Moscow University Press
Molecular Microbiology. Textbook for colleges and universities

Molecular Microbiology. Textbook for colleges and universities

Молекулярная микробиология. Учебник для вузов
book lists biology
ISBN: 978-5-211-05486-8 publication date: 2012 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 480

It is intended for students studying in biological specialties, postgraduate students, teachers and researchers who are interested in molecular biology and genetic engineering methods and their application in the study of physiology and ecology of microorganisms.


The textbook summarizes major modern techniques and methods of working with carriers of microorganisms’ genetic information – DNA and RNA molecules that are isolated from experimental samples in biochemical, molecular biological, genetic engineering and environmental studies in microbiology.

This is the first textbook to present generalized materials on molecular methods of working with mixed cultures of microorganisms and techniques for analyzing microbial communities.

It is intended for students studying in biological specialties, postgraduate students, teachers and researchers who are interested in molecular biology and genetic engineering methods and their application in the study of physiology and ecology of microorganisms.

To cite this article
Bryukhanov A.L., Rybak K.V., Netrusov A.I. Molecular Microbiology. Textbook for colleges and universities. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 480 p.
About the authors
Bryukhanov A.L. Rybak K.V. Netrusov A.I.