Moscow University Press


История России. Даты и события, причины и следствия. Справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ History of Russia: Dates and Events, Causes and Effects: A State Exam Preparation Guide

The handbook contains information on the most important phenomena of Russian history: revolutions and reforms, wars and peace treaties, public systems and political organizations, government bodies and state leaders, literary works and geographical discoveries, outstanding writers and scientists. The handbook was compiled on the basis of many years of teaching experience obtained by the author in the All-Russian Extramural School and in the School of a Young Entrepreneur at the Economics Faculty of the Moscow State University.

Information from this book is useful for studying the history of Russia and for those who are preparing for state or university entrance exams.

Книга памяти преподавателей, аспирантов и сту- дентов философского факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ло- моносова, павших в Великой Отечественной войне (1941–1945) The Book of memory of teachers, postgraduates and students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University who fell in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The book contains information about teachers, graduate students and students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University who died in the Great Patriotic War, their biographies are given in alphabetical order, and portrait photographs are provided, if any could be found. Biographies are additionally illustrated with individual and group photographs of the war years, or documents that reflect the fate of the heroic defenders of the Motherland. In preparing the publication, documents from several state archives were studied, where personal files of a number of the book’s heroes were found, as well as other documents containing biographical information about personalities. Some information was reported by their descendants. The appendix contains lists of scientific works of young philosophers who died at the front and lists of literature about them.
Музеи университетов Евразийской ассоциации Museums of the Eurasian Association Universities

This annotated reference book Museums of the Euroasian Association Universities, prepared by the Scientific and Methodological Center of University Museums of the EAU and The Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University, contains information about 222 museums of Russia and CIS countries (members of the Euroasian Universities Association).

The reference book also gives additional information on 50 university museums which collaborate with the Scientific and Methodological Center of University Museums, but are not members of the EAU yet. Provided information can be helpful in the coordination of educational, scientific and exhibitory, scientific and fund, and research work as well as in inter-museum communication.

The book is intended for employees of higher educational establishments and museums, teachers of secondary schools and other educational and cultural institutions of Russia and neighboring states.

Обществознание. Термины и понятия. Справочник школьника и абитуриента Social Studies. Terms and Concepts. Handbook for Schoolchildren and Applicants
The reference book reveals the meaning of key terms and concepts for social science disciplines. The reference book is compiled on the basis of many years of teaching experience gained by the author at the Open Lyceum "All-Russian Correspondence Multidisciplinary School" at the Russian Academy of Education and at the School of Young Entrepreneurs at the Economics Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The information presented is useful for studying the course "Social Science", for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the entrance exam to higher educational institutions in this subject.
Русский язык. Справочник по орфографии и пунктуации Russian language. Spelling and punctuation reference book
The book contains the basic rules of spelling and punctuation, with the main attention paid to those of them that cause difficulties when preparing mass media texts for printing. The rules are illustrated with examples. The reference book includes a spelling dictionary. For journalists, editorial and publishing workers, public relations and advertising workers, students, applicants, as well as all those for whom the accuracy and correctness of Russian written language are important.
Справочник по ботанической микротехнике. Основы и методы Handbook of Botanical Microtechnics. Basics and methods
The handbook includes modern microtechnical methods for anatomical, cytoembiological, histochemical and palynological studies of plant objects using various types of light microscopes. Theoretical justifications for the use of certain procedures are given, as well as detailed formulations of fixatives, dyes, media, etc. For researchers, teachers, graduate students and students of biological faculties of universities, pedagogical, agricultural, pharmaceutical and other universities, as well as secondary specialized educational institutions. Can be used in the examination of plant residues and identification of medicinal raw materials.
Справочник по грамматике немецкого языка. Handbook of German Grammar
The reference book presents basic information on the morphology and syntax of the German language, which is accompanied by specific language examples with translation into Russian. At the end, a list of verbs of strong and irregular conjugation is given. The reference book is intended for a wide range of users, both those studying German under the guidance of teachers, and those who study it independently. This book is also part of the educational complex consisting of the textbook "German Language" by G.G. Ivleva, M.V. Raevsky and the "Handbook of German Grammar".
Ударение. Диктору, лектору, оратору, учителю, школьнику. Cловарь-справочник Emphasis. Speaker, lecturer, speaker, teacher, schoolboy. Dictionary-reference
The “Emphasis” dictionary-reference book contains about five thousand words of the modern Russian literary language, which cause difficulties in determining the place of stress. The recognized correct variant of stress in the word is given. Unlike well-known dictionaries, this dictionary contains the most difficult words to pronounce. The author has also compiled and presented a list of the most famous and difficult to accent proper names (Agame'mnon, Bryullo'v, Ki'zhi, Kapi'tsa, Ma'laga, O'zhegov, Sokolo'v-Mikito'v, Ta'tsit , Elbru's, etc.). The dictionary is designed to identify errors in the placement of stress in words and to facilitate memorization of their place in the word. The dictionary contains stress placement tests that help identify errors in the pronunciation of words.
Химия. Справочник школьника Chemistry: Reference Book for School Student. Tutorial.

The reference book describes the main problems in general, inorganic, and organic chemistry within the school curriculum according to the educational standards of the last generation.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers. It is useful for students of 8–11 grades of comprehensive school, students of special chemistry classes, university applicants, chemistry teachers, junior students of non-chemical insti tutes, and anyone who is interested in the subject.

The manual contains a detailed index and the appendix where the most important reference data are shown.