Moscow University Press
Quantum Theory. Vol.10. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields

Quantum Theory. Vol.10. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields

Квантовая теория. Т.10. Введение в теорию квантовых полей
book lists physics
ISBN: 978-5-02-035721-1 publication date: 2008 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 736

For students, graduate students and researchers.


Collection of scientific papers in 12 volumes.

For students, graduate students and researchers.

To cite this article
Bogolubov N.N. Quantum Theory. Vol.10. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2008. — 736 p.
About the author
Bogolubov N.N.

Doctor of Mathematical Sciences,

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