Moscow University Press
State Award Law

State Award Law

Государственное наградное право
book lists law
ISBN: 978-5-19-010908-5 publication date: 2014 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 608

For undergraduate and postgraduate students, law school and faculty teachers as well as all those interested in RF state awards.


The monograph deals with the theoretical basis of state awards as an interdisciplinary legal institution in which the norms of constitutional law have a priority. The book analyzes two aspects of Russia’s modern state award system - the federal state award system (the award system of the Russian Federation) and the state award system in the RF constituents. This work analyses in detail the state and other awards of the Russian Federation and examines general and characteristic features of state and other awards in the constituents of the Russian Federation.

The publication is intended for special courses in ‘State Awards’, ‘Russian Award Law’ and others under similar names, and can be used as additional educational material in the study of courses in the RF constitutional law and the RF administrative law with regard to the powers of the state executive bodies.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students, law school and faculty teachers as well as all those interested in RF state awards.

The normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and the RF constituents cited in the book are given as of January 1, 2014.

To cite this article
Vinokurov V.A. State Award Law. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2014. — 608 p.
About the author
Vinokurov V.A.