Moscow University Press
About Political Science. Selected Works

About Political Science. Selected Works

О политической науке. Избранные произведения
book lists political sciences
ISBN: 978-5-211-065017-8 publication date: 2013 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 328

For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, all those who are interested in political science.


This publication contains the selected works of Fedor M. Burlatsky, a famous scholar and author, one of the founders of modern Russian political science, a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, which he wrote for more than half a century of his creative activity. The book deals with the formation of political science in the USSR and modern Russia, the current problems of political science research including the formation of political systems, institutions and processes. The author pays special attention to the phenomenon of political leadership.

For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, all those who are interested in political science.

To cite this article
Burlatsky F.M. About Political Science. Selected Works. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2013. — 328 p.
About the author
Burlatskiy F.M.

Doctor of Philosophy,

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