Moscow University Press
Fundamentals of General embryology

Fundamentals of General embryology

Основы общей эмбриологии
book lists biology
ISBN: 5-211-04965-9 publication date: 2005 format: 60х90/16 pages': 367
The textbook presents, taking into account the latest data, the main sections of embryology (developmental biology): development of germ cells, fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation and neurulation processes, development of various classes of vertebrates, basic patterns of organogenesis, cell differentiation and growth processes. Descriptions of processes at the cellular and supracellular levels are combined with a detailed consideration of the molecular genetic mechanisms of development, especially in relation to embryonic induction and cellular differentiation. Separate chapters are devoted to a brief presentation of the fundamentals of the theory of self-organization and comparative evolutionary embryology. As a supplement for those wishing to delve deeper into the problems of modern embryology, a collection of problems is provided. For the students of biological specialties at universities, graduate students and researchers in the field of developmental biology and cell biology.
To cite this article
Belusov L.V. Fundamentals of general embryology. – Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House; Nauka, 2005. – 368 p.
About the author
Belousov lev V.

Doctor of Biology,

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