Moscow University Press

Сергей Михайлович Бонди: К 120-летию со дня рождения. Статьи. Письма. Воспоминания современников.
book lists literary studies
ISBN: 978-5-211-06441-6 publication date: 2013 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 328

Sergei Mikhailovich Bondy (1891–1983) is a renowned Pushkin scholar, textual critic, historian of the Russian literature of the XIXth century, con noisseur of music and theatre, classic of the Russian literary studies. The first section of this book includes S. M. Bondy's little known articles dedicated to the poets: Baratynsky, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov, Lomonosov. The second section consists of the earlier unpublished Bondy's letters to composer M. F. Gnesin as well as Bondy's article «About the Musical Reading of M. F. Gne sin». One may also read firstly published Bondy's statements about Vs. Meyer hold; D. Bonch-Bruevich's letters to Bondy and comments to S. M. Bondy's work on Complete Academic Collected Works by Pushkin. The third section comprises letters that Sergei Mikhailovich wrote to his friends-scientists M. A. Tsyavlovsky and T. U. Tsyavlovsky, A. Slonimsky and S. Bobrov. Bondy friends' and followers' memoirs about him terminate the book. It also contains rare photo graphs from the Bondy family archive.

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About the authors
Bondi N.S. Kashirnikov V.P.