Moscow University Press
Philosophy of law

Philosophy of law

Философия права
book lists law philosophy
ISBN: 978-5-19-011492-8 publication date: 2020 format: 60x90 / 16 pages': 559

For students, graduate students and teachers of legal, philosophical, political science and other humanitarian universities and faculties.


The textbook highlights the main problems of the theory and history of philosophy of law. Much attention is paid to the methodology of philosophical and legal research, the status of the philosophy of law as a scientific and educational discipline. Axiology and ontology of state and law, issues of legal culture and legal awareness are examined in detail. Theoretical provisions are based on a wide social science material on various branches of knowledge.

For students, graduate students and teachers of legal, philosophical, political science and other humanitarian universities and faculties.

To cite this article
Zhukov V.N. Philosophy of law: a textbook for higher education. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2020. — 559p.
About the author
Zhukov Vyacheslav N.

Scientiae Juridicae Doctor, Doctor of Philosophy,

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