Moscow University Press
Actuarial Calculations in Life Insurance: The Manual

Actuarial Calculations in Life Insurance: The Manual

Актуарные расчеты в страховании жизни
book lists law economics
ISBN: 978-5-211-06468-3 publication date: 2013 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 126

The book is designed for the students of economic and mathematical departments of universities and individuals using actuarial calculations in their work.


The manual contains a consistent and systematic account of actuarial practice proven methods of calculation of tariff rates, life insurance reserves. The methods of forming net and gross premiums, changes in the reserve during the operation of the insurance policy for the various types of long-term insurance are discussed in detail.The book is based on the part of lecture course and seminar materials that the authors have been delivering for a few years at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University at the elective course "Actuarial methods". The uniqueness of the publication and its main advantage is that in additional theoretical material it provides solutions to many problems of actuarial mathematics.

The book is designed for the students of economic and mathematical departments of universities and individuals using actuarial calculations in their work.

To cite this article
Denisov D.V., Kotlobovsky I.B. Actuarial Calculations in Life Insurance: The Manual. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2013. — 126 p.
About the authors
Denisov D.V. Kotlobovsky I.B.