Moscow University Press
Meteorology and Climatology

Meteorology and Climatology

Метеорология и климатология
book lists geography
ISBN: 978-5-211-06334-1 publication date: 2012 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 584

For students, graduate students and scientists specializing in the field of meteorology and climatology.


The tutorial book is based on 5th (2001) edition of "Meteorology and climatology" by Prof. S.P. Chromov and Prof. M.A. Petrossiants, which has been rewritten and contributed by Prof. Petrossiants. A selection of the papers presented before was extemally reviewed and, along with additional articles, represent the contemporary understanding of atmosphere circulation processes, resent problems of anthropogenic effect on global climat and various aspects of climate change in the future and the past, atmospheric radiation, temperature and precipitation regime etc.

For students, graduate students and scientists specializing in the field of meteorology and climatology.

To cite this article
Khromov S.P., Petrosyants M.A. Meteorology and Climatology. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 584 p.
About the authors
Khromov S.P. Petrosyants M.A.