Moscow University Press
Biology of Individual Development (Genetic Aspect)

Biology of Individual Development (Genetic Aspect)

Биология индивидуального развития (генетический аспект)
book lists biology
ISBN: 5-211-04480-0 publication date: 2002 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 264

For students and postgraduates studying biology, genetics, embryology, molecular biology and researchers who study the problems of ontogeny.


This is the first textbook in both Russian and foreign literature to provide complete information on the achievements of modern experimental embryology based on research in molecular genetics including mechanisms underlying individual development, embryonic induction and animals cloning. The book also shows individual scientists’ contribution to ontogeny; special attention is paid to Russian researchers, their priority developments and the scientific schools they have founded.

The textbook has been written based on a course of lectures read by the author at the biology faculties of Moscow and Novosibirsk universities.

For students and postgraduates studying biology, genetics, embryology, molecular biology and researchers who study the problems of ontogeny.

To cite this article
Korochkin L.I. Biology of Individual Development (Genetic Aspect). — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2002. — 264 p.
About the author
Korochkin L.I.