Moscow University Press
Mathematics and Myth through the Prism of Geometry

Mathematics and Myth through the Prism of Geometry

Математика и миф сквозь призму геометрии
book lists art
ISBN: 5-211-04504-1 publication date: 2001 pages': 156

For a wide range of readers.


The graphic material which is offered to the reader is an attempt to ‘photograph from within’ the peculiar world of modern mathematics. A.T. Fomenko, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a Moscow University professor, has long been known to be also a very original artist. This book includes a collection of illustrations he has drawn over many years.

To cite this article
Fomenko A.T. Mathematics and Myth through the Prism of Geometry. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2001. — 156 p.
About the author
Fomenko Anatoli T.

Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences,

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