chancellors from the creator of the German Empire Otto von Bismarck to early 21st century chancellors Gerhard Schroeder and Angela Merkel. Drawing on a wide range of literature, the author, a well-known Germanist, gives a portrait of the chancellors against a broad historical background revealing the foundations, essence and purpose of their policies. The liveliness of the presentation and the striking characteristics of the German Chancellors distinguish this work written in the best traditions of the historical and biographical genre.

For professional historians, university lecturers, teachers, students and all those who are interested in German history.

Глобальная история Global history

The textbook reveals the main content of the global history course: methodological issues, characteristics of the most important stages of human development from the prehistoric era to the beginning of modernization. The book highlights the key global historical processes of each era and examines the specifics of their occurrence in different regions of the world.

The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions.

Глобальные исследования и эволюционный подход Global Research and Evolutionary Approach

The monograph deals with the problems of globalization of science, new directions in the development of global studies and globalistics stimulated by using the evolutionary approach. Evolutionary globalistics focuses on studying the development and co-evolution of global processes and systems and their systemic-synergetic phenomenon – global development.

The concept of evolutionary globalistics is disclosed in the context of universal (global) evolutionism and the prospect of transitioning to new, safer forms of civilization development and its interaction with the nature of the Earth and the Cosmos. The book forecasts a possible unfolding of future global processes – a transition to sustainable development and the making of the sphere of the mind (the noosphere). Particular attention is paid to the methods and approaches used in globalistics, as well as the spatial and temporal expansion of global research. It investigates the evolution of globalistics itself including the development of such study areas as political and legal globalistics and informational globalistics. It also subdivides globalistics into temporal sections – paleoglobalistics, neoglobalistics, futuroglobalistics and nooglobalistics and the spatial one – cosmoglobalistics.

For specialists, teachers, postgraduate students and a wide range of readers who are interested in the problems of evolutionary globalistics.

Глобальный эволюционизм: идеи, проблемы, гипотезы Global Evolutionism: Ideas, Problems, Hypotheses

Global evolutionism underpins the modern general scientific picture of the world and the form of knowledge about global evolution in which self-organization of material systems is the main permanent process of progressive development in the observable Universe. The book proposes an original interpretation of global evolution, reveals the content of the concept of planetary and universal evolution as well as the basic principles and methods to study them. Considerable attention is paid to the forms of dark matter and their impact on evolution, the anthropic cosmological principle and the prospects for interaction between human civilization and the Universe. The monograph discusses problems of global process evolution, especially their socio-natural development in the context of future general planetary transition to sustainable development and the formation of the noosphere.

The monograph was prepared at the Faculty of Global Processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in the Center for Global Processes and Sustainable Development of the Russian Trade and Economic University and at the Department of Social Sciences and Technology of the National Research Technological University MISIS.

Город в пореформенной России: социокультурные и правовые аспекты City in post-reform Russia: sociocultural and legal aspects
The textbook examines the sociocultural and legal aspects of city life in post-reform Russia. The scientific, cognitive and educational objective of the textbook is to develop skills in understanding the systemic-functional approach to the study of culture, which underlies the implementation of its social function. The textbook is intended for university students of history faculties and humanities universities studying Russian culture. It can also be used by students of gymnasiums and humanitarian lyceums. Proceedings of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University: Vol. 94. Ser. III: INSTRUMENTA STUDIORUM, 28.
Городская семья ХVIII в. Семейно-правовые акты купцов и разночинцев Москвы The 18th Century Town Family. Family Law Acts Concerning Moscow Merchants and Commoners

The publication includes more than 380 family law documents discovered in the 18th century archives and related to representatives of Moscow unprivileged classes. Among them are testaments, church records of baptism, marriage and divorce and other civil states concerning merchants, the minor and the major orders, clerks, all kind of commoners (‘raznochintsy’): retired soldiers, doctors, pharmacists, etc.), including members of the corporation of foreign merchants and the local guild merchants and their descendants as well as foreigners at large. The large array of family-law documents now being introduced into scientific research contains unique information about the division of family property, marital obligations, accession to heirship and inheritance, conjugal relations, parent- child relations, child-rearing, care for the old and the disabled, spiritual salvation and charity. They reflect the ways of domestic life and its material and spiritual values.

For historians and a wide range of readers.

Государственное наградное право State Award Law

The monograph deals with the theoretical basis of state awards as an interdisciplinary legal institution in which the norms of constitutional law have a priority. The book analyzes two aspects of Russia’s modern state award system - the federal state award system (the award system of the Russian Federation) and the state award system in the RF constituents. This work analyses in detail the state and other awards of the Russian Federation and examines general and characteristic features of state and other awards in the constituents of the Russian Federation.

The publication is intended for special courses in ‘State Awards’, ‘Russian Award Law’ and others under similar names, and can be used as additional educational material in the study of courses in the RF constitutional law and the RF administrative law with regard to the powers of the state executive bodies.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students, law school and faculty teachers as well as all those interested in RF state awards.

The normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and the RF constituents cited in the book are given as of January 1, 2014.

Государственное управление имеет значение Public Administration Matters

Professor V.A. Nikonov’s open lecture that he read to students at the Public Administration Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, on September 3, 2012.

The lecture examines the role of public administration in the history of the rise and fall of great states. Numerous examples show the importance of management models, managerial innovations that led one or another nation to the climax of its historical development ensuring unprecedented economic growth, political advantage and the superpower status. A comparative approach to the understanding of history allows us to identify the opportunities and results of using managerial technologies in a sociocultural and historical context, to show that the great states of the past that aspired to be a superpower were created not only by using military force, army, economic influence but also by unifying culturally and ideologically their peoples with the help of common religion, language and value imperatives. For instance, the importance the Arab rulers attached to education, science and its practical application ensured vitality and global influence for their world. However, the closed traditional Arab society lost its historic leadership when it failed to meet the challenge of modernization. This challenge was taken up by Europe that created a new scientistic technogenic civilization, a new global order.

The West posits desacralized ‘Weltanschauung’, market economy and democratic politics as the cornerstone of a unipolar world project and a response to the challenges of globalism. In its struggle for world leadership the West’s opponent and rival is modern China, whose civilizational characteristics and governance models have ensured her a superpower status. The civilizational approach allows us to consider the history of mankind as an integral process of interaction between civilizations and as a struggle for historical leadership. In this philosophical and methodological paradigm, history fully becomes a teacher for professional managers.

Государственный аудит State Audit

The manual covers the program of ‘State and Municipal Audit’ course for students of School of State Audit (Lomonosov Moscow State University) and describes the basic elements of the fi nancial control, the state fi nancial control and the state audit in Russia. The basic features of the accepted mode of public audit, especially their implementation in the activity of Accounting Chamber of Russia are revealed. The experience of international organizations of the supreme bodies of audit and problems of the state audit standardization in Russia are described.

For students, teachers, scientists and experts, and for all who is interested in the problem.

Гуманитарная биология и экология Humanitarian biology and ecology
This edition presents the content of seven lessons on humanities biology – sections of biology that are directly related to social and humanitarian issues and at the same time to modern ecology. The topic is the focus of the Club "Biopolitics" (Club of Biopolitics) created in April 2010, within the framework of which one of the working groups created this manual. In addition to the text of the lessons, the manual contains recommendations for the teacher/lecturer on assignments for students, questions, visual illustrations and sources of literature. The authors hope that the textbook will contribute to improving the effectiveness of education as one of the pressing problems of modern Russia.
Гуманитарная миссия современной глобализирующейся коммуникативистики Humanitarian Mission of Modern Globalizing Communication Science

The book introduces new theoretical concepts and trends of foreign communication science. It is based on the analysis of the fundamental research by prominent representatives of this globalizing science, which studies the humanitarian aspects of media development.

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, specialists in various fields of information activities and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the role of communication factors in the socio-cultural life of the modern world.

Гуманитарное образование. Ответ на вызов времени Humanitarian Education. An Answer to Modern Challenges

The book consists of two parts. In the first part, the author reflects on the value of Russia's cultural heritage in terms of an individual’s development in modern information society and formulates original proposals on a whole range of topical issues of education in the humanities. The content of the second part is based on the author’s numerous publications that expound the new theory of early effective development of child’s intelligence and cognitive-emotional sphere.

The scientific and practical outcomes of O.S. Fomicheva’s works have gained wide international recognition. The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics has awarded her with a commemorative medal ‘For creating and developing a new scientific discipline – cognitonics; for highly innovative research and significant contribution to deepening knowledge in this field.’

For a wide range of readers.

Дайсаку Икеда и Россия. Встреча длиной в 30 лет. Daisaku Ikeda and Russia. The Meeting that Lasted 30 Years

The book by V.I. Tropin, a Moscow State University Vice-Rector for International Relations in the 1970s – 1980s, deals with the visits of Daisaku Ikeda, a famous Buddhist public figure, peace fighter, President of the Soca Gakkai International Society, to the USSR and Russia. The materials about D. Ikeda’s meetings with our country’s state and public figures, writers and scientists and Moscow University rectors RV. Khokhlov, A.A. Logunov, V.A. Sadovnichiy are supplemented by the author’s impressions of his personal contacts with this outstanding Japanese philosopher and enlightener. One of the sections of the book is devoted to the problem of the USSR disintegration that preoccupied D. Ikeda.

Деградация почв: причины, следствия, пути снижения и ликвидации Soil Degradation: Causes, Effects, Ways To Reduce and Eliminate it

The work summarizes the results of our own research and that of other scientific institutions on arable land degradation in Russia. Under the guidance of the author, the book developed and presented the following:

  • Methodology for assessing agroecological and landscape and land improvement factors of agrolandscape degradation in Russia’s Non-Black zone to determine main directions for soil fertility restoration and increased productivity of agrocenoses;
  • Characteristics of degradation processes and major agroecological and landscape and land reclamation factors of agricultural land degradation;
  • Various complexes of successive crop cultivation measures to restore the productivity of degraded arable and natural forage lands.

The presented data and analysis can be used by central and regional authorities, the agro-industrial complex’s information and consulting centers and by scientists, undergraduate and postgraduates students of classical and agricultural universities, academies and other higher educational institutions.

Деятельностная теория учения Activity theory of learning

The book describes activity theory of learning, developed in close connection with the P.Ya. Galperin’s Theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions and concepts. Based on the generalization of a huge number of experimental data, the author shows the high effi ciency of the Activity theory of learning as a psychological basis for managing the learning process.

The book is designed for specialists in the fi eld of psychology, pedagogy, teacher’s trainers. It can be useful for teachers of secondary and high schools, as well as all those interested in the problems of managing the process of learning.

Диалектическое мышление дошкольника (возможности и культурные контексты) (pdf) Dialectical Thinking of a Preschooler (Opportunities and Cultural Contexts)

The monograph presents the results of the study of dialectical thinking, carried out by the author. The book is written from the perspective of a structured approach. In this case, dialectical thinking is viewed as a process of operating with opposites. The structural model of dialectical thinking is presented. An experimental study of the dialectical thinking of preschool children shows that it is involved in the development of understanding of emotions, including mixed ones. Also, dialectical thinking allows to solve three types of problems: to create a creative product, to understand developmental processes and to transform contradictory situations.

The book is addressed to specialists in the fi eld of preschool education, graduate students and students and everyone interested in the development of dialectical thinking.

Дороже золота русский чернозем Russian Black Earth is More Expensive than Gold

The social and political essays by Dokuchaev, an outstanding scientist, founder of soil science, are comparatively little known to the readership, but they are full of civic spirit and are applicable to our days. Dokuchaev's main concern is the preservation of the fertility of Russian ‘chernozem’ – Black Earth, which, to use his words, is ‘more expensive than gold.’

The scientist thought like a statesman: he put a lot of effort into developing natural science and agronomy in Russia, organizing academic and scientific-social institutions, improving university and agricultural education; he made an invaluable contribution to practice by organizing combined expeditions to combat drought in the country’s steppe regions. Dokuchaev’s thoughts and deeds are still relevant today and may continue to serve as a guide to action if we are to revive domestic land use on a proper scientific basis.

Древнерусская литература Old Russian Literature: To Aid Teachers, High School Students And University Entrants

This book contains a broad analysis of Old Russian literary monuments dedicated to Russian literature of the 11th — early 18th centuries. The collection is based on the work of the department of ancient Slavic literature in the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers of Moscow State University.

The book is meant for school teachers, high school students, university entrants, college students, as well as to all lovers of ancient literature.

Древнерусская литература (pdf) Old Russian Literature: To Aid Teachers, High School Students And University Entrants

This book contains a broad analysis of Old Russian literary monuments dedicated to Russian literature of the 11th — early 18th centuries. The collection is based on the work of the department of ancient Slavic literature in the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers of Moscow State University.

The book is meant for school teachers, high school students, university entrants, college students, as well as to all lovers of ancient literature.

Дьявол носит GAFA Le Diable s’habille au GAFA
The book-essay “The Devil Wears GAFA” by the world-famous specialist in the field of advertising and political consulting Jacques Segel is devoted to the analysis of the dramatic processes of transformation of advertising and public relations under the influence of the digitalization process. The author discusses various aspects of the influence of the giants of the digital industry on freedom, democratic processes, politics and international relations, while showing himself as a follower of the Latin school of communication, for which the result of communication processes is always “human in nature.” For communications experts, political consulting, diplomats, international journalists. Series “Anthology of Modern Communication” Publishing Board of the series: Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor A.S. Zapesotsky; Doctor of Philology, Professor V.A. Evstafiev; Doctor of Philology, Professor A.D. Krivonosov; Doctor of Philology, Professor T.Yu. Lebedeva; Doctor of Philology, Professor L.V. Minaeva; Professor I.A. Malyugin; Doctor of Economics, Professor A.P. Sitnikov; Doctor of Philology, Professor E.A. Osipova; Professor L.V. Epstein. Published under agreement with La Société générale d’Edition (SGED) Original title of the book: Jacques Seguéla. Le Diable s'habille au GAFA. Translation from French and comments by Philip Yurkovich. Executive editor Doctor of Philology, Professor Alexey Krivonosov Organizer of the book publication project in Russia Alexander Drozdov. Moscow University Publishing House expresses gratitude for the support of publishing the book in Russian to Sergei Chetverikov, Managing Director of Volzhsky Pipe Plant JSC
Е. Замятин, А.Н. Толстой, А. Платонов, В. Набоков E. Zamyatin, A.N. Tolstoy, A. Platonov, V. Nabokov

In this book, well-known scientists analyze works that were recently included in the school curriculum. Readers will find it useful reading the analysis of the novel ‘We’ by E. Zamyatin, prose by A.N. Tolstoy, the works of A. Platonov, ‘The Luzhin Defense’ and ‘The Circle’ by V. Nabokov.

Жизненный путь почвоведа The Life Path of A Pedologist

The renowned soil scientist G.V. Dobrovolsky tells us about his long personal and professional journey. Almost all his life except for the war years (1939–1946) is closely connected with Lomonosov Moscow State University. He passed his student and post-graduate years here and later began his scientifi c and pedagogic work as a research fellow, assistant, assistant professor, head of chair, dean of Biology and Soil Department and then dean of the Department of Soil Science founded upon his initiative. Many years of expeditions and business trips to different regions of Russia and other countries, meetings and cooperation with interesting people have brought about new knowledge and impressions that are presented in this book.

The book will be interesting for soil scientists, biologists, geographers, geologists, specialists in environmental protection and rational use of land resources.

Журналистика для здоровья нации: медиакоммуникации и человеческое развитие Journalism for the Health of the Nation. Media Communication and Human Development

This collection is the second issue of the ‘Journalism for the Health of the Nation’ series, which is the result of a major scientific, educational and publishing project of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. It focuses on the analysis of journalistic practice in public health issues coverage. It covers almost all types and types of media. Among the authors are doctors, teachers, psychologists, researchers, and journalists, which provides and interdisciplinary approach.

This collection reveals data on media content researches carried out by teachers, researchers and students of the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University. Its appendix covers extensive historical, reference, statistical, documentary material and journalistic texts, thus having a high value even separate from the book.

Задания для олимпиад по экологии Tasks for Olympiads on Ecology

The manual is meant for teachers and secondary school pupils, college and university undergraduate students studying Ecology. The materials of the manual can be used to assess the students’ knowledge as well as to facilitate their preparation for contests in Ecology.

The manual provides tasks on the five sections of Ecology: General ecology (Bioecology), Social ecology and Human ecology, Natural resources and their use (Environmental management), Environmental pollution (Applied ecology), and Environmental protection. The tasks are formulated as tests of different levels of complexity and various kinds (free-answer and alternative questions).

When writing the manual its authors applied their experience of teaching Ecology and developing the base of the tasks for different levels of the All-Russian contest on Ecology and ‘Lomonosov’ contest on Ecology at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Задачи и упражнения по языку ассемблера MASM (pdf) MASM Assembly Language tasks and exercises (pdf)
Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The manual contains tasks and exercises in the MASM 6.14 assembly language, theoretical material necessary for solving and answers to some problems. Problems were added to the second edition, theoretical material was expanded, and typos from the first edition were corrected. The manual can be used in seminar classes on the course “Computer Architecture and Assembly Language.” The publication is intended for first-year students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, students of educational programs in the areas 01.03.02 “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” (bachelor’s degree) and teachers conducting seminar classes on “Practicum on a Computer” in the 1st year of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University , and may also be useful to higher education students studying MASM assembly language.
Замятин и его роман «Мы» Zamyatin and his Novel ‘We’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This book describes the personality and fate of Zamyatin — one of the most interesting writers of the 20th century. It covers his creative behavior, his disrespect towards any authority. The book focuses on his ‘We’ novel and does not skip its political aspects banned in the Soviet period. The author focuses on the analysis of the psychological, philosophical, historiosophical and artistic discoveries of Zamyatin.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, university entrants, philologists.

Западноевропейская классика: от Шекспира до Гете Western European Classics: From Shakespeare to Goethe

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The textbook covers a number of major names and works of foreign literature from the school curriculum. With all the vastness of the period, the five offered essays represent a change in the main genres and styles from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. The book traces the evolution of literature, starting with genres that mark the collapse of the humanist utopia, the tragedies of Shakespeare and the novel of Cervantes. It continues with the satirical comedy of Moliere and the enlightenment novel by Defoe and Swift. Finally, it discusses Goethe's work and his great book Faust, which assesses the renewed character of culture through one of the key images of modern times.

For school, lyceums and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists and a wide range of readers.

Записки о становлении факультета фундаментальной медицины МГУ Notes on the Formation of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

The author’s notes, based on personal experience as well as conversations with heads, teachers and graduates, allowed him to draw the story of the first years of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the Moscow State University. The notes give the main features of classical university medical education at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. This historical and artistic publication is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Faculty.

Записки ректора Московского университета Notes of the Rector of Moscow University

The memoirs of Galkin, the 39th rector of the Moscow State University, the long-time head of the department of the New and Modern History of the Historical Faculty, cover the author’s almost-a-century-long life, which is inseparable from the history of this country and the history of the Moscow State University.

For historians, students, or anyone interested in the history of Moscow State University.

Затаенное имя. Тайнопись в «Слове о полку Игореве» Secret Name. Cryptograms in the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’

The book is devoted to a long-standing problem: the search for the name of the author of the Tale. The researcher tried to approach the solution of this problem by finding and reading the cryptograms — one of the well-known and widely spread methods of Old Russian authors to leave their names hidden.

Здравствуй, удивительный мир Hello, Wonderful World!

This is a book of short stories about beetles, snails, caterpillars, dragonflies and other inhabitants of forests and ponds. They have interesting adventures, which are both entertaining and educational.

И.С. Тургенев: логика творчества и менталитет героя Turgenev: The Logic of His Works and the Mentality of the Character

This lecture course was created on the basis of a special course, which for several years was read by the doctor of philology, honored professor, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize B.A. Nedzvetsky for students and Russian philology interns of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. The course consists of two sections: 'Logic of creativity' and ‘Mentality of the Character'.

The first section describes common literature and personal factors that helped Turgenev — the poet, playwright, essayist and author of original novels — become one of the classics of the Russian and world novel.

The second section contains a thorough analysis of the mental values that distinguish the central Turgenev characters. Those values highlight Turgenev’s characters against the characters of other Russian writers of the 19th century and the dramatic nature of their fates.

For undergraduates, post-graduate students and teachers of philological faculties, as well as all admirers of Turgenev.

Игорь Дедков: наше живое время. Книга  воспоминаний, статей и интервью Igor Dedkov: Our Living Time. The Book of Memoirs, Articles and Interviews

Igor Aleksandrovich Dedkov (1934–1994) is an outstanding Russian literary critic and publicist of the 20th century, author of many remarkable articles and books, including the ‘Diary’ published in 2005. This book includes his autobiographical essays of 1970-1990, where the literary critic appears to be a man of bold and independent thought.

The collection of memoirs of writers, journalists, scientists, school and university friends, and younger contemporaries of I. Dedkov give the reader some interesting insight on the social and literary life of the second half of the 20th century. The collection is illustrated with photographs from a family album.

The book is meant for a wide range of readers.

Из истории российской фотографии From the History of Russian Photography

Popov’s book presents essays on the history of photography written using documentary materials. You will find information about photographic societies in Russia, lithographs and lithographic institutions that produced photographic forms, photographers of Russian emperors and many other materials that will help clarify some facts from the history of Russian photography and help researchers in the authentication of photographs. The publication uses photographs from the Russian State Library of Arts and the author’s personal archive.

Из творческого наследия профессоров и выпускников Московского университета (1755–1917) From the Creative Heritage of Professors and Graduates of Moscow University (1755–1917)

The book is addressed to graduates and teachers of Moscow State University. It is meant for a wide range of readers interested in problems of national history, culture, literature and journalism.

Избери жизнь Choose Life: A Dialogue
The book-dialogue between the outstanding English historian Arnold J. Toynbee and the famous Japanese public figure, president of the peacemaking socio-religious organization Soka Gakkai Daisaku Ikeda was published for the first time in Japanese and English. Three whole decades have passed since then. Nevertheless, the dialogue touched quite deeply on a very wide range of serious problems, which even today have not become any less relevant. Problems such as education and upbringing, the inner world of a person, the subconscious and psyche, manipulation of consciousness, science and religion, attitude towards nature, international economic and political relations, problems of war and peace, processes of demography, urbanization, globalization, etc. have become even more acute in the modern world, and with this in mind, the authors candidly share their views on the past, present and future of human civilization. The book will definitely be of interest to a wide range of readers interested in the processes occurring in the human community in the face of the challenges of the 21st century.
Избранные труды Selected works
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Responsible editors: A. N. Darin, I. A. Digailova, I. V. Rublev. This publication includes selected articles by the outstanding Russian scientist in the field of mathematics, mechanics and control processes, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Borisovich Kurzhansky. The works are grouped into the following sections: optimal control, guaranteed positional observation, identification, trajectory tube theory, dynamic programming and control synthesis problems, game control and observation problems, stochastic control systems, ellipsoidal calculus, synthesis of controls based on measurement results, synthesis of impulse controls, infinite-dimensional systems. The book will be useful for researchers, graduate students, and students specializing in the field of mathematical theory of controllable systems.
Избранные университетские лекции Selected University Lectures

The book is specially prepared for students and teachers of Moscow State University. It contains selected university lectures by Bogolyubov, complete with several of his famous reports, most of which were read or published at Moscow State University.

The materials are arranged in three parts:

  • I. Mathematical problems of nonlinear and statistical mechanics;
  • II. General problems of the theory of condensed matter;
  • III. New methods of the quantum theory of many bodies and quantum field theory.

The lectures and reports are meant for a wide audience of students, post-graduate students, researchers and teachers of Math, Mechanics and Physics. In the References sections, the readers will find the main events and activities of Bogolyubov as well as a list of his scientific works that were included in the most complete Collection of his scientific works released in 2005–2009 by the Science publishing house (series ‘Classics of Science’, 12 volumes).

For students, graduate students, researchers and teachers specializing in theoretical and mathematical physics, as well as the history of mechanics and physics.

Императорский Московский университет в газете «Московские ведомости» (1756–1917) Imperial Moscow University in the newspaper “Moscow Gazette" (1756–1917)

The first edition of this book was prepared for the 250th anniversary of Moscow University in 2005. The book presents publications of the first university newspaper “Moskovskie Vedomosti” (Moscow Gazette), published from 1756 to 1917, which contain a significant part of the history of Moscow University. In the second half of the 18th century. it was the only newspaper in Moscow. “Moskovskie Vedomosti” (Moscow Gazette) was prepared by professors and students of Moscow University, printed at the university printing house, and sold in the university bookstore. Gazetny Lane in Moscow is named so because the printing house, where the latest issues of the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti were distributed to subscribers, was located there at the beginning of the 19th century.

The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in the history of higher education in Russia and the history of Moscow University.

Инвариантные выводы в статистике Invariant Conclusions in Statistics

The book is based on a course of lectures delivered by the author (professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Modeling of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, at universities and research centers in Warsaw, Berlin, Liege, Brussels, and the US. The book deals with statistical problems that are invariant under a suitable group of transformations of observed and estimated quantities, for example, the choice of the coordinate system in which these quantities are measured. For such problems, the choice of the optimal solution in the class of invariant statistical solutions is simplified. For frequently used invariant statistical models, such solutions are explicitly defined. The book gives many examples as well as some commentary on the problem of reconstructing a multidimensional function from observations.

For students and postgraduate students of universities and institutes, as well as for reference and for individuals who study or use applied mathematics in their studies.

Инженерная геодинамика Engineering geodynamics
The textbook outlines the basic principles of engineering geodynamics - an important scientific direction of engineering geology, and also comprehensively characterizes its scientific sections: endogeodynamics, exogeodynamics and technogeodynamics - and their influence on engineering and economic objects. For the first time, the theoretical foundations of engineering geodynamics are presented in a form accessible to students, including the history of its formation and development, structure, content, conceptual and terminological base, problems, as well as a nomological base (laws, regularities of theory, hypotheses, etc.) and methodological foundations. Much attention is paid to solving practical issues related to geological and engineering-geological processes, their engineering-geological assessment and methods of engineering protection. The textbook is intended for university students studying in the field of "Geology", as well as graduate students and specialists working in the field of engineering geology, hydrogeology, geocryology, environmental geology and geoecology.
Инженерная геология Engineering Geology

The textbook discusses the theoretical and substantive provisions of engineering geology and its scientific directions. Its structure consists of five parts. The first of them describes the theoretical foundations, content, structure and tasks of engineering geology, its position in the system of geological knowledge. The second, third and fourth parts set out the fundamental
positions, structure and content of three scientific areas of engineering geology: soil science, engineering geodynamics and regional engineering geology, respectively. In the final, fifth, part, the general provisions of the methodology of engineering-geological research, their implementation in
the system of engineering-geological surveys for construction are considered.

For students and postgraduates of classical, geological exploration and mining universities, as well as specialists related to the study of engineering and geological conditions and solving environmental problems.

Инженерно-геологические расчеты и моделирование Engineering-geological Calculations and Modeling

The textbook considers methods of mathematical modeling used to solve engineering and geological problems and based on the use of a mathematical model of the rock massif stress-strain state. It describes the fundamentals of the similarity theory and the field of application and possibilities of experimental modeling of methods of equivalent materials, polarization-optical methods and analog modeling used in the engineering-geological study of natural processes. The book also gives the technique of engineering-geological calculations for structure foundations, stability of slopes, processing of the banks of reservoirs, deformations of rock massifs around underground cavities, deformation of the surface during the development of minerals and pumping groundwater or oil, etc.

For students and post-graduate students of universities and other higher education institutions studying in engineering geology and hydrogeology, as well as specialists engaged in engineering and geological surveys and feasibility studies for the design and construction of engineering structures.

Инженерно-геологические структуры Земли Engineering-geological Structure of the Earth

The monograph introduces the concept of ‘engineering-geological structure’, the classification of the logical and actual sets of engineering-geological structures of the globe, and their paragenetic series. It describes the regularities of the spatial distribution of engineering-geological super-, mega-, macro- and mesostructures of the Earth and its continents. For engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, permafrost scientists, geologists.

The book will be useful for students, graduate students and doctoral students of geological specialties in universities.

Инновационная экономика Innovative Economy
This textbook is devoted to the issues of Russia's transition to a new stage of technological development. In it, in the course of examining a whole range of theoretical concepts within the framework of various scientific schools and the results of their practical implementation, the essence of innovative development is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the national innovation system of Russia, issues of formation of the innovation ecosystem and infrastructure elements, directions and forms of implementation of the state innovation policy, trends of scientific and technological development of the country. Modern theory and practice are presented in interaction, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. This approach allows us to analyze modern problems of innovative development based on the best world and domestic experience. The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and teachers of higher educational institutions in management and socio-economic specialties, as well as for those who solve issues of innovation and public administration in practice. The textbook was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of grant No. 17-02-00059-OGN "Russian model of the knowledge economy and the system of professional training of personnel: organizational and economic foundations of innovative transformations".
Институт социального партнерства как фактор развития малого бизнеса в России Institute of Social Partnership as a Factor of Small Business Development in Russia

The monograph explores the development of Russian small business and the institutionalization of social partnership in this area. It reveals the peculiarities of studying small business as an object of economic and sociological analysis and the role of the institution of social partnership in the development of small business. The book also analyzes the dynamics, factors and prospects of small business development in Russia and the features of the social partnership institutionalization process in small business.

For students, graduate students, undergraduates, scientists and practitioners interested in the development of social partnership and small business in Russia.

Инструменты параллельного программирования в системах с общей памятью Parallel Programming Tools in Shared Memory Systems

The textbook describes methods and tools for developing, debugging and profiling parallel programs oriented to work in systems with shared memory. It considers various software packages, such as Intel Thread Checker, Intel Thread Profiler, and Intel Threading Building Blocks. The book gives introductory information on Intel Parallel Studio package and Intel MKL library. It demonstrates the whole cycle of development, including the creation of sequential implementation as a basis for comparison, preparation of the parallel version, its debugging, profiling and optimization. The study is conducted on model problems that do not require presence of specific subject areas knowledge. It requires reader's acquaintance with the basics of programming (the base language — C. C ++), some problems require information from higher mathematics (the Dirichlet problem).

The textbook was developed in the Laboratory of Information Technologies (ITLab) of the Faculty of the Higher School of Management of the UNN using materials prepared under the Priority National Project ‘Education’ with the support of Intel Corporation and the Grant Council of the President of the Russian Federation (Grant No. NSH-64729.2010.9).

For teachers and researchers, as well as postgraduate students and students of higher educational institutions.

Интернет: заметки научного сотрудника The Internet: Notes of a Research Assistant

Anatoly Alekseyevich Klyosov was a professor of the Chemical Faculty with Moscow State University from 1979 to 1982, then, until the late 1980s — Professor and Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and for 12 years after that — Professor of Biochemistry, Harvard University. His area of scientific interests include: enzymatic catalysis; development of cellulose biotechnology; development and industrial production of polymer composite materials; antigenogenesis of cancerous tumors; development of a new anticancer agent and creation of a new type of drug against alcoholism (both drugs undergo clinical trials). The title of the book is symbolic. In the early 1980s, a 35-year-old professor Anatoly Klesov was the first Soviet Internet user and the author of the first article about it in the Soviet press. Many of the materials published in the book are devoted to events of his life and activities in the scientific field.

Инфекционные болезни Infectious Diseases

The textbook presents modern data on the most common and rare infectious diseases of man, the history of their study, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology and prevention. It gives the materials necessary for a modern doctor to timely recognize an infectious disease and effectively treat the patient. It gives special attention to unsolved urgent issues of infectious pathology.

For students of medical universities and medical faculties of universities, as well as graduate students, clinical residents and general practitioners.

Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в лингводидактике: дистанционное обучение Information and Communication Technologies in Linguodidactics: Distance Learning

Current trends in Russian education and the policy of modernization require the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the process of foreign language teaching (FLT). This book is an attempt to select and organize the necessary minimum of special knowledge which could serve as a guide to using ICT in the everyday professional work of foreign language teachers. The role and place of distance learning (DL) in today’s education system, its foundations, didactic principles, strategies and methods are discussed. A concrete experience of teaching English online is considered. Suggested tasks include the practical application of described approaches. 

For students and post-graduates of universities and departments of pedagogy, teachers of foreign languages and all interested in using distance education and ICT in FLT.

Информационные технологии анализа данных Information technologies of data analysis

The peculiarity of this textbook on data Analysis is that the main attention is paid to those examples that, although using the correct theoretical models and methods, contain one or more widespread errors leading to incorrect conclusions. The necessary concepts for understanding the error are described in detail, the correct solution is shown, and alternative approaches to analyzing the situation based on data mining methods are presented.

The manual reveals the use of MS Excel, STATISTICA, Genehunter, FuzzyXl software products for various data analysis tasks: hypothesis testing, dependency search, trend highlighting, forecasting, and object clustering.

The textbook is recommended for sociologists, marketers, political scientists, specialists in finance, economics, management, public administration.

Исследователь в сфере образования: эскизы к социально-психологическому портрету Researcher in the field of education: sketches to a socio-psychological portrait
The monograph is based on the results of a study conducted on the topic “Life values ​​and professional orientations of a researcher in the field of education” by the Federal State Budgetary Institution RAO in 2015-2016. The study touches on a wide range of issues relating to the socio-psychological characteristics of scientific employees: value orientations and life fears; satisfaction with financial situation; difficulties and barriers that a scientist is forced to overcome in his professional activities; attitude to science reform; professional mobility; motivation for professional activity, etc. The data obtained during the survey are analyzed regarding socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age) and indicators of socio-professional status (work experience, academic degree, academic title, position, publication activity) The book is addressed to specialists in the field of education, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies and management.
Исследователь в сфере образования: эскизы к социально-психологическому портрету (pdf) Researcher in the field of education: sketches to a socio-psychological portrait
The monograph is based on the results of a study conducted on the topic “Life values ​​and professional orientations of a researcher in the field of education” by the Federal State Budgetary Institution RAO in 2015-2016. The study touches on a wide range of issues relating to the socio-psychological characteristics of scientific employees: value orientations and life fears; satisfaction with financial situation; difficulties and barriers that a scientist is forced to overcome in his professional activities; attitude to science reform; professional mobility; motivation for professional activity, etc. The data obtained during the survey are analyzed regarding socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age) and indicators of socio-professional status (work experience, academic degree, academic title, position, publication activity) . The book is addressed to specialists in the field of education, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies and management.
Исторические очерки о медицинском образовании в Московском университете Historical Essays on Medical Education at Moscow University

In the form of essays, the authors of the book tried to convey to the reader the main historical milestones in the development of medical education at Moscow University. They give a brief overview of the development of university medical education and the historical origins of the first medical journals and societies. The annexes list professors of the Medical Faculty before 1930, as well as the names of the papers and the names of best students from 1837 to 1915. For comparison, it lists theses subjects and the names of the best students of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the first twelve issues (1998-2010).

The book can be interesting and useful to anyone who is interested in the history of university medicine.

The publication is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov

История и философия науки. Книга 2. История и философия науки об управлении History and Philosophy of Science. Book 2. History and Philosophy of Management Science

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics and law.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

История и философия науки. Книга 4. История и философия экономической науки. История и философия права. История и философия исторической науки History and Philosophy of Science. Book 4. History and Philosophy of Economic Science. History and Philosophy of Law. History and Philosophy of Historical Science

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics, law and historical science.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

История математического образования в России History of Mathematical Education in Russia

The book studies the history of mathematical education in the Russian Empire.

The book is addressed to researchers in the history of mathematics and the history of education, teachers of mathematics of higher and secondary educational institutions, students of mathematical specialties and all who are concerned about the fate of Russian mathematical education.

История международных отношений: движущие силы, глобальные тенденции History of International Relations: Driving Forces, Global Processes

The textbook examines the history of international relations as a process of shaping the world state system, reveals the driving forces of events and phenomena, global trends that have had a significant impact on the foreign policy of the leading powers. This approach, in the author's view, allows students to get a holistic view of history, to see a close connection between its main stages, to understand the origins of the foreign policy of states, the nature of wars, conflicts, revolutions, motives for rulers who confronted countries that have cooperated with other states.

The textbook meets the requirements of the latest edition of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the curricula of the History of International Relations course, which set the task of teaching future specialists to think independently.

История России History of Russia

The textbook examines the main events of Russian history from the ancient times to the present day. The authors sought to show the problems of the history of Russia in their development, combining the presentation of factual material with theoretical analysis.

For students of natural faculties of universities, non-humanitarian universities, university applicants, for all who are interested in the history of this country.

История России с древнейших времен до конца ХVIII века History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century
Proceedings of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University: Vol. 132. Ser. III: IN ST RUMENTA STUDIORUM, 37. This textbook is a presentation of a university course on the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 19th century. The development of Russian statehood, the evolution of forms of ownership and political institutions are traced. The key events of Russian history are shown, objective characteristics of its outstanding figures are given, and reviews of the main phenomena in the field of culture are given. Prepared on the basis of the latest research and publications of sources, the textbook offers the author's interpretation of many controversial issues of Russian history. For students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions enrolled in a bachelor's degree programme.
История России. Даты и события, причины и следствия. Справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ History of Russia: Dates and Events, Causes and Effects: A State Exam Preparation Guide

The handbook contains information on the most important phenomena of Russian history: revolutions and reforms, wars and peace treaties, public systems and political organizations, government bodies and state leaders, literary works and geographical discoveries, outstanding writers and scientists. The handbook was compiled on the basis of many years of teaching experience obtained by the author in the All-Russian Extramural School and in the School of a Young Entrepreneur at the Economics Faculty of the Moscow State University.

Information from this book is useful for studying the history of Russia and for those who are preparing for state or university entrance exams.

История русского романа XIX века: неклассические формы History of the Russian 19th Century Novel. Nonclassical Forms

How many and exactly what forms of the Russian novel did Russian writers of the 19th century create besides the vertex form represented by the largest works of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, I. Goncharov, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoyevsky and L. Tolstoy? What is the Russian novel of the Leszhevsky (‘Walterscott’, Sandovian) type? What and why does the Russian family novel differ from its counterparts in Western European literature? What are the typical varieties of the Russian novel brought to life by the actual humanitarian ‘ideas of the time’? How do the novel of the Russian positivist and the novel about the Russian ‘nihilist’ relate to each other? What is the Russian novel epic on the communal and peasantry values? And how is it necessary to qualify the nonclassical forms of the Russian novel of the nineteenth century in comparison with the classical form?

This and related questions are answered by the book of the honored professor of Moscow State University, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize.

For BA students, undergraduates and graduate students, as well as for teachers of higher and secondary schools and all admirers of Russian literature.

История русской журналистики XIX века History of Russian Journalism of the XIX century

The textbook consists of two parts: the first and second half of the XIX century. Various areas of journalism, the content of literary, journalistic and satirical magazines, newspapers, illegal printing are considered. The journalistic activity of A.S.Pushkin, V.G.Belinsky, A.I.Herzen, N.A.Nekrasov, M.N.Katkov, F.M. is shown.Dostoevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.P. Chekhov, V.G.Korolenko, A.M. Gorky and other prominent literary figures of the XIX century.

For students of faculties and departments of journalism of higher educational institutions.

История русской журналистики начала ХХ века History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century

The proposed textbook systematically examines the history of Russian journalism at the beginning of the XX century. When describing the press of this period,  magazines and newspapers, typological groups of publications, the author used the research of historians of Russian journalism, periodical press materials of the early 1900s, diaries and memoirs of public figures, writers and journalists. The textbook is supplemented with a textbook, which presents the most interesting publications of the studied period.

For students of journalism faculties and departments and anyone interested in the extraordinarily dramatic history of the press of the early XX century.

История русской литературы (вторая половина XIX в.) The History of Russian Literature (Second Half of the 19th Century)

This book takes a new point of view on Russian 19th century literature. It does not contain detailed biographical information nor a review of individual writer’s entire oeuvre. The author sacrificed this for the sake of creating an integral picture of Russian literature in the development of its basic ideas and meanings. The unity of literature is formed by linking writers — their consent and controversy, which is given special attention in the manual, allowing to show literature as a forum. The work analyzes best works such as ‘War and Peace’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, ‘A Dreary Story ‘, etc.

For students of humanitarian universities and faculties where Russian literature is studied, and everyone interested in the work of Russian writers and poets.

История русской литературы XIX века в идеях The History of Russian Literature of the 19th Century in Ideas

The book describes the concepts of history of nineteenth-century Russian literature from Pushkin to Bunin. The author refers to such best-known works as ‘Eugene Onegin’, ‘Dead Souls’, ‘War and Peace’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ and others, and establishes continuity and connection between them, which allows to illuminate the traditional problems of creativity of the great writers. The main attention is paid to the problem of an integral worldview of Russian classics. It shows how this problem was posed by Pushkin, how Gogol tried to solve it and how it was solved in the religious and philosophical novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

For students, teachers of universities, teachers, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in Russian literature.

История русской литературы ХХ века (20-50-е годы). Литературный процесс The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century. 1920s through 1950s. Literary process

The textbook reflects the literary process of 1920s to 1950s, the evolution of artistic methods, the specificity of the development of genres.

For students and post-graduate students of philological faculties of universities, philology specialists and everyone interested in Russian literature.

История русской литературы ХХ века (20-90-е годы). Основные имена The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century (1920s to 1990s). The Main Names

This textbook intends to reflect a modern scientific view on the main artistic values and trends in the development of Russian literature of the 20th century.

For students of philological faculties of Russian universities, as well as for graduate students and teachers — all those who are engaged in Russian literature.

История стран Европы и Америки в новейшее время. 1918-1945 The Contemporary History of the Countries of Europe and America. 1918–1945

This lecture course examines the most important problems of the first period of contemporary history of the largest countries of Europe and America. The main attention in the history of these countries during the period between the First and Second World Wars is paid to an analysis of those sharp discussions that are currently taking place in Russian journalism and historiography concerning the historical process in this complex and contradictory period of the twentieth century.

For students, graduate students and all interested in the problems of contemporary history.

История стран Западной Европы и Америки в XXI веке (2001–2021) The history of Western Europe and America in the 21st century (2001–2021)
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Author team: L. S. Belousov, V. A. Borodaev, A. Yu. Vatlin, V. N. Gorokhov, G. N. Kaninskaya, G. Ch Moiseev, N. N. Naumova, Yu. N. Rogulev, D. V. Rodin, E. A. Susloparova, M. O. Yakimova. The lecture course reveals the main problems and trends in the development of Western Europe and America in the first decades of the 21st century. General sections discuss issues of globalization, information society, international relations, integration, and global problems of our time. Regional studies sections reveal the features of the political and socio-economic development of the leading countries of the West and Latin America. The textbook is designed for university students studying in the field of study 46.03.01 “History” (bachelor’s degree) and 46.04.01 “History” (master’s degree), as well as graduate students, history teachers in general education organizations, as well as everyone interested in world history at the beginning of the new millennium.
Итальянский гуманизм эпохи Возрождения. Идеалы и практика культуры Italian Humanism of the Renaissance. Culture Ideals and Practice

The monograph raises a number of problems widely discussed in modern science: the specific features of the social thought of Italian Renaissance humanism, the correlation of the ideals formed in it and their practical refraction, the elitism of the humanistic movement, the continuity of the humanist ideas of the 15th century and Renaissance culture of the 16th century. The author relies on the analysis of a large number of works of Italian humanists, as well as thinkers of the Late Renaissance and other documentary material. The book is illustrated by the works of the 15th and 16th centuries artists.

For historians, art historians, philosophers, literary critics, culturologists, political scientists and all interested in the history of world culture.

К тайне «Горя». А. С. Грибоедов и его бессмертная комедия. On the Secret of ‘Woe’. A.S. Griboyedov and His Ageless Comedy

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. In this manual, a modern critic re-reads the Griboyedov comedy. Since Russian classical literature in the spiritual basis is traditionally Christ-centered, the image of Christ is invisibly present in the work and there is that unshakable, absolute reference point which should be considered when analyzing the images of characters, their characters and deeds. Referring to the text of the comedy and the biography of Griboyedov, the author proves that the new reading of the comedy corresponds to the true deep design of the author in his timeless work ‘Woe from Wit’.

Каждому по его вере. О романе Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита» To Each According to Their Faith. On Bulgakov's ‘The Master and Margarita’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The title of this book (‘To Each According to Their Faith’) expresses the very essence of the proposed reading of The Master and Margarita. The author draws the reader into a leisurely journey through that ‘labyrinth of cohesions’, which, by definition of L. Tolstoy, is every true artistic work, especially such a complex one as this Bulgakov novel. The artistic and philosophical concept of M. Bulgakov's main book is viewed in comparison with other major phenomena of Russian literature of the 20th century — in particular, with the ‘Blue Book’ of M. Zoshchenko, in which the motley ‘klopovnik’ of the Soviet NEP and post-NEP life, as in Bulgakov’s novel, is depicted against the background of world history.

The book is addressed to teachers of Russian literature, high school students, university entrants, students, as well as all admirers of Bulgakov.

Как иметь дело с англичанами. Несентиментальное путешествие Having Business with the English. An Unsentimental Journey

This book is for those who are learning English; for those who are interested in the culture of England; for those who deal with problems of intercultural communication and regional studies; for those who are going on a trip to England; for those who want to learn how to communicate with the English and understand the features of their character and behavior.

Как это делалось. О тех, кто создавал современную науку How it was done. About those who created modern science

The book you are holding in your hands is about pioneers in the field of biochemistry and bioenergetics. Academician Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev shares his memories of teachers, students and colleagues, who proposed the name "bioenergetics" for a new section of biology.

Каппадокийская школа в истории христианской мысли Cappadocian School in the History of Christian thought

This textbook includes a course of lectures delivered by the author at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University in 2008–2009. It contains a review and interpretation of the basic philosophical ideas of outstanding theologians of the 4th century from Cappadocia — the saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and Gregory of Nyssa. The joint literary activity of these Ancient Church teachers gives reason to speak of the Cappadocian school as a special phenomenon in the history of patristics ‘golden age’. Having received education in Athens, the great Cappadocians linked the achievements of Christian theological thought with the tradition of ancient philosophizing as seeking answers to the most profound questions a human can ask.

The manual highlights the social and literary activities of the Cappadocian school, carried out in the paradigm of an acute ideological confrontation with the Arianism, which in the middle of the 4th century received official support of the Roman Empire. Representatives of the Cappadocian school became the ideological inspirers of the Novocenean movement and laid the foundations of the ‘Cappadocian synthesis’, selectively applying in their theological constructs the methods of Platonic idealistic dialectics.

For teachers, students and graduate students of philosophical faculties.

Карл Маркс и современная пресса Karl Marx and the Modern Press

The book by the doctor of historical sciences S.M. Gurevich examines of the works and skill of Karl Marx. It reveals the characteristics of his journalistic activities, reveals important aspects of his creative method. The author explores the possibility of using the experience of Marx as the publicist in modern journalism.

For students and teachers of journalism faculties, publicists and all who are interested in journalistic theory and practice.

Каталог книг Издательства Московского университета, 2001–2010 (pdf) Catalog of books of the Moscow University Press, 2001-2010 (pdf)

The "catalog" includes books published by the Moscow University Press in 2001-2010. It is a continuation of the "Catalog", which included books for 1989-2000.

For a wide range of researchers, libraries, bookselling organizations.

Качество жизни российских граждан и его влияние на их политические и экономические предпочтения (по результатам социологического исследования) Quality of Life of Russian Citizens and Its Impact on Their Political and Economic Preferences (Based on the Results of a Sociological Survey)

The brochure gives a comparative analysis of the pre-election programs of presidential candidates of 2012 elections. It identifies their distinctive features that determine qualitative differences in the political, economic and social ways of development of Russian society and the state for each of the candidates in case of their victory correspondingly. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of objective and perceived quality of life among voters for different candidates based on the results of a sociological survey. Their findings include significant differences in these parameters, which have predetermined the voting patterns. Moreover, the authors identified the social characteristics of such citizens and made conclusions about the state and future development of the social base for supporting the development of Russia, based on presidential candidates’ programmes.

For teachers, students, sociology researchers, and political scientists, as well as for practicing politicians and public administration employees.

Качество юридического образования. По результатам социологических исследований на юридическом факультете МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова. Настольная книга декана и преподавателя The quality of legal education: according to the results of sociological studies at the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Handbook of Dean and Teacher

This book presents the results of sociological studies of various aspects of the educational process at the Facultyof Law of Moscow State University for the period from 2008 to 2017. The subject of these studies is the qualitative characteristics of higher legal education. The purpose of the work is to identify the problems existing in the educational process and develop appropriate recommendations for their solution based on the identification of factors affecting the quality of legal education and the effectiveness of educational work with students. Sociological methods for collecting empirical information such as a survey (questionnaire, interviews, interviews of experts) and analysis of documents were used as tools.

The publication is intended for heads of universities and faculties, teachers, employees of university administrations, providing the development of both professional and personal competencies of future lawyers interested in improving the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of educational work.

Квантовая теория столкновений Quantum theory of collisions

The book introduces the methods of stationary and non-stationary non-relativistic collision theory and serves to develop skills for their practical application in problems of modern physics. Special emphasis is placed on the methods and concepts used in the theory of collisions involving composite systems. The material is divided into lectures, at the end of each lecture exercises are given, selected so that the student, subject to consistent assimilation of the material, can do them independently.

The book will also be useful for graduate students and researchers specializing in atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics.

Квантовая теория. Т.10. Введение в теорию квантовых полей Quantum Theory. Vol.10. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields

Collection of scientific papers in 12 volumes.

For students, graduate students and researchers.

Квантовый компьютер (pdf) Quantum computer (pdf)
Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In a book about a grandiose project conventionally called a “quantum computer,” the limitation of the apparatus of standard quantum mechanics is formulated by the relationship “the complexity of a quantum state - the accuracy of its description.” Attention is paid to the role of a quantum computer in the theory of biological evolution and the quantum approach to social processes. The second edition is supplemented with chapters devoted to a new mathematical apparatus for a quantum computer, based on algorithms and using biological heuristics. The book contains tasks for independent work. The publication is intended for undergraduate, specialist and graduate students studying at the direction 1.2.2 “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages”, as well as for readers interested in the exact theory of the microworld and wishing to get acquainted with the modern approach to the physics of complex processes.
Кинетически-согласованные схемы в газовой динамике Kinetically Consistent Schemes in Gas Dynamics

The monograph presents a new approach to the construction of computational algorithms in gas dynamics. The algorithms are based on discrete models for one-particle distribution function. The book describes possibilities of interpreting the resulting system of finite difference equations as a model for the description of viscous gas flow and their application for modeling modern problems of gas dynamics on high performance multiprocessor computer systems.

For specialists in mathematical modeling, gas dynamics and applied mathematics, postgraduate students, students studying and using methods of mathematical modeling, computational experimenting.

Кириллические издания. XVI век - 1641 год. Находки археографических экспедиций 1971-1993 гг., поступившие в библиотеку МГУ Cyrillic Publications. 17th Century — 1641. Findings of Archeographic Expeditions of 1971–1993, From the Moscow State University Library

The book contains the results of a study of 375 Cyrillic publications of the 16th (66 copies) and 17th (309 copies) centuries, of which 363 are collected by archeographic expeditions of the Moscow University. They are included in the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts’ 16 territorial collections of the Old Believers' books in the Moscow State University Scientific Library. The descriptions of books give as much historical information about each of the copy as possible.The book has 10 indexes (some annotated) summarizing the information of descriptions and making it easily accessible to specialists of any profile.

For historians, bibliographers, researches of culture and history of the Church, ethnographers and ethnographers, as well as all lovers of Russian antiquities.

Климатология с основами метеорологии Climatology with the basics of meteorology
Printed in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Standard in the areas of training “Geography”, “Hydrometeorology”, “Ecology and Environmental Management”, “Cartography and Geoinformatics” (qualification “bachelor”). The textbook contains information about the atmosphere, features of the thermal regime and moisture conditions, circulation systems, climate system, climate classifications, climate geography, mechanisms of change and climate forecast.
Книга 3. История и философия социологии. История и философия политики History and philosophy of science. Book 3. History and Philosophy of Sociology. History and Philosophy of Politics

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics and law.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

Книга о грамматике. Лингводидактические основы преподавания русского языка как иностранного A book about grammar. Linguodidactic foundations of teaching Russian as a foreign language

The book outlines the most important questions of the grammar of the Russian language, which are included in the program of the basic and advanced stages of teaching foreign students. Russian Russian as a foreign language departments of Lomonosov Moscow State University, summarizing the long-term practical experience, describes the grammatical structure of the Russian language in a functional and communicative aspect.

Книга о грамматике. Русский язык как иностранный A Book About Grammar. Russian As a Foreign Language

The book outlines the most important questions of Russian grammar included in the curricula of the basic and advanced stages of teaching foreign students. The work summarizes long-term practical experience of the Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) departments and provides a description of the grammatical structure of the Russian language in the functional and communicative aspects. For Russian and foreign teachers of RFL, students of philological faculties studying in the department of Russian as a foreign language, or receiving specialization in RFL.

The book will be useful to foreign students as it contains necessary explanations on the basic issues of practical grammar.

Книга памяти преподавателей, аспирантов и сту- дентов философского факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ло- моносова, павших в Великой Отечественной войне (1941–1945) The Book of memory of teachers, postgraduates and students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University who fell in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The book contains information about teachers, graduate students and students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University who died in the Great Patriotic War, their biographies are given in alphabetical order, and portrait photographs are provided, if any could be found. Biographies are additionally illustrated with individual and group photographs of the war years, or documents that reflect the fate of the heroic defenders of the Motherland. In preparing the publication, documents from several state archives were studied, where personal files of a number of the book’s heroes were found, as well as other documents containing biographical information about personalities. Some information was reported by their descendants. The appendix contains lists of scientific works of young philosophers who died at the front and lists of literature about them.
Книга памяти профессора Е.П. Прохорова. Научные статьи. Воспоминания Professor E.P. Prokhorov Memorial Book: Scientific Articles. Memories

This collection of articles is devoted to the prominent researcher in the field of journalism E.P. Prokhorov. Here are some sketches for his new book and a complete bibliography of his publications for more than a half of a century of his scientific activity. The important place in this book was taken by his colleagues and disciples scientific articles on the subjects of the history, theory and sociology of journalism, connected with Prokhorov’s diverse research interests. A special attention was given to memoirs about Evgenii Pavlovich as well as to the materials from family archive.

Книжечка о человеке A book about man
The collection of works by the Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden, a student of Husserl, a phenomenologist, the founder of receptive aesthetics, includes the posthumously published “Little Book about Man” (1972), in the center of which is the problem of the mutual principles of human nature and animal nature, as well as the articles “On Responsibility and its optical foundations" (first published in German in 1970), "What we do not know about values" (1970), etc. The author demonstrates the mastery of methodology, organically combining metaphysics, existentialism, ontology, epistemology, axiology, aesthetics, etc., masterfully working on the borderlands of sciences.The book is intended for philosophers, Slavists, as well as students and anyone interested in the history of modern thought.
Кое-что из былого и дум. О русской литературе XIX века. Something from the Past and Thoughts. On Russian Literature of the 19th Century

The collection, compiled by the author as a final one, includes the articles of the outstanding historian of Russian literature A.I. Zhuravleva. It is dedicated to her most important topics: the creative work of A.N. Ostrovsky, A.P. Grigorieva, M.Yu. Lermontov, the evolution of the poetics of literature and its place in culture. The works were written and published from the 1970s through the 2000s, some co-authored with the poet V.N. Nekrasov.

Коллоидные системы: коллоидная «химия» для физиков Colloidal systems: colloidal "chemistry" for physicists
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The science of colloids and surfaces studies heterogeneous systems, the properties and behaviour of which are determined by interactions between phases and/or phenomena at interphase boundaries. Most of the objects around us are colloidal systems, from agricultural soils, food products, cosmetics and medicines to biological cells and viruses. The purpose of the textbook is to provide an interdisciplinary understanding of the basic phenomena that determine the behaviour of such systems and underlie both traditional and modern applications, as well as to help the student of colloidal surface phenomena learn to use the basic theoretical methods and relationships of this science. The manual includes sections on capillarity and wetting, interfacial hydrodynamics, surface forces, stability of colloids and thin films, and electrokinetic phenomena. For senior students and graduate students of physical, technical, chemical and biological specialties, as well as a wide range of scientists and engineers.
Коммуникационная концепция связей с общественностью: модели, технологии, синергетический эффект Communication Concept of Public Relations: Technology Models, Synergistic Effect

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of public relations as a communication system regulating social activity. Communication processes in public relations are considered from the point of view of synergetics. The author analyzes the interrelation of mass and corporate communications in public relations. This work also covers the potential of public relations communication technologies in relation to the information society, as well as the place and role of the public relations system in the modern media system.

The book is intended for students, post-graduate students and teachers of advertising and public relations departments, professional communicators, as well as for those who are interested in the mechanisms of influence of public relations.

Конец крепостничества в России The End of Serfdom in Russia

The publication is devoted to a turning point in the history of Russia – the socio-political crisis between the 1850s and 1860s, the most important event of which was the abolition of serfdom (1861). The book includes official notes, drafts, and reports, intelligence data on the public sentiments, extracts from legislative acts, publicist materials and proclamations. This book contains diaries and memoirs of people of different social and political views, including major state figures (P. Valuyev, N. Milyutin, S. Lanskiy, V. Cherkassky), writers and scientists (L.N. Tolstoy, A. Engelhardt, A. Koshelev, P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky). Finally, it presents the most important rescripts and public speeches of Alexander II.

Конкурентная Россия Competitive Russia

The collection of articles is devoted to problems of Russia's economic development in the context of globalization and new trends in international competition and competition policy. The book gives a wide coverage of modern views on competition. It summarizes the first results of the application of competition law and competition policy basing on information and analytical materials of the Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy and Support of Entrepreneurship and the editorial board of the journal ‘Competition and the Market’ (St. Petersburg)

Конспект лекций О. Б. Лупанова по курсу «Введение в математическую логику» Summary of O.B.Lupanov's lectures on the course "Introduction to Mathematical Logic"

The textbook is based on the lecture notes of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences O.B.Lupanov on the course "Introduction to Mathematical Logic", read by him in the first year of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1982-2006. The manual covers the following issues: functions of logic algebra, functions of multivalued logic, propositional calculus, logic and predicate calculus, logical networks, finite automata, algorithms and computable functions.

For undergraduate and graduate students.

Константин Батюшков Konstantin Batyushkov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. Konstantin Batiushkov is a poet without whom one cannot fully understand Pushkin. The modern school Literature curriculum on considers him a philosopher poet who combines the features of sentimentalism and romanticism. The author reveals the beneficial influence of Russian sentimentalism, whose role had been belittled for many years. He shows the development process of Batiushkov's romantic historical elegy. The book reveals the religious foundations of his philosophical poetry for the first time. It gives an uncensored description of his attitude to the French revolution and its ideologists, paying particular attention to analysis of the poet's works studied in school.

This is the first literary book about Batyushkov addressed to school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, students and university entrants. It may also be interesting for philologists and everyone who loves Russian poetry.

Космос. Земля. Человек. Space. Earth. Human Being.
Under the general editorship of Ekuko Saito Benz. The book is a dialogue between the pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union A.A. Serebrov and the famous Japanese public figure, president of the international peacekeeping public-religious organization Soka Gakkai International, laureate of the UN Peace Prize in 1985 Daisaku Ikeda. The dialogues are devoted to various topics: preparation and training of astronauts, life on the orbital station and spacewalks. In addition, the dialogues touch upon a number of serious world problems, the main one of which bein the problem of the ecological state of the Earth.
Краткая история академической гимназии, бывшей при Императорском Московском университете A Brief History of the Academic Gymnasium at the Imperial Moscow University

The gymnasium was created at the same time with the Moscow University. It could not have happened otherwise, because a university without a gymnasium at the beginning of its activity would be, as M.B. Lomonosov called it, ‘like a seedless arable land’. The brochure of Professor Petr Illarionovich Strakhov (1792 — 1856) was published in the present form for the 100th anniversary of the first Russian university. We reproduce the 1855 edition, as one of the interesting monuments of the history of Russian education and science.

Краткий курс палеонтологии беспозвоночных A Short Course of Paleontology Invertebrates

The tutorial contains main trends in invertebrate paleontology: systematic, evolution, taxonomy, nomenclature, mode of life and conditions of existence, taphonomy, stratigraphic and rockforming significance. The systematic part gives characteristics of the most important geology groups. The definition of taxa is accompanied by comparison charts and keys. Descriptions are illustrated by pictures and 34 paleontological tables. There is also a dictionary of terms and generic names. The tutorial is intended for students of geological departments of universities and natural-science institutes. It can be used in educational process in paleontological and geological schools as well as by everyone interested in paleontology.

Крепости и плацдармы Георгия Владимова George Vladimov's Fortresses and Footholds

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This book is the first monographic study of the famous modern prose writer and publicist's works. The fact that Georgi Vladimov is a ‘living classic’ is not contested by anybody. But what book sparkled this belief? Some will say it was the ‘The General and His Army’ — the best Russian novel that received the Booker Prize in 1995. Others will remember ‘Three Minutes of Silence’ — the last book before the author was forced into silence and exile. Some will say that it was ‘Faithful Ruslan’, because it made the author leave the ranks of Soviet writers, and in the end the USSR as well. Many, however, felt his first novel, ‘The Great Ore,’ already conveyed the mastership of the writer.

For school, lyceums and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Криминальные и финансовые угрозы реализации социально-экономических реформ и проектов в России Criminal and Financial Threats to the Implementation of Socio-economic Reforms and Projects in Russia (economic and legal review)

Criminal and Financial Threats to the Implementation of Socio-Economic Reforms and Projects in Russia

Культурные миры молодых россиян: три жизненные ситуации Cultural Worlds of Young Russians: Three Life Philosophies

The work analyzes the materials of the All-Russian study ‘Youth of Russia: Three Life Situations’ (‘Youth-97’), conducted in March 1997 by the Center for Sociological Research of the N.N. Miklouho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology with the RAS, American colleagues from Columbia University and the University of Duke.

The book is addressed to professionals and Philosophy students, sociologists, political scientists, as well as the widest range of readers who are interested in the problems of modern Russia.

Курс лекций по общей физике для химических факультетов университетов A course of lectures on general physics for chemical faculties of universities

The textbook includes the main sections of the general physics course taught to students of the Chemical Faculty of Moscow University: "Mechanics", "Electricity", "Vibrations and Waves", "Optics". When presenting the material, the authors distinguish definitions of physical concepts and formulations of laws. The sections "Vibrations and Waves" and "Optics" consistently implement a unified approach to mechanical and electromagnetic oscillatory and wave processes. At the same time, special attention is paid to issues of greatest interest to future chemists, in particular molecular vibrations, optical phenomena used in modern experimental research methods (refractometry, spectroscopy, polarization techniques, etc.).

The publication is intended for students of chemical faculties of universities, and can also be useful for a wide range of students of physical and chemical specialties of universities of natural science profile.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 1 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial). Book 1

The first book of the new four-book textbook (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes about 1,000 tasks and is devoted to working out the main directions of research on the topics: "Identities, inequalities and their application in mathematical analysis", "Real numbers and their purpose", "Numerical sequences", "Limit and limitation of functions of a real installation".

The book uses basic theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. Presentation of methods accompanied by analysis of examples and tasks of different types for independent solution.

For undergraduate students of universities studying in mathematical and engineering-technological specialties, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 2 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 2

The second book of the new manual-problem of four books (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes more than 800 problems and is devoted to developing the skills of the main types of research on the topic "Functions of one real variable: differential calculus, indefinite integral."

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main focus is on systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of the methods is accompanied analysis of examples and tasks for independent solution.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 3 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 3

The third book of the new manual-problem of four books (more than 3400 tasks with solutions) includes more than 800 tasks and is dedicated to working out skills of the main types of research on the topic "Functions of one real variable: research and plotting, a certain integral and its applications.

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of methods is accompanied by an analysis of examples and tasks of various types for independent decision.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 4 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 4

The fourth and final book of the new four-book problem book (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes more than 700 problems and is devoted to developing the skills of the main types of research on the topic "Differential calculus of functions of several real variables".

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of methods is accompanied by an analysis of examples and tasks for independent solution.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Курс устного перевода. Испанский язык - русский язык Oral translation course. Spanish - Russian
The purpose of the manual is to improve the skills and techniques of oral translation acquired earlier, and to develop more complex skills necessary for a professional translator, in particular consecutive with recording and simultaneous translation. The material of the training manual is selected in such a way as to cover the most significant areas of international cooperation. For practical classes in oral translation with students studying Spanish and mastering the specialty of "translator" within the framework of the direction "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication", as well as studying in the additional qualification programme "Translator in the field of professional communication".
Лекции об уравнениях с частными производными Lectures on partial differential equations

The textbook is an expanded presentation of the course of lectures that the author has given in recent years to 3rd-year students of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University, and contains the main classical and modern sections of the theory of partial differential equations, as well as information from functional analysis, the theory of generalized functions and function spaces. In addition, it includes material devoted to the proof of Kovalevskaya's theorem, a mixed problem for the equation of oscillations of an inhomogeneous string, the Cauchy problem for the wave equation and the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems. The book presents the main facts related to the Laplace equation, the heat equation and the wave equation.

The textbook is intended for students studying in the fields of "Mathematics", "Applied Mathematics", "Mathematics and Computer Science", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics".

Лекции по дискретной математике Lectures on Classical Dynamics

The textbook, the first edition of which was published in 1984, aims to provide the most concise introduction to the subject, including both its physical foundations and differential-geometric aspects. The publication covers a number of topics in an unconventional way: kinematics, general theorems of dynamics, derivation of the Lagrange equations, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Some of the material goes beyond the university course: elements of the theory of linear and quadratic integrals in velocities, application of variational principles, a new proof of the Darboux theorem on canonical coordinates. The textbook includes problems illustrating and supplementing the theoretical material, and provides methodological instructions for them.

The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling", "Applied Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics", for postgraduate students of the mechanical, mathematical and physical faculties of universities, and for university teachers.

Лекции по дифференциальным уравнениям Lectures on differential equations
A detailed summary of the compulsory course on ordinary differential equations, taught by the author for many years to students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University is presented. The textbook introduces readers to the geometric interpretation of first-order equations, first integrals, singular points and limit cycles of autonomous systems, the theory of linear equations and systems, including constant and periodic coefficients, questions of the existence, uniqueness and continuability of solutions, their continuity and differentiability with respect to a parameter, Lyapunov stability, as well as questions of the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem for a first-order partial differential equation. Precise definitions are given, statements are carefully formulated and proven, and the most important methods for solving problems are strictly justified. All necessary theoretical information, related concepts and facts from related branches of mathematics are presented. Problems are proposed for independent solution, allowing you to penetrate deeper into the material you have read. For undergraduate and graduate students studying the classical theory of ordinary differential equations.
Лекции по истории и методологии почвоведения Lectures on the History and Methodology of Soil Science

The textbook contains lectures on the entire development of soil science from the time of ancient agricultural civilizations to the present day. It examines the history of knowledge about soils and methods of studying them, adding details of the general history of science and society. It shows the connection of pedology with related natural and human sciences, with the history of studying and developing land resources. The book pays particular attention to the methodology of soil science as a natural history science and to the roles of outstanding scientists. It analyzes the formation and development of soil science in different countries, international cooperation of pedologists and the role of scientific societies in the history of soil science. The concluding chapters cover the present period of soil science development, its tasks in overcoming the anthropogenic degradation of the soil mantle of the Earth, which is an indispensable component of the biosphere and the most important natural resource for the further development of human civilization.

For college and graduate students specializing in soil science, agronomy, agrochemistry, ecology and other related sciences.

Лекции по истории русской поэзии XX века (1940–2000) Lectures on the History of Russian Poetry of the 20th Century (1940s through 2000s)

The cycle of lectures by Professor Vladislav Alekseyevich Zaytsev is based on many years of experience in reading special courses on Russian poetry, as well as the general course on the history of Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century. The author reveals the diverse artistic values, essential features and peculiarities of Russian poetry of this period, shows the complex interaction of its main branches, their rapprochement and reunion at the end of the century.

For students and postgraduates of philological faculties, as well as for all who are interested in the history of Russian literature.

Лекции по классической динамике Lectures on classical dynamics

The textbook, the first edition of which was published in 1984, aims to provide the most concise introduction to the subject, including both its physical foundations and differential-geometric aspects. The publication covers a number of topics in an unconventional way: kinematics, general theorems of dynamics, derivation of the Lagrange equations, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Some of the material goes beyond the university course: elements of the theory of linear and quadratic integrals in velocities, application of variational principles, a new proof of the Darboux theorem on canonical coordinates. The textbook includes problems illustrating and supplementing the theoretical material, and provides methodological instructions for them.

The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling", "Applied Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics", for postgraduate students of the mechanical, mathematical and physical faculties of universities, and for university teachers.

Лекции по плазменной астрофизике: классические основы теории Lectures on plasma astrophysics: classical foundations of theory

The book contains a course of lectures on the classical foundations of plasma astrophysics, a fundamental science that studies mainly electromagnetic processes and phenomena in cosmic plasma. The lectures everywhere demonstrate common features and fundamental differences in plasma properties due to electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. There is not and cannot be a simple unified model of plasma in an infinite variety of astronomical conditions. The idea of this course of lectures is atypical for most textbooks on plasma astrophysics. It consists in a consistent consideration of physical principles, starting with the most general, most accurate and simplifying assumptions that allow us to find simple ways to describe plasma in astrophysical conditions. On this path — from the general to the particular — in this textbook, the boundaries of the applicability of the next, simpler approximation from a physical point of view and from the point of view of its possible applications are specially outlined everywhere.

Лекции по теории аргументации Lectures on the Theory of Argumentation

Argumentation. It permeates all spheres of human communication. We come across it everywhere, beginning from highly scientific discussions to kitchen arguments. It has been a subject of philosophical and scientific understanding for two and a half millennia. This textbook examines the main issues of the argumentation theory.

The book is addressed primarily to students, as a textbook on the course ‘Argumentation Theory and Practice’, but it will also be useful for anyone interested in problems of verbal communication, logic and rhetorics.

Лекции по теории числовых и функциональных рядов Lectures on the Theory of Numerical and Functional Series

The manual contains a systematic statement of four important sections of the general course of the mathematical analysis: the theory of numerical series, the theory of functional sequences and series, the theory of series of Fourier and the main data on Fourier’s integral. The statement is most approached to a lecture course.

The book is intended for bachelors which profoundly study mathematics.

Keywords: a series, sequence, convergence, uniform convergence, operations with convergent series, summation of divergent series, double and repeated series, infi nite products, power series, Fourier’s series on orthonormalized systems, Fourier’s trigonometrical series, Fourier’s integral

Леонардо да Винчи : сценограф, музыкант, artifex Leonardo da Vinci: scene designer, musician, artifex

The book covers little-known phenomena of Leonardo da Vinci's work - his work in the field of scenography, musical practice, and research into the psychological foundations of visual activity. The leading theme of the book is a historical-semiotic study of the principles of creating iconic ensembles introduced into art by the Italian artistic tradition and, to a decisive extent, by the great master Leonardo da Vinci. The research is based on the methodology of comprehensive historical analysis of textual and iconographic material, fragments and drawings from Leonardo’s notebooks (codes). Illustrations are based on open sources and photographs of the author. Drawings from Leonardo's codices are based on digitized manuscripts available in the public domain.

The publication is addressed to students, graduate students and art experts, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in theory and history of art, artistic culture of Renaissance Italy.

Леонид Андреев. Проза и драматургия Leonid Andreyev. Prose and Drama

The manual is devoted to the work of L. Andreyev, the ‘master of thoughts’ of the Russian pre-revolution intelligentsia, the artist whose almost every new work became ‘an information excuse’ for heated literary and critical debates.

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Линейные нестационарные системы и стабилизация движения спутника около центра масс в геомагнитном поле Linear non-stationary systems and stabilization of satellite motion near the center of mass in the geomagnetic field

The book is devoted to the application of the theory of linear non-stationary systems to the problems of stabilization of stationary movements of a satellite near the center of mass under the action of magnetic moments of various nature. An original rigorous analytical approach to the study of linear non-stationary systems of a special class is proposed. Solutions to a number of specific stabilization tasks based on this approach are presented.

The book will be useful for graduate students and students of Moscow State University, as well as teachers and researchers dealing with issues of dynamics and management.

Лирика Афанасия Фета The Lyrics of Afanasy Fet

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This textbook considers the features of A. Fet's lyrics, which stand at the junction of the Pushkin era traditions and the contemporaries' future aspirations to symbolism. The author gives a large amount of material from the history of romance, elegies, and anthological poetry. The main aim of the author is to show Fet's innovative essence, his individual contribution to the development of Russian and world lyric poetry.

For high school students, university entrants, college students, teachers, philologists, and for all lovers of poetry.

Лирика Пушкина как духовная биография Pushkin's Poetry as a Spiritual Biography

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The author of this book set himself the task of investigating Pushkin's poetry as a single phenomenon. For the first time, he introduced the definition of Pushkin's creative work, first of all his poetry, as the ‘spiritual biography’ of the poet, not only showing the facts, but also reflecting the real process of life. The space of this process is time, the main collision is the relationship between Pushkin as a human and Pushking as an art genius. The central subject is the problem of higher human values, ‘ageless truths.’

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, university entrants, philology specialists and a wide range of enlightened readers.

Литературное редактирование. Общая методика работы над текстом Literary editing. General methodology of work on the text

The textbook on literary editing summarizes the experience of practical classes with students and lectures delivered by the author at the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The purpose of the book is to help comprehend the editorial work on the text from the standpoint of modern philological concepts and practical tasks of the editor of mass media. 

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, editors of mass media materials, practical journalists.

Личность и поступок. Personality and Action
The antropological treatise "Personality and Action" (1969) by the Polish philosopher and theologian Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) based on the phenomenological experience of studying a phenomenon as a phenomenon (specifically: personality and action) radically rethinks its content and terminology based on the word, which simultaneously acts as an object and means of cognition. The book is intended for specialists in the humanities, as well as for students and anyone interested in the problems of studying personality in the context of the relationship between the internal, external and transcendental worlds. This, according to K. Wojtyla, is the structure of human existence.
Личность политика: теория и методология психологического  портретирования The Personality of a Politician: the Theory and Methodology of Psychological Portraying

This publication summarizes the domestic and foreign experience of building a psychological portrait of a politician's personality. It also covers the history of the phenomenon and the concept of the psychological portrait and the current state of this issue. It explores the portrait-building potential of psychological theories, methodological grounds and methods of constructing a psychological portrait. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of portraying results reliability.

For specialists in the field of political and social psychology, political science, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying political and psychological sciences.

Ломоносов и журналистика Lomonosov and Journalism

The monograph deals with M. Lomonosov's activity in the field of journalism. Lomonosov was the author of the first journalist code of rights and duties; he was an employee and editor of the only Russian newspaper in those years, ‘St. Petersburg Vedomosti.’ His ode, in essence, represented detailed art and journalistic speeches on the most important issues of Russia's domestic and foreign policy. Lomonosov made sure that the Moscow University, created under his project, was given the privilege of maintaining its own printing facility, where the first issue of the newspaper Moskovskye Vedomosti was published in 1756. He also contributed a lot for the development of Russian scientific periodicals.

The book is addressed to students of journalism faculties and everyone interested in the history of Russian culture.

Люди прекрасной Франции People of Beautiful France

This historical story is written using D'Artagnan's memoirs. Unlike in Duma's famous novels, there is no fiction in it, and it preserves the memoirs as a historical and psychological monument of beautiful 17th century France. D'Artagnan saw and knew many contemporaries: from ordinary people to kings.

The book is illustrated with works of 17th century art, sculpture, and architecture.

Максим Горький Maksim Gorky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The author of this book sees his task in viewing Gorky's 1920s-1930s works in the context of Russian literature of the period and commparing it with the artistic discoveries of his great contemporaries, primarily V. Nabokov and B. Pasternak. A separate chapter is devoted to the writer's artistic world, the originality of his realism, the concept of personality, the hero and the anti-hero. The main attention is paid to the analysis of works that are part of the program for those entering the humanitarian faculties of universities.

The book is addressed primarily to high school students and university entrants. However, high school, gymnasium, lyceum teachers and philologists who study the history of the Russian 20th century literature will find it an interesting read.

Мальбранш и картезианство Malebranche and Cartesianism

The monograph analyzes the views of one of the greatest metaphysicians of Western European philosophy of the 17th century. It investigates the main components of Malebranche's philosophical system, e.g. the theory of occasional reasons, the epistemological doctrine of ‘seeing all things in God’, physics, anthropology, ethics, and the concept of religion. The author examines Malebranche's ideas in view of the general history of the Cartesian school. He also gives a brief characteristic of later philosophers' views on Malebranch's ideas.

For college students, postgraduates, and those interested in the history of philosophy.

Маркетинг в сфере услуг Marketing in the Service Sector

The textbook examines the features of marketing tools that are characteristic for enterprises and companies in the service sector. It examines the economic essence, classification and typology of services, the features of the formation and trends in the services market, reveals the content of the main forming factors of the service market, the features of marketing services, and its differences from marketing goods.

Математика в ЕГЭ и олимпиадах: применение тождеств и неравенств Mathematics in the Unified State Exam and Olympiads: the Application of Identities and Inequalities

The manual is devoted to the basic for the formation of mathematical thinking theme — the same equations and inequalities. The book formulates and proves the most important algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic, etc. numerical and functional identity equations and inequalities used in solving a wide range of mathematical problems, showing relationships between them. The manual contains 300 tasks of different types with solutions from the introductory assignments and samples of the Unified State Exam in which various identities and inequalities are used to perform transformations and construct necessary assessments. The book may become study support for Math lessons in high school and expand the outlook of the students. It may also be useful for homework assignments.

Recommended for high school students of physical, mathematical and regular schools to prepare for the higher level USE on Mathematics, olympiads and Lomonosov Moscow State University entrance exams.

Математика для поступающих в МГУ Mathematics for MSU applicants

The present fundamental tutorial is aimed at getting the applicants ready for the entrance examination in mathematics required for entering a number of MSU faculties. The book can also be of use to high school pupils and mathematics teachers.

Математика и миф сквозь призму геометрии Mathematics and Myth through the Prism of Geometry

The graphic material which is offered to the reader is an attempt to ‘photograph from within’ the peculiar world of modern mathematics. A.T. Fomenko, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a Moscow University professor, has long been known to be also a very original artist. This book includes a collection of illustrations he has drawn over many years.

Математика и опыт Mathematics and Experience

In his book the author makes an attempt to draw a large-scale comparison of various approaches toward the relationship between mathematics and experience that have developed mainly as part of prioriism and empiricism. The comparison is performed by examining it from a purely theoretical perspective and considering various historical and philosophical situations. The author explores possible alternative approaches that go beyond the aprioriism-empiricism dilemma in interpreting the relationship between mathematics, experience and experiential knowledge.

The book is of interest for mathematicians, philosophers, specialists and teachers of the history and philosophy of science, undergraduate and postgraduate students of mathematical and natural-science specialties.

Математика и реальность. Труды Московского семинара по философии математики Mathematics and Reality. Proceedings of the Moscow Seminar on Philosophy of Mathematics

The new thematic volume of the proceedings of the Moscow Seminar on the Philosophy of Mathematics was prepared following the results of the Third All-Russian Conference ‘The Philosophy of Mathematics: Topical Problems’, held September 27-28, 2013 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University with the priority theme of the 2013 conference being ‘Mathematics and Reality’.

For philosophers and historians of mathematics and physics, philosophers, logicians, mathematicians, psychologists, lecturers conducting postgraduate courses in the history and philosophy of science, post-graduate students and students of mathematical and natural sciences specialties.

Математика: Практический курс по подготовке к дополнительному вступительному испытанию в МГУ

The main purpose of the manual is to help applicants prepare for the entrance exam in mathematics at Moscow State University. Nowadays this exam is called DVI (Additional Entrance Test). In addition, the authors also aim to help a more in-depth study of elementary mathematics. The book is actually a problem book. The bulk of the problems are taken from the versions of entrance exams at Moscow State University and its branches. The problems are arranged by topic in order of increasing difficulty. A systematization of the types of problems encountered and methods for solving them has been carried out. Solutions to the most common problems are given in the “Answers, directions, solutions” sections. At the same time, solutions to most of the problems of the DVI of recent years are given, including the problems of 2018.

For applicants, high school students, teachers and students of preparatory departments and courses, as well as for distance learning.

Математическая картография. Проекции трехосного эллипсоида (pdf) Mathematical Cartography. Projections of the Triaxial Ellipsoid

The textbook summarizes knowledge about the triaxial ellipsoid geometry and its map projections, both existing and new. A new conceptual apparatus for describing cylindrical, conical and azimuth projections is reported. A classification of the triaxial ellipsoid projections is presented. The distortions of the projections were evaluated. The authors set the task of deriving new or adaptation of existing map projections of the triaxial ellipsoid, which would allow to make compilation both global and regional maps of celestial bodies. The textbook is intended to study the discipline “Mathematical cartography”. It can be also used as a manual by students in related specialties, graduate students and researchers.

Математические олимпиады Московского университета Mathematical Olympiads of Moscow University
This book presents versions of the mathematical Olympiads “Lomonosov” and “Conquer the Vorobyevy Hills”. The book will be useful for high school students, as well as mathematics teachers.
Математический анализ. Дифференцирование функции одной переменной: теория и задачи Mathematical Analysis. Differentiation of One-Variable Function: Theory And Problems

The publication is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject of ‘Differentiation of One-Variable Function’, which is studied in the first and partially second terms in the first-year-course of mathematical analysis. It is based on the authors’ experience of reading lectures and conducting practical classes at the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics, Moscow State University.

The manual contains three chapters, the first of which is devoted to general theoretical aspects. This chapter contains basic concepts and facts related to the differentiation of functions, as well as some examples of the use of derivatives for solving various problems. The second chapter outlines the general scheme for investigating the function and constructing its graph, and gives recommendations on how to solve problems on finding the maximum (minimum) value of a function on a given set. It also shows some examples of the study of functions and the construction of their graphs, as well as an example of solving an applied problem for finding the maximum value of a function. The third chapter contains tasks (with solutions) for all the sections under consideration. Some of them are analyzed in the manual text while the others are designed to be solved on one’s own. For the second group of tasks, the answers and solutions are given at the end of the book in the corresponding section. The purpose of this manual is to help the student to learn the theoretical part and acquire practical skills in solving problems on the subject of ‘Differentiating a one-variable function’.

For university students. The publication can be useful for teachers who give lectures and conduct practical classes in mathematical analysis and all those who wish to study these subjects on their own or learn more about them.

Математический анализ. Дифференцирование функции одной переменной: теория и задачи (pdf) Mathematical Analysis. Differentiation of One-Variable Function: Theory And Problems

The publication is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject of ‘Differentiation of One-Variable Function’, which is studied in the first and partially second terms in the first-year-course of mathematical analysis. It is based on the authors’ experience of reading lectures and conducting practical classes at the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics, Moscow State University.

The manual contains three chapters, the first of which is devoted to general theoretical aspects. This chapter contains basic concepts and facts related to the differentiation of functions, as well as some examples of the use of derivatives for solving various problems. The second chapter outlines the general scheme for investigating the function and constructing its graph, and gives recommendations on how to solve problems on finding the maximum (minimum) value of a function on a given set. It also shows some examples of the study of functions and the construction of their graphs, as well as an example of solving an applied problem for finding the maximum value of a function. The third chapter contains tasks (with solutions) for all the sections under consideration. Some of them are analyzed in the manual text while the others are designed to be solved on one’s own. For the second group of tasks, the answers and solutions are given at the end of the book in the corresponding section. The purpose of this manual is to help the student to learn the theoretical part and acquire practical skills in solving problems on the subject of ‘Differentiating a one-variable function’.

For university students. The publication can be useful for teachers who give lectures and conduct practical classes in mathematical analysis and all those who wish to study these subjects on their own or learn more about them.

Медиа Польши на рубеже XX-XXI веков Polish Media at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century

he key features of journalism development in the Republic of Poland since 1989 till the present day are analyzed in the monograph. Associated with sociopolitical changes, a wide review of printed and audiovisual media in the last twenty-five years is given for the first time; the influence of scientific-and-technological progress and digital technologies on the information complex of the country at the turn of XX—XXI centuries is shown. Special attention is paid to the role of the world media corporate groups and their impact on the media transformation and development of a new media model in the Republic of Poland.

The monograph can be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers of journalism faculties and departments and to anyone who is interested in the development of modern journalism.

Медиа-музыка на телевидении Media Music on Television

The book deals with the fundamentals of incidental music in modern television, setting forth basic concepts and practical recommendations. Much attention is paid to the design of a television audio score and the relationship between media music and speech and sounds. The manual defines specialized genres of incidental music, examines options for sound drama in popular modern TV and radio ‘products’– news, TV shows, TV series, commercials, feature films and programs.

Медиатизация медиа Mediatization of the media

The term “mediatization” is generally used to characterize those changes that culture and society undergo under the influence of the media. The present research uses this term to assess the transformations of the media themselves from the industrial viewpoint. To speak about the mediatization of the media means to look at the Russian mediatic environment bearing in mind the industrial conflict between the media — the conflict that results from the clash between the Internet, that is freely developing, digital milieu and the media system that is deliberately organized and institutionally framed.

Мелиорация почв Soil reclamation

The textbook contains up-to-date information about the principles and methods of soil reclamation in different natural zones, the relationship of reclamation measures with the soil cover and the adequacy of reclamation methods to the natural conditions of the landscape. New methods of reclamation of the properties and regimes of saline soils, stony, swampy and boggy soils, soda soils, sulfide, gypsum, carbonate salinization, etc. are considered. The composition of the necessary measures for the environmental protection of reclaimed soils and landscapes from degradation changes is given. The issues of soil reclamation are considered. 

For students and postgraduates-soil scientists, ecologists, agrochemists, agronomists.

Мембранная биоэнергетика Membrane Bioenergetics

The book contains basic information about the mechanisms of energy conversion in living organisms. It considers systems of substrate, photo- and oxidative phosphorylation, which supply all energy that is necessary for organisms to function. The authors describe ways of generating membrane energy forms as well as their use for ATP synthesis, accumulation of chemicals in cells and organelles, bacteria mobility and heat formation for thermoregulation, etc. In conclusion, they examine practical applications of bioenergetics for cancelling the organism’s aging program.

For university students and postgraduates of biology, specialists in bioenergetics, biochemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, physiology and microbiology.

Менеджмент организационных изменений Management of organizational changes

The textbook discusses the causes of organizational changes, the tasks of change management managers, methods for diagnosing organizations and identifying areas of need for changes. The main theoretical approaches and models of change management, methods of their planning and sequence of actions for their implementation, as well as a wide range of problems associated with changes are presented: the perception of changes by personnel, the reasons for resistance to changes and methods of overcoming it, the formation of change management teams, strategies for their implementation. The features of changes in the organizational structure, culture of the organization, ways of radical changes and management of changes in a crisis are considered.

For Master's degree students studying in management specialties.

Меняясь сам, изменял мир к лучшему. Памяти Г.В. Барабашева By Changing Himself He Changed the World for the Better. In Memory of G.V. Barabashev

Materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the memory of G.V. Barabashev (Moscow, 2004). The collection contains articles devoted to the topical problems of constitutional and municipal law as well as memoirs about Georgy V. Barabashev, a famous scientist in the field of state studies.

For students, postgraduates, teachers of law universities and a wide range of readers who are interested in state and legal subjects.

Местное самоуправление в системе государственных и общественных отношений Local Self-Government in the System of State and Public Relations

The monograph is devoted to the study of local government in Russia. It examines the ideological and scientific-theoretical foundations of local self-government, its historical forms and institutions. Particular attention is paid to the aspects and subjects of interaction between local government, state and civil society at the present stage of Russian statehood development.

For students, graduate students and teachers of law. It will be interesting and useful to central and local government officials, all those who are interested in finding out how to organize the management of society’s affairs in the most effective way.

Место и функции цитаты в словаре. На материале британских учебных одноязычных словарей The Place and Functions of a Quote in a Dictionary. Based on British Educational Monolingual Dictionaries
The task of an educational dictionary, on which successful mastery of the language largely depends, is to present the cultural background of the nation within the framework of a dictionary entry. Modern lexicographers recognize this fact and are constantly looking for ways to solve this problem. The results of these searches are reflected in the educational dictionary "Cambridge International Dictionary of English", which is considered in this work in comparison with other dictionaries. For philologists, linguists, cultural scientists and all those studying English as a foreign language.
Метаморфическая петрология Metamorphic Petrology

The textbook covers the main issues of the petrology of metamorphic and metasomatic rocks and impactites and analyzes the main types and factors of metamorphic processes. Based on the physicochemical analysis of mineral parageneses, it describes the most important mineral associations that arise under metamorphism and provides the formational analysis of metamorphic rocks.

For students and postgraduates of geological and geochemical specialties.

Метеорология и климатология Meteorology and Climatology

The tutorial book is based on 5th (2001) edition of "Meteorology and climatology" by Prof. S.P. Chromov and Prof. M.A. Petrossiants, which has been rewritten and contributed by Prof. Petrossiants. A selection of the papers presented before was extemally reviewed and, along with additional articles, represent the contemporary understanding of atmosphere circulation processes, resent problems of anthropogenic effect on global climat and various aspects of climate change in the future and the past, atmospheric radiation, temperature and precipitation regime etc.

For students, graduate students and scientists specializing in the field of meteorology and climatology.

Метод интегральных уравнений в математической физике (pdf) The method of integral equations in mathematical physics
Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The textbook discusses the use of integral equations in problems of mathematical physics . Information is given that allows to reduce problems for partial differential equations to integral equations. Numerical methods for solving emerging integral equations are presented, the application of integral equations in solving boundary value problems for the Laplace and Helmholtz equations, and the application of the method of integral equations to the numerical solution of problems of aerodynamics and wave scattering are shown. The book is intended for students studying at the educational programmes in the areas of 01.03.02 “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” (Bachelor’s degree), 01.04.02 “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” (Master’s degree), 09.06.01 “Informatics and computer technology" (Postgraduate studies).
Методические рекомендации к разработке бизнес-плана инновационного проекта Methodical Recommendations for Developing a Business Plan for an Innovative Project

The aim of this manual to deepen and consolidate students’ knowledge gained during their lectures and seminar classes and to develop their creative and analytical skills on the subject of the ‘Economics of Innovation’ discipline. Given that the project is to be done by graduate students and to be of a general nature, its successful implementation also requires mobilization of the previous knowledge and experience, which was gained by studying other disciplines, too.

For MSU students studying at seminars and on their own in the ‘Economics of Innovation’ course.

Методическое пособие к практическим и лабораторным работам по курсу «Технология: кулинария, уроки правильного питания». 5–9 классы (pdf) Methodical manual for practical and laboratory work on the course "Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons". Grades 5-9

) The training manual is intended for practical and laboratory work on the course "Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons". Contains recommendations for performing laboratory work, solving practical problems. The tasks for laboratory work focused on the development of practical skills of cooking proper nutrition are given. Instruction cards are attached to each variant of laboratory work tasks. The manual has been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS) for students of grades 5-9 of a secondary school as an additional educational program on the subject "Technology".

Методология педагогики Methodology of Pedagogy

The manual is intended for college and university teachers receiving professional continuing education.

Методы математического моделирования измерительно-вычислительных систем Methods of mathematical modeling of measuring and computing systems
The publication examines the elements of the mathematical theory of measuring and computing systems (MCS) as measuring instruments, based on the mathematical formalism of measurement reduction, which allows, based on the results of measurements in the “measured object-environment-measuring device” system, to obtain the most accurate description of the unobservable system “investigated object-environment” ", not distorted by measurements. The theory of MCS makes it possible to formulate requirements for the measuring component of MCS, ensuring the highest quality of MCS as a measuring instrument, to evaluate the adequacy of the mathematical model of measurements on MCS, the consistency of the values ​​of the parameters of the object under study obtained at its output, error estimates, etc. For scientists and engineers of physics mathematical specialties.
Методы Монте-Карло для параллельных вычислений Monte Carlo Methods for Parallel Computing

The book outlines methods for solving problems using statistical modeling. The algorithms under consideration are intended for use in parallel computing on computer systems of various architectures. The authors consistently describe methods for obtaining independent streams of pseudo-random numbers and random vectors with a given distribution law, methods for approximate calculation of high-dimensional integrals and numerical solution of some classes of differential equations in ordinary and partial derivatives and simulation modeling methods.

The book is designed for those students who are introduced to elements of computational mathematics and parallel programming as well as researchers who apply numerical modeling to solve applied problems.

Методы оптической и электронной микроскопии Methods of optical and electron microscopy
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The textbook examines the design principles of modern optical and electron microscopes, image formation in them, operating modes, achievable resolution, analytical capabilities, and sample preparation methods. Particular attention is paid to recent promising developments that have opened up fundamentally new opportunities in the observations of polymer objects of synthetic or natural origin, as well as nanomaterials. The publication is intended for senior students of physics faculties of universities (direction of study “Physics”, specialty 03.05.02 “Fundamental and Applied Physics”) and other natural science faculties.
Методы программирования в задачах и примерах на С/С++ (pdf) Programming methods in problems and examples in C/C++ (pdf)

The textbook is a generalization of the teaching experience of the university course "Computer work and programming" for students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University named after M. V. L. Omonosov and the school course "Computer Science" in the classes at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at the 54th school of Moscow and in the mathematical classes of the University Gymnasium. The book collects and systematizes the tasks proposed for independent solution during seminars, laboratory work, on tests and exams.

The book is intended for high school students with an in-depth study of mathematics and computer science, students of higher educational institutions who master programming methods and the C language, as well as to help teachers conduct practical classes.

Методы решения  задач с параметрами Methods for solving problems with parameters
This manual is devoted to problems with parameters, which for most applicants are traditionally tasks of increased difficulty. The manual focuses on the classification of methods based on the use of various properties of functions (boundedness, monotonicity, periodicity, parity, etc.), symmetry of variables, use of the derivative, as well as special techniques for solving problems with parameters that require deep knowledge of school mathematics and high logical culture, which is supported by a large number of examples from the options entrance exams to Moscow State University. For students and teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges, applicants, heads of mathematical clubs, teachers and students of preparatory departments and courses.
Методы решения сеточных уравнений Methods of solving grid equations

The book presents modern fast direct and iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations with a large number of unknowns and sparse ill-conditioned matrices. Such systems arise in the grid method for solving boundary and initial-boundary value problems for partial differential equations. The main part of the book is devoted to the construction, justification and algorithmic implementation of methods, as well as the construction of various types of preconditioners, the use of which allows to increase the efficiency of iterative methods. At the end of each chapter, information is provided that complements its content and allows the reader to navigate through a structured list of cited publications. The book contains three appendices, one of which is a summary of information from linear algebra used in various chapters. The book includes a large number of algorithms implementing these methods, and a detailed subject index.

The book will be useful to specialists who use existing effective grid methods to solve differential equations, and to researchers engaged in the development of new methods. It will be useful for university students and postgraduates specializing in numerical methods and applied mathematics.

Keywords: direct methods, iterative methods, convergence, preconditioning, grid equations, systems of linear equations, sparse matrices

Механика и электромагнетизм Mechanics and Electromagnetism

The manual is based on a course of lectures on mechanics and electricity, which are read to first-year students of Chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Мир Заболоцкого Zabolotsky’s World

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual deals with N.A. Zabolotsky’s intense moral and spiritual quest, the unique nature of his aesthetic concept, his formulation and solution of universal human questions of life and death, truth and beauty, good and evil. Much attention is paid to the process of the poet’s formation of his philosophical world outlook, his encounter with science and K.E. Tsiolkovsky’s ideas. Noting the innovative nature of Zabolotsky's poetry, the author traces its connection with the tradition of 18th and 19th century Russian philosophical lyrics and recreates the mental attitude of the artist whose influence is strongly felt in the 20th century.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, senior pupils, entrants and philologists.

Мифы и реальность Древней Греции Myths and Reality of Ancient Greece

The subject matter of this book is the main historical and cultural monuments of ancient Greek pre-literate and written periods; mythology is compared with archeology and is also seen as a historical monument; the book traces the evolution of culture from the depths of savagery to the heights of the intellect.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, but contains material that may also be of interest to specialists.

Многомерная статистика: гауссовские линейные модели Multidimensional Statistics: Gaussian Linear Models

The book outlines the statistics of Gaussian, i.e., normally distributed, random variables which is the most developed to date. The core of the book is the general theory of multidimensional linear models, represented geometrically. It examines as one single whole their specific forms (dispersion analysis, regression analysis) which used to be studied separately. The mathematical apparatus is based on the modules over rings of square matrices endowed with matrix-valued scalar multiplication. For multidimensional data, this structure replaces vector algebra. The correlation theory is expounded based on linear models and the new concept of matrix correlation, The reader is expected to have a good knowledge of mathematical analysis, linear algebra and the basics of probability theory and mathematical statistics.

The book may be useful to anyone who is interested in mathematical statistics, especially, to students and graduate students of mathematical and economic faculties.

The book can form the basis of a one-term lecture course.

Многочлены действительные и комплексные. Теоремы и задачи Real and complex polynomials. Theorems and problemsReal and complex polynomials. Theorems and problems

The book contains about a thousand tasks that can be used in the study of algebra in both regular and specialized physics and mathematics classes and in preparation for the Unified State Exam and other exams and mathematical Olympiads up to the highest level. It can serve as an addition to the well-known problem books used in secondary and higher school.

It contains collections of problems on the main topics studied at school: algebraic and trigonometric equations and systems, solving algebraic and trigonometric inequalities, proving inequalities, complex numbers. The issues that go beyond the scope of the school curriculum, but accessible to the understanding of schoolchildren, are considered. The necessary theoretical information is presented in the form of task cycles.

The book contains both easy and difficult problems that were offered at mathematical Olympiads at one time or contain non-trivial facts from theory that go beyond the scope of the program. Some tasks are left without instructions and solutions, teachers can use them for training exams and Olympiads.

The book is of interest to both schoolchildren and students, teachers and all lovers of mathematics.

Моделирование нелинейной динамики глобальных процессов Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamics of Global Processes

The monograph examines global processes in inanimate nature, the organic world and social life from the perspective of nonlinear dynamics. It discusses the modern picture of the world and the place nonlinear science occupies in it, classifies global processes and characterizes models of global evolution processes of the Earth, life and society as well as the world economy and politics.

For a wide range of specialists in the field of Earth sciences, life, society and global process modeling.

The book will also be useful to graduate students and university students whose future profession is related to global studies and mathematical modeling of processes of a different nature as well as to all those who are interested in global research.

Модернизация государственного управления: институты и интересы Modernization of Public Administration: Institutions and Interests

The book presents a mechanism for modernizing public administration, which includes priority goals of national economic and social development in its political agenda. It shows the role of such mechanisms as the political market, lobbyism and accountability. Much attention is paid to the institutional design of reforms. The author presents factors that determine both the success and failure of institutional construction in public administration.

The book will be of interest to specialists in the field of public administration, students of management, economics and political science and all those who are interested in the problems of political development.

Мозговой штурм Brainstorm

The author talks with Russian scientists about the origins of our problems and modernization prospects and about ways to involve young people in building ‘a knowledge economy’. His essays introduce readers to the unique scientific centers of the past and today many of which still operate under cover of strict secrecy. Among the heroes of the book are Nobel laureates and ‘fringe scholars’, 18th century inventors who did not get any recognition and ordinary residents of restricted-access cities.

Молекулярная биология. Структура и функции белков Molecular Biology. Structure and Functions

The book (the first and second editions were published by the Higher School Publishing House in 1996 and 2002, respectively) completes the line of textbooks on ‘Molecular Biology’ (‘Molecular Biology: The Structure of the Ribosome and the Protein Biosynthesis’- 1986, ‘Molecular Biology. Structure and Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acids’ - 1989). It examines major elements of protein structure and functioning, all levels of structure organization of these biopolymers and discusses the specifics of functioning of the most important protein types – transport and fibrillar enzymes. The book briefly considers the properties of amino acids and peptides, post-translational modification reactions.

Молекулярная микробиология. Учебник для вузов Molecular Microbiology. Textbook for colleges and universities

The textbook summarizes major modern techniques and methods of working with carriers of microorganisms’ genetic information – DNA and RNA molecules that are isolated from experimental samples in biochemical, molecular biological, genetic engineering and environmental studies in microbiology.

This is the first textbook to present generalized materials on molecular methods of working with mixed cultures of microorganisms and techniques for analyzing microbial communities.

It is intended for students studying in biological specialties, postgraduate students, teachers and researchers who are interested in molecular biology and genetic engineering methods and their application in the study of physiology and ecology of microorganisms.

Мораль в политике. Хрестоматия Morality in politics. Reader
The works of foreign thinkers of the 20th century on the role and possibilities of violence and non-violence in politics are presented. Texts representing different ideological and conceptual approaches are united, in addition to their common issues, by the strong resonance that they had in the social consciousness of their contemporaries. Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid in the discipline “Political Science” for university students studying at humanitarian specialties and areas. From the contents: Jean-Paul Sartre. Preface to Frantz Fanon's book Branded with a Curse. - Frantz Fanon. About violence. - Ernesto Che Guevara. Guerrilla warfare: method. - Mahatma Gandhi. Speeches and articles on nonviolence and nonviolent resistance. - Vaclav Havel. The power of the powerless. - Hannah Arendt. About violence. - Reinhold Niebuhr. The conflict between the individual and public morality. - Bernard Williams Politics and the Moral Person. - Georg Lukács Articles and letters on ethics and politics. “The reader is offered, in fashionable terms, an exquisite installation, thanks to which Fanon and Sartre, Che Guevara and Lukács, Gandhi and Niebuhr, Havel and Arend were united in a single discursive space. Almost all the texts were published for the first time in Russian, and some of the authors, for example, Fanon or Che Guevara, were still generally known to the Russian reader either indirectly or unilaterally. By and large, this also applies to Lukács, a figure of the first magnitude on the philosophical horizon of the twentieth century, who is completely insufficiently known among us. Lukács, who combined different thought traditions and is associated for the majority with unorthodox Marxism, significantly expanded the philosophical, political and, more broadly, intellectual spectrum of the anthology; It is no coincidence that his articles and letters published in the book are accompanied by a separate commentary by S. N. Zemlyanoy.” (R. G. Apresyan)
Морфология русского языка. В помощь редактору Morphology of the Russian language. Editors' Helper

The manual is the description of morphological structure of modern Russian language from the standpoint of common conceptual basis. Objective is to improve the benefits and systematization of knowledge of students in accordance with the program of course MSU «Modern Russian. Morphology». Theoretical course accom­pany exercises, using materials of literature, the media and complete the final test papers.

The manual is intended for students, postgraduate students, teachers of Rus­sian, as well as the editors of media texts.

Московские клиники. Избранные главы Moscow Clinics. Selected Chapters

Based on lecture and seminar materials, the manual presents the historical period of the 19th – 20th century development of Russian medicine illustrating it with the examples of Moscow hospitals. It speaks in detail about the history of six major Moscow clinics, which were named in honor of great Russian physicians, graduates of the medical faculty of Moscow University. At the end of each chapter it gives some background information about the scientists (N.V. Sklifosovsky, N.I. Pirogov, A.A. Ostroumov, S.P. Botkin, G.A. Zakharyin, E.M. Tareev).

For students, interns, graduate students, doctors and all those who are interested in the history of the national health care system.

Московский университет и советский атомный проект Moscow University and the Soviet Atomic Project

The book tells a story about the involvement of MSU-related scientists and specialists – its graduates, teachers and staff members – in creating Soviet nuclear weapons and our country’s nuclear industry. It contains many previously classified materials and fills in the blank pages in the history of Moscow University.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 1 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume I

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition.

Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 3 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume III

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 4 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume IV

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 5 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume V.

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 6 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume VI.

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Key words: Sutra, The Lotus Sutra, religion, Shakyamuni, Buddhism, Nichiren, Buddhist philosophy, humanism, dignity of life.

Музеи университетов Евразийской ассоциации Museums of the Eurasian Association Universities

This annotated reference book Museums of the Euroasian Association Universities, prepared by the Scientific and Methodological Center of University Museums of the EAU and The Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University, contains information about 222 museums of Russia and CIS countries (members of the Euroasian Universities Association).

The reference book also gives additional information on 50 university museums which collaborate with the Scientific and Methodological Center of University Museums, but are not members of the EAU yet. Provided information can be helpful in the coordination of educational, scientific and exhibitory, scientific and fund, and research work as well as in inter-museum communication.

The book is intended for employees of higher educational establishments and museums, teachers of secondary schools and other educational and cultural institutions of Russia and neighboring states.

Н.В. Гоголь. Жизнь и творчество Gogol: Life and Art

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The book contains the analysis of Gogol’s main works – the comedy ‘The Inspector General’ and the poem ‘Dead Souls’. It considers in detail the fate of the second volume and reveals features of Gogol's poetics, covering those aspects of the writer's biography and creativity that were rarely addressed by pre-revolutionary and Soviet literary critique: his book ‘Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends’, ‘A Trip to Jerusalem, “Trips to Optina Pustyn”. The author recreates the spiritual and moral appearance of Gogol as a writer and a person.

The book is addressed to high school students, applicants, students, teachers of literature, philologists and all those who are interested in Russian literature.

На войне остаться человеком: Фронтовые страницы русской прозы 1960‒1990-х годов Remaining a Human Being in Wartime: War Front Pages of 1960s – 1990s Russian Prose

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual analyzes the works by the greatest masters of 1960s-1990s Russian military prose who became an organic part of the current school curricula — K. Simonov, Yu. Bondarev, V. Astafyev, K. Vorobiev, G. Baklanov, V. Bogomolov. The reader will undoubtedly find it useful to get acquainted with the analysis of the short stories and novelettes by V. Nekrasov, A. Platonov, M. Sholokhov, with the process of approximating through the artistic word toward the full truth about man at war, about his courage, sorrow of loss and nobleness. Russian military prose will appear here as a very dynamic system of texts with complex interrelations, volatile narrative structures and vivid creative individualities. The book shows the interaction between war prose and the overall literary process of the 60s – 90s.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.

На рубеже веков. Диалоги об образовании и воспитании At the Turn of the Century. Dialogues about Education and Upbringing

Two well-known and highly acclaimed specialists in the international educational community - Dr D. Ikeda, a creator and head of the Soka educational system (Japan), and V. Sadovnichy, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, participate in dialogues on the role and place of universities in the globalizing world.

This central question in the dialogues is in the process of being scientifically formulated rather than being studied on an advanced level. From this point of view, this book is an important step forward in understanding and developing the essence of the question that is in all respects complex and admitting of numerous approaches to its solution.

На рубеже веков. Разговор о главном At the Turn of the Century. Talking about the Main Thing

The founder and head of the Soka educational system (Japan), Dr D. Ikeda and V.A. Sadovnichy, Rector of the Moscow State University named, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, continue the dialogue on education and upbringing, which has been continuing for the past 15 years.

The first part of the book repeats the 2004 edition. Its main theme is the role and place of universities in the globalizing world. The second and new part of the dialogue can be tentatively called ‘The Future. Loss of Certainty ... ‘. Reflections on this subject form the essence of the ‘conversation about the main thing’.

Нанохимия Nanochemistry

This book is the first Russian monograph devoted to nanochemistry, a new and rapidly developing area of science associated with obtaining and studying the physico-chemical properties of particles measuring several nanometers in size. Such particles may have a high reactivity over a wide range of temperatures. By using various elements as examples the book shows that research in the field of nanochemistry opens up new possibilities for synthesizing substances and nanomaterials with hitherto unknown properties. The main attention is paid to the specifics of obtaining and transforming atoms, clusters and metal nanoparticles chemically. Its special sections are devoted to carbon and works on the cryochemistry of atoms and metal nanoparticles. Several chapters examine dimensional effects in chemistry and prospects for developing nanochemistry.

The monograph is of interest for those who would like to get acquainted with the new area, which closely intertwines ideas of chemistry, physics, materials science, and, more recently, biology and medicine. The book will be useful to scientists and teachers who develop specific areas of nanoscience, students and postgraduate students who would like to dedicate themselves to this new and promising 21st century science.

Нас называли ночными ведьмами We were called the night witches
A unique women's night bomber regiment was created in 1942 and ended its combat journey near Berlin. Irina Rakobolskaya, chief of staff of the regiment, and Natalya Kravtsova, pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, remember their fellow soldiers, night flights under anti-aircraft fire, and how women lived during the war. 10 girls from Moscow University also fought in the regiment; they interrupted their studies and voluntarily went to the front. Published with financial support from Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Настоящее прошлое. Нулевые годы в заметках обозревателя «МК» The Present Past. The Zero Years in the Notes of the 'MK' Observer

The book contains the columns and reports by Yuilia Kalinina, a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper which she wrote in 1999–2009. The articles incorportated in the collection reflect major events of the past decade that were hotly discussed by Russian society and left their mark on the history of the ‘Zero’ years. Those events appear here as they were portrayed in the newspapers of the time. This makes it possible to trace their chronology and at the same time to see them unfold through the eyes of contemporaries who perceived the events as actually happening in real life rather history.

The book is intended for university students and teachers of journalism as well as all those who are interested in modern Russian publicistic writing.

Наука и религия. Диалоги Science and Religion. Dialogues

This book is a collection of all the dialogues that were conducted between Academician A. Logunov, a Soviet Russian prominent physicist and a former rector of the Moscow State University, and D. Ikeda, a Japanese philosopher and the founder of Soka University, for a quarter of a century, in two different – Soviet and Russian – periods. In their dialogue ‘Science and Religion’, the scholars attempt to find common ground between Buddhist philosophy and advanced scientific views and discuss problems of modern civilization and mankind’s spiritual growth. In the dialogue ‘The Third Rainbow Bridge’ where they compare national peculiarities and socio-economic differences of the two countries, they are engaged in the search for humanistic views, which are common for all people in order to promote development of beneficial relations between countries and peoples.

Наука на Архангельском Севере Science in the Arkhangelsk North

The essay presents the history of science in the Arkhangelsk North from the 18th century to the present day. Each chapter is devoted to the history of the emergence and activities of one of the academic scientific organizations in the Arkhangelsk province and the Arkhangelsk region. Arkhangelsk scientists pay particular attention to the exploration of polar seas and Novaya Zemlya and continuation of the Lomonosov traditions today.

Национальный вопрос и государственное строительство: проблемы России и опыт зарубежных стран The Nationalities Question and State Construction: the Problems of Russia and the Experience of Foreign Countries

This publication includes materials of the annual conference of scholars and practitioners in the field of state studies, which was organized by the Department of Constitutional Law, the Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. and is dedicated to the memory of famous scientists who have worked at the department.

For students, graduate students, teachers and staff members of law school and universities, and those who are involved in the practical work of central and local government bodies.

Неаполь и его окрестности. Века. Люди. Искусство Naples and its Environs. Centuries. People. Art

The book presents important historical and artistic material that is little known to the Russian reader. It consists of two chapters, name and subject indexes and illustrations.

The first chapter is devoted to the ancient monuments of the famous cities located near Naples (Cuma, Paestum, Capua, Puteoli, Phlegraean Fields and Capri, Pompeii, Herculaneum,). The second chapter deals about Naples and its richest museums, the history of its centuries-old culture from antiquity to modern times. A special section highlights the theme of Naples as a city of music.

For students of the humanities and a wide range of readers.

Негосударственный финансовый контроль Non-State Financial Supervision

The monograph deals with the theoretical aspects of non-state financial supervision. The author attempts to elaborate the theoretical conclusions she made earlier and to introduce them into the practical plane of the current Russian legislation.

For students and teachers of law schools and experts in the field of financial law.

Незаданные вопросы гуманитарного образования Unsolved Issues of Liberal Arts Education

The book consists of three parts. The first part sets forth the humanistic goals of the system of teaching methods, which the author created based on emotions and images and has successfully been using in additional education for twenty years.

The second part contains creative works by the author's pupils (poems and prose) which reflect in a vivid and new way the view of the world and the emotions of the generation that embarks on its professional career in the early 21st century priding themselves on belonging to Russian national culture and having an open mind on the achievements of world culture.

In her third part which analyzes her pupils’ creative writings the author builds a conceptual basis for the humanistic aspect of modern education and upbringing.

Неизгнанная  мысль. Филология П.М. Бицилли. The Unbanished Thought. Philology of P.M. Bitsilli

The monograph is the first attempt to summarize and systematize the philological views of the outstanding Russian émigré scholar Peter Mikhailovich Bitsilli. It analyzes in detail the scholar’s linguocultural and sociolinguistic concept, his views on the nature of poetic speech, the formation and existence of the norm in the language, the main stages of the history of Russian literary language development.

The book is of interest both for philologists and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the history of Russian science and the fate of Russian émigrés.

Нейрокомпьютерная парадигма и общество Neurocomputer Paradigm and Society

This multi-authored monograph is dedicated to the application of neuro-computer and some related models in different spheres of social and humanitarian knowledge (political studies, sociology, administration, business ethics, economics) and also fundamental problems of the neuro-computer paradigm development.

The book can be useful for the specialists in various fields of neuro-computing, political forecasting, administration sociology, organization management and state administration as well as for everyone interested in the perspectives of development and application of the neural network technologies, neuro-computers and neuro-modelling, including post-graduates and students of technical, biological and social science specialties.

Нелинейные дифференциальные уравнения (pdf) Nonlinear differential equations (pdf)
Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. The book reflects the content of the course “Nonlinear Differential Equations”. The publication derives a number of nonlinear partial differential equations that model various processes. Effective methods for studying equations are discussed. Problems with solutions, problems for independent solution and a literature review are proposed. The manual is intended for master's students in the specialty 01.04.02 “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, and will also be useful for students and graduate students of physics and mathematics.
Неметаллические полезные ископаемые Nonmetallic Minerals

The manual examines such major non-metallic minerals as apatites, phosphorites, sodium, potassium and potassium-magnesium salts, sulfur, boron, asbestos, etc, as well as piezo-optical raw materials, precious and ornamental stones, various rocks as construction materials. It gives major geological-industrial and genetic types of deposits as illustrated by numerous Russian and foreign industrial facilities.

It describes typomorphic deposits of the above chemical elements, minerals, crystals and cryptocrystalline rock substances; their geological structure, the size and composition of ore bodies and considers their genesis, and in some cases the mining and technical conditions, the methods and scales of their development, the quality of the raw materials, its processing and use. The geological description of some deposits is given for the first time.

For students, undergraduates and post-graduate students of geological departments and faculties of universities.

Немецкие сказки. Тексты и упражнения German fairy tales. Texts and exercises
The book is one of the components of the educational complex for students of humanities faculties of universities studying German, and is designed for independent work by students under the guidance of a teacher. The book is provided with line-by-line comments. The texts of the second and third sections are given a brief annotation containing biographical information about the writers and information about the history of the creation of the work.
Немецкий язык

The textbook contains an introduction (about the Germanic group of languages, about the historical periods of development of the German language, about the political structure of Germany), an introductory phonetic course (with rules of pronunciation, reading, stress, types of intonation, texts, poems, songs), a basic course (with texts about universities in different countries and on current topics), as well as exercises on phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and word formation of the German language.

The textbook is accompanied by a reference book on German grammar, which is referenced in the main course. The purpose of the textbook is to give students the skills of oral speech, reading German fiction, journalistic, scientific literature, and also to familiarize them to a certain extent with the culture of the countries of the language being studied.

Немецкий язык для студентов-историков. Практический курс German for history students. Practical course
The manual contains a detailed presentation of sections of German grammar, historical texts, grammatical and lexical exercises. The purpose of the manual is to familiarize students with the basic grammatical phenomena of the German language, teach them to see the grammatical structure of the text for its understanding and translation, and instill in them the skills of independent practical application of acquired knowledge both in oral and written speech. The manual will help students master the grammatical system of the language necessary for communication, i.e. in speaking, listening, as well as in understanding foreign language literature and the ability to extract key information from original sources. For students of history departments at universities who are focused on a long period of study, especially for those starting to study German as a second foreign language.
Необыкновенная история. Истинные события The Extraordinary Story. True Events

Ivan Goncharov's autobiographical novel ‘The Extraordinary Story’, dated 1875-1876, partially 1878-1879, is almost unknown to the modern reader. The storyline of these highly interesting memoirs is devoted to the creative conflict between Goncharov and Turgenev.

For a wide range of readers.

Неорганическая медицинская химия Inorganic Medical Chemistry

The textbook “Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry” is devoted to describing new interdisciplinary trend as a part of medicinal chemistry and the use and development of metal-based drugs.

Неорганическая химия. Химия элементов. В 2-х томах Inorganic chemistry. Chemistry of elements. Vol. 1

The textbook systematically describes the course of inorganic chemistry (chemistry of elements) in accordance with the standard program of the discipline "Inorganic Chemistry" for chemical faculties of state universities on the basis of a long-period version of the Periodic system of Mendeleev. Structural data, the basics of the valence bond method, the theory of the crystal field, molecular orbitals, the modern version of the polarization theory, the Gillepsi method are widely used. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching inorganic chemistry at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of Chemical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For students of chemical faculties of universities, it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and anyone interested in inorganic chemistry or working in this field.

Нигилизм или консерватизм? Русская интеллигенция в истории политики и мысли Nihilism or Conservatism? Russian Intelligentsia in the History of Politics and Thought

The book includes a study of ‘Political Culture of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia. An Experience of Conceptual Analysis’ and other works of different periods written by Professor A.A. Shirinyants, head of the history of socio-political studies department of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It is devoted to the problems of history, phenomenology and ideology of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia.

For political scientists, philosophers, anyone who is interested in the history of socio-political thought in Russia.

Николай Рубцов Nikolay Rubtsov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual is devoted to the poetry of N.M. Rubtsov, a major Russian lyricist of the second half of the 20th century, which is rooted in the national classical and folklore tradition. It gives an outline of the poet’s life and creative path, examines the features of his artistic world that determine the main themes and motifs of the lyrics, characterizes the genre and style peculiarity of his poetry and analyzes the most significant of his poems.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students of philology and a wide range of readers.

Нилова Пустынь. Монастырь и мир The Nilov Monastery. Monastery and the World

The book is dedicated to the Russian Orthodox shrine which was once famous and is now being revived – the Nilo-Stolobenskaya Pustyn or Nilov Monastery on the island of Stolobny on Lake Seliger in the Upper Volga region. It presents the history of the monastery, its spiritual and cultural traditions, symbolism, architecture and planning of the monastic complex, development of church arts. The author traces the formation of the iconic and sculptural image of Reverend Nil of Stolobny, a Russian saint and miracle-worker.

For historians, art historians, painters, restorers and all those who are interested in the history and culture of Russia.

Новое в школьных программах. Русская поэзия ХХ в. Innovations in the School Curriculum. Twentieth Century Russian Poetry

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

In this book, the reader will find under one cover two issues of the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series. One of them analyzes the art of poets from among those who defined the face of Russian lyric poetry from the pre-October period to the mid twentieth century. Special attention is paid to the creations by the two most illustrious Silver Age poets – Alexander Blok and Anna Akhmatova. The other issue contains articles about poets whose artistic gift revealed itself vividly later on in the post-war decades.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students, philologists, and all lovers of Russian literature.

Новый миллениум для России: путь в будущее The New Millennium for Russia: A Road to the Future

The work is the eighth book of the ‘Theoretical Political Science: The World of Russia and Russia in the World’ series following the publication of ‘The Philosophy of Power’, 1993; ‘Russia: the Experience of National and State Ideology’, 1994; ‘Philosophy of Politics’, 1994; ‘Political Anthropology’, 1995; ‘Reforms and Counter-Reforms in Russia’, 1996; Russian Statehood: Origins, Traditions, Perspectives’, 1997; Russian Civilization: Content, Boundaries, Opportunities’, 2000). In discussing the eternal Russian problem of disharmonious components of the social order (values, power, people, economic and political systems), the author makes serious generalizations regarding the conditions for optimizing generative, socially-changing resources, voluntary discipline and cooperation in achieving ideals.

For social scientists and a wide readership.

Ностальгия. Избранные стихи Nostalgia. Selected Poems
Chong Di Yong is the founder of modern Korean poetry, who gave it the rhythm of a new era and a modern sound. The features of his lyrics are the moderate use of sensual poetic vocabulary, allegory, symbol and personification, which form the basis of the technique of alienation. It is they who allowed his poems to take a worthy place among the masterpieces of modern Korean poetry.
О Гейдельбергской обезьяне. Современная латынь.

De simia Heidelbergensi. Liber ad usum discentium Linguam Latinam hodiernam denuo editus. Appendix ad praecepta «Linguae humanitatisque Latinae» Ordinis professorum qui linguas peregrinas et regionum proprietates explorant in Studiorum Universitate Mosquensi Lomonosoviana.

О политической науке. Избранные произведения About Political Science. Selected Works

This publication contains the selected works of Fedor M. Burlatsky, a famous scholar and author, one of the founders of modern Russian political science, a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, which he wrote for more than half a century of his creative activity. The book deals with the formation of political science in the USSR and modern Russia, the current problems of political science research including the formation of political systems, institutions and processes. The author pays special attention to the phenomenon of political leadership.

For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, all those who are interested in political science.

Образ жизни современного француза: праздники и будни Modern French people’s way of life

The textbook contains original non-adapted materials on cultural-specific, general cultural and everyday life subjects. It includes texts, vocabulary, exercises, and, in certain cases, lexical-grammatical comments.

For university students, postgraduates, school pupils and everyone who continues his or her study of the French language and culture.

Обратные задачи Штурма - Лиувилля с нераспадающимися краевыми условиями Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems with Self-Adjoint Non-Separated Boundary Conditions

The present monograph provides the first systematic analysis of inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions. The work summarizes and complements the results, which the author obtained and published in journal articles.

The book consists of three chapters. The first chapter proves the earliest theorems on the uniqueness of solutions of inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions; to prove their point the authors used the method of mapping of solution spaces. The second chapter presents the author’s theorems on the uniqueness, solvability and stability of solutions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions, and a pencil of differential operators. Appropriate examples and counterexamples are also given. In contrast to the first part, the basic method for solving inverse problems is the one of auxiliary problems rather than one of mapping solution spaces. The third chapter presents the results of reconstructing the boundary conditions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with the known differential equation.

Общая геология General geology
Printed in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook reflects modern data and ideas on the Earth as a planet, its place in the solar system and in the Universe. Basic information about the internal structure of the Earth and methods for studying it, about the geophysical fields of the Earth and the processes that change its surface is presented. Methods for determining the relative and absolute age of rocks and the geochronological scale, as well as the main endogenous and exogenous processes, tectonics of lithospheric plates, technogenic impact on the geological environment and the initial concepts of nonlinear geology are considered. The use of graphs, tables and pictures makes it easier to learn the material. A list of recommended further reading is provided for each chapter. The textbook is intended for the students of geological specialties and anyone interested in geology.
Общая геоморфология General Geomorphology

The textbook deals with the history of the development of geomorphological science and provides general information on landscape and factors that determine the formation of topographic features; it describes endogenous and exogenous processes and the topographic features they create. Much attention is paid to slope processes, as well as geomorphological processes occurring on the World Ocean floor. The third edition incorporates changes and additions made in accordance with the latest achievements of science and includes graphical appendixes.
For university students of geography, geology, mining and a wide range of specialists in the Earth’s topography and its evolution.

Общественное мнение в рекламе и связях с общественностью Public Opinion in Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising and public relations operate in the social space solving their professional tasks and dealing with the mass consciousness or with its relevant social cross-section – public opinion.
For public relations and advertising the study of public opinion is to research public reaction to these activities, company image, goods. services produced by such company and implications of its activities. Studying interrelationships between PR and advertising activities and public opinion has a pragmatic meaning: it helps these corporate institutions to function in society in a more effective way.

Общественное мнение и журналистика Public Opinion and Journalism

The manual examines the relationship of journalism and public opinion. Journalism is understood here as a structure, process, professional activity of collecting, processing, managing according to certain standards, transferring socially significant information in society for solving certain tasks remotely on a regular basis. Public opinion is a conglomeration of opinions, interests, preferences, likes and dislikes, relationships, behavioral patterns in society. This explains the mutual interest of journalism to public opinion, since this world of opinions characterizes society. Public opinion is interested in journalism, because the structures that study public opinion supply the public with this information. The process of studying public opinion, the methodological apparatus of surveys is professional knowledge. Journalists, too, should have it. The Book is addressed to students of journalism faculties.

Обществознание. Термины и понятия. Справочник школьника и абитуриента Social Studies. Terms and Concepts. Handbook for Schoolchildren and Applicants
The reference book reveals the meaning of key terms and concepts for social science disciplines. The reference book is compiled on the basis of many years of teaching experience gained by the author at the Open Lyceum "All-Russian Correspondence Multidisciplinary School" at the Russian Academy of Education and at the School of Young Entrepreneurs at the Economics Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The information presented is useful for studying the course "Social Science", for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the entrance exam to higher educational institutions in this subject.
Ода величию духа Ode to the Grand Spirit. Dialogues
The dialogue between Chingiz Aitmatov and the Japanese thinker Daisaku Ikeda is devoted to problems that have always worried humanity and that have arisen quite recently. The influence of literature on the formation of a child as an individual, self-awareness and the power of self-analysis, the traditional origins of Eastern thinking, motherhood and childhood, world religions and the influence of culture on politics. The topics of their conversations are varied and complex.
Океанические скарноиды Oceanic Skarnoids

The book, consisting of 12 chapters, presents the author’s improved Concept of the oceanic skarnoids which he recently published in the book ‘The New Paradigm minerageny’ (2010). Chapter 1 deals with databases, and parameters fields of ocean skarnoids, including such ‘key’ depostits as Uludag, Felbertal, Tyrnyauz, Yaogansyan, Shichzhuyuan, Srkytoye, Kiyalyh Uzen, Bayan. Chapter 2 is devoted to mineral resources bases of tungsten, molybdenum and tin in leading countries (China, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia). Chapters 3, 4 and 5 contain descriptions of 100 deposits of oceanic skarnoids. Chapter 6 speaks about the basic geological features, genesis models, field types, geological features and search criteria of major stratiform deposits of the oceanic skarnoid class. The history and the priorities of the concept of ocean skarnoids are given in Chapter 7. Chapters 8 and 9 contain information about the domestic and foreign ore provinces of oceanic skarnoids. Chapter 10 examines deposits with affinity for the skarnoid W, Mo, Sn deposits: 1) Skarnoid Fe, Cu deposits; 2) W, Au deposits of Muruntau Olimpiada, Kumtor and others. Chapter 11 is devoted to the issues of further developing the Concept of Oceanic skarnoids including the genesis and sources of ore material, elaborate search features and criteria as well as deep-water drilling in the Gulf of California in the Pescadero and Farallon pull-apart basins. Chapter 12 covers prospects and some projects for identifying the largest deposits of the ocean skarnoid class.
For geologist-surveyors and specialists in the field of regional geology and minerals, for students and postgraduates.

Опера о чуме (pdf) The Opera on the Plague (pdf)
Recommended by the Academic Council of the State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology as a textbook for in-depth study by students of medical, biological and veterinary institutions of higher education, as a teaching aid for students of professional training courses on working with pathogens of especially dangerous infections. The book examines the plague, the most dangerous bacterial infection that has caused three terrible pandemics in human history. The author proposes to look at the well-known subject from a different angle: from the point of view of the bacterium itself, which is the prima in the opera (Italian “business”) of life, and its influence on history and culture; from the point of view of the destinies of people - heroes and war criminals. The book includes a large number of illustrations and descriptions of clinical cases, therefore it is addressed to medical students for in-depth study. It can also be used by students of biological and veterinary universities, residents, in advanced training courses for doctors and in training specialists in working with pathogens of especially dangerous infections. In addition, the language of presentation allows us to recommend it to everyone who is interested in the amazingly dangerous world of microorganisms, and is also preparing to enter a university.
Определитель лишайников болот бореальной и тундровой зон России The determinant of lichens of bogs of boreal and tundra zones of Russia

The proposed determinant based on modern ideas about the systematics of lichens makes it possible to make up for the lack of knowledge of these organisms in swamp ecosystems. The first sections provide brief information about the biology, ecology, practical significance of lichens, and methods of study necessary for the identification of species. In the main part, various keys are given for determining lichens (genera, lichen species, taking into account their substrate confinement and in the absence of fruit bodies); diagnoses of 107 genera are given, before which keys are given for determining the species of these genera, as well as diagnoses of 345 species. After the name of the species, its synonyms are given, and after the diagnosis of the species, the types of swamps and the substrates on which these taxa occur in swamps are indicated. 

The determinant is designed for botanists, geographers, employees of specially protected natural areas, students, postgraduates, as well as nature lovers interested in lichens.

Организационное поведение Organizational Behavior. A Manual

The textbook analyzes problems facing organizations and employees in the 21st century. In addition to the fundamentals of organizational behavior, it examines the current state of rapidly developing organizations that face uncertainty, constant change and the impact of high technologies. It presents various models, technologies and tools of business changes aimed at radical organizational transformations. The manual contains a brief overview of the theoretical material, practical assignments and examples of case studies with a breakdown by topic, materials for students’ independent work and homework, recommendations for writing term and diploma papers. The manual is intended for students of economic specialties.

Организация и рынок: противоборство или согласие Organization and market: confrontation or agreement
Organization and market are not just elements of economic space. They represent special systems of rules of human behavior. They create unique scenarios of interaction between individuals and groups of the population. They are specifically fixed in the culture of different countries. In the age of globalization and high technology, the relationships between organizations and markets have become much more complicated. This book will help you understand the modern intricacies of these socio-economic institutions. It is intended for everyone who, for various reasons, is interested in the socio-philosophical and sociological understanding of the economic life of society - students, graduate students, teachers, managers and entrepreneurs.
Основы геоинформатики в археологии Fundamentals of geoinformatics in archeology
The textbook “Fundamentals of Geoinformatics in Archeology” includes 11 sections corresponding to six lectures (introduction to GIS, basics of cartography, use of global satellite positioning data and remote sensing data in archeology, geophysical and non-destructive methods in archeology) and five practical classes (basics of working with desktop GIS Maplnfo 8.0, Arc View 3.1 and ArcGIS 9.0; introduction to spatial analysis and the use of three-dimensional models in GIS). The manual is equipped with an electronic CD with numerous illustrations, several examples of working in GIS, as well as an extensive list of recommended literature for each section. The publication is intended for archaeologists, historians and a wide range of readers interested in the use of geoinformation methods in archaeology.
Основы гидрогеологии Fundamentals of hydrogeology

The textbook discusses the composition and structure of the underground hydrosphere, types of groundwater and conditions of their formation, the principles of hydrogeological zoning and the main types of hydrogeological areas problems of use and protection of groundwater: fresh mineral therapeutic, industrial and thermal power, as well as methods of field hydrogeological work, widely used in various types of research and surveys.

For students studying in the direction of "Geology", it can be used when reading the course "Hydrogeology" ("General Hydrogeology") to students of the specialties "Hydrology" and "Geoecology" of geographical faculties of universities, as well as for students studying in the specialty "Prospecting and exploration of groundwater and engineering geological surveys" of technical universities.

Основы глобалистики Fundamentals of globalism

The manual includes materials for self-preparation to the examination in the course “Introduction to Globalistics”. The book outlines the subject field of global studies, and topical issues of Globalistics as an integrative science. The manual covers the basic categories of Globalistics: global issues, global processes and systems, globalization, sustainable development.

Основы лингвистики речи Fundamentals of Speech Linguistics

The book outlines the basics of speech linguistics, a new branch of linguistics and a new scientific discipline and defines its subject, methods of research, goals, tasks and prospects of study. It considers speech in theoretically and practical terms as a relatively independent area, an aspect of the single complex ‘language – speech’ phenomenon and examines in detail the components of the process of speech activity (speech production): Addressee (speech producer) – Speech (code, message) – Addressee. It shows the specificity of speech, patterns of its development and operation, the importance of speech linguistics for functional and practical stylistics, speech culture, rhetoric, general linguistics and modern scientific areas such as pragmalinguistics, anthropocentric linguistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics and others. The work is intended for a wide range of readers – university students, post-graduate students, teachers of journalism and philology as well as for all those who are interested in the Russian language, its purity and expressiveness.

Основы математической обработки наблюдательных и экспериментальных данных для астрономов Fundamentals of mathematical processing of observational and experimental data for astronomers
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook contains information from mathematical statistics for the initial processing of observational and experimental data, and is also provided with examples, including from the author’s research. The conclusions of formulas that are usually not given in similar literature are presented. The manual is supplemented with materials on probability theory, combinatorics, linear algebra, necessary for solving a wide range of applied statistical problems. The publication is addressed to students of physics departments of universities studying in the areas 03.00.00 “Physics and Astronomy” in the specialty 03.05.01 “Astronomy” (specialty), as well as for researchers.
Основы математической теории пограничного слоя Fundamentals of the Mathematical Theory of the Boundary Layer

The book contains the first presentation of the theory of the boundary layer from the standpoint of the theory of differential equations. It presents a new approach to the concepts of the asymptotic series and the pseudo-analytic function. The boundary layer is represented as a pseudoanalytic function. The new approach based on the method of regularization of singular perturbations made it possible to formulate a criterion for the correctness of the mathematical description of the boundary layer and to develop a regular theory for singularly perturbed problems. The book is intended for mathematicians, specialists in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, physicists, applied mathematicians and engineers who have to deal with problems describing the motion of a viscous flow and with rigid systems of differential equations.

Основы метода динамической регуляции Basics of the method of dynamic regulation
The book is based on a course of lectures given by the authors at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University. For the first time in educational literature, the dynamic regularization method developed by Yu.S. Osipov and his students is presented - a method for solving unstable inverse problems for systems of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, etc. For the sake of completeness, the presentation includes auxiliary material from functional analysis, which is necessary for rigorous mathematical formulations of the inverse problems under consideration and justification of the convergence issues of the presented method. For undergraduate and graduate students of universities studying in the specialty "Applied Mathematics".
Основы нейтронографии Fundamentals of neutronography

The physical foundations of low-energy neutron scattering methods for studying the structure and dynamics of matter in a condensed state are described. The textbook is written on the basis of courses of lectures given by the authors at the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The book consists of three parts. The first part contains a consistent presentation of the principles of the theory of low-energy neutron scattering. The second part is devoted to the methods of obtaining and forming neutron beams, as well as their registration. The third part is devoted to basic experimental methods of neutronography, describes the principles of the device of experimental installations and measurements, as well as methods of interpretation of experimental data based on the theory described in the first part.

For students, postgraduates and researchers working or beginning to work in the field of research of physical, chemical and biological systems at the microscopic level.

Основы общей эмбриологии Fundamentals of General embryology
The textbook presents, taking into account the latest data, the main sections of embryology (developmental biology): development of germ cells, fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation and neurulation processes, development of various classes of vertebrates, basic patterns of organogenesis, cell differentiation and growth processes. Descriptions of processes at the cellular and supracellular levels are combined with a detailed consideration of the molecular genetic mechanisms of development, especially in relation to embryonic induction and cellular differentiation. Separate chapters are devoted to a brief presentation of the fundamentals of the theory of self-organization and comparative evolutionary embryology. As a supplement for those wishing to delve deeper into the problems of modern embryology, a collection of problems is provided. For the students of biological specialties at universities, graduate students and researchers in the field of developmental biology and cell biology.
Основы политического консультирования Basics of Political Consulting
The book is a presentation of the fundamentals of advisory activities in the field of politics. It is written as a manual for those who study political counseling as an academic subject in the programme of the faculty (department) of political science at a Russian university. On the other hand, it is a methodological guide for those who, having their own experience of professional political consulting, intend to present this experience in the form of a training course. A story about the professional activities of those who help Russian politicians in their struggle for power, an introduction to the basic skills of political analytics and some of the techniques of their struggle in election campaigns will help readers make their own political behaviour more meaningful, responsible and productive.
Основы статической физики материалов Fundamentals of Statistical Physics of Materials

This publication is the first textbook on statistical physics for students specializing in physics, chemistry and mechanics of materials and condensed-matter physics (solid state physics). It examines in detail the basic methods of statistical physics and those of its most important models that are widely used in condensed-matter physics. The textbook includes both equilibrium statistical physics and physical kinetics.
For students and post-graduate students of the faculties of materials sciences and the physics and chemical faculties of higher educational institutions.

Основы теоретической механики Fundamentals of theoretical mechanics
The textbook is based on lectures given at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University and corresponds to most curricula. It will help you study the subject independently and actively master the methods of theoretical mechanics most often used in practical applications and fundamental research. The presentation is based on the methods of differential geometry and the geometric theory of differential equations. The main theoretical provisions are illustrated with examples. For students, postgraduates and teachers of higher educational institutions specializing in mathematical, natural and technical sciences.
Основы физиологии и биохимии свертывания крови Fundamentals of physiology and biochemistry of blood clotting

As part of the curriculum, this textbook provides a fairly general, complete basic understanding of the basic (including classical) physiological concepts and principles used in the study of the blood coagulation system. The application of modern biochemical approaches to solving the problem of physiological regulation of the blood coagulation system makes it possible to understand the mechanisms of interaction between the processes of coagulation and anticoagulation.

The textbook consists of two parts, the first of which covers modern theoretical concepts of the physiological foundations of blood clotting processes occurring in the body, their relationship with the function of the body's anticoagulation system. The second part is devoted to the practical application of the theoretical knowledge on hemostasis and includes the implementation of tasks in the direction of professional activity of students who study primary and plasma hemostasis, humoral agents of the anticoagulation system of the blood, the relationship of the coagulation and insulin systems of the body. This is the most important difference between this textbook and other books on the physiology and biochemistry of blood clotting.

The textbook examines the current state of the hemostasis system and introduces readers to blood research methods used in physiological and biochemical laboratories and medical practice.

It is intended for students and teachers of biological and medical universities, researchers, doctors.

Основы физической геохимии Fundamentals of Physical Geochemistry

The textbook provides a complete course in basic physical geochemistry. It considers the subject and methods of physical geochemistry as a science of the physicochemical regularities of mineral, rock and ore formation and gives general points of the thermodynamics of equilibrium natural systems, which are a special type of systems with completely mobile components. It derives main thermodynamic relationships that characterize natural processes and shows their application. The book gives a detailed description of the questions of theory, topology, methods for constructing diagrams used in geochemistry, petrology, and the theory of mineral deposits.
For students, graduate students and all specialists involved in the study of physical and chemical regularities of natural processes.

Основы эндокринологии Fundamentals of Endocrinology

Based on modern data and concepts, the book examines intercellular control systems and their interrelation; topography and morphology of the endocrine glands; organization of endocrine functions; chemical structure of hormones, their biosynthesis, secretion, transport, metabolism, mechanisms of their action on cells. This publication (the first one came out in 1980) is supplemented with the latest information on various questions of endocrinology. The book underlines scientific and practical importance of endocrinology for medicine and agriculture. The textbook is written based on the university course in endocrinology and the physiology of metabolism approved of by the Presidium of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Higher Biological Education of the State Committee for Higher Education. It is primarily designed for biology students and beginning researchers in the field of physiology of the endocrine system and biochemistry of hormones. The author hopes that this publication will also be of use to all those who are interested in endocrinology and intercellular interactions.

Основы этнологии Fundamentals of Ethnology

The textbook examines the subject area of ethnological science, methods of collecting, processing and interpreting ethnological data, the sources of information used, problems of theory and history of ethnological science. Most of the chapters of the textbook contain a scientific description (by continents and regions) of the modern ethnic picture of the world and the history of its formation. Special attention is paid to the issues of the correlation of the racial and ethnic composition of the world's population, as well as anthropo- and racogenesis. Various classifications of peoples are considered (by types of economic activity, characteristic features of material and spiritual culture, languages and their families, etc.). 

For students of historical and other faculties of Russian universities, Russian-speaking students of universities of neighboring countries, graduate students, university professors and anyone interested in ethnology (ethnography) of the peoples of the world.

От заглавия до последней строки. Учимся читать классику From the heading to the last line. Learning how to read classics.

In the book-aid written by the well-known teacher of Russian language and Literature Sergej Leonidovich Shtilman the idea of so-called slow reading (co-authorship of the reader and writer) is formed. Unpredictable discoveries in analysis of literary works studied at school and, besides, the topics (e.g. body language, «symbolic» names) that are rarely discussed by the literature specialists and critics are provided.

This book is addressed to the teachers of Russian language and Literature, the enrollees and the high school students willing to penetrate into the mysteries of Russian classics.

От Москвы до Нью-Йорка. Моя жизнь в науке и политике From Moscow to New York. My Life in Science and Politics

The author of this book, Mikhail Mikhailovich Novikov, is the last freely elected rector of Moscow University (1919–1920), a prominent biologist, a deputy of the Fourth State Duma. In 1922, the Soviet government expelled him among other famous scientists and public figures from Russia. The book was first published in the United States where M.M. Novikov lived from 1949. The author gives an account of his scientific and social activities in Russia and in emigration.
For all those who are interested in the history of Russian science, education and social life in the late 19th – mid 20th centuries.

От Пушкина к Чехову From Pushkin to Chekhov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The author of this manual has re-read such great works of Russian literary classics as ‘Eugene Onegin’ by Pushkin, ‘A Hero of Our Time’ and ‘Death of the Poet’ by Lermontov, ‘Dead Souls’ by Gogol, ‘Hunter's Notes’, the novella ‘Asya’ by Turgenev, Goncharov's ‘The Precipice’, Dostoyevsky's ‘Poor Folk’, ‘Notes from Underground’ and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, Chekhov's ‘The Death of a Government Clerk.’
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, senior pupils, entrants, philologists.

От СССР к России. Авторитарная трансформация рубежа XX-XXI веков From the USSR to Russia. Authoritarian Transformation at the Turn of the 21st century

In his monograph, Krotkov Vladimir Olegovich, candidate of political sciences, analyzes the metamorphoses that took place in the socio-economic and political spheres in 1985-2009 that were transformational in nature. The scientific work examines the whole twenty-five-year period of our country’s historical transformation as part of the three – Soviet, post-Soviet and neo-post-Soviet – main stages, which had their own chronological framework and were characterized by its own specificity and internal logic of development. Relying on the overall characteristics he had formulated, the author proposed his own definition of the political regime, which made it possible to reveal its types, subtypes and, what can heuristically be called as its polycratic and monocratic forms, which received the researcher’s special attention. On the basis of a multifactorial political analysis, he identified and revealed the specific features of the political regime within the framework of the three stages of Russia’s historical transformation, enabling him to draw a general conclusion about the functioning of the authoritarian political regime of both one-party and various personality subtypes throughout the 25-year long transitional period. The monograph is intended for both specialists in the field of political science and for a wide range of readers.

Ответственность за изнасилование по уголовному законодательству Российской Федерации и различных зарубежных государств Responsibility for Rape under the Criminal Legislation of the Russian Federation and Various Foreign States

From the standpoint of comparative studies, the monograph investigates controversial issues related to the qualification of rape, which arise both in the theory of criminal law and in law enforcement practice. The author offers specific recommendations on improving the relevant norms of Russian criminal law; he examines the criminal laws of 36 foreign states. The work also analyzes criminal cases of rape and the results of polling law enforcement officers.
For teachers, graduate students and students of law schools and faculties as well as scientific and practical workers.

Отечества умножить славу. . .  Биография М.В. Ломоносова To Bring More Glory to the Fatherland…' The Biography of M.V. Lomonosov

The book prepared for the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov’s birth, tells the story of his life. Reconstruction of his major biographical milestones is accompanied by the analysis of publications about him in the Russian press of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. The following topics are discussed in detail: Lomonosov and the creation of Moscow University, Lomonosov and Russian journalism, Lomonosov and Russian science. The book is intended for a wide range of readers who are interested in Russian history.

Отечественная наука и научная политика в конце ХХ в.: тенденции и особенности развития (1985 - 1999) Domestic Science and Science Policy in the Late Twentieth Century: Trends and Features of Development (1985–1999)

The late 20th century clearly saw scientific achievements and advanced technologies radically change world civilization and form the basis of a postindustrial society. These patterns directly affected the USSR and newly revived Russia. Moreover, both countries (the former at the end and the latter at the beginning its existence) faced serious problems related to the ineffective system of organizing, managing and supporting scientific and technological progress, mechanisms for reproducing and making rational use of its science resources, and introducing its achievements in the economy. Prepared by a team of specialists from the Institute of Statistical Studies and the Economics of Knowledge, State University – Higher School of Economics under the leadership of professor LM. Gokhberg, Doctor of economic sciences, this monograph is devoted to the study of key problems that faced the state and the scientific community in the field of science development in 1985-1999 and the mechanisms for their solution. The authors analyze the most significant institutional changes that occurred during the period in various sectors of Russian science, evaluate the evolution of the conceptual foundations of the state scientific and technical policy and the main results of its implementation. The work also contains a brief overview of the scientific and technological development of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the late 20th century in comparison with that of foreign countries and the description of several major scientific, scientific and technological achievements made by domestic scientists. The edition is supplied with a detailed scholarly apparatus and is addressed to teachers and students engaged in the study of the history of science in the USSR and Russia at the end of the 20th century, and to all those who are interested in our country’s modern history.

Отечественная теория медиа Russian Media Theory
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Team of authors: M. E. Anikina, E. L. Vartanova, A. V. Vyrkovsky, A. N. Gureeva, D. V. Dunas, M. I. Makeenko, S. S. Smirnov. The dictionary presents modern interpretations of key terms and concepts that form the terminological apparatus of Russian media studies, based on long-term traditions of studying journalism and mass communications in Russia. The list of terms has been compiled taking into account current trends in the development of the media communication space and theoretical developments by Russian and foreign authors. The new, expanded and corrected edition includes current terms and concepts that reflect the current level of scientific knowledge about media and media communications. The publication is intended for teachers and students of higher educational institutions, media researchers, the professional media community, experts, as well as a wide range of interested readers.
Открывая Грушина. Том.1 Discovering Grushin. Volume 1

The book is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Russian philosopher and sociologist Boris A. Grushin and includes the articles he wrote over the years and his essays on the history of Russian sociology, journalism as well as the works that have not previously seen the light of the day for various reasons. In particular, this edition publishes for the first time the beginning of his manuscript ‘The Gorbachev Epoch’ from a series called ‘Four Lives of Russia in the Mirror of Opinion Polls. Essays on the Mass Consciousness of Russians under Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin in 4 Books.’ Part of the book is made up of the first ‘Grushin Readings in Mokhovaya’ which took place on February 11, 2010, at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It also includes the articles Boris Grushin’s friends, colleagues and students specially wrote for this edition. Photographs of different years, cartoons and caricatures from his personal archives will supplement the reader's ideas about the multifaceted personality of this scientist and publicist.
For sociologists, philosophers, historians, social scientists, journalists and a wide range of readers who are interested in his heritage. The editing and publishing work was carried out at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
For the design of the book the materials from N. G. Kartseva’s personal archive were used.

Открывая Грушина. Том.2 Discovering Grushin. Vol. 2

The book continues the series "Discovering Grushin" dedicated to the outstanding Russian philosopher and sociologist Boris Grushin (1929–2007).

Открывая Грушина. Том.3 Discovering Grushin. Volume 3

The book continues the ‘Discovering Grushin’ series, dedicated to the memory of the outstanding domestic philosopher and sociologist Boris A. Grushin (1929-2007). The third volume of the series contains the materials of the ‘Second Grushin Readings in Mokhovaya’, which took place in February 2011 at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the thoughts of Professor Grushin’s students, colleagues and followers. The articles and materials published in the collection present the well-known researcher’s multifaceted personality and acquaint the reader with not only his scientific but also his pedagogical heritage. This publication also includes Grushin’s hitherto unpublished earlier texts as well as the notes of the lectures he read at the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University.
For sociologists, philosophers, historians, social scientists, journalists, teachers of the sociology of journalism and mass communications, students as well as for a wide range of readers who are interested in his heritage. The editing and publishing work was carried out at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
For the design of the book the materials from N. G. Kartseva’s personal archive were used.

Очерки из истории отечественной журналистики 1870-х гг. Essays on the history of Russian journalism in the 1870s
This book presents monographically unstudied left-liberal and democratic publications from the era of Alexander II’s reforms, of which the greatest interest is in the journal “Bulletin of Europe” and the only newspaper then owned by democracy, “Nedelya”. At the same time, the history of the magazine “Russian Wealth” by N.F. Savich, as well as special, “industry” publications - “Archive of Forensic Medicine and Public Hygiene”, “Knowledge”, “Education and Training” (“Kindergarten”), offered to the reader by the author of the book also significantly expands the picture of domestic journalism in the 1870s. It also gives everyone who is not indifferent to the history of our social thought and the press an opportunity to more fully imagine the picture of its development.
Очерки истории и теории политической науки Essays on the History and Theory of Political Science

The textbook provides a detailed examination of a number of topics that are of key importance for modern political science and analyzes the history of political science, problem aspects of its formation and development. Special attention is paid to such issues as political elites and political regimes. The manual takes into account the author’s scientific writings, which made it possible to introduce a significant element of novelty in presenting the basic sections of the course.
For students, graduate students, teachers, all those who are interested in problems of political science.

Очерки русской культуры XIX в. Том 4. Общественная мысль Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 4. Social Thought

Volume 4 continues the six-volume edition, prepared by scientists of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, together with other research specialists. The volume is devoted to the study of social thought in Russia. One series of essays reflects the development of social thought in the nineteenth century, the other – deals with the most important problems that have stirred the minds throughout the century.

Очерки русской культуры XIX в. Том 5. Художественная литература. Русский язык Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 5. Fiction. Russian Language

Volume 5 continues the six-volume edition, prepared by scientists of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, together with other research specialists. This volume is devoted to the problems of the development of Russian literature and language in the context of 19th Century culture.

Очерки русской культуры XIX в. Том 6. Художественная культура Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 6. Artistic Culture

Volume 6 ends up the six-volume edition, prepared by scientists of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, together with other research specialists. This volume is devoted to the one hundred years of development of Russian art and culture – painting, architecture, music and theater.

Очерки русской культуры. Конец XIX – начало XX века. Том 1. Essays on Late 19th Century-Early 20th Century Russian Culture. Volume 1

The first volume of the two-volume edition ‘Essays on Russian culture. Social and Cultural Environment. The Late 19th Century – the Early 20th Century’ was prepared by scholars of the historical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University in collaboration with researchers from Moscow academic institutions and universities of other cities. The book is a continuation of the six-volume edition of ‘Essays of 19th Century Russian Culture.’ This volume is devoted to the study of the socio-cultural environment, the components of which included the city, the village and the mansion.
For historians, students and teachers, as well as all those who are interested in Russian culture.

Палеоботаника. Высшие растения Paleobotany. Higher plants

The textbook describes the morphological and anatomical structure of fossil higher plants, provides information on their geological and geographical distribution and gives characteristics of the divisions, classes and genera of fossil spore and seed plants. It also describes the main methods of paleobotanical research and, in addition, studies the paleofloristic zoning of land for different geological epochs.
For students and magistrands of geology, biology and geography at universities and colleges; it can be used by teachers in the following specialties: ‘Paleontology’, ‘Geological Survey’ and ‘Prospecting for Minerals’.

Палеонтология Paleontology

The textbook (its first edition was published in 1997) presents a picture of the organic world of the past as it came into existence 3.8 billion years ago. It outlines general provisions and basic concepts of paleontology including the history of paleontology, types of fossil preservation, evolution patterns; habitat, organisms’ conditions and life in marine and terrestrial environments; bionomics of the World Ocean; biomineralization and fossilization; the role of organisms in sedimentation and rock formation; importance of paleontology for geological and biological sciences. The systematic part of the book contains a description of 30 types, 58 classes and 132 orders of the five kingdoms (bacteria, cyanobionts, plants, fungi and animals), and 6 major mammal families for vertebrates. The final part deals with the evolution of the organic world from the Archeozoic era to the present day and examines in detail the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods. All the sections are accompanied by a set of tasks, exercises and a variety of illustrative material including four fly-leave illustrations, 335 drawings (often composite), 33 tables and 26 diagrams.
For students and teachers of geology, geography and biology at universities and colleges as well as for museum workers and all lovers of paleontology.

Палеооэкология Paleoecology

The textbook outlines general provisions and a brief history of paleoecology and examines its methods and major areas of research. The main attention is paid to paleoautoecology (reconstruction of organisms’ way of life and conditions of existence and identification of physiological and behavioral phenomena) and the paleosinecology of marine animals (biocenotic analysis of modern and ancient biocenoses, interrelationship between organisms in communities, paleobiocenoses in time and space, the ecosystem analysis of modern marine ecosystems and ancient paleoecosystems, their evolution in time and space). The textbook is intended for university and college students, undergraduates and postgraduate students of geological specialties. It can also be useful for researchers in the field of paleontology, ecology, paleobiogeography and paleogeography.

Палеооэкология (pdf) Paleoecology

The textbook outlines general provisions and a brief history of paleoecology and examines its methods and major areas of research. The main attention is paid to paleoautoecology (reconstruction of organisms’ way of life and conditions of existence and identification of physiological and behavioral phenomena) and the paleosinecology of marine animals (biocenotic analysis of modern and ancient biocenoses, interrelationship between organisms in communities, paleobiocenoses in time and space, the ecosystem analysis of modern marine ecosystems and ancient paleoecosystems, their evolution in time and space). The textbook is intended for university and college students, undergraduates and postgraduate students of geological specialties. It can also be useful for researchers in the field of paleontology, ecology, paleobiogeography and paleogeography.

Палеоэкология Paleoecology

This textbook states the general principles and brief history of paleoecology, considers methods and main directions of researching. The attention is mostly placed on paleoautoecology (reconstruction of living activities and environment of organisms, cleaning up physiological and behavior phenomenon) and paleosynecology of sea animals (paleobiocenotic analysis of ancient biocenosis, relationship of organisms in associations, paleobiocenosis in time and in space; ecosystem analysis of the actual sea ecosystems and paleoecosystems, their evolution in time and in space).

This textbook is intended for students, magistrants, postgraduates of geological professions, also it may be useful for the scientists in the fields of paleontology, ecology, paleobiogeography and paleogeography.

Key words: paleoecology, paleobiocenosis, paleoecosystems.

Параллельные вычисления в задачах глобальной оптимизации Parallel Computations in Global Optimization Problems

This paper is devoted to the analysis of complex multi-extremal models of decision-making, which is traditional for Professor R.G. Strongin’s world-renown scientific school in this field. The work contains the necessary theoretical apparatus for constructing and analyzing parallel methods based on the information-statistical approach to constructing optimization methods, the characteristic theory of convergence and the effectiveness of methods for finding the extremum, and the methodology for reducing the complexity of models under examination. It gives a description of computational schemes of optimization methods, their theoretical justification and examples of practical application. It provides a brief depiction of the software that realizes, in the form of complete software systems, the proposed methods for searching for globally optimal solutions and has found its application in solving complex applied problems and in the learning process as a medium for performing laboratory work and research. The book is intended for a wide range of students, graduate students and professionals who want to study and practically use parallel methods of global optimization for solving computationally labor-intensive applied problems. The Academic Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC), Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University recommends this monograph for use in the educational process. The monograph was prepared as part of the project of the Presidential Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy ‘Creating a System for Training Highly Qualified Personnel in the Field of Supercomputer Technologies and Specialized Software.’

Париж. Века и люди Paris. Centuries and People

The book is a chronological narrative about France’s major cultural monuments in conjunction with the history of Paris and its environs including Versailles. Particular attention is given to architectural works as most impressive historical monuments as well as sculpture, painting, historical chronicles and memoirs including those of D'Artagnan. The book is written in such a way that behind the historical monuments one can see their contemporaries - people with their unique psychology and intellect.
For a wide range of readers who are interested in history and love art.

Пастернак Pasternak

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This book is dedicated to the art of Boris L. Pasternak - the world’s most studied 20th century Russian poet. His lyrical poems belong to the heights of poetry, his novel ‘Doctor Zhivago’ is the most popular Russian novel of this century and his translations of Shakespeare, Goethe, French and Georgian poets are considered to be second to none. The author also tells about the Nobel Prize laureate’s extraordinary personality and complex life path. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students, specialists in philology and everyone who loves Pasternak's work.

Патриарх Никон. Труды. Patriarch Nikon. His Works

The collection enables the reader to inherit the legacy of His Holiness Patriarch Nikon, a genius churchman and statesman. His ideas express the strategy of the Russian patriarchate and Russian statehood affirming the principle of symphony of the moral and secular authorities and illuminating the path of the Slavic and Russian and, more broadly, Orthodox identity. The first section of this publication includes the following creations by Patriarch Nikon: ‘The Missive about the Establishment of the Monastery of the Blessed Virgin of Iveron and Holy New Confessor and Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia and a Wondermaker, on the Holy Island, and the Transfer of the Relics of the Holy Righteous Man Jacob, Previously Called Josif of Borovichi’, ‘The Tale of the Life-Giving Cross’, ‘Missives to the Holy Order and Junior Deacons’, “An Account of the Plague’, ‘Missives to the Valdai Iveron Monastery’, ‘Missives to the Kiy-Ostrovsky Monastery of the Cross’, ‘Spiritual Lessons for the Christian’, ‘Replies of the Humble Nikon by the Mercy of God Patriarch... ‘

Педагогическая психология Educational psychology
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook was developed by a team of authors from the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In presenting the theory, on the one hand, the emphasis is placed on the ideas of the cultural-historical and activity-based approach to understanding teaching, learning and development, traditionally developed at the Faculty of Psychology, and on the other hand, the publication introduces students to the modern achievements of educational psychology. The textbook is intended for university students receiving education at the bachelor's (6.0), specialist (7.2), master's (7.1) levels in the areas of training “Psychological Sciences” (15.01; 15.02; 15.03), “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” (10.01; 10.02; 10.03; 10.04.; 10.05), is of interest to scientists and specialists in the field of psychology and pedagogy, teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as school teachers and kindergarten teachers.
Первые профессора и питомцы Московского университета – писатели, журналисты, издатели (1755–1917) First Moscow University Professors and Graduates – writers, journalists, publishers (1755–1917)

The booklet was prepared for the 300th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail V. Lomonosov, a poet, scientist and polymath. It includes the names of famous writers, journalists, publishers, who were closely associated with the history of Moscow University in Mokhovaya street, Moscow, over the period from the foundation of the university in 1755 to 1917. It is intended for graduates, students and teachers as well as for all those who are interested in the history of Russian literature, journalism and culture.

Перспективы геоэкологии после Рио+20 Perspectives of Geoecology After Rio+20

The Youth Scientific School ‘Perspectives of Geoecology After Rio + 20’ was held at the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, on September 12-14, 2012. The aim of the school was to give young scientists and senior students an opportunity to present their research outcomes and discuss them in a broader context of the global environmental policy. The collection contains abstracts of speeches, which were made by the school’s participants. The collection opens with the notes of five public lectures delivered at the school inauguration ceremony by leading specialists from Moscow University and Russian Academy of Sciences institutes.

Песни Западного края Songs of the West

The centerpiece of Li Chongchun's stories is the dramatic fate of vagabond artists – a brother and a sister - masters of traditional throat singing. This kind of art is still widespread and revered in Korea. The musical pieces the singers perform ‘are imbued with a sense of hidden anguish and heartache inherent in any Korean.’ That is why he shows the life of his main characters through the prism of these works.

Плазменные процессы в космическом пространстве Plasma processes in outer space

This manual is based on a course of lectures given by the authors to students of the Department of Space Physics of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University. The course systematically presents general issues of plasma physics, various approaches and methods of theoretical description of plasma processes in outer space. The course includes issues of ionization and recombination processes in plasma, single-particle approximation, kinetic description of plasma, magnetohydrodynamics, waves, instabilities, nonlinear phenomena and turbulence in plasma. The mechanisms of acceleration of charged particles in space are also considered.

The manual is intended for university students studying in the fields of "Fundamental and Applied Physics", "Physics". It can also be used by graduate students studying in the field of "Space Physics, Astronomy" and specialists in the field of space physics.

Планирование персонала организации Organization Staff Planning

The manual provides a thorough analysis of the staff planning organization process. It explains the primary importance of personnel planning for a modern organization to be successful and analyzes the technology of personnel planning and its basic methods. It considers the planning of personnel composition in close unity with its quantitative and qualitative characteristics, as well as the specificity of strategic personnel planning, functional and situational planning. It characterizes the most important types of functional staffing plans: flexibility and personnel changes, the involvement of personnel and personnel marketing, plans for the use, staff training and development, plans for career development and staff costs, etc. A general business plan model for personnel is proposed for practical application.
For students of managerial, economic and some other faculties who study personnel management problems and for managers and specialists who do practical work in staff planning.

По лабиринтам авангарда: о крупнейших явлениях авангардного искусства XX в. Walking Labyrinths of the Vanguard: About Major Works of Twentieth Century Avant-Garde Art

The book gives an idea of the major phenomena of 20th century avant-garde art and provides an insight into contemporary art culture. It provides fully encyclopedic description of the avant-garde schools: Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Abstract Art, Pop Art, etc, and analyzes the art of the past few decades. Special attention is focused on the great masters - P. Picasso, V. Kandinsky, S. Dali, K. Malevich, R. Rauschenberg and others.
For a wide range of readers.

Поведение насекомых Behavior of Insects

The content of lecture course, which the author has been reading to the students in entomology of Lomonosov Moscow State University for many years, is presented in this tutorial. Sexual, parental, feeding and protective behavior of solitary insects is described as well as their migrations, homing, cannibalism, development of behavior in ontogenesis and its genetic me cha nisms. For every type of behavior specifi c forms, scope of changeability, factors of its determination and the role of education in behavioral changeability are given. Modern hypotheses on the formation of diff erent behavioral chara cte ri stics of insects of a big number of orders are discussed.

The tutorial is intended for students and post-graduates of higher edu ca tio nal es tablishments as well as research scientists and a wide range of nature lovers.

Политическая динамика современного мира. Теория и практика Political Dynamics of the Modern World. Theory and Practice
The monograph by Pavel Tsygankov, an expert of the Moscow City Regional Branch of the Russian Society of Politicians and Entrepreneurs, “Political Dynamics of the Modern World: Theory and Practice,” examines the importance of political theory in explaining and understanding key problems of the world order, analyzes the features and prospects of domestic international political science as an important component and conditions for the successful development of international knowledge about global trends in the evolution of the modern world.
Политическая философия Political Philosophy

The tutorial is dedicated to the main problems of Political Philosophy — power, authority and governance in their different implementations. The tutorial is presenting Political Philosophy of the XX — beginning of the XXI centuries.

The book is adapted to the standards of modern generation and is particularly designed for the modern three-level education in Political Science. It is addressed to Bachelor and Master degree students as well as post-graduates specializing in Political Science.

Политические представления и ценности россиян Russians’ Political Views and Values

The monograph presents a comprehensive political and psychological analysis of political views, values both at the theoretical and methodological level, and based on the results of empirical research. The indicated phenomena are considered from different points of view: at the level of individual and mass political consciousness, in terms of generational, politico-cultural and political-ideological dimensions. The book provides a detailed picture of the systems of modern Russian citizens’ political ideas and values and reveals the socialization context of their formation. This publication is intended for specialists in the field of political science, sociology, psychology, students and post-graduate students studying political psychology and political sociology and for all those who are interested in this topic.

Политический ислам: учебно-методическое пособие Political Islam: a study guide

This study guide examines the growing role of the Islamic factor in modern political processes. The paper analyzes the existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of political Islam, its stages of development and transformation; political and legal ideology and basic concepts of the Islamic state. The authors present the typology of modern Islamist concepts. Islamic radicalism is considered as a factor of destabilization of the global political situation. The authors also investigate the growth of a number of religious organizations and the activity of extremist Islamic movements in various countries of the world and propose a set of measures to counteract Islamism. Urgent problems of modern political Islam are explored in connection with social processes. 

The study guide is designed for students, graduate students, researchers, as well as for everyone interested in contemporary problems of political developments in Muslim states.

Политический регион. Опыт операционализации и концептуализации понятия Political Region. The Experience Of Operationalization and Conceptualization of the Concept

Issues of political regionalistics are becoming increasingly important in domestic political science. The monograph analyzes extensive material that gives an idea of the categorical definition of a political region, the sources and factors that contribute to the formation and development of a constituent’s political subjectivity in Russia as well as the relationship between the center and the region. Of great interest is the description of the main features and attributes of a political region with an emphasis on the institutionalization of political activity and the formation of federal relations and regional elite.
For experts in the field of regional policies, representatives of government bodies, teachers, students and all those who are interested in the scientific understanding of political and territorial phenomena and processes.

Помощник царям Assistant to the Tsars: The Life and Art of Mikhail Lomonosov

Lomonosov determined the development of Russian science and literature: such people are said to be the salt of the Russian land. A village boy, he began his education in a religious school, continued it in the gymnasium at the Academy of Sciences and graduated from a German university. Lomonosov became Russia’s first poet and made a brilliant career in the Academy of Sciences. But for his Kholmogory countrymen and the capital's patrons who helped the gifted young man, his rise would have been impossible. His unique talent enabled Lomonosov to realize the Petrian project almost on his own and determine the ways of the Russian Enlightenment and to become, in Pushkin’s words, ‘an assistant to the Tsars.’ The present time is reminiscent of the 18th century - reforms are again underway in Russia, and the example of the successful fate in science that Lomonosov gave us may be useful for Russian boys and girls. A children's writer, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and a member of the Academy of Sciences and the Physics Department of Moscow State University, the author presents from the modern point of view not only the vicissitudes of the fate but also the main achievements of the great Russian scientist, pioneer and poet.

Последний творческий акт. Случай Мандельштама The Last Creative Act. The Mandelstam Case

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The title of this book goes back to the well-known formula of O. Mandelstam who often said that an artiste’s death is not accidental, that it is not only the last act of the artiste's life, but also his ‘last creative act’, and more than that – it is as it were ‘the source of this creativity, its teleological reason.’ This formula may seem to be just a beautiful metaphor but when applied to the poet himself it acquires an almost literal meaning. Analyzing Mandelstam’s work of the last period, the author proceeds from the premise that the poet not only predicted the tragic end of his life path in his later poems but he also predetermined it. The book focuses on considering the artiste's relationship with the totalitarian regime, unknown to the previous historical epochs.
For teachers of schools and gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, philologists as well as all literature lovers.

Поэзия В.А. Жуковского The Poetry of V. A. Zhukovsky
The books in the Rereading the Classics series contain a modern analysis of works included in the school literature curriculum. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the works of Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries are covered in detail. The series is offered as a basis for modern knowledge of Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and entering any university. The purpose of this book is to understand the aesthetic perfection and ethical charm of the works of V.A. Zhukovsky. The author's attention is focused mainly on those works of the poet and the problems of his literary heritage that high school students and applicants should be able to analyze when studying the works of the first Russian romantic. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, students, philology specialists, as well as all admirers of Zhukovsky's poetry.
Поэзия М.Ю. Лермонтова M.Yu. Lermontov’s Poetry

The book contains a detailed analysis of the works that are incorporated in the college and university curricula for those entering humanities faculties. At the same time, it gives a description of Mikhail Lermontov as a human and creative individual and defines the features of his worldview and artistic manner, providing the main milestones of the poet’s life and creative path. The book also discusses the aspects of Lermontov's biography and art that were rarely dealt with by Soviet literary critics such as his attitude to religion, domestic behavior, certain weaknesses of classically Lermontovian works, etc. The manual is addressed to high school students, applicants, students and teachers.

Поэзия Некрасова Nekrasov’s Poetry

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. In his book, the author considers both the epic and lyrical poetry of Nekrasov, analyzes his central works, their (sometimes hidden) meaning as well as features of his genre, style and verse forms. The manual is addressed to high school students, applicants, students and teachers.

Поэтический мир Марины Цветаевой The Poetic World of Marina Tsvetaeva

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The manual is devoted to the formation of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetic world. It focuses on the evolution of Tsvetaeva in the period between 1908 and 1921 – those years saw the foundations of the poet's world laid down. The book provides insights into Tsvetaeva’s ‘Moscow poetics’ which in some ways echoes St. Petersburg acmeism as it traces the formation of the ‘lyrical I’ and the ‘Moscow chronotope’ of the poet - everything that influenced the art of the mature Tsvetaeva and made her a unique phenomenon not only in Russian but also world literature.
For students, schoolchildren, university entrants, university and school teachers, all those who are interested in Tsvetaeva's art.

Поэты «Латинской Антологии» Poets of ‘The Latin Anthology’

‘The Latin Anthology’ is a late antique collection of small poems compiled in early 6th century Roman Africa, introducing over twenty authors. This book acquaints Russian readers with this specific literary monument. This is the first separate edition of well-thought out and stylistically balanced translations of vandal school poetry.

Правительственный конституционализм в России XVIII - начала XX века: традиции изучения Governmental Constitutionalism in 18th – early 20th Century Russia: Traditions of Study

The book is devoted to the acts of governmental constitutionalism in Russia in the 18th and early 20th centuries: ‘Conditions of the Supreme Privy Council’ (1730), ‘Introduction to the Code of State Laws’ by M.M. Speransky (1809), ‘October 17, 1905 Manifesto’ and ‘April 23, 1906 Fundamental State Laws’. The author summarizes the study of this problem in Soviet historiography. His main attention is focused on the reasons why these acts came into being and what was their political and legal content.
For all those who are interested in the history of Russian constitutionalism.

Правовое регулирование безналичных расчетов в предпринимательской деятельности на территории Российской Федерации Legal Regulation of Non-Cash Payments in Entrepreneurial Activities in the Russian Federation

The paper outlines issues of legal regulation of non-cash settlement relations and examines the organizational models of non-cash settlements, ways to improve the fulfillment of non-cash settlement obligations, etc. Legal acts are presented as of April 1, 2006.
For students, postgraduates, teachers of law schools and banking practitioners.

Правовой статус налогоплатильщика-физического лица The Legal Status of a Taxpayer as a Physical Person

The monograph explores the problems of the legal status of a taxpayer as an individual by taking into account its historical development and comparing it with the experience of taxation of individuals in foreign countries. Based on the research by leading scientists in the field of financial law, the book identifies the essence of the legal status of a taxpayer, singles out the characteristics of a physical person as a taxpayer and considers a taxpayer’s duties and rights in terms of fulfilling their obligation to pay taxes, tax control, prosecution for tax law violation and appeal against illegal actions of taxation bodies and their officials.
For students, postgraduate students, teachers, researchers, practitioners and those who are interested in problems of tax legislation.

Правовые основы журналистики Legal Basis of Journalism

The textbook consistently outlines such aspects of media legal regulation as sources of media laws, organization of media activities, national media policy, regulation differences between electronic media and print media, media activities in the pre-election period, intellectual property, advertising and the freedom of speech, etc. The material provided includes a list of reference literature and questions for self-control, self-monitoring and discussion as well as a reference apparatus.
For university and college students of journalism and for journalists seeking to improve the level of legal knowledge.

Правовые основы журналистики: Хрестоматия Legal Foundations of Journalism: Reader

For university and college students of journalism and for journalists seeking to improve the level of legal knowledge.

Правовые основы муниципальной хозяйственной деятельности Legal Basis of Municipal Economic Activity

The manual examines problems associated with the legal foundations of municipal economic activity. It focuses on the complex regulatory regulation of the municipal economy as a socially oriented responsible activity of municipal entities and other economic entities regardless of the forms of ownership, which is interrelated.
For students, post-graduate students studying for the bachelor's and master's degrees, teachers of law schools and faculties as well as practical workers of the municipal and state service, deputies of various levels.

Практикум по дисциплине «Картографирование внеземных объектов». Часть 1. Картографирование малых тел Солнечной системы (pdf) Workshop on the discipline "Mapping of extraterrestrial objects". Part 1. Mapping of small Solar System bodies.

The textbook in the form of a workshop is intended for practical exercises in the disciplines "Mapping of extraterrestrial objects", read for master degree students of the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The first part of the manual is devoted to small bodies of the Solar system, which are characterized by a variety of shapes. The manual proposes various technologies for their mapping. It can also be used as a reference manual for students in related specialties, graduate students and scientific employees.

Практикум по курсу «Современный русский литературный язык». Выпуск 1: Фонетическая транскрипция. Артикуляционная фонетика. Рабочая тетрадь. Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 1: Phonetic transcription. Articulatory phonetics. Workbook

The manual corresponds to the curriculum of the Russian language department of the Philological faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and reflects many years of the textbook authors’ experience in teaching this course at the MSU faculty of philology. The manual was written for students, philologists, postgraduate students, teachers of the Russian language and all those who are interested in the problems of Russian phonetics.

Практикум по курсу «Современный русский литературный язык». Выпуск 2: Акустическая и перцептивная фонетика. Рабочая тетрадь Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 2: Acoustic and Perceptual Phonetics. Workbook

The manual corresponds to the curriculum of the Russian language department of the Philological faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and reflects many years of the workbook authors’ experience in teaching this course at the MSU faculty of philology. The manual was written for students, philologists, postgraduate students, teachers of the Russian language and all those who are interested in the problems of Russian phonetics.

Практикум по общей вирусологии Practical Course of General Virology

The second edition of ‘Practical Course’ (first published in 1981) includes tasks that introduce methods of general and applied virology. The tasks are related to viruses of different groups - plant viruses, animal viruses and bacteriophages. It presents a wide range of methods: classical biological methods, physicochemical methods for isolating viruses and their components (nucleic acids and proteins), methods of molecular biology and genetic engineering.
For university students, medical and agricultural colleges and universities specializing in virology, molecular biology, phytopathology, veterinary medicine, epidemiology, medical virology, oncology and biotechnology.

Практикум по общей химии Practical Course in General Chemistry

The fourth edition of ‘Practical Course in General Chemistry’ prepared by the author's team under the guidance of Professor S.F. Dunaev presents a wide range of practical tasks and tests that fully correspond to the course curricula of general and inorganic chemistry for non-chemical specialties at Moscow State University and other classical universities. The distinctive feature of this training manual is that it provides a wide representation of the chemistry of the elements. It envisages the use of modern equipment and modern methods of calculation and report in order to perform its tasks and tests. Every college and university and secondary specialized educational institution that teaches general and inorganic chemistry can use this training manual.

Практикум по русскому языку для иностранных учащихся, обучающихся в нефилологических вузах России Practical Course in the Russian Language for Foreign Students Studying in Non-Philological Universities in Russia

This ‘Practical Course in the Russian Language for
Foreign Students Studying in Non-Philological Universities’ aims to provide foreign students with linguistic material enabling them to gain practical mastery of the grammatical base presented in the curricula and textbooks on the Russian language for this category of students at the main stage of education. It consists of two parts: the corrective course and the basic one. Like the entire ‘Practical Course’, the corrective course is built on a structural-semantic basis according to the logical-grammatical principle. It is designed to assimilate the language material associated with students’ most typical mistakes and to fill in the gaps in their initial stage of training.

Практическая журналистика Practical journalism
The manual outlines the technology of journalistic work. Such aspects as identifying news, searching for a topic, and collecting information are considered. A methodology for writing articles in the genres most often used in the modern press (news article, report, interview, feature, news feature, portrait, commentary, analytical article) is presented. Recommendations are given for working on individual elements of articles (headline, lead, ending), for building a career in the media and for managing the editorial office. For students majoring in Journalism and Public Relations, as well as for journalists and editors of print media.
Практическая физиология сердечно-сосудистой системы Practical physiology of the cardiovascular system: a textbook for students of the Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University

This textbook has been developed based on many years of experience in teaching theoretical and practical foundations of cardiovascular physiology at the Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It describes modern methods of experimental study of the heart and blood vessels using isolated preparations, individual cells, as well as at the level of the whole organism. The manual is intended for use by students of the Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University studying in the areas of "Biology" and "Fundamental and Applied Biology" when studying the specialized course "Practical Physiology of Visceral Systems". 

In addition, the manual will be useful for teachers and students of other specialties in biology and medicine in in-depth study of the material of physiology courses in the areas of "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics", "General Medicine", "Veterinary Medicine".

Практические и лабораторные работы по курсу «Технология: кулинария, уроки правильного питания». 5–9 классы (pdf) Practical and laboratory work on the course "Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons". Grades 5-9

The manual, included in the UMK course "Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons" for students of grades 5-9, includes practical and laboratory work with technological maps for their implementation.

In the process of completing tasks, students will master practical skills such as workplace organization, safety regulations, the ability to use modern kitchen equipment, preparing a diet, choosing healthy quality products, proper storage and preparation of ingredients. Students will learn the technology of cooking and decoration of dishes, as well as the rules of serving and etiquette.

Практическое пособие для бакалавров к семинарским и самостоятельным занятиям по курсу «Экономика инноваций» Bachelor Students’ Practical Manual for Seminars and Independent Work Based on the Course of “Innovation Economics’

The course of ‘Innovation Economics’ allows students to create a system of knowledge in the field of innovation economics both at the macro level (general characteristics of innovation, the innovation process theory, the innovative development concept) and at the micro level (key factors for innovation, setting up and building up an innovative company, choosing an innovation strategy). The practical guide is intended for Moscow State University students to be used for seminars and studies on one’s own in accordance with the training course ‘Innovation Economics’.

Практическое пособие к семинарским занятиям по курсу «Основы предпринимательства» Practical Manual for Seminars Based on the ‘Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship’ Course

Authors: Doctor of Economics, Professor N.P. Ivashchenko; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor F.Sh. Fedorova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I.V.Savchenko; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor V.G. Popova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M.S. Shakhova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E.V. Gruzdeva; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E.S. Tyutyunnikova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor E.B. Korniychuk; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher M.V. Krasnostanova; junior researcher I.I. Korostyleva; junior researcher M.V. Khomich; junior researcher A.A. Engovatova; junior researcher A.N. Kolesnikov; E.V. Buyanov; A.V. Pis’menyuk, D.A. Sosfenov, M.R. Fomchenkov. The manual covers the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, the history of its development and case studies. Different teaching materials are offered for each topic: tasks, tests, cases, control questions, etc. using the reporting of Russian and foreign companies.

Пресса ГУЛАГа. Списки Е.П. Пешковой. GULAG Press. E.P. Peshkova’s Lists

The book contains two studies united under the Gulag theme. The first one entitled ‘The Gulag Press’ examines closed periodicals which the General Directorate of Camps published in 1918-1955 for distribution among political prisoners. The history of the camp press is presented in the context of the general trends in the development of Soviet journalism at that period. The second study is called ‘E.P. Peshkova’s Lists‘ and deals with a unique phenomenon - the activities of “The Assistance to Political Prisoners’ Foundation which existed from 1922 to mid-1938.

Прикладной функциональный анализ. Задачи с решениями Applied Functional Analysis. Tasks with Solutions

The book contains examples and problems that allow us to master the methods of functional analysis without using the theory of measure and the Lebesgue integral. The manual is aimed at students specializing in applied mathematics. The reader needs to have prior knowledge of the basics of mathematical analysis and linear algebra.

Применение «жесткой» и «мягкой силы» во внешнеполитических целях. Теория и практика. Сборник научных трудов  школы системных исследований в области политэкономии международных отношений The Use of ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for Foreign Policy Purposes. Theory and Practice

The book contains scholarly works produced by the School of System Studies in the political economy of international relations and led by A.A. Kokoshin, A.N. Gromyko, A.A. Sidorov. The school was formed at the Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, based on the Department of international organizations and world political processes and the Center for security and development problems. The articles were prepared as part of the scientific project ‘Methodology of Systemic Analysis of the Practice of Applying ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for
Foreign Policy Purposes’ This project was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for leading research schools of the Russian Federation (NSH-2427.2014.6). The collection contains articles on military, politico-diplomatic and financial-economic instruments as well as ‘soft power’ tools. The publication is addressed to students, postgraduate students and university and college teachers in the field of ‘International Affairs’ and ‘Political Science’, as well as to all whose who are interested in global policy problems.

Применение «жесткой» и «мягкой силы» во внешнеполитических целях. Теория и практика. Сборник научных трудов  школы системных исследований в области политэкономии международных отношений (pdf) The Use of ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for Foreign Policy Purposes. Theory and Practice

The book contains scholarly works produced by the School of System Studies in the political economy of international relations and led by A.A. Kokoshin, A.N. Gromyko, A.A. Sidorov. The school was formed at the Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, based on the Department of international organizations and world political processes and the Center for security and development problems. The articles were prepared as part of the scientific project ‘Methodology of Systemic Analysis of the Practice of Applying ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for Foreign Policy Purposes’ This project was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for leading research schools of the Russian Federation (NSH-2427.2014.6). The collection contains articles on military, politico-diplomatic and financial-economic instruments as well as ‘soft power’ tools. The publication is addressed to students, postgraduate students and university and college teachers in the field of ‘International Affairs’ and ‘Political Science’, as well as to all whose who are interested in global policy problems.

Принципы параллельного программирования Principles of Parallel Programming

In the age of development of multi-core processor architecture, the topic of parallel programming assumes great importance for engineers and designers of computer systems. The book ‘Principles of Parallel Programming’ written by renowned researchers and scholars Calvin Lin (Department of Informatics at the University of Texas, Austin) and Lawrence Snyder (Department of Computer Science and Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle), deals with the fundamental principles of parallel computing. The book explains various phenomena and provides examples of the cases when these phenomena contribute to the success of parallel programming, or, on the contrary, create certain difficulties. The publication is intended for senior university students, for students studying for their master's degree and professionals who want to learn parallel programming. The book contains valuable reliable and information that will continue to be relevant despite the hardware and software evolution.

Проза русского зарубежья (1970‒1980-е) Prose of the Russian Abroad (the 1970s and 1980s)

The books of the series ‘Rereading the Classics’ contain a modern analysis of works that are part of school curricula in literature.
For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries are thoroughly elucidated. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge of Russian literature, necessary for the passing of school examinations and admission to any university. Analyzing the art of 70s-80s émigré prosaists, the author talks about the origins of the ‘third wave’ of the Russian Diaspora, examines the historical background and artistic features of the literary works by all the generations of 70s-80s émigrés writers (from V.P. Nekrasov to Sasha Sokolova), identifies the main directions of their writings and characterizes its themes and genre peculiarity.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, students, specialists in philology and lovers of Russian literature.

Пропионовокислые бактерии Propionic Acid Bacteria

The monograph summarizes the results of the author's research over many years and the information contained in the literature on the unique life form of propionic acid bacteria. The author tells about the complexity of scientific research, original approaches to the study of propionic acid bacteria and the great contribution to this area of microbiology by domestic researchers who have discovered amazing facts of general biological significance. She presents the data on the ultrastructural organization of propionic acid bacteria, their biochemistry, physiology, ecology as well as new data on the genetics of these bacteria, which are important for understanding the evolution of the world of living beings.
For microbiologists, biochemists, biotechnologists.

Прорыв. Как открылись ворота страны. 30-летию начала реформ в Китае посвящается Breakthrough. How the Gates of the Country Opened. Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Beginning of Reforms in China
The book reflects the great turning point in the historical movement of China, recreates in all its complexity the initial stage of reforms and openness of the country, shows the role of the cohort of leaders headed by Deng Xiaoping in the renewal processes. The author was an active participant in these processes, one of Deng Xiaoping's close associates, holding senior positions in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Trade and the State Council of the People's Republic of China. For many years, Li Lanqing was co-chairman of the Chinese-Russian Cooperation Commission. In 2000, he was awarded the title of "Honorary Professor of Moscow University".
Протестные движения в странах Центральной и Юго-Восточной Европы. Конец 1960-х - 1980-е гг. Хрестоматия. Protest Movements in Central and South-Eastern Europe. From the Late 1960s to the 1980s

The book contains unique documentary material, which has not been introduced before. The main purpose of the manual is to get the reader directly acquainted with the primary sources in the history of the opposition and dissident movements in six Central and South-East European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia) in the late 1960s-1980s. The book reproduces concrete documentary evidence of the intensive search in the regional countries’ opposition environment for ideological concepts and models alternative to the established regime as well as programs of political and social transformations. The documents published systematically reflect the evolution and structure of the opposition movements in the region, helping readers to navigate in their wide spectrum, which makes it possible to fix the key points of the history of each of the six countries and to compare protest movement models with those in other parts of the world.
For researchers, teachers, postgraduate students, students and a wide range of readers.

Психологические факторы развития и стагнации демократических реформ Psychological Factors of Development and Stagnation of Democratic Reforms

The book is a psychological study of socio-political processes in Russia in 1985-2013 through the prism of the traditional Russian mentality. In fact, this is the first book in Russian psychological literature to pose the question of how an individual lived and thought in a specific historical period, and to touch upon a number of socio-psychological problems that seem self-evident to everyone and yet traditionally escape from academic science’s reflection and critical analysis.
The publication is intended for psychologists, sociologists, political scientists and a wide range of readers, it can also be of interest to state, public and political figures of all levels.

Психологическое сопровождение пандемии COVID-19 (pdf) Psychological guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic

The monograph contains studies by international scientists who carry out research on the psychological aspects of COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our lives. Special attention is given to the experience of providing psychological support in different regions of Russia and abroad. The book presents research-based recommendations for psychological guidance, as well as psychological training of medical workers and neuropsychological diagnosing and rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients.

The monograph will be of interest to specialists in psychology and to everyone interested in managing the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic.

Психология аномального развития ребенка в 2-х томах The Psychology of Abnormal Child Development in Two Volumes

This is the first anthology to be published in our country providing the necessary theoretical material for the course ‘The Psychology of the Abnormal Child’ which was read for many years at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University, and other related courses (‘Emotional Disorders in Childhood’ and a hands-on workshop on ‘The Psychology of an Abnormal Child’). The specific feature of this book lies in the fact that it has been compiled by practicing psychologists who are directly involved in working with children in a clinic or a children’s consultation office. The numerous cases that different authors describe in their articles make theoretical constructions or conclusions clear and understandable helping to recognize deviations in child development and map out ways to correct them. The domestic psychological literature knows no other publication like this in the width and variety of theoretical concepts presented in the textbook and in the extent of the book’s coverage of clinical manifestations of abnormal child development. The reader is designed both for students who are beginning to study psychology, and for working doctors, psychologists, teachers and caregivers.

Психология массовой политической коммуникации Psychology of Mass Political Communication

The manual contains materials from the course the authors have been reading for a number of years to students at the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers the theoretical underpinnings of the psychological analysis of political mass communication, provides examples from modern communicative political practice and presents texts for reading and assignments for students’ independent work.
For specialists in the field of political science and psychology, students and post-graduate students studying political communication as well as all those who are interested in this subject matter.

Психология спорта Sports psychology

The present monograph publishes the works by psychologists from Moscow University, the institution that has accumulated considerable material in the field of sports psychology, including both theoretical fi ndings and their practical application. “Sports Psychology” is a result of long-term work carried out by many researches. The book reflects recent tendencies as well as modern methods applied in the field of sports psychology. It presents the results of experimental studies carried out at Moscow University.

The book will be of interest not only to scientists and specialists in this field, but also to a wider audience interested in modern trends in sports psychology.

Психология художественного творчества Psychology of artistic creativity
This course is a textbook addressed primarily to students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions who have chosen as their profession teaching artistic disciplines in secondary schools, including literature - the art of words. The authors consider a wide range of psychological and pedagogical problems: from theoretical issues of creativity and talent to the age-related prerequisites for artistic development that children have, from general features of art pedagogy to specific recommendations for the development of artistic talent in students. The course may be of interest to a wide range of readers: not only for students, but also for school teachers, additional education workers, teachers of special schools, teachers of senior and graduating groups of kindergartens and for everyone who is interested in creative children's development.
Психология: предмет и метод. Избранные психологические труды Psychology: subject and method. Selected psychological works

The book of selected works by P. Ya. Galperin is the most complete collection of his publications and speeches covering a wide range of fundamental and applied problems of psychology. The publication introduces the teaching of P. Ya. Galperin about orientation activity as a function of the psyche, ideas about its development in philo-, anthropo- and ontogenesis, the theory of gradual formation of mental actions and concepts, the concept of different types of orientation activity.

Of particular interest is the planned-stage formation as a method of studying mental processes, creative thinking and the problem of the relationship between learning and development.

Птичий алфавит Bird Alphabet: Poems

The poetic collection ‘Bird Alphabet’ will help the younger generation to get to know the world of wildlife and will teach them how to love, understand and protect it.

Путеводитель по «Книге про бойца» А. Твардовского «Василий Теркин» Guide to ‘A Book about a Soldier’, A. Tvardovsky’s Poem ‘Vasily Tyorkin.’

The book ‘Vasily Terkin’ by A. Tvardovsky played an outstanding role during the Great Patriotic War and became, to put it in the words of a front-line soldier, an encyclopedia of the soldier's life which found place for humor that brightened up the endless trench warfare, and the harshest truth, ‘no matter how bitter it was.’ The long-time researcher of the great Russian poet’s life and work tells the story behind this ‘Book about a Soldier’, its complex fate and amazing artistic originality that is still to be fully appreciated.
For teachers of secondary and higher schools, their students, applicants and all lovers of Russian literature.

Путеводитель по «Слову о полку Игореве» Guide to ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’

The book is dedicated to the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’, one of the most famous and mysterious Russian literary monuments. Having been published in 1800 only once according to the manuscript that later burnt in the Moscow fire of 1812, ‘The Tale ...’ has constantly attracted the attention of researchers and writers and generated new interpretations for more than two centuries now. The manual examines the authenticity of the ancient Russian ‘poem’, the creation of a twelfth-century nameless scribe or an eighteenth-century mystification, and the problem of the genre nature of the work, the reflection of history in ‘The Tale ...’, obscure (‘dark’) passages and Christian elements in its text. The book is largely an overview of various modern scholarly interpretations of the monument.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по книге Л.Н. Толстого «Война и мир». Часть 1 A Guide to L.N. Tolstoy's Book "War and Peace". Part 1.
The first part of the guide to the book “War and Peace” tells about the history of the creation of Leo Tolstoy’s book, its genre, and the writer’s work with historical sources. In the guide, the reader will find an essay on Tolstoy’s philosophy of history and reviews from contemporaries about “War and Peace.” The second part is a detailed commentary on the chapters. The guide includes a Dictionary of outdated and obscure words and a list of recommended literature. For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.
Путеводитель по книге Л.Н. Толстого «Война и мир». Часть 2 A Guide to L.N. Tolstoy's Book "War and Peace". Part 2.
The first part of the guide to the book “War and Peace” tells about the history of the creation of Leo Tolstoy’s book, its genre, and the writer’s work with historical sources. In the guide, the reader will find an essay on Tolstoy’s philosophy of history and reviews from contemporaries about “War and Peace.” The second part is a detailed commentary on the chapters. The guide includes a Dictionary of obsolete and obscure words and a list of recommended readings. For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.
Путеводитель по комедии А.П. Чехова «Вишневый сад» Guide to Chekhov’s Comedy ‘The Cherry Orchard’

This original study of A.P. Chekhov's comedy ‘The Cherry Orchard’ is based on a detailed examination of exclusively primary sources — Chekhov's correspondence, memoirs and testimonies of his family and friends, a narrow and confidential social circle. In his first part - ‘The Cherry Orchard’ - ‘Anton Chekhov's Dreams’ - the author attempts to trace the accumulation of creative material, to substantiate and understand the primary sources from which the author derived his idea of writing the play, to analyze the most important circumstances of the writer's life that impacted his creative process. The second part - ‘The Cherry Orchard’ - ‘Mystification of Life’ – is in fact a scientific study of the play itself. The author presents and proves a number of hypotheses and psychological motives for the behavior of the play’s main characters, offers an original explanation of the factual aspect of the play, draws up complete and at times paradoxical psychological portraits of his characters. The third part of the book - ‘The Undisclosed Secrets of the Cherry Orchard’ (The Talk that Never Happened’ - gives the reader an opportunity to fantasize about the play and to reflect on the motives and circumstances that are not subject to scientific discussion and are merely the author’s assumptions and hypotheses.
For teachers and students of secondary and higher schools, applicants and everyone who wants to broaden their understanding of Chekhov's art outside the standard interpretation of this author that has been elaborated in the scientific and journalistic literature.

Путеводитель по Маяковскому Guide to Mayakovsky

Unlike other books in this series, this book is a guidebook not just to a single work, but to all of Mayakovsky's lyrics, practically his poetry, for Mayakovsky remained a lyrist in both his civil verses and even in his big poems. Throughout the book, the author guides the reader through a complex labyrinth of bonds that Mayakovsky's lyrical poetry forms with that of his fellow poets, as well as with that of poets who seem to be worlds apart but in fact not so far away.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по поэзии А.А. Фета Guide to the Poetry of A.A. Fet

This book is the first one to analyze all of A.А. Fet’s lyrical poems which are included in the Education Standard for secondary schools and in the sysllabus for MSU applicants: ‘The cat is singing, his eyes screwed up ...’, ‘As a wavy cloud ...’, ‘Whispers, timid breathing ...’, ‘This morning, this joy ...’, ‘The night was shining, Moonlight had filled the garden...’ and others. Each of the 14 chapters offers a review of one of these poems. The author analyses the motive organization, figurative structure, vocabulary, features of their sound patterns, metrics and rhythms of Fet’s texts.
For teachers of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, high school students, university entrants, students and teachers of philology and all admirers of Russian literary classics.

Путеводитель по поэме Н.В. Гоголя «Мертвые души» Guide to N.V. Gogol’s Novel ‘Dead Souls’

The manual offers a systemic chapter-by-chapter analysis of the novel’s text, explains words and names that have fallen out of use, interprets the author's position, characteristics of his narration and style and compares the first and second volumes of the novel. He also references the works that Nikolay Gogol was working on while writing his ‘Dead Souls’ - ‘Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends’ and ‘The Author's Confession’.

For teachers of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, high school students, university entrants, students, university and college teachers and all admirers of Russian literary classics.

Путеводитель по пьесе У.Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта» Guide to William Shakespeare's Play ‘Romeo and Juliet’

The commentary on the tragedy is based on the interlinear translation of the variant of the text, which was published in the First Folio (1623). The text of the word-for-word translation is compared with the 20th century Soviet translations, which were marked by censorship and aesthetic restrictions so inherent in Soviet literary criticism. The guidebook aims to bring the reader closer to the understanding of Shakespeare's phraseology, the idioms and jokes of his comic characters that live in Verona but speak the language of Elizabethan London.

Путеводитель по роману А.П. Платонова «Котлован» Guide to A.P. Platonov’s novel ‘The Pit Foundation’

Andrei Platonov’s novella ‘The Pit Foundation’, one of the most unusual events in Russian literature, is almost journalistically saturated with the realities of that time and is a striking documentary source of Russia’s 20th century dramatic history. The guide to ‘The Pit Foundation’ provides an easy-to-understand and fascinating account about the factual underpinnings of this complex allegorical work; the philosophical subtext of the novella, the literary parallels of its plot, composition and main characters.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums; students, high school students, university entrants, specialists in philology and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по роману А.П. Платонова «Чевенгур» Guide to A.P. Platonov’s Novel ‘Chevengur’

‘Chevengur’ occupies a central place in Andrei Platonov’s work. The guidebook offers an artistic story behind the novel against the backdrop of the 1920s socio-political situation; it provides a complete philological analysis of the work, showing its links with the historical and cultural context (mythological, religious, philosophical, political and scientific reminiscences including those related to the works of 19th and 20th century Russian literature). It examines the linguostylistic features of Platonov’s text – its specific collocational characteristics and connotational nuances.
For teachers, philologists, students, applicants, high school students and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по роману в стихах А.С. Пушкина «Евгений Онегин» Guide to А.S. Pushkin’s Novel in Verse ‘Eugene Onegin’

According to V.G. Belinsky, ‘Eugene Onegin’ ‘is Pushkin’s most intimate work, the most beloved child of his imagination.’ There have been numerous researchers’ commentaries on Pushkin's novel in verse. The author of this book takes into account literary scholars’ commentaries and interpretations. At the same time, the reader will find here a lot of new material that has escaped the attention of its previous researchers. The ‘slow reading’ method allows the reader to get rather extensive ideas about the genre of Pushkin’s novel in verse, the nature of its main characters and their relationship with each other. In elucidating the text of ‘Eugene Onegin’ the author successfully brings Pushkin's speech closer to the modern idiom without leaving any of the novel’s realities unexplained. To facilitate the reader's understanding of the Pushkin novel in verse, the book contains a glossary of mythological and art historian terms used in ‘Eugene Onegin.’

For school and university teachers, their students, applicants and all lovers of Russian literature.

Путеводитель по роману Ф.М. Достоевского «Братья Карамазовы» Guide to F.M. Dostoevsky's Novel ‘The Brothers Karamazov’

‘The Brothers Karamazov’ is the last of the great novels by F.M. Dostoevsky, in which he put everything all he knew and understood about Russia, the world at large, the man and mankind. Externally, this novel is written in a very simple way but it contains numerous profound truths, philosophical meanings, paradoxes and prophecies. The author of the ‘Guide’ identifies and explains many of them and helps the reader see them too by navigating him through the pages of the novel and rereading them again. First, he follows its events and main characters, revealing its explicit and implicit biblical and literary quotations, philosophical and historical allusions, showing the historical context in which the novel was created, and what the writer prophesied about the future. Finally, in his other chapters, the author invites the reader to reflect together with him on the novel’s cross-cutting themes and key scenes.

For high school students and college students, teachers of schools and universities and, in general, fans of this great Russian classic.

Пути развития русского литературного языка XI-XVII вв. Development of the Russian Literary Language in the 11th – 17th Centuries

By proving that in Russia existed a language situation characterized by the presence of two opposing normed language phenomena from the time of the origin of writing and up until the modern time, Professor M. M. Remneva traces the history of the evolution of the Russian (East Slavonic, Old Russian) literary language based on the material of four hundred 11th-17th century monuments and analyzes its grammatical system in comparison with the language system that was reflected in the Old Church Slavonic texts.

For teachers, graduate students, students and all those who are interested in the history of the language.

Равные условия для всех детей: стратегия, которая работает Giving Kids a Fair Chance. A strategy that works

A top economist weighs in on one of the most urgent questions of our times: What is the source of inequality and what is the remedy?

In Giving Kids a Fair Chance, Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman argues that the accident of birth is the greatest source of inequality in America today. Children born into disadvantage are, by the time they start kindergarten, already at risk of dropping out of school, teen pregnancy, crime, and a lifetime of low-wage work. This is bad for all those born into disadvantage and bad for American society.

Current social and education policies directed toward children focus on improving cognition, yet success in life requires more than smarts. Heckman calls for a refocus of social policy toward early childhood interventions designed to enhance both cognitive abilities and such non-cognitive skills as confidence and perseverance. This new focus on preschool intervention would emphasize improving the early environments of disadvantaged children and increasing the quality of parenting while respecting the primacy of the family and America's cultural diversity.

Heckman shows that acting early has much greater positive economic and social impact than later interventions — which range from reduced pupil-teacher ratios to adult literacy programs to expenditures on police — that draw the most attention in the public policy debate. At a time when state and local budgets for early interventions are being cut, Heckman issues an urgent call for action and offers some practical steps for how to design and pay for new programs.

The debate that follows delves deeply into some of the most fraught questions of our time: the sources of inequality, the role of schools in solving social problems, and how to invest public resources most effectively. Mike Rose, Geoffrey Canada, Charles Murray, Carol Dweck, Annette Lareau, and other prominent experts participate.

Радиационная медицинская физика Radiation medical physics
The textbook has been prepared on the basis of special courses taught at the Department of Accelerator Physics and Radiation Medicine for 20 years. The main material for the book was the textbooks of the cycle "Library of Medical Physics" for the basic courses of the department, published in 2017-2019. The textbook consists of three sections: theoretical chapters, nuclear physics in medicine, clinical dosimetry and quality assurance.

     The textbook is intended for students of physical, physico-technical, chemical, radiobiological specialties studying in the specialty " Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles", "Medical physics". It will also be useful for students of other physical, chemical, biological and medical specialties preparing to work in radiological departments of oncological institutions. The publication is also aimed at students studying under the program of additional professional retraining of medical physicists, as well as medical specialists working in radiology, radiation therapy and diagnostics, nuclear medicine.
Радиовещание и телевидение Франции. Radio and Television in France

The monograph traces the main stages of the development of French radio and television broadcasting. The book examines the process of formation of the French audiovisual system against the backdrop of the country's internal social and political life, important international events, 20th century scientific and technological progress and the introduction of digital technologies in the early 21st century. The work focuses on the specifics of French radio and television functioning during the establishment of a state TV and radio monopoly in France. It examines in detail the legislation in the field of audiovisual media and its impact on the transformation of the French radio and TV broadcasting system.
For students, post-graduate students and teachers of faculties and departments of journalism, practical journalists, political scientists and media historians.

Радиожурналистика Radio Journalism

The textbook deals with the history, specific features and public functions of radio broadcasting, its place in the mass media system, the structure of its expressive means, radio broadcasting program genres and forms, questions of the methodology of the radio journalist's work both when broadcasting live and recording programs for future broadcasts as well as the typology of radio broadcasting organizations that has been established in Russia and abroad. It provides the first ever summary of foreign experience, international broadcasting experience and forms and methods of radio audiences surveys.
For students of journalism and television practitioners.

Развиваем мышление с русскими сказками Developing Thinking with Russian Tales

A common view is that folktales are for children. In general, this is not the case, let alone for Russian folktales. This becomes more obvious when we take a closer look at the rather violent content of these stories. Thus the challenge of this work is an attempt to reestablish the reality of these stories, intended primarily for the adult reader, by offering them accompanied by a philosophical analysis, as well as with questions inviting the amateur of tales to meditate further on the content of these narrations. Since one of the consequences of the infantilization of these stories is precisely that they tend to lose their function, which consists in making the listener reflect on the world, on humanity, on psychology, on himself etc. The allegories or metaphors they contain constitute in fact a kind of narrative philosophy, taking the form of fables or parables, all of which are meant to feed our thoughts. Of course, without excluding children.

Развитие метода ортогональных полиномов в механике микрополярных и классических упругих тонких тел Development of the method of orthogonal polynomials in the mechanics of micropolar and classical elastic thin bodies

The book is devoted to the construction of various versions of the theories of elastic thin bodies using the method of orthogonal polynomials. It deals with selected issues of classical and micropolar continuum mechanics and eigenvalue problems of tensor objects of any even rank with some applications to mechanics. Formulas expressing explicitly complete systems of orthonormal proper tensor objects are derived. Classifications of materials are given.

For researchers, undergraduates and postgraduates specializing in the fields of deformable solid mechanics and mechanics of thin structures.

Распределенная обработка данных (pdf) Distributed data processing (pdf)
Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics. The manual is devoted to processing large volumes of data stored distributedly on computer system nodes. The main approaches to data replication and partitioning are considered. Much attention is paid to methods for synchronizing components of distributed systems, the basics of blockchain technology are outlined, as well as the basic technology of distributed data processing MapReduce. This manual is intended for undergraduate students studying in the direction of 03/01/02. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and can also be used as an introductory course for those planning to major in data analytics, data engineering, and related fields.
Резонансная нанофотоника — 2024: образовательный семинар, 8–12 июля 2024 года, Москва: Тезисы докладов. (pdf) Resonant Nanophotonics Educational Workshop 2024, July 8–12, 2024, Moscow: Book of abstracts (pdf)

The edition abstracts of oral and poster presentations of participants of the Resonance Nanophotonics Educational Workshop (ReNEW) conference, which was held from July 8 to 12, 2024, at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.

Реклама в СМИ. История, технология, классификация Advertising in the Media. History, Technology, Classification

Advertising and the media have been inextricably linked for several centuries. The monograph analyzes the current areas of research in advertising in mass media, the development of media advertising and those technological areas that are important for the survival of the advertising market and media business. The author considers typological features of media advertising and offers her model of advertising classification. The book is of scientific and practical interest and is addressed to teachers, graduate students, university students and a wide range of specialists working in the field of advertising and mass media.

Реклама: искусство слова. Рекомендации для составителей рекламных текстов Advertising: the Art of the Word. Recommendations for Compilers Who Advertise Texts

The manual introduces the principles of stylistically correct and effective construction of advertising texts, requirements for their composition, language and style and specific features of their linguistic impact.
For mass media staff, advertising agents and writers of text ads.

Реклама: каждый прав по-своему. Учебное пособие по развитию речи (более 100 творческих задач) Advertising: Everyone is Right in Their Own Way. A Manual on Speech Development (Over 100 Creative Tasks)

The manual consists of lessons including adapted journalistic texts, lexical and creative tasks that motivate students to communicate on a given topic, to develop their practical skills and speech skills. The specific feature of the material organization is to get students to express their own opinion and conduct discussions when working in a group in Russian as a foreign language (the advanced stage) and in Russian as a non-native language. The goal of the course is to develop students’ language, speech and socio-cultural competence. The manual is aimed at improving all types of speech activity - reading, listening, speaking, writing. It covers a wide range of socio-cultural and public topics. All the texts are united by a common theme - ‘Topical issues of advertising’.
For students studying in different specialties and disciplines such as ‘Philology’, ‘Sociology’, ‘Journalism’, ‘Advertising and Public Relations’, ‘Intercultural Communication’, etc.

Ректор Московского университета академик А.А. Логунов и его время Moscow University Rector Logunov and His Time

The book, which MSU professor emeritus V.Tropin wrote to mark the 80th birthday of academician A. A. Logunov, is devoted to the latter’s activities as Moscow university rector.
For all those who are interested in the history of Moscow University.

Ректоры Московского университета (1755–2017) Moscow University Rectors (1755–2017)

Evgeny Evgenievich Shiryaev, a Moscow University alumnus, who worked for many years at the Geological Faculty, has created a unique portrait gallery. Today, these portraits decorate the Rectors’ office-museum in the MSU building in Mokhovaya Street. Unfortunately, the portrait gallery is incomplete since the images of some of its rectors are unavailable now, however some background information about these rectors’ lives and activity still survives and is now on display at the museum.

Религиозные организации современного мира Religious Organizations of the Modern World

This manual provides a systematic description of more or less every major religion that exists today, its main groups and trends and most important denominations. It shows the dogmatic and cult specificity of religious communities and indicates their organizational structure, number of followers and geographical distribution. The authors give brief information on the history of the major confessions, but focus largely on their current state. The educational and methodological value of this manual is that it not only provides students with very extensive information, but also contributes to their further independent work using the annexes and reference literature included in the manual. The manual is addressed to university students of history, but it can be useful for students studying in other specialties, as well as postgraduate students in the humanities.

Речевая коммуникация в бизнесе Speech Communication in Business

The monograph explores a wide range of business communication issues. In modern information society, the sine qua non condition for successful commercial activity is the ability to create an effective system of business communications both within the organization and in the external environment. The monograph answers the questions about the ways of optimizing communication processes and teaching students to discern their mistakes and eliminate them.

For students, specialists in the field of business communications, businesspersons and all those who are interested in the questions of speech communication in business.

Решетка замкнутых классов самодвойственных функций трёхзначной логики The Lattice of Closed Classes of Self-Dual Functions of Three-Valued Logic

The book describes the lattice of closed classes of three-valued logic that are embedded in the precomplete class of self-dual functions. Unlike the linear class, this is the first precomplete class of which we have been able to obtain a description. With the help of this description, various properties of closed classes of self-dual functions are proved. In particular, all closed classes have been shown to have a (finite or infinite) basis, all finitely generated and predicate-decomposable classes have been identified, and the powers of the sublattices and sublattices for each closed class have been found.
For students, graduate students and researchers specializing in the field of discrete mathematics.

Рик. Сказка - притча. Rick. Fairy Tale - Parable
The tale of the famous Luxembourg writer René Kartheiser is distinguished by the amazing artistic persuasiveness of the images. This makes it interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
Риторика романа Владимира Набокова «Дар». Фигура мысли. Rhetoric of Vladimir Nabokov's Novel ‘Gift’. A Figure of Thought

The book presents a profound conceptual structure of Vladimir Nabokov's novel ‘Gift’. Guided by the desire to give a textually substantiated analysis of the novel’s content, the author chose the quotational style of presentation. The book is addressed to students, specialists of philology and all those who are interested in the work of Vladimir Nabokov.

Роль морских льдов в динамике рельефа береговой зоны The Role of Sea Ice in the Dynamics of the Topographical Features of the Coastal Zone

The monograph deals with the activity of sea ice as an agent of active and passive topographical feature formation. The zoning of the coastal shelf zone was carried out according to the types of ice formations and their impact on the sea coast and the floor. The monograph provides a description of the morphology and morphometry of the exarational and other forms of the relief, the formation of which is associated with the dynamics and seasonal presence of sea ice. An attempt was made to correlate the intensity of ice impacts and the safety of the forms of ice grinding. The book assesses the impact of climate change and ice cover on the dynamics of Arctic coasts. The monograph is intended for a wide range of readers: from scientists and professionals - oceanologists, geomorphologists, engineers engaged in the design of hydraulic structures in the offshore shelf zone of the freezing seas, to students and postgraduates studying the physical essence and geography of natural processes in the Arctic, Caspian and other natural regions.

Роман А.С. Пушкина «Капитанская дочка» A.S. Pushkin’s Novel ‘The Captain's Daughter’

This book offers a new reading of Alexander Pushkin’s ‘The Captain's Daughter’. The well-known literary critic Yu.M. Lotman rightly remarked: What’s happening with ‘The Captain's Daughter’ is the same as what happened to such works as Cervantes’s ‘Don Quixote’: the novel being too serious even for an adult reader, it has been transferred to the category of children’s books.’ The manual is addressed to high school students, applicants, students and teachers.

Роман И.А. Гончарова «Обломов». Путеводитель по тексту Goncharov's Novel ‘Oblomov’. A Guide to the Text

How much did the original design of Goncharov’s central novel change? What is his true conflict, what forms the foundation of its plot and why is ‘Oblomov’ made up of four parts? What gave the main character of the book a national and universal significance, and put Oblomovism on par with such notions as ‘Hamletism’, ‘Platonism’, ‘Quixotism’, ‘Don Juanism’, etc.? How are all the male and female characters in the novel systematized and how do the ‘notions of life’ including those of love, marriage and familial home they embody differ from each other? What does Olga Ilyinskaya yearn for in the ‘Crimean’ chapter of the novel? These are but only some of the questions to which this book offers detailed answers. Written by the famous historian and popularizer of Russian classical literature and a Goncharov literary prize-winner, the book is a fascinating guide to the artistic text of Goncharov’s famous masterpiece on every content level and facet - from social, everyday, topical and folklore to mythological and symbolic ones.

For teachers of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, high school students, university entrants, students and teacher of philology and all admirers of Russian literary classics.

Романтическая муза Пушкина Pushkin’s Romantic Muse

This book singles out four periods in the development of Pushkin's romanticism placing an emphasis on the history of its development in his lyric poetry, on lyrical romanticism as a moving phenomenon, on the dynamics of images, style, and aesthetic coloring of his works. Although being aware of the constant original values of Pushkin's romanticism, the author also considers both the changing opinions and forms of creativity corresponding to the poet’s nature, his mental make-up, in other words, this book studies the works of a Genius. It is addressed to specialists in philology and everyone who loves Pushkin.

Романы И. А. Гончарова I.A. Goncharov’s Novels

Which ancient yet ever-living story does the novel about the hopes, delusions and disappointments of Alexander Aduyev, Ivan Goncharov’s main character, remind of? Who is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov – a patriarchal master or a Russian Don Quixote? Why did the writer call his ‘The Precipice’ ‘an epic of love’? And with what purpose does the Russian ship ‘Pallada’ prowl the world ocean? These and many other questions get answered in this book. The author offers a new reading of ‘A Common Story’. ‘Oblomov’ and ‘The Precipice’, as well as his travelogue ‘Frigate Pallada’ based on the materials of his round-the-world voyage from Kronstadt to Japan and his subsequent return to St. Petersburg by land across Siberia. The book ends with the chapter about ‘The Extraordinary Story’ - an autobiographical novel in which Goncharov told about the creation of his novels, especially ‘The Precipice’. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, to students of philology and to all admirers of Goncharov.

Романы Ф.М. Достоевского F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novels

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This work is devoted to Dostoevsky’s three novels – ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Idiot’ and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. In the first chapter (on ‘Crime and Punishment’), the author's attention is drawn to his central character - Rodion Raskolnikov. The contact between the consciousness of the protagonist and that of other characters reveals the basis of the concept of man in Dostoevsky's work: ‘everyone is guilty for everybody and everything’. The second chapter dealing with the novel ‘The Idiot’ also examines the problem of guilt in Dostoevsky’s concept of a personality. The third chapter analyzes the meaning of the poem about the great inquisitor in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ - the ideological center of the writer's artistic world. The conversation about the three novels is united by one common problem – that of the personality in the work of Dostoevsky as an artist and a thinker.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, and for a wide range of readers.

Российский оборонно-промышленный комплекс: история, современное состояние, перспективы The Russian Defense Industry Complex: History, Current State, Prospects

The monograph deals with the formation and development of the Russian defense industry complex (DIC). The historical approach promotes an in-depth analysis of the current state and prospects for modernizing the defense industry. The dynamics and direction of the DIC structural transformations testify to the synchrony of this process with the changes now under way in the structure of state management. The work is intended for managers and specialists of the defense industry complex.

Российское земство и европейские традиции местного самоуправления (формирование представительства в местном самоуправлении России и Европы второй половины XIX – начале ХХ века) Russian Zemstvo and European Traditions of Local Self-Government. Formation of Representation in Local Self-Government of Russia and Europe in the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

The work analyses the role the European traditions of local self-government play in the practice of preparing and implementing zemstvo reforms in Russia in the second half of 19th and the early 20th centuries. The emphasis is placed on examining the issues related to the formation of representative bodies in municipalities, the role of election qualification mechanisms in regulating the composition of municipal assemblies. The monograph is designed for professionals - historians, political scientists, anyone who is interested in the history of local government.

Россия, католичество и польский вопрос Russia, Catholicism and the Polish Question

The world-famous Polish philosopher, a historian of ideas, law, literature and culture, traces the centuries-old contacts between Russia and Poland and sums up his studies of the interconnections between the two Slavic peoples. In particular, he examines the issue of religious relations - a possible union of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The dramatic pages of the Polish insurgency are reproduced through the prism of the contradictory perception of the January 1863 Uprising by the Russian social, political and artistic thought.
For philosophers, Slavists, religious scholars and everyone who is interested in the history of modern thought. Translated from the Polish edition: Andrzej Walicki. Rosja, katolicyzm i sprawa polska. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka, 2002.

Руководство к занятиям по практической физиологии центральной нервной системы A guide to practical physiology of the central nervous system

The experimental tasks included in the textbook are based on lecture materials read to students and are aimed at strengthening the theoretical knowledge gained. The publication can be useful for self-preparation of students of natural sciences faculties of universities and medical universities for classes in the physiology of the central nervous system, and can also be used to organize practical classes by university teachers of biological, medical, psychological, veterinary profile.

Руководство к практическим занятиям по физиологии человека и животных A Guide to Practical Studies in Human and Animal Physiology

The manual presents experimental tests for practical consolidation of the fundamental lecture course in the physiology of man and animals, which was read at the biological, psychological and medical faculties, Moscow State University. Compared with the first edition (published by Moscow University Press in 1975), the manual includes a new section - problems in general pathophysiology. The manual describes both classical and advanced techniques using modern electronic equipment. The description of the tests is given in a format that generally corresponds to the rules for the design of scientific publications in the specialized literature.

For students, post-graduate students and teachers of biological, medical-biological, psychological and veterinary specialties.

Руководство по психологии здоровья Handbook of Health Psychology

In contemporary practice health psychology is an independent trend in psychological science, a universally recognized specialization giving rise to master theses and PhD dissertations, as well as to publications in more than a dozen scientific journals in the field. The present tutorial embraces both well-established and modern research models and data. Section 1 is devoted to theoretical and methodological bases of health psychology; section 2 studies destructive psychological factors affecting health; section 3 discusses health psychology approaches with respect to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

For psychology students who specialize in social psychology, clinical psychology, personality psychology, health psychology, as well as for anyone interested in the problems of modern health psychology and methods of changing health-risk behaviors.

Рукописная традиция французского «Жития Святого Этьена де Мюре» The French Manuscript Tradition of ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’

The book presents a scientific edition of the full text of the medieval French hagiographic monument ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’ that has been preserved in four 14th -15th century copies and their translations into Russian. The work includes a study of the linguistic features of these manuscripts and the establishment of the manuscript tradition of the work.
For specialists in the history of the French language and literature and a wide range of readers who are interested in medieval culture, hagiographic literature and medieval church history.

Русская «деревенская» проза Russian ‘Village’ Prose

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The book analyzes universal spiritual, moral, ethical, and aesthetic values of Russian peasantry in the works of F.A. Abramov, V.I. Belov, V.M. Shukshin, V.G. Rasputin, as well as their immediate predecessors, such as E.I. Zamyatin and A.P. Platonov. A special chapter is devoted to the origins of our country's ‘rural’ prose of our century in Russian classical literature, from N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin, D.V. Grigorovich and I.S. Turgenev to L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, G.I. Uspensky and A.P. Chekhov.
For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Русская грамматическая наука XIX века (1820–1850-е гг.): история и историография (pdf) Russian grammatical science of the ХIХ century (1820-1850s): history and historiography (pdf)

The textbook aims to describe the way the system of linguistic education was formed in the Russian grammar studies of the 1820–1850s. Their authors' approaches to theoretical and practical issues of learning Russian are extended with the analysis of their contemporaries' reviews of the grammar textbooks. Tables, diagrams, follow-up questions, literature lists as well as tasks for the analysis of scientific and linguistic texts will allow readers to process the information in a more productive way. The addenda provide the basic information about the biography and studies of the prominent modern linguists and philosophers as well as Russian philologists of the XVIII–XX centuries mentioned in the book.

The textbook is intended to be used in the course on the history of Russian linguistics or alike.

Русская критика о Пушкине: избранные статьи, комментарии Russian Criticism of Pushkin: Selected Articles, Comments

The book offers the best and most significant articles about Pushkin by outstanding writers, thinkers and reputable literary critics, from Vyazemsky to Akhmatova. The texts are accompanied by detailed commentary. The book is addressed to students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, university entrants and students. It will also be useful for teachers, university lecturers, philology specialists, and all admirers of Pushkin.

Русская литература XIX века. 1840-1860-е годы Russian 19th Century Literature. 1840s through 1860s

This is the third book in the 'University Lecture Courses' series (on philological disciplines), opened by Moscow University Press in 2005 with lectures by the oldest teacher of the University, N.I. Liban.

Its main author is V.A. Nedzvetsky — an Honored Professor of Moscow State University, a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education Sciences, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize. He had published two lectures on Russian literature of the Soviet period (Budapest, 1986, 1989) and lecture courses on Russian literary criticism of the 18th and 19th centuries (Moscow, 1994, 2008), as well as a special course on I.S. Turgenev works (Moscow, Sterlitamak, 2008). The last two lectures in the book (about Nekrasov and Ostrovsky) were written by the associate professor of the Moscow City Pedagogical University E.Yu. Poltavets. This lecture course is dedicated to Russian literature of the second third of the 19th century. Writers of that period, such as Herzen, Turgenev, Goncharov, Chernyshevsky, L. Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Nekrasov, Fet, Tyutchev, and Ostrovsky, gained Russian and European recognition within their lifetimes. V. Nedzvetsky and E. Poltavets' lecture course is remarkable in its subtle aesthetic analysis, conceptual consistency, and simplicity.

For students (bachelors and masters), postgraduates and teachers of philological faculties, as well as for all those interested in Russian literature classics.

Русская литература XIX-XX веков, в 2-х томах Russian Literature. 19th-20th Century
The huge demand for this publication became the reason for a new reissue of the textbook, which has educated more than one generation of applicants - now students of the best Moscow universities. The two-volume manual is a collection of monographic chapters about writers whose works are included in the programme for applicants. This is not a collection of “golden” school exam essays or a series of cheat sheets. The authors of the two-volume book are prominent literary scholars, professors and lecturers at Moscow State University. The proposed manual is designed to stimulate the applicant’s independent creative thought, without the support of which it is impossible to successfully pass the exams. The manual was prepared by the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University in accordance with the updated program, in force since 2007.
Русская литература и журналистика XVIII века Russian literature and journalism of the XVIII century

The textbook "Russian Literature and journalism of the XVIII century" is already the 5th edition. The content of the book covers the period from Peter the Great's transformations to the last decade of the XVIII century, when sentimentalism was established in Russia as a literary trend. The author analyzes the artistic and journalistic works and journalistic activities of famous writers of the XVIII century, introducing the reader to a wide range of names — from Feofan Prokopovich to N.M. Karamzin.

The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and university teachers.

Русская православная церковь и новая религиозная ситуация в России. The Russian Orthodox Church and the New Religious Situation in Russia
The book analyzes the formation of a new religious situation in modern Russia and identifies the positions of the Russian Orthodox Church, which largely determines the religious situation in the country as a whole. First of all, those aspects of the topic are considered where the connection between religion and ethnicity is especially evident. A number of problems posed in this work are studied for the first time. In particular, the book presents the first secular study of proselytism and modern missionary activity. For the first time in secular scientific literature, the Orthodox concept of human rights is analyzed. The relationship between religious and ethnic affiliation received further development. The book is addressed to ethnologists, religious scholars, as well as all those interested in the religious situation in modern Russia.
Русская социально-политическая мысль. 1850-1860-е годы Russian Socio-Political Thought. XI‒XVII Centuries.
The anthology, compiled in accordance with the program of the course "History of Socio-Political Doctrines of Russia", read at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, includes works by K.S. Aksakov, A.I. Herzen, K.D. Kavelin, N.P. Ogarev, D.I. Pisarev, Yu.F. Samarin, N.G. Chernyshevsky. The publication is provided with comments. For students of the humanities faculties of universities, as well as all those interested in the history of Russian socio-political thought.
Русская социально-политическая мысль. XI–XVII вв. Russian socio-political thought. XI - XVII centuries.
The reader, compiled in accordance with the program of the course "History of Socio-Political Doctrines of Russia", taught at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, includes works of Russian thinkers of the 11th-17th centuries. The publication is provided with commentary. For students of the humanities faculties of universities and everyone interested in the history of Russian socio-political thought.
Русская социально-политическая мысль. Первая половина XIX века Russian Socio-Political Thought. First Half of the 19th Century
The anthology, compiled in accordance with the programme of the course "History of Socio-Political Doctrines of Russia", taught at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, includes the works of V.T. Belinsky, M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky, N.V. Gogol, N.M. Karamzin, I.V. Kireevsky, N.M. Muravyov, P.I. Pestel, M.P. Pogodin, M.M. Speransky, F.I. Tyutchev, S.S. Uvarov, A.S. Khomyakov, P.Ya. Chaadaev, S.P. Shevyrev. The book is provided with comments. For students of the humanities faculties of universities, all those interested in the history of Russian socio-political thought.
Русская философия: энциклопедия Russian Philosophy: an Encyclopedia
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Editorial board: M. A. Maslin, P. P. Apryshko, V. V. Vanchugov, A. A. Ermichev, V. N. Zhukov, A. P. Kozyrev, Yu. V. Kolesnichenko, N. V. Krotkova , A. G. Myslivchenko, A. P. Polyakov, V. V. Serbinenko, Yu. N. Solodukhin, A. A. Shirinyants. Compilation and scientific editing P. P. Apryshko, A. P. Polyakov, Yu. N. Solodukhin. The 5th edition of the encyclopedia provides a picture of the history of Russian philosophy and its current state in all the diversity and completeness of currents, schools, issues, views and works of representatives of Russian philosophical thought. The encyclopedia includes more than 1000 articles. Considerable attention is paid to the coverage of studies of Russian philosophy abroad, to the analysis of the main works of the largest thinkers of Russia. The authors of the encyclopedia articles are specialists in the field of Russian philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, sociology, political science, and psychology. The encyclopedia will be useful to specialists and anyone who has a deep interest in Russian philosophy and culture.
Русский  Белград Russian Belgrade
The book presents colorful stories about the people of Russian Belgrade, about the church, art, education, science, politics, revealing its originality.
Русский роман XIX века:  спорные и нерешенные вопросы жанра

This new book by Valentin Nedzvetskiy is dedicated to the problems of the modern scientifi c history of the Russian XIXth century novel. The author suggests to his readers well-reasoned answers to the argumentative questions about the substantial forms of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, Goncharov's «trilogy» novel, «five-book» novel by F. Dostoyevsky, and My Past and Thoughts by A. Herzen. Using the cast of N. Leskov's work No way out the unique issues of the Russian novel are revealed. The chapters about antique origins of the classical Russian novel; its passionate supporter Belinsky; V. Kozhinov, the bright historian of the novel genre, and a dismaying state of the Russian classic literature teaching in our universities, make this book essential not only for the specialists and students in philology, but also for all language arts teaches.

Русский символизм Russian symbolism
Russian symbolism is presented in the book as a bright and significant phenomenon in the literature of the 20th century. The monograph examines the poetry, prose and partly dramaturgy of the Symbolists - D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius, I. Konevsky, K. Balmont, F. Sologub, V. Bryusov, A. Blok, A. Bely, Vyach. Ivanov, I. Annensky and others - in a new interpretation of their work.
Русский фольклор Russian folklore

The famous teacher and scientist, academician, Professor Y.M. Sokolov (1889-1941) considers the artistic properties of Russian folklore, its features as a phenomenon of traditional Russian culture. All types of folklore are covered. The history of collecting and studying folklore in Russia is presented. The book is characterized by brevity and clarity of presentation, written in excellent language. Time has highlighted the scientific merits of the book. And to this day the surviving copies of the first (1938) and second (1941) editions are in use by the higher school. The book was also published in English. In the process of preparing for the third edition, comments were made on certain outdated provisions.

For students, postgraduates, teachers and anyone interested in Russian folklore.

Русский язык в старших классах. Орфография (pdf) Russian language in high school. Spelling
Book by Sergei Shtilman “Russian language in high school. Spelling" is the result of many years of work by a teacher who strives to ensure that children not only become more literate, but also feel independent. Spelling material is given in the form of thematic blocks. Theoretical information on Russian spelling is presented in the form of compact summary tables. The algorithm for strengthening competent writing skills proposed in the book is as follows: from simple to more complex; from the level of words and phrases - to the level of phrases, sentences and text. The texts of some trainings are literary articles, and many exercises contain excerpts from classical works, which allows for integrated lessons on the Russian language and literature. The trainings are supplied with keys. The book also contains exercises on punctuation. The manual can be used by the teacher as didactic material for lessons, as well as as a self-instruction manual for high school students and applicants in preparation for dictations, tests, and the Unified State Exam.
Русский язык и культура речи (pdf) Russian language and speech culture

The textbook “Russian language and speech culture” is intended for students of the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. It can also be used (in whole or in part) in other humanities faculties, as well as in branches of the Moscow State University. The manual covers all the main topics of the course (including the question of the norms and styles of the modern Russian language) and significantly expands the topics related to the history of the Russian language and its place among other Slavic languages. The manual includes fragments of popular scientific texts of modern philologists who discuss the state of the Russian language today. These materials will allow students to engage in a discussion about the current state of the language and to understand the active processes taking place in it as a new stage of its systemic historical development.

Русский язык: теоретический курс для школьников Russian language: a theoretical course for schoolchildren

The manual contains a systematic presentation of all sections of the course "Russian language" with an overview of the material presented in the most common school teaching materials, as well as diagrams and samples of analysis of all language units and comments on these analyses. The task of the manual is to generalize and systematize students' knowledge of language and speech. The manual is compiled in accordance with the theoretical guidelines adopted in pre-university training at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and is intended for school students who study Russian in depth (at the profile level), and teachers.

Русский язык. Справочник по орфографии и пунктуации Russian language. Spelling and punctuation reference book
The book contains the basic rules of spelling and punctuation, with the main attention paid to those of them that cause difficulties when preparing mass media texts for printing. The rules are illustrated with examples. The reference book includes a spelling dictionary. For journalists, editorial and publishing workers, public relations and advertising workers, students, applicants, as well as all those for whom the accuracy and correctness of Russian written language are important.
Русский язык. Тренировочные материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Комплексный анализ текста. Эссе Russian language. Training materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Comprehensive text analysis. Essay
The collection of training tasks is addressed to high school graduates and applicants to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The manual includes a brief description of tasks 20–24 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, a detailed explanation of linguistic terms from task 24, a writing algorithm and a sample essay sample (task 25), twenty training texts of increasing content complexity, designed to test the level of students’ preparedness for tasks 20–24 Unified State Examination in Russian. The content of the texts, which can also be used in preparation for writing an essay (review) in task 25, is close to the exam requirements. The manual will provide practical assistance to teachers, tutors and parents in preparing students for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The materials in the collection of training tasks can be used in organizing independent work for students in grades 10–11, as well as in courses for preparation for the Unified State Exam.
Русско-английский словарь по экономике. С краткими пояснениями и перекрестными ссылками Russian-English dictionary of economics. With brief explanations and cross-references
The Russian-English dictionary of economics contains terms and terminological phrases covering various aspects of economic activity and the main directions of economic theories. It includes brief explanations of terms and terminological expressions, cross-references to help in the correct choice of an adequate English word. For students, graduate students and teachers of English at economic departments of universities, a wide range of specialists, as well as people working in related fields, who, by the nature of their work, have to acquire knowledge in the field of economics.
Русско-французский словарь военных терминов Russian-French Dictionary of Military Terms

The dictionary contains more than 40,000 terms (words and phrases) reflecting the basic concepts of the use of the armed forces, the management of troops, the organization and conduct of hostilities, the maintenance of peace and security, as well as a wide range of terms on the provision of troops, on the device and use of military equipment and weapons of various types of armed forces.

Рынок труда. Занятость. Безработица Labor market. Employment. Unemployment
The textbook presents the theory of the labor market, employment, unemployment, taking into account the modern achievements of economic science. The article examines the specific features of the formation of the Russian labor market, as well as the state of employment and unemployment in the country. For students, postgraduates, teachers of economic universities and faculties, employees of the state employment service.
Рябины в коллекции Ботанического сада МГУ Rowan trees in the collection of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University

The book is devoted to the description of species, hybrids and varieties of representatives of the genus Rowan (Sorbus L.), which have been grown and observed for several decades in the open ground collection of the Botanical Garden of Biology Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

 A detailed description of cultivated varieties and natural species with an indication of their origin and biological properties is given. Data on reproduction, agricultural technology, decorative and food use of rowan trees are presented. Attention is paid to the history of selection work and rowan cultivation in our country. Data on winter hardiness based on long-term observations of rowans under the climate conditions of the Central zone of European Russia are presented.

The publication will be useful for specialists in the fields of botany, fruit growing and landscape design, and also for students and a wide range of amateur gardeners.

С математикой и информатикой 365 дней: Календарь With mathematics and computer science 365 days: Calendar
The book offers entertaining and educational material on mathematics and computer science, intended for a wide range of readers - schoolchildren, students, teachers, parents. The available facts are systematized in accordance with the calendar and are associated with holidays and memorable dates of the year - both international and Russian.The calendar contains little-known information about Russian mathematicians and cybernetics. Particular attention is paid to modern domestic and foreign specialists in the field of information technology, who through their activities have radically changed the way of human activity and continue to make revolutionary changes in the traditional way of life. The available information will significantly expand students’ knowledge and will contribute to the emergence and maintenance of interest in mathematics and computer science. The calendar can be used by teachers when preparing and conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in mathematics and computer science; it will also be of interest to any educated person seeking to broaden their horizons.
Самоуправление крестьян в России (XIX - начало XXI в.) Self-government of peasants in Russia (XIX - early XXI century)
Self-government of the Russian peasantry has a long and complex history. For centuries it has been embodied in the community. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new form of self-government was born and grew on its basis - the Soviets. The destruction of the country of Soviets led to the loss of the invaluable experience of peasant self-government. And only by recreating this experience will it be possible to revive the self-government of the Russian village. This book is based on lecture courses given by the authors at the history and law faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University. For students, graduate students, teachers of historical, legal and political science universities, as well as everyone interested in the history of the Russian village and problems of self-government.
Сборник задач по оптимизации. Теория. Примеры. Задачи. Collection of optimization problems. Theory. Examples. Tasks.

The book contains about 700 problems for finding extremes for the finite-dimensional case, for problems of classical calculus of variations, optimal control and convex programming. It contains elements of functional analysis, differential calculus and convex analysis.

The book contains the theory necessary for solving problems and examples. The basis for solving all problems is a single principle that goes back to Lagrangian. Some of the tasks are given with solutions. There are a large number of difficult tasks that can be used as term papers and theses.

For university students majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, as well as for graduate students and researchers.

Сборник статей по искусствознанию, филологии, истории

This collection of articles dedicated to Professor A.P.Lobodanov, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Lomonosov Moscow State University, on the occasion of his 60th birthday includes articles on history of art, history and philology. The articles on history of art feature different arts – music, theatre, visual arts. The articles on philology and linguistics contain both general theoretic and narrow topics. The works on history and philosophy embrace a long period of time – from Antiquity to Modern times. The authors are professors, teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Arts at Lomonosov Moscow State University, leading researchers of the State Art Institute, Professor A.P.Lobodanov's colleagues from Universities of Tomsk, Izhevsk, Riga, Barcelona, New York.

Сверхзвуковая плазменная аэродинамика Supersonic plasma aerodynamics

The monograph summarizes and systematizes the results on the fundamental problem of plasma physics related to the study of physical processes occurring in low-temperature non-stationary multicomponent gas-discharge plasma created by microwave and transverse discharges in high-speed flows of chemically active mixtures. This new field of plasma physics includes both fundamental research of the mechanisms and kinetics of atomic-molecular transformations in plasma, as well as applied aspects of optimization of plasma-chemical processes in supersonic air and air-hydrocarbon flows.

For researchers, graduate students and students specializing in the field of aerodynamics, plasma physics, chemical and physical kinetics.

Связи с общественностью: гражданский диалог Public Relations: Civil Dialogue
The textbook is devoted to current issues of public relations: the theory of IMC, the formation of image and reputation by means of PR, PR communications in trend management, a comparison of PR with related activities. Particular attention is paid to the essential characteristics of the network society and the emergence of new communication trends, in particular network PR technologies. For students and postgraduates of journalism faculties, specialists in public relations and a wide range of readers.
Семь бесед о филологии и Digital Humanities: Интервью и дискуссии (2015–2021) (pdf) Seven conversations about Philology and Digital Humanities: Interviews and discussions (2015-2021)

The book contains interviews of 2015-2021 with the Doctor of Philology Igor Alekseevich Pilshchikov, and a transcript of his report "Russian Quantitative Formalism of the 1910s-1930s as a precursor of Digital Humanities" with subsequent discussion (online seminar "Current methods of philological research", IRLI RAS, September 15, 2021). The discussions are devoted to the place of philology in the modern digital world, the creation and maintenance of scientific electronic libraries, digital archives and databases, Russian formal school as a precursor of modern quantitative formalism in literature research. A wider range of topics is also touched upon: from the student life of the 1980s and the philological environment of the 1990s to a variety of specific historical, literary and research issues.

Септуагинта: древнегреческий текст Ветхого Завета в истории религиозной мысли Septuaginta: the Greek Old Testament in the History of Religious Mind

The Septuagint, being the fi rst written biblical translation, was also the early testimony of understanding of the sacred text. It was not inferior by age to the scrolls of Qumran and earlier than the New Testament books, as well as than the written form of aramaic targums. The whole literature of Judaeo-Hellenism is associated with it. For the early Greek Christian communities it was the fi rst form of Scriptura Sacra. Opposition of angels and demons, idea of creation of the Universe «ex nihilo» were perceived by the European thought through the Septuagint. The study of this textual witness now seems to be more and more important and, from other side, more and more complicated, due to the scale and the depth of sources, and also due to the crisis of understanding.

Сергей Есенин Sergey Yesenin
The book by Doctor of Sci. (Philology) N.M. Solntseva examines the ideological quests of Sergei Yesenin - both a Christian and a radical, the features of the poet’s creative path, his aesthetic orientations. Yesenin's poetry is presented in the context of the motives and images of the works of V. Zhukovsky, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Blok, S. Klychkov, N. Klyuev, B. Pasternak, F. Villon and other poets. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, students, philologists and everyone who loves Yesenin’s work.
Сергей Михайлович Бонди: К 120-летию со дня рождения. Статьи. Письма. Воспоминания современников.

Sergei Mikhailovich Bondy (1891–1983) is a renowned Pushkin scholar, textual critic, historian of the Russian literature of the XIXth century, con noisseur of music and theatre, classic of the Russian literary studies. The first section of this book includes S. M. Bondy's little known articles dedicated to the poets: Baratynsky, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov, Lomonosov. The second section consists of the earlier unpublished Bondy's letters to composer M. F. Gnesin as well as Bondy's article «About the Musical Reading of M. F. Gne sin». One may also read firstly published Bondy's statements about Vs. Meyer hold; D. Bonch-Bruevich's letters to Bondy and comments to S. M. Bondy's work on Complete Academic Collected Works by Pushkin. The third section comprises letters that Sergei Mikhailovich wrote to his friends-scientists M. A. Tsyavlovsky and T. U. Tsyavlovsky, A. Slonimsky and S. Bobrov. Bondy friends' and followers' memoirs about him terminate the book. It also contains rare photo graphs from the Bondy family archive.

Сергей Михайлович Бонди. К 120-летию со дня рождения. Избранное

Mikhailovich Bondy (1891–1983) is a renowned Pushkin scholar, textual critic, historian of the Russian literature of the XIXth century, con noisseur of music and theatre, classic of the Russian literary studies. This book comprises five most signifi cant works of the scientist dedicated to A. S. Pushkin. These works, written and published in diff erent periods of time, make a priceless contribution to the treasury of the Russian philology. Key words: Pushkin, poetry, literature, art, philology, philological studies, versification, innovations, realism, artistism.

Си Цзиньпин и студенты (pdf) Xi Jinping and the students (pdf)
The book is based on a series of 25 interviews published in the China Youth Newspaper about Xi Jinping's interactions with students. The interviews cover various periods of Xi Jinping's work (over 30 years) in Zhengding, Xiamen, Ningde, Fuzhou, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Central government. The respondents include representatives of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and even the 2000s, that is, many generations of students since the beginning of the policy of reform and openness. Through this book, readers can vividly imagine and experience why General Secretary Xi Jinping enjoys the sincere support and love of hundreds of millions of young people in China. Copyright for the Russian edition is provided by China Youth Publishing Group Co. via Veritas & Mercurius Publishing Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Синдром Шегрена. Руководство для врачей

Many diseases are beyond one medical discipline, and it turns out to be a serious obstacle for their research. Creation of multidisciplinary group involving all the specialists interested – is a key to solving this problem. Such a decision was made long ago, in 1980's, by the Russian Academy of Sciences concerning Sjögren's syndrome. Uniting together efforts of several academic institutions has led to a serious breakthrough in the research of fundamental basis of this complicated pathology. Due to this, nowadays the Russian Federation is one of the ten leaders in this problem solution. The book reflects a long-term experience of the authors as well as analysis of the world literature data to present the peculiarities of clinical picture, diagnostics and contemporary methods of curing patients with Sjögren's syndrome.

Система моря Лаптевых и прилегающих морей Арктики. Современное состояние и история развития The Laptev Sea system and the adjacent Arctic seas. Current state and history of development
The monograph presents the results of 15 years of joint Russian-German multidisciplinary research in the Arctic, which were obtained during a large number of sea and land expeditions, as well as year-round measurements and observations. Based on modern research methods, including satellite observations, radiocarbon (AMS14C) dating of sediments of the Arctic seas, isotope, biochemical and other methods, the authors obtained unique materials. The main sections of the monograph present the latest data on modern sedimentation processes in the Arctic seas, hydrological, ice and hydrobiological processes, the evolution of permafrost and the development of the paleoenvironment of the seas and adjacent land.
Словотворчество Велимира Хлебникова Word creation by Velimir Khlebnikov
The book examines the linguistic, literary, cultural and philosophical works of the Russian avant-garde poet Velimir Khlebnikov (1885 - 1922) based on the material of the poet’s published and handwritten heritage. For specialist philologists, university professors, teachers, students, as well as for a wide range of lovers of Russian literature.
Современная  цивилизация. Вызовы и альтернативы Modern civilization. Challenges and alternatives
This work examines the trends and contradictions of modern civilization, war as a phenomenon of human civilization, analyzes the content of the concepts of “war”, “culture of war”, new forms of warfare.
Современная российская политика Modern Russian Politics
The textbook reveals the content of one of the main disciplines of the State Standard of Higher Professional Education in Political Science - MODERN RUSSIAN POLITICS. It covers the problems of the formation and development of the state system of the Russian Federation, its main political institutions, and characterizes the political process.
Современная финансовая политика Российской Федерации Modern financial policy of the Russian Federation
The textbook is written in the form of a lecture course, which is a logically structured presentation of material that reveals the essence of concepts related to the regulation of financial flows in the economy and the possibilities of targeting financial regulation towards macroeconomic stability and economic growth. The economic role of budgetary relations that form the basis of the financial basis of state regulation is considered. This material lays the foundation for understanding how methods of budget regulation “work” and how they are used to manage the movement of financial flows. The modern budget, tax and debt policies of the state are analyzed, the main problems and main priorities are highlighted, the implementation of which makes it possible to intensify the role of the state's financial policy. The book allows everyone to independently study issues related to the development of financial policy, taking into account modern theory and practice of financial relations. It is intended for training students of economic specialties, in advanced training courses, for scientists, practitioners and teachers.
Современный мир и его истоки The Modern World and Its Origins
The modern world did not emerge yesterday. It has developed over thousands of years as a result of the rise and fall of great powers, wars, conflicts and aspirations of human thought, interaction of cultures, peoples and elites. The architecture of the modern world is presented through its main centers of civilizational attraction, including the West led by the United States, Asia with giants China, India, Japan, Latin America, Africa and, of course, Russia. The book is addressed to students, master's degree students, postgraduate students, teachers of humanities faculties of higher educational institutions, as well as a wide range of readers interested in modern politics.This book was published with the financial support of the Foundation "Russian World (Russkiy Mir)".
Современный русский язык. Морфология Modern Russian language. Morphology

The manual highlights theoretical and practical issues of the morphology of the modern Russian language. The material is presented in the volume provided by the mandatory program for students of philological faculties of universities. New studies on the categories of gender, number, case, type, time, etc. are involved. The manual is written on the basis of a lecture course given by the author at Moscow State University. 

For students of philology, graduate students, teachers of schools with a humanitarian orientation.

Содержательность художественных форм Substantive Content of Artistic Forms
"What meaning does the form of a work of art itself present? What is its type and genre? What can be inferred from this or that structure, plot, rhythm? Why does a playwright perceive the world differently from a lyric poet or an epic writer, and why does an elegy imply different content than an ode, sonnet or ballad? How does "how" determine "what"?" Two eternal problems of culture: content and form and the division of literature into types and kinds - are pushed into each other in the book and mutually explain themselves. The author of the book, a famous literary scholar, esthetician and philosopher, Doctor of Philology, with rare precision reveals the meanings given in a particular artistic text by the optics of its genres - tragedy, satire, detective - even before we, the readers, immerse ourselves in the objective world of this tragic, satirical or detective story. Having become a scientific event at its first publication, the study of G.D. Gachev, analyzing classical works of ancient, Western European and Russian literature, is by no means limited to the value of a monument of Russian philological and aesthetic thought and fully retains its relevance for modern times.
Созвездие неповторимых. Мастерство русских классиков. Constellation of the unique. Mastery of Russian classics
The author opens the creative laboratory of the greatest writers of the 19th-20th centuries, the individual style of each of them, traces the continuity in Russian poetry and prose, reveals the contribution of the classics to the development of the literary language. The book is based on a course that has been taught for many years at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. For students, university professors, teachers and all lovers of Russian literature.
Социальная философия. Деятельностный подход к анализу человека, общества, истории. Часть 1 Social philosophy. Activity approach to the analysis of man, society, history. Part 1
A fundamental educational publication on social philosophy, written by a leading Russian scientist and philosopher. What is man as the creator of social reality? Is there a supra-biological generic nature of man that creates a system of historically universal human values? How is society structured, which represents an organizational form of reproduction of social reality? What is history as a process of development and interaction of different societies and civilizations? These and other questions are answered by the author, using the methodology of the substance-activity approach to the analysis of social reality.
Социология и социальное мифотворчество Sociology and Social myth-making

The monograph examines the scientific status of sociology, acutely debated by representatives of various sociological schools. The milestones of the development of sociological science in Russia and in the USSR are investigated. The author offers his understanding of the theory and structure of sociology, its role and place in the system of social sciences and humanities.

The history of our country has proved the destructiveness of myth-making as the basis of social reconstruction. The monograph presents significant tools of sociological science for overcoming social myth-making.

The conclusions of the book are closely related to the ideas of the work "Social myth-making and social practice", published by the publishing house "Norma" in 2000.

The monograph is intended for sociologists, philosophers, economists, political scientists and readers interested in the problems of studying modern life

Социология рекламной деятельности Sociology of advertising activity
The textbook analyzes the macrofactors of the formation of advertising as a mass phenomenon, the influence of advertising on society; sociological methods of ensuring advertising activities are considered. Problems related to modern legislation in the field of advertising are touched upon. The material includes many examples from domestic and foreign practice and contributes to the formation of a systematic set of knowledge about advertising activities. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction of preparation of higher professional education 030600 "Journalism" and specialty 030601 "Journalism" for SES-2 and the direction of higher professional education 031300 "Journalism" for the Federal State Educational Standard.
Социология религии Sociology of Religion

This textbook covers a wide range of topics related to the sociological analysis of religion. Special attention is paid to the formation and development of the sociology of religion in Russia, a clear definition of the subject area of the sociology of religion in the system of sociological knowledge. The social aspects of the leading religious doctrines are highlighted in detail, and the anti-systemic activities of totalitarian sects and religious cults are substantiated. An important place is occupied by the analysis of the process of politicization of religion and the problems of building a confessional youth policy.

Социология управления Sociology of Management
The textbook examines the sociology of management - a very promising branch of sociological knowledge that studies social institutions and governing bodies from the point of view of their functioning as hierarchically structured social systems. The subject of the sociology of management and the development of the categories of the sociology of management in a historical review of the formation and development of management are analyzed. Contains a number of theoretical approaches and conceptual schemes that comprehensively reflect the main content and some prospects for the development of the sociology of management. For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, state and municipal employees, as well as those interested in issues of the sociology of management.
Спецпрактикум по теоретической и прикладной механике Special practicum on theoretical and applied mechanics
The textbook includes a description of nine problems of the practical course on theoretical and applied mechanics, conducted at the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University. The problems were prepared and are conducted by the staff of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University and the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. For each problem, a brief theory, solution methodology and description of the device for its implementation are provided. The problems allow students to master in more detail the sections of the courses devoted to the theory of nonlinear oscillations, control of mechanical systems, modern theory of estimation and their applications in navigation problems, medical diagnostic complexes, virtual reality systems. The manual is intended for undergraduate and graduate students specializing in the field of theoretical mechanics and control of mechanical systems.
Справедливость равенства и равенство справедливости Justice of Equality and Equality of Justice
Throughout its historical development, humanity has been concerned with the following questions: should people strive for equality and social justice? And if so, then to what end and for what purpose? The author of the monograph, based on an analysis of the teachings of Western European utopian socialists of the 16th - 19th centuries (T. More, T. Campanella, J. Winstanley, A. Saint-Simon, Ch. Fourier, etc.), introduces readers to the origins and dialectics of the development of ideas about equality and justice. For philosophers, sociologists, political scientists, and a wide range of readers.
Справочник для поступающих в Московский университет в 2019 году (pdf) Reference book for applicants to Moscow University in 2019
The reference book reflects the history of Moscow University and its role in the scientific and cultural life of the country. A brief description of all faculties is given. The handbook contains the Rules for admission to Moscow State University in 2019, a list of entrance tests, an admission plan and deadlines. The entrance test programmes are presented, as well as assignment options, passing scores and the competitive situation in 2018. Editor-in-Chief, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Sadovnichy. Executive editor L.V. Nekrasova.
Справочник по ботанической микротехнике. Основы и методы Handbook of Botanical Microtechnics. Basics and methods
The handbook includes modern microtechnical methods for anatomical, cytoembiological, histochemical and palynological studies of plant objects using various types of light microscopes. Theoretical justifications for the use of certain procedures are given, as well as detailed formulations of fixatives, dyes, media, etc. For researchers, teachers, graduate students and students of biological faculties of universities, pedagogical, agricultural, pharmaceutical and other universities, as well as secondary specialized educational institutions. Can be used in the examination of plant residues and identification of medicinal raw materials.
Справочник по грамматике немецкого языка. Handbook of German Grammar
The reference book presents basic information on the morphology and syntax of the German language, which is accompanied by specific language examples with translation into Russian. At the end, a list of verbs of strong and irregular conjugation is given. The reference book is intended for a wide range of users, both those studying German under the guidance of teachers, and those who study it independently. This book is also part of the educational complex consisting of the textbook "German Language" by G.G. Ivleva, M.V. Raevsky and the "Handbook of German Grammar".
Сравнительная анатомия позвоночных животных Comparative anatomy of vertebrates

The textbook summarizes in a concise form the basic data on the structure and morpho-functional relationships of all organ systems of vertebrates, taking into account their individual development and existing ideas about phylogeny. It is intended for the reader who already has some training in the field of vertebrate morphology.

It is intended for senior students specializing in the field of zoology and paleontology of vertebrates, can also be used by graduate students, teachers, researchers.

Сравнительная грамматика славянских языков Comparative grammar of Slavic languages

Textbook. 2nd edition. The textbook discusses the principles and methodology of comparative historical linguistics, presents the history of the Proto-Slavic language, contains information about the territory of settlement of the ancient Slavs and their contacts with native speakers of other languages. A special section is devoted to the history of the sound system of the Proto-Slavic language and the later phonetic transformations.

The book is intended for students and postgraduates of philological faculties as a textbook for the course "Comparative grammar of Slavic languages" and as a textbook for the course "Introduction to Slavic Philology".

Становление и развитие высшего профессионального экологического образования в России: анализ проблем Formation and development of higher professional environmental education in Russia: analysis of problems
The monograph examines the problems of the formation and development of higher professional environmental education in our country: social and methodological prerequisites for the formation of directions in education, contradictions and shortcomings of the first environmental specialties, as well as the conceptual foundations of the content of modern higher professional environmental education of a natural science orientation . Analysis of government documents, literary sources and expert opinions made it possible to identify four stages in the formation and development of higher professional environmental education in the natural sciences in Russia. For each stage, the main contradictions are identified and ways to solve them are indicated. Considerable attention is paid to the competency-based approach in modern environmental education. The monograph appendix contains interviews with famous Russian scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of higher professional environmental education in our country. The book is of interest to a wide range of specialists, teachers and students involved in environmental education and enlightenment.
Старославянский язык Old church language

The textbook, created by one of the prominent scientists in the field of Slavic linguistics, includes the following sections: philological introduction; phonetics; texts from Old Slavic monuments intended for practical classes and containing all the basic data that are studied in the course of the Old Slavic language; dictionary; essays on morphology.

Старославянский язык. Учебное пособие + Электронный курс (CD) Old church language. Tutorial + E-course (CD)

3rd edition, revised and supplemented. CD-ROM. 

The textbook by M.L. Remneva, based on modern scientific concepts, gives a detailed description of the system of the Old Slavic language of the IX-XI centuries, analyzes the process of its formation starting from the initial characteristics of the Indo-European language, traces the fate of specific phenomena of the Old Slavic language in the history of national Slavic languages. 

CD-ROM. In this edition, the book is supplemented with an electronic hypertext course prepared on its basis (authors M.L. Remneva and O.V. Dedova), as well as texts and a dictionary (compiled by V.S. Savelyev).

Сто одиннадцать задач по атомной физике One hundred and eleven problems in atomic physics
This collection of problems is a textbook for the general course “Atomic Physics”, taught to 3rd year students of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. The textbook is compiled in the form of a problem book, and all problems are provided with detailed solutions. The order of content of the collection's problems reflects the modern programme of the lecture course “Atomic Physics”. Over the course of ten years (2001–2010), the problems included in the collection were proposed to solve the strongest part of the students of the Faculty of Physics in order to attract them to independent work, as well as to effectively control knowledge at the “excellent” level.
Субатомная физика. Вопросы. Задачи. Факты Subatomic Physics. Questions. Problems. Facts
The manual corresponds to the programme of the general nuclear physics course for universities and contains a large number of various problems representing all the main sections of nuclear physics and elementary particle physics, as well as reflecting the issues of setting up and optimizing experimental research.
Субрегиональные ресурсы и инструменты интенсивного развития территориальных экономических систем современной России Subregional Resources and Instruments for Intensive Development of Territorial Economic Systems of Modern Russia
The monograph presents the author's concept of the process of formation and implementation of subregional opportunities for intensive development of territorial economic systems of modern Russia. The author focuses on the least developed aspects of this scientific problem, the importance of which increases significantly in the context of the formation of a "knowledge-based economy". Theoretical and applied issues of development of subregional economic systems of the South of Russia are studied, various heuristic resources are involved. Recommended for scientists, teachers, postgraduates and students of economic specialties, as well as practicing specialists in the field of regional economics.
Судьба: психология мифа Fate: psychology of myth

The universal psychological features of the interpretation of the idea of fate as an ancient phenomenon of everyday consciousness are revealed. The main variants of interpretation of the predestination of the course and outcome of individual life and ways of acquaintance with them are presented. Archetypal reactions to the predestined or apparent are determined. The reasons for the unfading faith in fate, which testify to the psychological reality of mythical representations, are characterized.

The book is addressed to fellow humanitarians and a wide range.

Суперкомпьютерное моделирование в физике климатической системы Supercomputer simulations in physics of the climate system
The book outlines the basic principles of constructing mathematical models for solving problems in the physics of the climate system, provides methods for their finite-dimensional approximation and the basic numerical algorithms that arise, and discusses supercomputer technologies for the numerical implementation of models. To illustrate the presented approaches, the following are considered: the problem of modeling the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in areas of complex configuration, the problem of eddy-resolving reproduction of the dynamics of geophysical boundary layers, the problem of modeling regional features of atmospheric circulation, the problem of reproducing the modern climate and assessing its possible future changes. The book is intended for specialists in the field of science about the Earth's climate system, teachers, graduate students and can be used as a textbook for students of natural sciences.
Суперкомпьютерные технологии в науке, образовании и промышленности Supercomputing technologies in science, education and industry
The book contains a vivid and accessible description of examples of the use of supercomputer technologies to solve a wide range of problems in industry, science and education. The genre of the book is a selection of short articles and stories, presented in popular science form, about the real application of advanced supercomputer technologies in various fields. The authors of the book's articles are Russian specialists who presented the results of their research for publication.
Суперкомпьютерные технологии в науке, образовании и промышленности Supercomputing technologies in science, education and industry

The book contains a vivid and accessible description of examples of the use of supercomputer technologies to solve a wide range of problems in industry, science and education. The genre of the book is a selection of short articles and stories, presented in popular science form, about the real application of advanced supercomputer technologies in various fields. The authors of the book's articles are Russian specialists who presented the results of their research for publication.

Сюжет «Евгения Онегина» The plot of "Eugene Onegin"
This book examines the dynamics of the characters and destinies of the central characters, the meaning and correlation of the central episodes of the novel, the paradoxical nature and complexity of its plot structure. The functions of the author’s diverse appeals to “foreign” texts—works of Russian and foreign literature—are clarified, which allows us to read Pushkin’s masterpiece in many ways in a new way. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, students, philologists, as well as all admirers of Pushkin’s poetry.
Тезаурусы в задачах информационного поиска

The book is devoted to describing the author's experience in creating ultra-large linguistic resources for automatic text processing within the framework of modern information retrieval and information analytical systems. The proposed methods for presenting knowledge and processing information are compared in detail with similar projects being developed around the world. The book contains a large amount of experimental data on the currently achieved quality levels of various automatic text processing and information retrieval technologies.

The book is intended for specialists, researchers, graduate students and students interested in issues of automatic text processing, the use of linguistic resources in information retrieval, as well as information retrieval in general, and practical issues of using ontological resources.

Телевидение в поисках телевидения Television in Search of Television
The book by Professor S.A. Muratova dispels the prejudice that many people have that “real” television began in the post-Soviet era. Comparison of eras allows the reader to trace the history of gains and losses of Soviet television. The author’s regular articles and reviews were published from the mid-60s – the time of the first perestroika on the air and the bold attempts of the new muse to become the great continuer of all arts. Publications of the 80s and 90s reflect the state of Soviet broadcasting, which offered a different system of values. The second edition of the book introduces the author’s speeches in recent years and concerns the current period of broadcasting evolution.
Теоретико-методологические основы глобалистики

The work examines current issues in the theory and methodology of global studies: the general subject field of global studies is outlined, the content of the main categories is analyzed, and some methodological approaches are presented. Particular attention is paid to the study of global problems, global processes and globalization. The book is intended for specialists, teachers, graduate students, students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of global studies.

Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика Probability theory and mathematical statistics
The book is based on a course of lectures given by the author (professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Modeling of the I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, at universities and research centers in Warsaw, Berlin, Liege, Brussels , USA. The book consists of three parts: probability, processes, statistics. The text contains about 200 problems and explanatory examples. For undergraduate and graduate students of universities and institutes, as well as for reference and for persons studying or using applied mathematics in their research.
Теория вероятностей, математическая статистика и элементы теории возможностей для физиков Probability theory, mathematical statistics and elements of the theory of possibilities for physicists

The book consists of three parts. The first part presents all sections of probability theory for physics and mathematics specialties. The limit theorems of probability theory and the theory of random processes, which is important for physical applications, are considered in more detail.

The second part presents the main sections of mathematical statistics and considers its applications in the theory of measuring and computing converters as means of physical measurements and in the theory of statistical solutions.

In the third part, the elements of the theory of possibilities are considered as an alternative probability theory of the randomness model, which allows empirically reconstructing mathematical models of objects, including stochastic ones, whose probabilistic models cannot be constructed empirically. Applications of the theory of possibilities in problems of optimization of solutions, analysis and interpretation of measurement experiment, etc. are considered.

The book is aimed at students of physics and mathematics departments of universities.

Теория геофизических полей Theory of geophysical fields
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook is devoted to the basics of the theory of geophysical methods used to study the deep structure of the Earth, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, and solving problems of shallow geophysics. The mathematical apparatus of the theory of geophysical fields is considered: the algebra of physical quantities, differentiation and integration of physical fields, curvilinear coordinate systems. Exciters, field equations and potentials, issues of graphical representation of fields, models of irrotational and vortex fields are studied. The electromagnetic field in vacuum and matter, equations of the electromagnetic field and its potentials, models of the electromagnetic field are analyzed. The textbook is intended for university students studying geophysical specialties. It may be useful to graduate students, teachers, researchers and engineers working in the field of geophysics.
Теория и история искусства. Вып.1. Ломоносов и искусство

This collected volume includes the articles by professors, teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty on actual problems of history and theory of art. 

Intended for specialists, students in humanities and a wide range of readers.

Теория и история социологии религии Theory and history of the sociology of religion

The textbook summarizes the materials of educational and methodological developments of the basic course "Sociology of Religion", taught at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University for undergraduate students of the educational program in the field of Religious Studies. The publication presents both classical scientific views on a wide range of problems of the sociology of religion in historical, conceptual, methodological aspects, and the author's solution of those problems that constitute the main subject field of the sociology of religion. The appendices contain a number of cases representing examples of sociological research conducted by the staff of the department under the guidance of the author of the textbook — Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Professor of Moscow University I. N. Yablokov. For undergraduate students taking courses in sociology of religion, philosophy of religion and religious studies, as well as for all interested- engaged in the study of religion.

The scientific and auxiliary work was carried out by the Candidate of Philos. M. S. Kiselev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies.

Теория и механизмы современного государственного управления Theory and Mechanisms of Modern Public Administration
The textbook provides a comprehensive understanding of public administration as a system of knowledge that includes methodological, theoretical and empirical components. New approaches are presented aimed at improving the management system, creating mechanisms for translating political decisions into management practice that meet modern requirements. The book is intended for teachers and students studying public administration and politics, as well as for anyone interested in modern problems of interaction between government and society.
Теория и практика использования фотолюминесценции растений в экологических исследованиях Theory and practice of using photoluminescence of plants in environmental research
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The monograph outlines the theoretical foundations and techniques of methods for studying the photoluminescence of pigments. Basic definitions and statements of laws are accompanied by explanations and examples. The nature and basic patterns of fast and slow chlorophyll fluorescence in higher plants and algae are considered. Information is provided about devices produced in different countries and at the Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Changes in fluorescence parameters in the photostorage processes of photosynthesis under the influence of unfavorable factors and toxicants are considered. Specific examples of the use of fluorescent methods to assess the state of higher plants and algae in different environmental conditions and during biomonitoring are given. The book is intended for undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and all researchers specializing in ecology, physiology, hydrobiology, biophysics and interested in these problems.
Теория и практика конструирования почв Theory and practice of soil design

The monograph is devoted to the scientific, methodological and experimental foundations of soil engineering - an innovative direction in geoecology, soil science and landscape engineering, which allows using models of the physical organization of soils to design and create soil objects (constructozems) optimal in their characteristics using natural and synthetic materials — soil conditioners. In the theoretical part of the work, edaphic factors, processes and models of the natural structural and functional organization of soils are analyzed, which form the fundamental basis of technological modeling to identify optimal parameters of soil structures at the design stage. In practice, the proposed variants of soil structures have demonstrated high efficiency in conditions of irrigation farming and land scaping in the arid climate of the Persian Gulf countries (UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan), as well as greening and landscaping of urban areas with high anthropogenic load on the example of a metropolitan city. 

For specialists in the field of soil science, environmental engineering, landscape architecture, organizations working in the field of agriculture, recultivation, landscaping and integrated land improvement, students, postgraduates of universities in the specialties "Ecology" and "Soil Science".

Теория капитала и экономического роста

The advanced textbook contains material for an in-depth study of economic theory. Along with the works of famous professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov presents for the first time in Russian the works of the “stars” of Western economic thought, putting forward alternative interpretations of the fundamental problems of economic theory. The authors believe that the manual will broaden the horizons of students, because it sets out interpretations of value, price, capital, profit, distribution, economic growth, etc., that are different from the neoclassical interpretation of these categories. All this, according to the authors, will be an important impetus for a deeper theoretical understanding of the processes occurring in the Russian economy.

For students, graduate students, teachers of economic universities and faculties, researchers interested in current problems of economic theory and practice.

Теория массового обслуживания Queueing theory
The book is based on a course of lectures given by the author (professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Modeling of the I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, at universities and research centers in Warsaw, Berlin, Liege, Brussels , USA. The main attention is paid to the structure of service processes, service systems with priorities, with division of service time, optimization of the service order, statistical estimation of service process parameters. The text contains more than 150 problems and explanatory examples. For undergraduate and graduate students of universities and institutes, as well as for reference and for persons studying or using applied mathematics in their research.
Теория общественного богатства The theory of social wealth
The course “Theory of Social Wealth” is taught in the third semester of the undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Теория операторов Theory of operators

The textbook corresponds to the program of the courses "Functional Analysis", "Operator Theory", "Analysis III", which are taught at universities and pedagogical universities. The book presents the basic set-theoretic concepts, presents the general theory of metric, topological, linear topological and normalized spaces, the general theory of measure, measurable functions and the Lebesgue integral. The theory of operators in Hilbert space, the spectral theory of self-adjoint operators, traces of operators, applications of methods of the theory of analytic functions in the spectral theory of non-self-adjoint operators, the theory of the Fourier transform and generalized functions are considered in detail.

For students of universities, pedagogical universities and universities with advanced study of mathematics. It can be useful for graduate students and researchers.

Теория перевода Translation theory
The textbook is devoted to the issues of general translation theory — a scientific discipline that studies, using various methods and techniques, the structure and patterns inherent in any translation, regardless of the compared pair of languages, the form of translation activity and the conditions under which it occurs, the content and functional orientation of the translated texts. Designed for students studying translation theory within the framework of the specialty "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication", for persons studying in the additional qualification program "Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication", as well as for a wide range of readers wishing to get acquainted with this type of complex and socially significant activity.
Теория познания. Симвология. Теория символических форм Theory of knowledge. Symbolology. Theory of symbolic forms
The monograph is devoted to the epistemological theory of symbol. The nature, functions, and forms of self-realization of the symbolic person are explored. For specialists in the field of philosophy, sociology, logic, scientific methodology, art history, psychology, cultural studies.
Теория риторической аргументации Theory of rhetorical argumentation
The monograph examines argumentation in public speech as a philological problem. The content and artistic form of a rhetorical work are subordinated to a very specific goal - to convince the listener or reader of the acceptability of the ideas put forward by the author. Rhetorical prose contains argumentation. However, rhetorical argumentation differs from scientific evidence: the word is convincing. Therefore, studying the structure of a rhetorical argument is important for understanding rhetorical literature.
Теория экономического анализа Theory of economic analysis
The textbook discusses the essence and role of analysis of the economic activities of organizations, the organization of analytical work, the fundamentals of the theory of economic analysis, techniques and methods for its implementation, and the information base. The methodology for analyzing the use of fixed assets, working capital and labor resources of an organization is revealed. A system of indicators for assessing the efficiency of using an organization's economic resources is presented. Teachers will find in the course of lectures successful examples, clear definitions and methods for briefly presenting the theory of economic analysis. The textbook contains examples and basics of methods used in the practice of economic analysis in the Russian Federation. For students, teachers of economic universities and departments, practicing accountants, economists, auditors, financial managers, analysts and consultants on economic issues.
Терминологический словарь (тезаурус). Гуманитарная биология и экология Humanitarian Biology and Ecology

This publication outlines the contents of seven lessons on humanistic biology – the sections of biology that are directly linked to social and humanitarian issues and at the same time to modern ecology. The subject has been the focus of attention of the Club of Biopolitics since it was founded in April 2010. A working group that this club set up has produced the present manual. In addition to the text of lessons, the manual contains recommendations for the school or university teacher about students’ assignments, questions to them, illustrations and reference sources.

The authors hope that the manual will contribute to higher efficacy of education which is one of the most urgent tasks Russia faces today.

Территориальные пределы местного самоуправления в РФ

The monograph covers issues related to the territorial organization of local self-government in modern Russia. It examines the scientific and theoretical foundations for determining the territorial limits of public power at the level of state organization closest to citizens. The focus is on one of the areas of implementation of the modern policy of the Russian state related to improving the management of society. For students, graduate students, teachers, deputies, employees of state and municipal bodies.

Территория государства. Правовые и геополитические проблемы Territory of the state. Legal and geopolitical problems
The book by the famous public and political figure, Chairman of the Russian All-People's Union party S.N. Baburin is devoted to the territory of the state - a problem that is relevant not only for Russia, but also for many other countries of the world. The article examines the main characteristics and legal regime of the territory of the state, the territorial factor in its internal and external functions, issues of the legal regime of the territory in international law, problems of state borders and state-territorial integration in the post-Soviet space, the "Russian path" of the revival of Great Russia and some other issues. For a wide range of readers, scientists and specialists, all those interested in politics, the past, present and future of Russian statehood.
Технологии параллельного программирования для процессоров новых архитектур Being a Leader

A lecture read by V.A. Nikonov, the dean of Faculty of Public Administration (Lomonosov Moscow State University), before first course students on September 2, 2011.

Технологическое прогнозирование и планирование: российский и зарубежный опыт, перспективы для отечественного оборонно-промышленного комплекса

The monograph provides a detailed review of the main advanced forecasting principles and gives examples of how they are successfully used for the development of high-technology indus­ tries (including the defense industry) in the leading foreign countries. Special attention is paid to current Russian forecasting practice in technological development and planning of the state defense order. The emphasis is placed on the key features of technological forecasting in the in ­ terests of national defense and security. The book is designed for responsible executives and professional staff members involved in the development of advanced weaponry, military and special purpose equipm ent, as well as in the modernization of the domestic military-industrial complex.

Технология: кулинария, уроки правильного питания. 5–9 классы: учебное пособие для общеобразовательных учреждений (pdf) Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons. Grades 5-9 : textbook for general education institutions

As a result of the training, students will learn about the requirements for the organization of the workplace, the quality and storage of products, and learn how to determine the nutritional value of products. In addition, students will get acquainted with modern kitchen equipment, safety equipment, master the technology of cooking and decorating healthy dishes, as well as the basics of serving and etiquette. The textbook has been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education as an additional educational program on the subject "Technology". It is included in the UMK for grades 5-9 in the course "Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons".

Товарный маркетинг Commodity marketing
The textbook examines modern problems of marketing development in Russia, as well as the adaptation of the theory and practice of global marketing to the specifics of market reform in the country. Special attention is paid to modern concepts of marketing, its dual nature, and the development of technology in modern Russian conditions. For teachers and students of state and non-state higher and secondary educational institutions, businessmen and marketing practitioners.
Травма военного детства. Блокада, эвакуация, оккупация Trauma of military childhood (Blockade, evacuation, occupation)

The book by M. A. Gulina and F. V. Gulin “Trauma of War Childhood (Siege, Evacuation, Occupation): Historical and Psychological Research” is based on a long-term and so far the only study of the psychological consequences of the Siege of Leningrad, conducted since 2005 under the guidance of Professor of St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Marina Anatolyevna Gulina.

The book contains a psychological, historical and psychoanalytic analysis of more than 120 interviews with elderly people who experienced the Great Patriotic War as children. The authors' goals were to reconstruct the internal picture of the war, including the Siege of Leningrad, as children and adolescents saw it, as well as to search for possible connections between childhood traumatic experiences and the lives of veterans today. For the first time, the psychological (conscious and unconscious) consequences of the Siege and evacuation are discussed, as well as the impact of the psychological trauma of the war on the next generations of Leningraders.

Традиции и инновации в профессиональном образовании

The work presents current problems of didactics of higher professional education, as well as the theory of adult education. Special attention is paid to the methodology of pedagogical research.

For teachers, managers, researchers of higher professional education, students of advanced training faculties for university teachers, beginning graduate students, students and master's students of classical pedagogical universities.

Трансформация дискурса в люксовом и премиальном брендинге Transformation of discourse in luxury and premium branding

The monograph examines the influence of social trends and the digital economy on the transformation of communication between luxury groups and haute couture houses, occurring in synergy with the evolution of management models. Attention is paid to the impact of an inclusive culture on human resource management, the concept of sustainable development and "responsible investments" on the image and reputation of actors in the field under study. The directions of the evolution of network discourse, the emergence of new heroes, the cooperation of luxury groups with leading companies in the field of digital technologies, new formats of intercultural communication are investigated. The monograph gives an idea of the sphere of luxury and premium brands as influential media transmitters of values to society and at the same time responding to social impulses.

Тренировочные задания по испанскому языку DELE и ЕГЭ

This course aims at providing comprehensive preparation for the State Exam and the International Exam in the Spanish language. The course contains two full practice tests in the format of the State Exam and one full test in the format of DELE "Escolar". This course is followed by the CD-disk with authentic materials and documents, regulating the structure and the content of examinational materials for the State Exam (Exam Specifi cation and Codifi cation of the Spanish Language) and contains the State Exam demo test 2013 as well.

This course is designed for teachers and teacher consultants, who manage the preparation of senior pupils to the State Exam and for all the students, who are going to prepare for the State Exam individually or with the help of a teacher, using all the tips and typical test items that allow them to evaluate the level of their preparedness.

Три великих поэта Англии: Донн, Милтон, Вордсворт Three great poets of England: Donne, Milton, Wordsworth
The book contains essays on the work of three major English poets: John Donne (1572–1631), John Milton (1608–1674) and William Wordsworth (1770–1850). These are poets from different eras, although Donne and Milton both lived in the 17th century, and from different artistic movements.
Три эпохи российской журналистики Three eras of Russian journalism
The book includes articles published in three newspapers in which Yuri Shchekochikhin worked - Komsomolskaya Pravda in the 1970s, Literaturnaya Gazeta in the 1980s - mid-90s, and Novaya Gazeta in the late 20s and the beginning of the 21st century. Three publications that continued the best traditions of domestic journalism, three eras of the movement of social thought, three teams of very different people who managed to affirm the basic principles of honest, courageous and responsible journalism, independent investigation, accurate and accurate in different, and each time in their own difficult, conditions words. This is a book about our most recent history, about the profession, about personal choice, about professional duty. The collection includes well-known articles that became events in the life of journalism and society. “The Lion Leaped” was the first publication that spoke about the existence of organized crime in the USSR, “For the Motherland?! For the mafia! - about the hidden springs of the Chechen war, notes from the series “Slaves of GB” - about informers. And at the same time, very small notes about what is happening in Russia and the world.
Труды Московского математического общества. Том 56 Proceedings of the Moscow Mathematical Society. Volume 56

Collection (vol. 1 - 1952, vol. 55 - 1994) is one of the most authoritative publications in mathematics and includes original monographic articles on topical problems of modern mathematics. Volume 56 covers a wide range of topics. It publishes studies on partial differential equations, mathematical physics, asymptotic theory of ordinary equations and stochastic analysis. There are articles devoted to triangular groups and three-dimensional orbifolds, as well as moduli theory.

Тушинский вор - личность, окружение, время. Документы и материалы Tushino thief-personality, environment, time. Documents and materials
The documents and materials presented in the book tell about the events of 1607-1610, the culmination of the Time of Troubles - the first “civil” war in Russia. The focus is on the appearance of False Dmitry II (Tushinsky thief), the formation and collapse of his camp, as well as dramatic armed clashes, in which, in addition to the Russians, representatives of several European countries were drawn in - Poles, Swedes, Germans, etc. In an effort to cover the events with maximum objectivity, to show the motivation for the actions of their participants, the compilers included a variety of material in the selection: works of foreigners, in which a significant array of works by Polish authors stands out, correspondence, narrative sources of Russian origin, works of oral folk prose, numismatic data. For historians, university professors, teachers, students, as well as a wide range of readers. The documents and materials presented in the book tell about the events of 1607-1610, the climax of the Time of Troubles - the first “civil” war in Russia. The focus is on the appearance of False Dmitry II (Tushinsky thief), the formation and collapse of his camp, as well as dramatic armed clashes, in which, in addition to the Russians, representatives of several European countries were drawn in - Poles, Swedes, Germans, etc. In an effort to cover the events with maximum objectivity, to show the motivation for the actions of their participants, the compilers included a variety of material in the selection: works of foreigners, in which a significant array of works by Polish authors stands out, correspondence, narrative sources of Russian origin, works of oral folk prose, numismatic data. For historians, university professors, teachers, students, as well as a wide range of readers.
ТФФА — лекции для аспирантов TFFA — lectures for graduate students

The book is based on the courses of lectures that are read annually for graduate students of the Department of Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in preparation for the candidate's minimum. The book contains 19 chapters devoted to various topics from the theory of functions of a real variable, functional analysis and the theory of functions of a complex variable.

The book is intended for students and postgraduates specializing in the theory of functions and functional analysis, as well as for a wide range of mathematicians and physicists using the theory of functions and functional analysis in their research.

Ты можешь изменить мир The World is yours to Change
This book of essays was written by a world-famous philosopher and public figure, president of the Buddhist peacekeeping organization Soka Gakkai International. Daisaku Ikeda's social philosophy reflects life as it is, in its many contradictory manifestations, full of both cruel realities and examples of great service to society. The intrinsic value of man, the unity of the destinies of all people on the planet, a world without violence and wars - these are his main ideas that unite and motivate millions to act in order to change life and make it better. Edition with parallel text in English. At the end of the book, the text in the original Japanese is given.
Университет для России University for Russia

The book, written by specialists in the history of Russian education, is devoted to the formation of the university system in Russia. Based on a rich range of sources, the authors, using the example of the oldest Moscow University in Russia, show how during the reign of Nicholas I in the second quarter of the XIX century, a national model of a classical university was created using European experience. Its distinctive feature is the fundamental nature of education, inseparable from upbringing, the special role of the teacher, a great participation in determining the educational strategy of the state. The book is written in a bright literary language, richly illustrated, addressed to a wide range of readers.

Университет Ломоносовых. Круг основателей. Клятвы Воробьевых гор. Эпоха И.Г. Петровского Lomonosov University. The circle of founders. The oaths of the Sparrow Hills. The Epoch of I. G. Petrovsky

Vladimir Dimov's new book is dedicated to Moscow State University, outstanding representatives of politics, science and culture who came out of the walls of the first university of Russia, its teachers and students. 

The first part of the book is written in the genre of free essays about the birth of the Russian elite, the great Russian educator and scientist M.V. Lomonosov, statesman and military reformer G.A. Potemkin.

In the second part, the special historical mission of the university is widely presented - truth and freedom have always been close here, and the main subject - freedom of thought - created a special flavor of intra-university life.

The third part of the book is an essay and memoirs of a former student and graduate student about his studies and life at the historical, philosophical and economic faculties, about the era of Rector I.G. Petrovsky at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, his teachers and friends.

Управление брендом Brand management
The tutorial consists of a brief overview of theoretical material, practical tasks, examples of practical situations, divided by topic. Materials for independent work of students and homework, a list of recommended literature and applications are provided. Intended for university students of economic specialties and teachers of courses “Marketing Management” and “Product Management” as educational and methodological materials for conducting classes.
Управление компанией. Теория и практика Company Management. Theory and Practice
FVBM (Fundamental Value Based Management) is a strategic management of the fundamental value of a company. This is an innovative management concept aimed at creating and increasing the strategic competitive potential of a company. The main goal of the new concept of company management is realized through building a balance of interests of all stakeholders based on the leveling of agency conflicts, the cause of which is the separation of capital functions for value creation, management, financing and securing property rights. The new concept proposes the following methods for improving the efficiency of corporate governance: assessing existing and future competitive advantages; identifying the company's potential for creating and realizing its strategic potential; defining the boundaries of the company's investment activity, taking into account the possibilities of balanced growth; ensuring the company's financial stability based on building relationships with investors and creditors; developing the company's intellectual potential; using innovative technologies, innovative focus of management decisions and management flexibility. The book is addressed to managers and owners of enterprises, heads of investment companies, potential investors, as well as scientists, teachers, students and listeners of MBA and Executive MBA programs in the field of organization theory, financial management, innovative development and strategic management of a modern company.
Управление образованием на основании данных (pdf) Data-based education management. Educational and methodical manual

The training manual is intended for students and teachers of the Master's degree and is focused on the training of managerial personnel for the field of education, competent in data analytics and evidence-based development of education.

In the context of the development of information systems and services for the analysis of educational data and data on education, the request for training of personnel competent in the formation of managerial decisions based on data, the construction of individual educational trajectories of students based on the analysis of educational results is being updated. The textbook reveals the logic and content of the master's degree program "Data-based education management", organizational and didactic principles of its implementation, competence model, evaluation tools, educational management cases on the example of data sets.

Управление персоналом в условиях социальной рыночной экономики Personnel management in a social market economy
The purpose of this book is to promote the creation of a people-centered work environment through a modern human resource management system. This publication takes into account the results of two seminars on the topic “Human Resource Management in Enterprises in a Social and Market Economy”, which were held in Moscow by the International Labor Organization jointly with the Ministry of Labor and the State Committee for Higher Education, as well as higher educational institutions and academic institutes of the Russian Federation. For managers and specialists in the field of personnel management of enterprises who are actively involved in this new discipline and teach it in higher education system.
Учебник латинского языка Latin language textbook

The textbook consists of 24 lessons, a "Textbook", a "Short grammar guide", Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionaries and a section "Latin proverbs, sayings, winged words, some legal formulas". Grammatical material with detailed explanations and comments on grammatical topics in relation to texts, as well as the inclusion of syntactic topics in the first lessons allows you to master the basics of Latin grammar and quickly learn to understand unadapted original Latin texts.

For students of humanities faculties, mainly philological and historical-philological, and independent study of the Latin language.

Учебник русского языка для иностранных учащихся-филологов Textbook of the Russian language for foreign students-philologists

The textbook summarizes, systematizes and deepens knowledge of grammar, word formation, vocabulary and stylistics of the Russian language.

The book is intended for foreign students — students, undergraduates, postgraduates of philological faculties of Russian universities, studying Russian in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard (III certification level: general knowledge, professional module "Philology"). The textbook can also be used by teachers of the Russian language abroad.

Учебно-методический комплект для обучающихся 8-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений Москвы и Московской области Educational and methodological kit for students of grades 8-9 of general educational institutions of Moscow and the Moscow region
The educational and methodological set, which includes “Educational materials on the geography of Moscow and the Moscow region” and “Workbook on the geography of Moscow and the Moscow region”, is intended for studying the geography of your region - Moscow and the Moscow region (Moscow metropolitan region) in the course “Geography of Russia” in full compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. These publications can also be used in extracurricular activities. The inclusion of regional (local history) content in extracurricular activities makes it possible to fully implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Textbooks can be used when studying the Central region of Russia, when conducting extracurricular and club work. They can also be used as educational material when carrying out project activities of students, which is one of the main requirements of the new educational standards. In addition, these teaching aids are an integral part of the educational and methodological complex of the regional training course “Native Moscow Region” for schools in the Moscow region. The set consists of two parts.
Учебно-методическое пособие по курсу «История Германии»

In this manual political-and-eventful, economic, spiritual and cultural history of Germany is presented along with suggested course schedule for seminars, discussion questions and lists of references are literature for seminars and repots.

Учебное пособие по переводу научной литературы

The purpose of this manual is to develop practical skills of oral, written and oral-written translation, ‘at sight' translation, abstracting and annotating of the scientific text on economics. It will be of interest for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students of economics, students of the program Translating in the Sphere of Professional Communication, apprentice translators and for all those who aim to master economic translation on their own.

Ученые Московского университета — действительные члены и члены-кореспонденты РАН Scientists of Moscow University — Full Members and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The publication is dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Moscow University. It presents in alphabetical order all the full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences who graduated from Moscow University or taught there throughout its entire existence - from 1755 to the present day, with a brief summary of their biographical information, an indication of their scientific achievements, membership in domestic and foreign academies, educational institutions and scientific societies, prizes and awards. A short list of their main published scientific works is given. The dictionary has 18 appendices, which provide generalized data on the materials included in it.
Фармакогенетика противоопухолевых препаратов: фундаментальные и клинические аспекты (pdf) Pharmacokinetics of antitumor drugs: fundamental and clinical aspects

This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, subsidy agreement No. 075-15-2021-1060 dated 09.28.2021

The monograph provides an overview of fundamental and clinical research on the influence of genetic polymorphisms on the effectiveness of anticancer drugs, and also describes the results of a comparative analysis of the level of representation of pharmacogenetic information in clinical recommendations and instructions for the medical use of anticancer drugs in Russia and other countries of the world. A number of problems have been identified and options for the development of pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine in the Russian Federation have been proposed.

The book is intended for researchers and practicing doctors of various specialties, for students of medical and biological universities.

Федерализм. Энциклопедия Federalism. Encyclopedia

The encyclopedia, which includes about 500 articles, examines fundamental problems in the theory and history of federalism. Considerable space is devoted to the typology of modern federations and the characteristics of their main forms; key terms and concepts affecting the problems of territorial-state structure and management are presented. The issues of the history of the creation and functioning of supranational international institutions, associations and organizations are outlined. The views of domestic and foreign classics of federalism theories are considered; significant attention is paid to state and political figures who developed and implemented ideas and projects of a federal structure.

For government officials, specialists, teachers, graduate students, and anyone interested in the problems of federal relations.

Федеральный закон об основных гарантиях избирательных прав Federal Law on Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights
This commentary contains a detailed legal analysis of the provisions of the Law on the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation, an overview of the practice of recent election campaigns, and judicial practice in electoral disputes. The authors considered it necessary not to consider the commentary as an authorized retelling of the Electoral Law, but to focus on the most notable problems of the act under study. The book is addressed to participants in the electoral process, officials and deputies of state and local government bodies, organizers of elections, referendums, teachers, graduate students and students, as well as everyone interested in issues of electoral law and referendum legislation.
Федор Иванович Тютчев: поэтическое открытие природы Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev: poetic discovery of nature
The books in the “Rereading the Classics” series contain a modern analysis of works included in school literature curricula. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th–20th centuries are thoroughly covered. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and admission to any university. The manual is a creative biography of F. I. Tyutchev. The poet's personality is revealed in connection with the theme that determined the dignity and place of Tyutchev's lyrics in the history of Russian poetry - the poetic discovery of nature. The changing perception of natural life in relation to his own inner world became the reason for Tyutchev to recreate the developing dialogue between the soul and nature. The texts of the poet’s classic poems are considered as its individual episodes: “Spring Thunderstorm”, “Noon”, “Not what you think, nature”, “There is melodiousness in the sea waves”, etc. For teachers schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, as well as a wide range of readers.
Федор Иванович Тютчев. Поэтическое открытие природы Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Poetic discovery of nature
The books of the series "Rereading the Classics" contain a modern analysis of works included in the school literature curriculum. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries are thoroughly covered. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and admission to any university. The manual is a creative biography of F. I. Tyutchev. The personality of the poet is revealed in connection with the theme that determined the dignity and place of Tyutchev's lyrics in the history of Russian poetry - the poetic discovery of nature. The changing perception of natural life in relation to his own inner world became a reason for Tyutchev to recreate the developing dialogue of the soul and nature. As its individual episodes, the texts of the poet's classic poems are considered: "Spring Thunderstorm", "Not What You Think, Nature", "There is Melodiousness in the Sea Waves" and other poems. For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, as well as a wide range of readers.
Феномен художественности: от Пушкина до Чехова The phenomenon of artistry: from Pushkin to Chekhov
The book by Professor E.S. Afanasyev presents articles on the works of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, on the literary connections of A.P. Chekhov with Russian writers of the 19th century, published in periodicals from 2000 to 2009. The articles are united by the problem of the artistry of literary works, which underlies the methodology of interpreting artistic texts. For literary scholars, teachers of literature, students of philological faculties.
Физические модели и механизмы электрического пробоя газов

The book sets out a general approach to describing the propagation of plasma of electrical breakdown of gases at all its stages, based on an analogy with the processes of propagation of combustion and detonation fronts. An analysis of experimental and theoretical studies of electrical breakdown is given, physical and mathematical models are proposed, and the basic mechanisms of breakdown are investigated.

For scientists in the field of electric discharge physics, electrophysics and high voltage engineering, graduate and senior students.

Филология: вечная и молодая. Сборник статей к юбилею профессора М.Л. Ремневой Philology: Ever Lasting & Young

The collection contains the articles devoted to the anniversary of Prof. Remnyova and reveals the modern state of philological science at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. All the authors represent the new specializations and subdivisions of the Philological Faculty as well as its international projects.

Философия и история науки Philosophy and History of Science

The textbook corresponding to the new program of the course "History and Philosophy of Science" for graduate students and applicants contains a positive interpretation of the basic models, principles, ideas of modern methodology of cognitive activity.

It is designed for persons undergoing special pre-dissertation training to pass the candidate's minimum exam, and for anyone interested in methodological issues.

Философия и методология науки. Актуальные проблемы Philosophy and methodology of science. Current issues
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The monograph examines current problems of philosophy and methodology of science: philosophical foundations and structure of modern methodology of science, scientific rationality, cultural and historical types of science, scientific truth and its criteria, patterns of development of science and scientific knowledge, axiology and praxeology of science, methodological culture of a scientist. The solution to these problems is given from the standpoint of three new concepts developed by the author in the field of philosophy of science: the positive dialectical concept, the level methodology of scientific knowledge, the consensual nature of scientific truth. The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in the problems of modern philosophy and methodology of science, but primarily to the young generation of scientists, in whose hands the future of science lies.
Философия истории Philosophy of history
The book is devoted to the consideration of the foundations of the historical process. It analyzes such significant problems of modern social science as the presence in the total human experience of life reproduction of certain cross-cutting dependencies, schemes, structures that specify the nature of traditional units of history, starting with the people (state, nation) and ending with the genus Homo sapiens as a whole (the totality of civilization). For social scientists, a wide range of readers.
Философия наивности Philosophy of naivety
The collection contains reflections of major scientists - philosophers, cultural experts, art historians. On the pages of the collection, famous artists and writers share their thoughts about naivety. The publication is illustrated with color printing. The reader will find here reproductions of genuine masterpieces from temporary naive art, represented by the most famous museums and galleries specializing in this field. The book will be useful to scientists and teachers, representatives of culture and art: philosophers, historians, cultural experts, art historians.
Философия науки: общие проблемы Philosophy of science: general problems
The textbook outlines the general problems of modern philosophy of science: ontological, epistemological, socio-cultural, value-based and practical. Only with such a broad, multidimensional approach to science is an adequate philosophical reflection of science as the most important subsystem of culture and knowledge of the real patterns of its functioning and development possible. For students, graduate students, applicants, researchers, university teachers and anyone interested in the philosophical problems of modern science.
Философия права Philosophy of law

The textbook highlights the main problems of the theory and history of philosophy of law. Much attention is paid to the methodology of philosophical and legal research, the status of the philosophy of law as a scientific and educational discipline. Axiology and ontology of state and law, issues of legal culture and legal awareness are examined in detail. Theoretical provisions are based on a wide social science material on various branches of knowledge.

For students, graduate students and teachers of legal, philosophical, political science and other humanitarian universities and faculties.

Философия. Истории философии во Франции (проблема закономерностей в развитии интеллектуальной культуры) Philosophy of the history of philosophy in France (the problem of patterns in the development of intellectual culture)
The monograph analyzes ideas about the meaning of the historical and philosophical process, characteristic of French intellectual culture. To what extent does the past of philosophy allow us to predict the future? The book examines a series of responses taken within the same cultural tradition. Isolating theories of the historical and philosophical process as a special subject field of research allows us to look at the specifics of cultural eras from a special angle and highlight the features of various stages of the intellectual history of France. For undergraduates, graduate students, and anyone interested in the history of philosophy.
Финансовая безопасность. Финансовые расследования Financial Safety. Financial Investigations

This book is the second amended and revised edition of the same textbook. It contains key concepts in the field of economic and financial security, gives an idea of the features of detection, disclosure and investigation of financial crimes. At the same time, special attention is paid to the disclosure of practical examples of combating crimes, the investigation of which is carried out by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

This manual can be used as an additional source of specialized training of unique specialists — «financial investigators», bachelors and masters of law, possessing in addition to basic criminal law training complex of special knowledge and skills in the financial and budgetary sphere.

Финансовая математика. Введение в классическую теорию. Часть 2. inancial mathematics. Introduction to classical theory. Part 2
This second part completes the presentation of the main sections of the so-called classical financial mathematics, started earlier in the first part. More precisely, it represents that part of it where elements of probability theory are used. However, the goal is the same: to acquaint young people with an elementary theory that offers practical recommendations for solving a wide variety of problems in the life around us. Much in the book should be understandable to inquisitive schoolchildren, although it is mainly intended for university students with significant mathematical training. This means that the entire book is intended for teachers, bank employees, business school students, and professional participants in the securities market.
Финансовая разведка Financial intelligence
The manual discusses analytical methods for identifying signs of economic crimes and offenses. In the context of the development of communication technologies and global multi-level communication, information, information and information-analytical technologies are becoming an independent resource that ensures the effective economic development of the country, prevention and detection of crimes in general and economic crimes in particular. For students (bachelors and masters) studying in the “Financial Investigations” specialization, as well as specialists in the field of ensuring the economic security of the country and the activities of law enforcement authorities, researchers, graduate students and adjuncts.
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 1 Development of a university education system. Volume 1.
Four-volume monograph by Doctor of Historical Sciences, chief researcher of the State Historical Museum F.A. Petrov is dedicated to that period in the history of Russian universities when they became the main centers of education and science in the country. The first volume examines the origins of the university education system in Russia, which included, along with the Moscow University founded in 1755, Vilna, Dorpat, Kazan and Kharkov universities. The focus is on the first university Charter, approved on November 5, 1804 by Alexander I. This Charter laid the foundations for the autonomy of universities and made them leading educational institutions in vast regions of the Russian Empire. A special place in the book is occupied by Moscow University, which has become a kind of “laboratory” for developing the principles of university reform and a model for other Russian universities in educational, methodological, research and cultural-educational work. The book is meant for historians, university and school teachers, students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russian culture.
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 2 Development of a university education system. Volume 2.
This volume examines the implementation of the university reform of 1804, which took place in difficult socio-political conditions. The activities of Moscow University after the Patriotic War of 1812 are characterized. Particular attention is paid to its teaching staff, which represented an extremely stable and united scientific corporation that managed to embody the educational ideas of M.N. Muravyov and other creators of the first university charter. The formation of the student body at Moscow University is shown, and an analysis of student work is given. The initial period of activity of the Kharkov and Kazan universities, which were amazing examples of “cultural nests” in provinces far from the capitals, and the history of the creation of St. Petersburg University (1819) on the basis of the Main Pedagogical Institute are also studied. The reactionary policy of the Ministry of Public Education in the last years of the reign of Alexander I and the resistance that leading figures of Russian universities offered to it were examined. The book is meant for historians, university and school teachers, students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russian culture.
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 3 Development of a university education system. Volume 3.
This volume of the monograph is devoted to the preparation of the new university Charter of 1835. Contrary to the prevailing opinion about the secret work on this document in government spheres, archival materials indicate that university professors in Moscow, Kharkov, Kazan, and St. Petersburg took an active and direct part in the search for ways to reform higher education. A comprehensive analysis of the Charter and a comparison of Russian universities of that time with Western European ones allow us to conclude that by the middle of the 19th century, an original system of university education had developed in Russia. The author pays special attention to university reform projects developed at the oldest university - Moscow. Some of them were ahead of their time and were implemented in subsequent university statutes. The book is meant for historians, university and school teachers, students, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russian culture.
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 4. Часть 1 Development of a university education system. Volume 4. Part 1
The book examines the implementation of the university Charter of 1835 and the activities of universities in the 1840s, when they became not only a source for obtaining a comprehensive amount of knowledge, but also “the temple of Russian civilization” (A.I. Herzen). The training of professors, their teaching and scientific activities, and connections between universities and the Academy of Sciences are examined. For the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the teaching staff of all six universities that existed in the mid-19th century was undertaken. These statistical data are combined with characteristics of the most prominent “university people” against the broad background of culture, scientific and social life of pre-reform Russia. The author focuses on Moscow University, which became under the trustee Count S.G. Stroganov again - as under M.N. Muravyov at the beginning of the 19th century was a standard of university reforms and established itself in public opinion as an all-Russian center of education. The book is meant for historians, university and school teachers, students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russian culture.
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 4. Часть 2 Development of a university education system. Volume 4. Part 2
This book is dedicated to university students of the 1840s, who began to act as a special social group of Russian society, united by common scientific, cultural, and subsequently political interests. Government policy towards student youth, its positive and negative consequences are examined. The social and ethnic composition of the student body is analyzed, and the different fates of students of the 40s are traced. The role of Russian universities of this period in training future leaders of the Great Reforms is considered. At the end of the book there is a name index to all volumes of the monograph. The book is meant for historians, university and school teachers, students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russian culture.
Франкофония: культура повседневности Francophonie: Culture of Everyday Life

This tutorial is devoted to the theoretical and practical questions, related to the culture of everyday life of France and countries of Francophonie. It consists of 5 sections:

  1. Culture of everyday life as a scientific problem; 
  2. Culture of France and culture of everyday life; 
  3. Francophonie and regions of France: cultures of everyday life; 
  4. France and Russia: literary and historical aspects of everyday life; 
  5. Everyday culture in the practice of teaching of the French language.

Intended for students, post-graduates and everyone interested in the culture of France and Francophonie.

Франкофонные исследования Francophonie studies

The monograph is devoted to the study of francophonie — a unique multifaceted phenomenon that has linguistic and cultural components. It aims to show the ways of studying francophonie and to clarify the dynamics of its development in the context of current theoretical problems. It also aspires to identify the features of francophonie research as a scientific direction and a promising academic discipline.

The monograph is a multidisciplinary research and is written for a wide range of readers — students, master degree students, and postgraduate students, teachers and researchers and everyone who is interested in the French language, the cultures of France and French-speaking countries.

Keywords: Francophonie, International Organization of Francophonie, francophonie studies, France, francophone countries, French language, culture, spatial variation, area.

Франкоязычный мир. Взаимодействие и контакты

Le recueil est consacre aux contacts et infl uences qui caracterisent le monde francophone au sein de la culture mondiale. Il comprend 5 parties: Сarrefours des cultures: nord, sud, est, ouest. Carrefours de l'histoire: epoque de 1812. France: aspects de la culture. Francophonie: langue et cultures. France et Russie. Le recueil est destine aux etudiants, aux ecoliers et a tous ceux qui s'interessent a la culture de la France et de la Russie.

Франция и франкофония: язык, общество, культура France and Francophonie: Language, Society, Culture

The monograph is devoted to the study of the language, society and culture of France in the context of the Francophonie. The author considers the theoretical and practical aspects of the unity/variance of language and culture, the development of national and cultural identity, the anthropology of space, everyday culture and its reflection in the language, linguistic and cultural politics as well as some terminological issues.

The book has an interdisciplinary nature and is intended for a wide range of readers: philologists, historians, specialists in area studies, culturologists, sociologists and representatives of other disciplines, researchers and lecturers, doctoral students, under- and post-graduate students, and everyone studying French and interested in the culture of France and Francophonie.

Французский либерализм в прошлом и настоящем French liberalism in the past and present
The collective monograph of the staff of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of European and American Countries of the History Faculty of Moscow State University examines French liberalism at the main stages of its historical development: from the Great French Revolution of the late 18th century to the present day. The main attention is paid to its evolution as a political movement, the activities of the most famous liberals, and the national characteristics of French liberalism. For teachers and students of historical and political science specialties, for all those interested in the history and current state of liberalism.
Французский язык для абитуриентов: Тесты и ключи French for applicants: Tests and keys
The proposed manual can be used primarily by applicants to the faculties of foreign languages, but will also be of interest to school and university teachers. At the beginning, tests of entrance examinations held at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1996-1998 are given, also materials of the linguistic tournament (Krasnovidovo-1998) are presented. Keys are attached to all written tests.
Французский язык: подготовка к ЕГЭ French: preparation for the Unified State Exam
The purpose of the manual is to consolidate the knowledge acquired in high school and prepare for passing the entrance exam to a university. Much attention is paid to the basic issues of French grammar. Lexical material is grouped according to thematic principle. Each of the 13 lessons in the manual includes a number of exercises designed to develop speaking skills. The keys to the most difficult exercises are given.
Фундаментальные основы языка политики. Продвинутый курс английского языка

The present book is a sequence in the series of course-books in Рolitical English and is aimed for students of international relations, politics and journalism. At the same time, the book can be widely used by the students, as well as post-graduate ones, who study at the schools of foreign languages, philology, history, state administration, etc. Covering the area beyond those of language course-books, "Fundamentals" supplies a great amount of information on the key issues of modern political culture, including Anglo-Saxon political culture, as the one being part of the language under study. At the same time, being primarily an English language course-book, it supplies lots of linguistic information, including data on the specific functioning of the newest English language. Methodology of language delivery is a combination of modern methods of communicative approach with a traditional one, based on the text analysis. This combination of the leading foreign methodology with the best traditions of the Russian one guarantees a most optimal result and most adequately meets the real needs of a contemporary Russian student.

Химическая физика твердого тела Chemical physics of solids
This book is a presentation of the original course of lectures “Chemical Physics of Solid State”, given by the author at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State University. The book introduces the basics of the study of real solids, their structure and reactivity, the role of structural defects in the formation of mechanical, thermal, electronic and chemical properties, including under conditions of intense radiation and mechanical influences. For students, graduate students, researchers and engineers.
Химическое загрязнение биосферы и его экологические последствия

In conditions of growing anthropogenic degradation of the environment a knowledge of general and specific patterns of distribution and accumulation of various pollutants in the environment of different regions and of ways to improve them are necessary for professionals in the field of protection of the biosphere. In the book sets out the theoretical and practical aspects of the activities of researchers and practitioners. The textbook contains a summary of the study of environmental management, of the significance of chemical contamination in modern society. Much attention is paid to valuation approaches and methods of chemical substances in the environment and assessing of their performance. There are described the principles and methods of remediation of the polluted soils, the assessment of the environmental impact of chemical pollution of the biosphere.

The textbook is intended for students who are training on specialties in soil science, ecology, biology, geography, natural resources and management and all those are interested by a current state of environment.

Химия XXI века в задачах Международных Менделеевских олимпиад Chemistry of the XXI century in the tasks of the International Mendeleev Olympiads

The book presents all the tasks - theoretical and experimental - of the last five International Mendeleev Olympiads of schoolchildren in chemistry. This is the result of a great work of a large team of chemists from different countries, information about which is also presented in the book. The reader is given the opportunity to cover the whole system of tasks of the Mendeleev Olympiads, to get information about the directions of development of modern chemical science Olympiads.

Химия горючих ископаемых Chemistry of combustible minerals

The textbook characterizes organogenic elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur) that are part of both the living matter of bioproducts — higher plants, phyto-, zooplankton and bacteria, and combustible fossils. The main part is devoted to the description of the properties and composition of combustible minerals: natural gas, oil and naphthides, peat, brown, hard coals, anthracites, sapropelites, oil shales, as well as their secondary changes in deposits in the zones of hypergenesis and catagenesis. An idea of analytical methods for studying their properties and composition is given. The connection of the molecular composition of living matter with the composition of caustobiolites — chemophossils and their precursors for the geological and geochemical interpretation of analytical data is traced. Examples of material and material-genetic classifications of caustobiolites are described. The review of modern methods of interpretation of data on the molecular composition of oil and organic matter of rocks is presented. The abiogenic and organic concepts of the origin of oil and the arguments of proponents of biogenic hypotheses and sedimentary-migration theory of the origin of oil are considered.

The textbook is intended for students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying in the specialty 1.6.11 "Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields" at geological faculties of universities.

Химия сероорганических соединений Chemistry of organosulfur compounds

The book presents modern ideas about the physico-chemical properties and reactivity characteristics of various classes of organic sulfur compounds containing sulfur atoms in various degrees of oxidation. The main purpose of the textbook is to deepen the basic theoretical concepts and skills of predicting the direction of chemical reactions of sulfur-containing organic derivatives. The similarity and difference of chemical properties of organosulfur compounds and structurally similar derivatives of carbon and oxygen are analyzed.

Химия. Для школьников старших классов и поступающих в вузы Chemistry. For school pupils and university applicants

The book contains theoretical materials regarding all parts of chemistry course, as well as 1500 examination tasks, questions and exercises accompanied by their detailed analysis and answers. The tasks vary in difficulty level - from basic to most advanced.

The book is intended for high school students, chemistry teachers, and pretenders.

Химия. Справочник школьника Chemistry: Reference Book for School Student. Tutorial.

The reference book describes the main problems in general, inorganic, and organic chemistry within the school curriculum according to the educational standards of the last generation.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers. It is useful for students of 8–11 grades of comprehensive school, students of special chemistry classes, university applicants, chemistry teachers, junior students of non-chemical insti tutes, and anyone who is interested in the subject.

The manual contains a detailed index and the appendix where the most important reference data are shown.

Химия. Формулы успеха на вступительных экзаменах Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams

This manual differs from most publications intended for applicants in that the largest domestic university - Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov - presents all the variants of examination tasks in chemistry offered at the entrance exams at all faculties of Moscow State University over the past three years. For each option, detailed solutions of tasks or answers and instructions to the solution are provided.

The manual is intended for applicants entering universities for chemical, medical and biological specialties, as well as for high school students and chemistry teachers.

Хрестоматия по искусственному интеллекту на английском языке (pdf) English Reader in Artificial Intelligence (pdf)

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been actively developing, penetrating into all spheres of human activity, revolutionizing them and bringing significant progress to solving numerous problems. The publication contains texts in English that give an idea of AI key areas, as well as exercises in various formats, appendixes and a dictionary for practicing vocabulary on this topic. 

This Textbook is intended for students studying English at the Lomonosov Moscow State University CMC Faculty, as well as at the IT departments of other universities.

Человек и природа. Первые шаги Human and nature. First steps

The manual is devoted to the description of a variety of techniques and successful experience in organizing nature research with children in kindergartens, summer camps, in a specialized environmental laboratory, at educational holidays and science festivals. A special section is devoted to family activities in which both children and their parents are involved in research activities.

For a wide range of readers: teachers, volunteers working with children, parents.

Чему равна сумма углов многоугольника? What is the sum of the angles of the polygon?

This brochure was written based on a lecture for schoolchildren, which the author gave at the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University on March 25, 2017 as part of the “University Saturday” project, carried out with the support of the Moscow Department of Education. The presentation of the material significantly complements the content of the lecture and calculates It is intended for a wide range of readers interested in mathematics: high school students, junior students, high school teachers and university professors.

Числовые и функциональные ряды в математическом анализе (pdf) Numerical and functional series in mathematical analysis (pdf)
When compiling the manual, many years of experience in teaching a course in mathematical analysis at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University were used. The first, theoretical chapter provides formulations of basic definitions and a detailed analysis of standard problems, on which most of the examples are based. The second chapter consists of 20 test options of varying complexity. The third chapter includes solutions to some of the problems from the options in the second chapter, indicating typical errors and shortcomings. The fourth chapter contains answers to the options from the second chapter. The book is intended for students studying numerical and functional series, as well as for teachers conducting practical classes.
Шаг за шагом в мир глобальной науки

Globalization of science does not only strengthen the competition, but also gives a range of opportunities for both investors and researchers. In particular, every researcher can easily gain an access to all promising layouts, publications, projects, grants; co-authors and publishing partners in the field of interest; create and promote own international brand or optimize data search process and publication writing process. Many of these opportunities are free for researcher with Google Scholar or Russian data base for researchers and their works – ISTINA. All mentioned options are available simultaneously with Thomson Reuters' products: Web of Knowledge, EndNote Web, Researcher ID. The aim of this manual is to introduce the above mentioned technological solutions to the target audience – researchers and scientists. Ultimate goal is to adapt most recent international and Russian research platforms, data and reference bases for day-to-day work of researchers' community.

Шведоязычные масс-медиа Финдляндии Swedish-language mass media of Finland
The book is devoted to the study of the media system of a small language group - the Finnish Swedes. The problem is considered in the context of the development of pan-European and state media policy, the growth of competition in the media market, and the growing disproportion between large and small language groups. The strategies of individual publications and channels are analyzed taking into account economic and ethnopolitical factors. For specialists in the field of mass media, interethnic relations, language planning, as well as for students and teachers of journalism faculties.
Шестнадцать шедевров русской литературы Sixteen Chef-d’oeuvres of the Russian Literature

This book is written as a guidance for literature teachers and senior high school pupils of gymnasiums and lyceums majoring in humanities to help them preparing for compositions on masterpieces of the Russian literature. These are namely Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin; Mikhail Lermontov’s poem Death of the Poet and his novel A Hero of Our Time; Ivan Turgenev’s short novel Asya and his novel Fathers and Sons', Ivan Goncharov’s Oblomov, What Is to Be Done? by Nikolai Chernyshevsky; Poor Folk and main novels by Fyodor Dostoyevsky; Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem Poet and Citizen and finally the Russian novel itself in its national and authentic form, and certain novels of such contemporary heritors of the literary classic of the XIX century as Vasily Belov and Alexander Potemkin.

The book is intended for the teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, school leavers, students and lecturers at the Departments of Philology as well as everyone who admires Russian literary classic and values it.

Щедрин: Незнакомый мир знакомых книг Shchedrin: The unfamiliar world of familiar books
This book was first published in 1998 and went through three editions. Now readers are offered its newly reviewed and expanded version. The author made an attempt to read the famous works of the genius of Russian and world satire anew, without political and opportunistic goals, precisely as ethical and aesthetic creations. The chapter on “The History of a City” examines the beginnings on which Shchedrin’s artistic world was created. “The Golovlevs” cannot be understood without attention to the psychologism of Saltykov’s prose, an understanding of the concept of man created by the writer. The originality of the picture of reality that developed in Saltykov’s work is expressively revealed in fairy tales, and the books “Abroad” and “Poshekhon Antiquity,” among many other things, make it possible to clearly see the foundations defining the moral ideals affirmed in his works. The study is written in living language. The author tries to captivate the reader, to prove to him that the dialogue with Saltykov’s works is not only serious, but also joyful. By comprehending the logic of the creative development of Saltykov the writer, the reader will free himself from misinterpretations of his books and make many amazing discoveries...
Эволюция денежных систем Причерноморья и Балкан в XIII-XV вв. The evolution of the monetary systems of the Black Sea region and the Balkans in the XIII-XV centuries.

The states of the Balkans and the Black Sea region minted different coins and had different traditions in maintaining the currency system. The comparative study of these coins was necessary to demonstrate that changes affecting the currencies were determined by the genesis of the worldwide economic system and have appeared because the medieval financial approaches were universal. One thing was common for those dissimilar currencies: specie existed for the use of the authorities and of the subjects concurrently. Published and unpublished documents together with quantitative data obtained during the numismatic analysis allowed to find and to describe dates and circumstances of dozens reforms in the Byzantine and Tartar states, to reconstruct the ideology of medieval financiers. The first and the second gave us also names of the coins, their parameters, values, rates and cross-rates, different characteristics of the monetary fund as a whole. They were calculated with the use of original methods developed for the numismatic study based on the probability theory and reflecting the statistical nature of the numismatic material. The results accumulated in this book are not merely the description of the evolution of the financial systems in the region, they are the tool necessary for the research of the economic history of the Levant in the Middle Ages.

Эволюция лессово-почвенных формаций Северной Евразии Evolution of loess-soil formations of Northern Eurasia
The monograph examines the problems of paleogeography, chronostratigraphy, and the genesis of loess and fossil soils. Based on detailed palynological analysis and a comprehensive study of reference sections of late Cenozoic deposits, a new concept of the formation of loess-soil formations and the development of landscapes in the loess regions of Northern Eurasia in the Pleistocene has been developed. The age and climatic and phytocenotic conditions for the formation and conservation of subsidence of loess rocks in the Eastern Ciscaucasia have been established. The book is intended for geographers, geologists, soil scientists, paleobotanists, specialists in geoecology, teachers and students of higher education institutions.
Экология биосферы Ecology of the biosphere
The book introduces students of biological faculties of universities, as well as a wide range of readers interested in issues of ecology and environmental protection, to the problems of functioning of the living shell of our planet - the biosphere. The central place is given to the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus - the most important chemical elements without which life on Earth is impossible. The processes of evolution of the biosphere since the origin of life, as well as the determining role of man at the most recent – ​​contemporary to us – stage of the development of the biosphere are considered. The presentation is based on an analysis of the latest scientific literature. This work is particularly relevant in light of the ongoing biodiversity crisis unfolding before our eyes and the ongoing debate about the causes and consequences of global climate change.
Экология почв Soil ecology
The textbook (1st edition published in 2006) sets out the fundamentals of soil ecology - an integral interdisciplinary science that combines teachings about the factors of soil formation and the ecological functions of soils, as well as the rational use and protection of soil cover as an irreplaceable component of the planet. Biogeocenotic and global soil ecofunctions are comprehensively characterized - hydrosphere, atmospheric, lithospheric, general biosphere, ethnosphere, natural and anthropogenic factors of soil formation and dynamics are considered, the state of soil resources and the principles of their conservation use, taking into account the conservation of biological and soil diversity, are highlighted. The legal aspects of soil and biosphere protection are discussed as conditions for the further development of earthly civilization, and the interdisciplinary significance of soil ecology is characterized. For soil scientists, ecologists, geographers, geologists - students, graduate students, university teachers, as well as workers in agriculture, forestry, etc.
Эколого-генетический подход к охране животных антропогенных экосистем Ecological and genetic approach to the protection of animals in anthropogenic ecosystems
The monograph presents the results of empirical and theoretical generalization of original data from a 30-year study of the impact of urbanization (landscape fragmentation) on the structure and function of the gene pool of animal populations living in urban specially protected natural areas. A comprehensive ecological and genetic approach to the protection of animals in anthropogenic ecosystems (methodology, concept, strategy, technology) has been developed and tested. This approach allows for effective and cost-effective solutions to problems of preserving not only individual species and communities, but also maintaining or restoring the sustainable functioning of ecosystems as a whole. A new promising scientific direction, genourbanology (synthesis of genetics and systems ecology), has been created. The goal of genourbanology is to understand the genetic parameters and patterns of conservation and restoration of ecosystems of urbanized landscapes. For ecologists of all specialties, university professors, students, specialists in planning and organizing practical nature conservation. Can be used as a teaching aid for the courses "Systemic Ecology", "Population Genetics", "Natural Resources and Rational Nature Management".
Экономика нано-технологий Economics of nanotechnology
The manual shows the prospects for a radical transformation of the economy under the influence of technological progress and the progress of nanotechnology. The system of relations and institutions that ensure the progress of the economy based on knowledge and the priority development of high technologies, the socio-economic conditions and consequences of the progress of nano-technologies, the relationship between market institutions and mechanisms of social regulation and stimulation of the development of science, education, and high technologies are revealed. The main emphasis is on economics and the relationship between economics and technology. This unique interdisciplinary textbook will be useful to both economists and representatives of other humanities and technical sciences.
Экономика. Учебник для студентов естественных и гуманитарных факультетов Economy
The topics covered in the textbook will allow students to gain the necessary knowledge in economics and acquire the skills to make independent economic and financial decisions. Particular attention is paid to sound financial behaviour; mechanism for coordinating the activities of economic agents; entrepreneurship, corporate economics and corporate conflicts; cyclical development and crises, inflation and unemployment, the influence of state economic policy. This is the second edition of the textbook, prepared by the team of the Department of Economics for the natural and humanities faculties of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, intended for undergraduate and specialist students.
Экономическая и финансовая стратегия Economic and financial strategy

The textbook presents the philosophical foundations of strategy theory, the methodology of strategy development and implementation, regional and industry strategizing, the financial foundations of strategizing, strategic leadership and strategic management. The textbook is written based on the strategizing methodology of a scientist-practitioner, a world-famous strategist, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, Dr. Sci. (Economics), Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation Vladimir Lvovich Kvint. The presented theoretical provisions embody advanced international experience, reflect the results of the authors' research and 18 years of experience in teaching strategic disciplines at Moscow State University, and the real strategies they have developed at various levels in Russia and abroad.

For students studying in the fields of "Management", "Economics", "Human Resources Management", as well as for students of relevant advanced training courses, leaders of companies, federal departments, regions and municipalities.

Экспрессивный словарь диалектной личности Expressive dictionary of dialect personality
The expressive dictionary of a dialect personality presents the vocabulary and phraseology of a speaker of the Arkhangelsk dialect. The dictionary contains about 1400 expressive units characterized by features of intensity, imagery, emotional evaluativeness. More than 300 of them are the product of the individual word creation of the linguistic personality. For philologists, historians, psychologists, teachers and all those who love the Russian folk word.
Элементарная математика. Учебное пособие для старшеклассников и абитуриентов. Часть 2. Elementary mathematics. Part 2.

This book is a continuation of Part 1 of the tutorial by the same author. In addition to the theoretical foundations of an in-depth course in elementary mathematics, it examines various techniques and methods for solving problems, their systematization, including problems with original and non-standard approaches to solution. This publication includes more than 250 analyzed examples, as well as an almost complete list of problems in mathematics (with solutions to about 585 problems) offered at entrance exams and Olympiads at Moscow State University from 2000 to 2019 and partly earlier . The tasks are grouped by topics and methods.

The book includes additional material that expands the student's mathematical horizons and allows it to be used as a reference tool.

Recommended for preparatory departments and courses, high school students preparing for participation in mathematical olympiads, for admission to higher educational institutions, such as Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MEPhI, MTUCI , HSE, Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, Financial Academy, MGIMO, etc., where the ability to solve problems of increased complexity is required.

The manual can be used for distance learning, as well as by schoolchildren in preparation for passing the specialized Unified State Exam (the most difficult part of it) and by school teachers. You can also purchase in our online store Part 1. Theory numbers. Algebra

Элементарная математика. Часть 1 Elementary mathematics. Part 1

The textbook is intended for repetition and systematization of student knowledge in preparation for exams and olympiads in mathematics. Aimed at applicants to those higher educational institutions where it is required to demonstrate a high level of knowledge in mathematics - both in theory and in practice of solving problems. Part 1 of the book includes the following sections: “The Theory of Real Numbers”, “Numerical Equalities and Inequalities. Abbreviated multiplication formulas. Known algebraic inequalities", "Algebraic equations and inequalities". The book contains all the necessary definitions, formulations and proofs of properties and theorems. Particular attention in the manual is paid to the analysis of various techniques and methods for solving problems (Part 1 includes more than 450 problems with solutions from variants of examination tasks at Lomonosov Moscow State University, MEPhI, MIPT, Bauman MSTU, MTUSI, HSE, Plekhanov Russian Economic Academy, Financial Academy and other universities), as well as about 625 problems for independent solution (with answers and solutions). Much attention is paid to problems with non-standard approaches to solution. The book includes a lot of additional and reference material that expands the student’s mathematical horizons.

The manual is recommended for high school students, students of preparatory departments and courses for preparing for Olympiads (at the level of Lomonosov Moscow State University) and the Unified State Exam (in the most difficult its parts), as well as teachers teaching elementary mathematics courses.

Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of Lomonosov Moscow State University. You can also purchase in our online store Part 2. Systems of equations and inequalities. Text problems. Sequences. Progression. Elements of set theory

Элементарная финансовая математика Elementary financial mathematics
The purpose of this short textbook is to highlight from the classical theory the elements of financial mathematics that are most necessary for the practical life of any citizen and try to present them at a level understandable not only for students, but also for schoolchildren. The entire book is intended for teachers in the financial field, bank employees, business school students, and professional participants in the securities market.
Элементы математической статистики Elements of mathematical statistics

We talk about the basic concepts of statistics, understanding by it, as is customary in the school course, descriptive statistics. The main attention is paid to statistical variables and operations on them (linear transformations, summation, mixing). In the final section, using the example of the history of the discovery of argon, we talk about the role of statistics in natural science.

Энциклопедия Московского университета. Факультет иностранных языков

This publication provides historical information about the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, materials are given on the history of the departments and other scientific and pedagogical divisions of the faculty, information about the pedagogical and scientific activities of the departments today, about the teaching staff and international relations of the FIL. The contents of the book reflect the activities of the faculty since its founding.

For linguists, philologists, historians and everyone interested in the history of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the history of Moscow State University.

Энциклопедия Московского университета. Экономический факультет Encyclopedia of Moscow University. Faculty of Economics
The encyclopedia contains information about the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University: its history and present, about those who stood at the origins of the faculty and who now prepare future economists, research current problems of economic science. The main concepts used in teaching are given.
Эпидемиология трансмиссионных болезней Epidemiology of transmission diseases
The monograph contains modern information on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, epidemiology and prevention of viral, bacterial, rickettsial and protozoal transmissible diseases, helminthiases, as well as preventive and anti-epidemic measures against them. For specialists in epidemiology, microbiology, infectious disease specialists, as well as for students of medical and biological universities.
Эпопея в русской литературе Epic in Russian literature
The book, using extensive material - from works of Old Russian literature to publications of recent years - examines the processes that determined the development of large epic forms in Russian literature and focused on the genre of the epic. Where necessary, parallels with European literatures are drawn. The main genre features of the epic, the productive paths of their formation and transformation are named and characterized. General provisions are accompanied by an analysis of the works of Lomonosov, Gogol, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Gorky, Sholokhov, Grossman, Solzhenitsyn and other authors who had the most significant influence on the fate of the epic genre. For students and graduate students, teachers of educational institutions of various types, all who are not indifferent to the fate of Russian literature, professionals in the relevant specialties.
Эстетика: начала классической теории Aesthetics: the beginnings of classical theory

This textbook is a revised and expanded edition of the text published in 2011 (Moscow: Academic Project). Since the first edition, the textbook has been an integral part of the educational process at the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University and has shown a very high degree of suitability for the training of both students of philosophical specializations and applicants for academic degrees in relevant areas.

The materials of this textbook are the result of many years of research and teaching work of the author at the Department of Aesthetics of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. The text contains historical and theoretical expositions of classical aesthetic issues.

The publication will be useful for a wide range of readers interested in the theory and history of aesthetics.

Этимологический словарь русского языка. Выпуск 10. М Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Issue 10. M
This issue (letter M) includes 1108 lexical units related to the main vocabulary of the Russian language. Many words are the object of etymological analysis for the first time. The dictionary is intended for both philologists and historians, and for a wide range of readers interested in the history and origin of words in the Russian language.
Этимологический словарь русского языка. Выпуск 9. Л Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Issue 9. L
This issue (letter L) includes 652 lexical units related to the main vocabulary of the Russian language. Many words are the object of etymological analysis for the first time. For a wide range of philologists, historians, as well as for everyone interested in the history and origin (etymology) of words.
Этические основы информационных коммуникаций: зарубежные подходы и традиции

The book includes educational and methodical supplies with control questions and recommended literature, tasks for individual work, examples of actual professional and ethical dilemmas for the analysis of concrete cases of journalistic practice, and texts of the international and foreign documents considering various aspects of media ethics. 

For students journalism schools.

Этнополитология: политические функции этничности Ethnopolitical science: Political functions of ethnicity
The authors of this textbook are the Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Tishkov and a well-known specialist in the field of ethnopolitical science, Doctor of Sciences (History) , Professor Yu.P. Shabaev. It was based on a course of lectures given at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The textbook outlines the main provisions and problems of modern ethnopolitical science - the science of the political functions of ethnicity and the political interaction of the state and ethnic communities. The subject and methods of science, theoretical approaches to the analysis of research directions, problems of political organization of multi-ethnic societies, ethnonationalism, conflicts and the applied significance of science are considered. For students, teachers of humanities faculties, specialists in the field of social management and political management.
Эффективный рекламный текст в СМИ Effective advertising text in the media

In this monograph, as a result of combining practical knowledge in the field of advertising with scientific research methods, for the first time in the domestic scientific and practical literature, a comprehensive analysis of various approaches to studying the effectiveness of advertising text in the media, as well as criteria for its evaluation and testing methods, is carried out.

The process of creating effective advertising text is considered in its entirety and in a logical sequence - from choosing an advertising strategy depending on the marketing context of placement, through solving media planning problems and to developing advertising text taking into account initial marketing data and media planning parameters, and also depending on the media context of its placement.

At the end of the work, special checklists are provided for a preliminary comprehensive assessment and testing of the effectiveness of advertising text in various media, which will significantly optimize advertising investments and increase the effectiveness of advertisers.

The work will be of interest to graduate students and teachers of disciplines related to advertising, as well as advertising practitioners, employees of advertising departments and services of enterprises and the media.

Юридический статус личности в России Legal status of the individual in Russia
The work examines a wide range of issues related to the essence, legal consolidation and practice of implementing the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation. Much attention is paid to the definition of the main concepts and categories, scientific classification and other elements of theoretical knowledge that make up the institution of the constitutional status of the individual. In addition to presenting scientific concepts, the manual provides methodological recommendations for studying the relevant problems. The book is designed for students, graduate students, legal scholars, civil servants, deputies of representative bodies at all levels, as well as a wide range of readers.
Я не могу убить собаку: популярное пособие по бизнес-терминологии I can't kill a dog: a popular guide to business terminology
Over the past decades, in the works of foreign scientists and managers, individual mathematical and heuristic models and analogies have been identified and are now widely used, which make it possible to significantly simplify the formalization of phenomena and processes occurring in the market. In modern business circles, these concepts have become common and are no longer business slang, but rather a kind of macro language, the basis of modern business terminology. The proposed course examines the fundamental and most frequently used of these concepts. Their meaning is described in a theoretical examination, and their use is shown in examples taken from everyday business practice. For beginning entrepreneurs, for everyone interested in business practice.
Ядерная геохимия Nuclear geochemistry

The textbook sets out as fully as possible the main issues related to the finding and behavior of various types of radionuclides of natural and anthropogenic origin in terrestrial matter. Much attention is paid to the ecological geochemistry of radionuclides. The issues of geochronology and isotope systematics using radiogenic stable and radioactive isotopes are considered. The issues of the impact of radioactive radiation on the geological environment, including the problems of terrestrial heat, are also presented. The principles of measuring radionuclides and the use of field radiometric methods are given. The main text is preceded by sections devoted to the physical and physico-chemical features of radionuclides.

The book is written in an accessible language and is intended for students, postgraduates and specialists in the field of geochemistry, geology, ecology, radiation hygiene, as well as related disciplines related to the study of radionuclides in terrestrial matter.

Язык СМИ и политика Media language and politics

The collective monograph, written by well-known Russian linguists, presents a broad picture of the functioning of the language of the media, comprehensively analyzes the influence of politics on the language of the media. This problem is central to the language of the media, since politics is the main content in the activities of the media, and is considered in semiotic, functional-stylistic, ethical and rhetorical aspects. The language of print and electronic media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio) is studied in detail. The language of foreign media is also considered in a comparative aspect. The monograph shows the current state of the media language and its influence on the development of the literary language.

The monograph is of interest to students, postgraduates and teachers of journalism and philology faculties, as well as to a wide range of readers, for those who care about the purity and expressiveness of Russian speech.

Язык Ф. М. Достоевского: Идиоглоссарий, тезаурус, эйдо The language of F. M. Dostoevsky: Idioglossary, thesaurus, eido
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The book is an expanded and revised edition of the monograph “The Language of F. M. Dostoevsky: Idioglossary, Thesaurus, Eidos” published in 2015, it is dedicated to the possibilities of lexicographic representation of the linguistic personality of the writer. The three research vectors in the title show ways of studying the author’s idiostyle, some features of F. M. Dostoevsky’s worldview, reflected in the writer’s language. The first edition of the monograph was based on the material of the “Lexical structure of the idiolect” (2001, 2003) - experimental editions of the “Dostoevsky Language Dictionary”, three volumes of the “Dostoevsky Idioglossary” (Vol. 1–3. 2008, 2010, 2012). In preparing the second edition, lexicographic data was used from the published 4th and 5th volumes of the “Idioglossary” (2017, 2021), as well as the latest 6th volume, which is being prepared for publication. The book will be of interest to lexicographers, Dostoevsky literary scholars, specialists in the field of linguapoetics, and anyone interested in the peculiarities of F. M. Dostoevsky’s style and worldview.