Moscow University Press
The Great Caspian Region: Its Structure and History of Development

The Great Caspian Region: Its Structure and History of Development

Большой Каспий: строение и история развития
book lists geography
ISBN: 978-5-19-010904-7 publication date: 2014 format: 70×108 1/16 pages': 272

For scientists and a wide range of readers.


The monograph is based on the author's long-term (1960–2012) field research carried out on all the Caspian Sea coasts. It represents one of the first complex investigations of the Great Caspian Sea history of the last 3 million years including such aspects as the evolution of its water basins, facial and palaeogeographical variability, and faunal changes.

To cite this article
Svitoch A.A. The Great Caspian Sea: Structure and History. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2014. - 272 p.
About the author
Svitoch A.A.

Doctor of Geography,

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