Moscow University Press
Russia, Catholicism and the Polish Question

Russia, Catholicism and the Polish Question

Россия, католичество и польский вопрос
ISBN: 978-5-211-06432-4 publication date: 2012 format: 60×84 1/16 pages': 624

The world-famous Polish philosopher, a historian of ideas, law, literature and culture, traces the centuries-old contacts between Russia and Poland and sums up his studies of the interconnections between the two Slavic peoples. In particular, he examines the issue of religious relations - a possible union of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The dramatic pages of the Polish insurgency are reproduced through the prism of the contradictory perception of the January 1863 Uprising by the Russian social, political and artistic thought.
For philosophers, Slavists, religious scholars and everyone who is interested in the history of modern thought. Translated from the Polish edition: Andrzej Walicki. Rosja, katolicyzm i sprawa polska. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka, 2002.

To cite this article
Walicki A. Russia, Catholicism and the Polish Question — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 624 p.
About the author
Valitskiy A.