Moscow University Press


Англо-русский словарь по радионавигации English-Russian Dictionary of Radio Navigation

The dictionary incorporates terms and abbreviations used in English literature in the field of radio navigation. The dictionary consists of two parts. The first part gives English terms and abbreviations and the second one provides Russian abbreviations. About 400 English and 139 Russian abbreviations are deciphered, translated and interpreted in this book.

For specialists, translators, teachers, students and all readers of English scientific and technical literature on radio navigation.

Англо-русский словарь по экономике (с пояснениями и перекрестными ссылками) English-Russian Dictionary of Economics (With Brief Comments and Cross-references)

The English-Russian dictionary of economics contains over 50,000 terms and terminological phrases covering various spheres of economic activity. The dictionary gives short explanations of terms, as well as cross-references, which allow the reader to build logically connected terminological chains.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students and teachers of English at university faculties of economics, for a wide range of specialists and individuals working in related fields, whose province it is to master knowledge in the field of economics.

Отечественная теория медиа Russian Media Theory
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Team of authors: M. E. Anikina, E. L. Vartanova, A. V. Vyrkovsky, A. N. Gureeva, D. V. Dunas, M. I. Makeenko, S. S. Smirnov. The dictionary presents modern interpretations of key terms and concepts that form the terminological apparatus of Russian media studies, based on long-term traditions of studying journalism and mass communications in Russia. The list of terms has been compiled taking into account current trends in the development of the media communication space and theoretical developments by Russian and foreign authors. The new, expanded and corrected edition includes current terms and concepts that reflect the current level of scientific knowledge about media and media communications. The publication is intended for teachers and students of higher educational institutions, media researchers, the professional media community, experts, as well as a wide range of interested readers.
Русско-английский словарь по экономике. С краткими пояснениями и перекрестными ссылками Russian-English dictionary of economics. With brief explanations and cross-references
The Russian-English dictionary of economics contains terms and terminological phrases covering various aspects of economic activity and the main directions of economic theories. It includes brief explanations of terms and terminological expressions, cross-references to help in the correct choice of an adequate English word. For students, graduate students and teachers of English at economic departments of universities, a wide range of specialists, as well as people working in related fields, who, by the nature of their work, have to acquire knowledge in the field of economics.
Русско-французский словарь военных терминов Russian-French Dictionary of Military Terms

The dictionary contains more than 40,000 terms (words and phrases) reflecting the basic concepts of the use of the armed forces, the management of troops, the organization and conduct of hostilities, the maintenance of peace and security, as well as a wide range of terms on the provision of troops, on the device and use of military equipment and weapons of various types of armed forces.

Словарь биологических терминов

The dictionary of biological terms is addressed to students, teachers, school students, entrants, and also everything who is interested in biology. More than 2500 biological terms are provided in the dictionary from the main sections of biology (botany, zoology, anatomy and human physiology, the general biology).

Терминологический словарь (тезаурус). Гуманитарная биология и экология Humanitarian Biology and Ecology

This publication outlines the contents of seven lessons on humanistic biology – the sections of biology that are directly linked to social and humanitarian issues and at the same time to modern ecology. The subject has been the focus of attention of the Club of Biopolitics since it was founded in April 2010. A working group that this club set up has produced the present manual. In addition to the text of lessons, the manual contains recommendations for the school or university teacher about students’ assignments, questions to them, illustrations and reference sources.

The authors hope that the manual will contribute to higher efficacy of education which is one of the most urgent tasks Russia faces today.

Ударение. Диктору, лектору, оратору, учителю, школьнику. Cловарь-справочник Emphasis. Speaker, lecturer, speaker, teacher, schoolboy. Dictionary-reference
The “Emphasis” dictionary-reference book contains about five thousand words of the modern Russian literary language, which cause difficulties in determining the place of stress. The recognized correct variant of stress in the word is given. Unlike well-known dictionaries, this dictionary contains the most difficult words to pronounce. The author has also compiled and presented a list of the most famous and difficult to accent proper names (Agame'mnon, Bryullo'v, Ki'zhi, Kapi'tsa, Ma'laga, O'zhegov, Sokolo'v-Mikito'v, Ta'tsit , Elbru's, etc.). The dictionary is designed to identify errors in the placement of stress in words and to facilitate memorization of their place in the word. The dictionary contains stress placement tests that help identify errors in the pronunciation of words.
Ученые Московского университета — действительные члены и члены-кореспонденты РАН Scientists of Moscow University — Full Members and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The publication is dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Moscow University. It presents in alphabetical order all the full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences who graduated from Moscow University or taught there throughout its entire existence - from 1755 to the present day, with a brief summary of their biographical information, an indication of their scientific achievements, membership in domestic and foreign academies, educational institutions and scientific societies, prizes and awards. A short list of their main published scientific works is given. The dictionary has 18 appendices, which provide generalized data on the materials included in it.
Экспрессивный словарь диалектной личности Expressive dictionary of dialect personality
The expressive dictionary of a dialect personality presents the vocabulary and phraseology of a speaker of the Arkhangelsk dialect. The dictionary contains about 1400 expressive units characterized by features of intensity, imagery, emotional evaluativeness. More than 300 of them are the product of the individual word creation of the linguistic personality. For philologists, historians, psychologists, teachers and all those who love the Russian folk word.
Этимологический словарь русского языка. Выпуск 10. М Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Issue 10. M
This issue (letter M) includes 1108 lexical units related to the main vocabulary of the Russian language. Many words are the object of etymological analysis for the first time. The dictionary is intended for both philologists and historians, and for a wide range of readers interested in the history and origin of words in the Russian language.
Этимологический словарь русского языка. Выпуск 9. Л Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Issue 9. L
This issue (letter L) includes 652 lexical units related to the main vocabulary of the Russian language. Many words are the object of etymological analysis for the first time. For a wide range of philologists, historians, as well as for everyone interested in the history and origin (etymology) of words.