Moscow University Press
Aesthetics: the beginnings of classical theory

Aesthetics: the beginnings of classical theory

Эстетика: начала классической теории
выбор редакции
ISBN: 978-5-19-011837-7 publication date: 2023 format: 60×90/16 pages': 227

The publication will be useful for a wide range of readers interested in the theory and history of aesthetics.


This textbook is a revised and expanded edition of the text published in 2011 (Moscow: Academic Project). Since the first edition, the textbook has been an integral part of the educational process at the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University and has shown a very high degree of suitability for the training of both students of philosophical specializations and applicants for academic degrees in relevant areas.

The materials of this textbook are the result of many years of research and teaching work of the author at the Department of Aesthetics of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. The text contains historical and theoretical expositions of classical aesthetic issues.

The publication will be useful for a wide range of readers interested in the theory and history of aesthetics.

To cite this article
Dzikevich, S. A. Aesthetics: the beginnings of classical theory / S. A. Dzikevich. — 2nd ed., reprint. and add. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2023. — 227, [5] p. — (Classical University textbook).
About the author
Dzikevich Sergey A.

PhD in Philosophy,

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