Moscow University Press
History of International Relations: Driving Forces, Global Processes

History of International Relations: Driving Forces, Global Processes

История международных отношений: движущие силы, глобальные тенденции
book lists political sciences
ISBN: 978-5-19-011014-2 publication date: 2015 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 560

The textbook examines the history of international relations as a process of shaping the world state system, reveals the driving forces of events and phenomena, global trends that have had a significant impact on the foreign policy of the leading powers. This approach, in the author's view, allows students to get a holistic view of history, to see a close connection between its main stages, to understand the origins of the foreign policy of states, the nature of wars, conflicts, revolutions, motives for rulers who confronted countries that have cooperated with other states.

The textbook meets the requirements of the latest edition of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the curricula of the History of International Relations course, which set the task of teaching future specialists to think independently.

To cite this article
Shakhalilov Sh. History of International Relations: Driving Forces, Global Processes. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2015. — 560 p.
About the author
Shakhalilov Sh.

Doctor of History,

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