Moscow University Press
Advertising in the Media. History, Technology, Classification

Advertising in the Media. History, Technology, Classification

Реклама в СМИ. История, технология, классификация
ISBN: 978-5-211-05799-9 publication date: 2010 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 464

Advertising and the media have been inextricably linked for several centuries. The monograph analyzes the current areas of research in advertising in mass media, the development of media advertising and those technological areas that are important for the survival of the advertising market and media business. The author considers typological features of media advertising and offers her model of advertising classification. The book is of scientific and practical interest and is addressed to teachers, graduate students, university students and a wide range of specialists working in the field of advertising and mass media.

To cite this article
Shchepilova G.G. Advertising in the Media. History, Technology, Classification — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2010. — 464 p.
About the author
Shchepilova G.G.