Moscow University Press
Nuclear geochemistry

Nuclear geochemistry

Ядерная геохимия
book lists chemistry
ISBN: 5-211-02564-4 publication date: 2000 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 336

For students, postgraduates and specialists in the field of geochemistry, geology, ecology, radiation hygiene, as well as related disciplines related to the study of radionuclides in terrestrial matter.


The textbook sets out as fully as possible the main issues related to the finding and behavior of various types of radionuclides of natural and anthropogenic origin in terrestrial matter. Much attention is paid to the ecological geochemistry of radionuclides. The issues of geochronology and isotope systematics using radiogenic stable and radioactive isotopes are considered. The issues of the impact of radioactive radiation on the geological environment, including the problems of terrestrial heat, are also presented. The principles of measuring radionuclides and the use of field radiometric methods are given. The main text is preceded by sections devoted to the physical and physico-chemical features of radionuclides.

The book is written in an accessible language and is intended for students, postgraduates and specialists in the field of geochemistry, geology, ecology, radiation hygiene, as well as related disciplines related to the study of radionuclides in terrestrial matter.

To cite this article
Titaeva N.A. Nuclear geochemistry. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2000. — 336 p.
About the author
Titaeva N.A.