Moscow University Press
Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 2

Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 2

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 2
book lists maths
ISBN: 978-5-19-011764-6 (Кн. 2) ISBN 978-5-19-011762-2 publication date: 2022 format: 70×100/16 pages': 360 с.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.


The second book of the new manual-problem of four books (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes more than 800 problems and is devoted to developing the skills of the main types of research on the topic "Functions of one real variable: differential calculus, indefinite integral."

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main focus is on systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of the methods is accompanied analysis of examples and tasks for independent solution.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

To cite this article
Khoroshilova, E. V. (2022) Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial): in 4 books.: educational manual for full-time, distance and mixed forms of education of university students. Book. 2. Functions of one real variable: differential calculus, indefinite integral / E.V. Khoroshilova. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2022. - 360 p.
About the author
Khoroshilova E.V.

Ph.D in Physico-Mathematical Sciences,

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