Moscow University Press
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Азбука природы (мечтаем и размышляем вместе с детьми) The ABC of Nature
The first part of the book presents short stories about the life of different creatures on planet Earth, their relationships with each other and with humans, written in a language understandable to children and introducing the ideas that man is part of nature, and not еthe owner, and it must be taken care of for the benefit of the present and future generations. The second part of the book consists of short stories from the lives of sister and brother, Katya and Fedya, who will help organize children’s active assimilation of the content of the first part. The keywords highlighted in these stories indicate the titles of the stories in the first part of the book. For mentors to communicate with younger children using key words, training test questions have been prepared. For a wide range of loving mentors: teachers, parents, older brothers and sisters. Published by decision of the Academic Council of the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after A. N. Belozersky and Lomonosov Moscow State University as a textbook for the additional general education programme “Scientific education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren” ( protocol No. 5 of June 28, 2021)
Здравствуй, удивительный мир Hello, Wonderful World!

This is a book of short stories about beetles, snails, caterpillars, dragonflies and other inhabitants of forests and ponds. They have interesting adventures, which are both entertaining and educational.

Помощник царям Assistant to the Tsars: The Life and Art of Mikhail Lomonosov

Lomonosov determined the development of Russian science and literature: such people are said to be the salt of the Russian land. A village boy, he began his education in a religious school, continued it in the gymnasium at the Academy of Sciences and graduated from a German university. Lomonosov became Russia’s first poet and made a brilliant career in the Academy of Sciences. But for his Kholmogory countrymen and the capital's patrons who helped the gifted young man, his rise would have been impossible. His unique talent enabled Lomonosov to realize the Petrian project almost on his own and determine the ways of the Russian Enlightenment and to become, in Pushkin’s words, ‘an assistant to the Tsars.’ The present time is reminiscent of the 18th century - reforms are again underway in Russia, and the example of the successful fate in science that Lomonosov gave us may be useful for Russian boys and girls. A children's writer, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and a member of the Academy of Sciences and the Physics Department of Moscow State University, the author presents from the modern point of view not only the vicissitudes of the fate but also the main achievements of the great Russian scientist, pioneer and poet.

Птичий алфавит Bird Alphabet: Poems

The poetic collection ‘Bird Alphabet’ will help the younger generation to get to know the world of wildlife and will teach them how to love, understand and protect it.

Развиваем мышление с русскими сказками Developing Thinking with Russian Tales

A common view is that folktales are for children. In general, this is not the case, let alone for Russian folktales. This becomes more obvious when we take a closer look at the rather violent content of these stories. Thus the challenge of this work is an attempt to reestablish the reality of these stories, intended primarily for the adult reader, by offering them accompanied by a philosophical analysis, as well as with questions inviting the amateur of tales to meditate further on the content of these narrations. Since one of the consequences of the infantilization of these stories is precisely that they tend to lose their function, which consists in making the listener reflect on the world, on humanity, on psychology, on himself etc. The allegories or metaphors they contain constitute in fact a kind of narrative philosophy, taking the form of fables or parables, all of which are meant to feed our thoughts. Of course, without excluding children.

Человек и природа. Первые шаги Human and nature. First steps

The manual is devoted to the description of a variety of techniques and successful experience in organizing nature research with children in kindergartens, summer camps, in a specialized environmental laboratory, at educational holidays and science festivals. A special section is devoted to family activities in which both children and their parents are involved in research activities.

For a wide range of readers: teachers, volunteers working with children, parents.