Moscow University Press

Теория капитала и экономического роста
book lists economics
ISBN: 5-211-06116-0 publication date: 2004 format: 70×108 1/16 pages': 400

The advanced textbook contains material for an in-depth study of economic theory. Along with the works of famous professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov presents for the first time in Russian the works of the “stars” of Western economic thought, putting forward alternative interpretations of the fundamental problems of economic theory. The authors believe that the manual will broaden the horizons of students, because it sets out interpretations of value, price, capital, profit, distribution, economic growth, etc., that are different from the neoclassical interpretation of these categories. All this, according to the authors, will be an important impetus for a deeper theoretical understanding of the processes occurring in the Russian economy.

For students, graduate students, teachers of economic universities and faculties, researchers interested in current problems of economic theory and practice.

To cite this article
Theory of capital and economic growth / Ed. Dzarasova S.S. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2004. – 400 p.
About the author
Dzarasov S.S.

Doctor of Economics,

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