Moscow University Press
Kinetically Consistent Schemes in Gas Dynamics

Kinetically Consistent Schemes in Gas Dynamics

Кинетически-согласованные схемы в газовой динамике
book lists physics
ISBN: 5-211-04165-8 publication date: 1999 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 232

For specialists in mathematical modeling, gas dynamics and applied mathematics, postgraduate students, students studying and using methods of mathematical modeling, computational experimenting.


The monograph presents a new approach to the construction of computational algorithms in gas dynamics. The algorithms are based on discrete models for one-particle distribution function. The book describes possibilities of interpreting the resulting system of finite difference equations as a model for the description of viscous gas flow and their application for modeling modern problems of gas dynamics on high performance multiprocessor computer systems.

For specialists in mathematical modeling, gas dynamics and applied mathematics, postgraduate students, students studying and using methods of mathematical modeling, computational experimenting.

To cite this article
Chetverushkin B.N. Kinetically Consistent Schemes in Gas Dynamics. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1999. — 232 p.
About the author
Chetverushkin B.N.

Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences,

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