Moscow University Press
A Brief History of the Academic Gymnasium at the Imperial Moscow University

A Brief History of the Academic Gymnasium at the Imperial Moscow University

Краткая история академической гимназии, бывшей при Императорском Московском университете
book lists history studies
ISBN: 5-211-2554-7 publication date: 2000 format: 70x108/32 pages': 64

For a wide range of readers.


The gymnasium was created at the same time with the Moscow University. It could not have happened otherwise, because a university without a gymnasium at the beginning of its activity would be, as M.B. Lomonosov called it, ‘like a seedless arable land’. The brochure of Professor Petr Illarionovich Strakhov (1792 — 1856) was published in the present form for the 100th anniversary of the first Russian university. We reproduce the 1855 edition, as one of the interesting monuments of the history of Russian education and science.

To cite this article
Strakhov P.I. A Brief History of the Academic Gymnasium at the Imperial Moscow University. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2000. — 64 p.
About the author
Strakhov P.I.