Moscow University Press
Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

Введение в химию твердофазных материалов
book lists chemistry
ISBN: 5-211-06045-8 publication date: 2006 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 400

For university students of materials science, chemistry and physics; it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and specialists working in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state physics.


This is a systematic presentation of the course in the line of solid-phase materials with special properties, which is read at the Faculty of Materials Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers features of the chemical bond and structure of solids, thermodynamics, kinetics, and the mechanism of solid-phase reactions leading to the formation of practically important materials and gives an overview of the main classes of modern materials and methods for obtaining them. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching this discipline at the Faculty of Materials Science and the Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For university students of materials science, chemistry and physics; it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and specialists working in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state physics.

To cite this article
Tretyakov Yu.D., Putlyaev V.I. Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2006. — 400 p.
About the authors
Tretyakov Yuri D.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences,

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Putlyaev V.I.