Moscow University Press
Counseling psychology

Counseling psychology

Консультативная психология
выбор редакции
ISBN: 978-5-19-011907-7 publication date: 2023 format: 60×90/16 pages': 383

for students studying in the enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training "Psychological sciences", "Education and Pedagogical Sciences", "Social sphere".


The textbook of outstanding Russian psychologists Professor M. A. Gulina and academician Yu. P. Zinchenko contains information on key issues of methodology, theory and modern practice of psychological counseling.

The publication is intended for students studying in the enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training "Psychological sciences", "Education and Pedagogical Sciences", "Social sphere", as well as for teachers of psychology faculties of higher educational institutions and consulting practitioners.

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About the authors
Gulina Marina A.

Doctor of Psychology,

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Zinchenko Yuriy P.

Doctor of Psychology,

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