Moscow University Press
Activity theory of learning

Activity theory of learning

Деятельностная теория учения
book lists education psychology
ISBN: 978-5-19-011344-0 publication date: 2018 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 440

The book is designed for specialists in the fi eld of psychology, pedagogy, teacher’s trainers.


The book describes activity theory of learning, developed in close connection with the P.Ya. Galperin’s Theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions and concepts. Based on the generalization of a huge number of experimental data, the author shows the high effi ciency of the Activity theory of learning as a psychological basis for managing the learning process.

The book is designed for specialists in the fi eld of psychology, pedagogy, teacher’s trainers. It can be useful for teachers of secondary and high schools, as well as all those interested in the problems of managing the process of learning.

To cite this article
Talyzina N.F. Activity theory of learning. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2018. — 440 p.
About the author
Talyzina N.F.

Doctor of Psychology,

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