Moscow University Press
A Short Course of Paleontology Invertebrates

A Short Course of Paleontology Invertebrates

Краткий курс палеонтологии беспозвоночных
book lists geography
ISBN: 978-5-211-05872-9 publication date: 2013 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 332

The textbook can be used by students extracurricular courses on Paleontology and Geology. It will also be useful for all those interested in paleontology.


The tutorial contains main trends in invertebrate paleontology: systematic, evolution, taxonomy, nomenclature, mode of life and conditions of existence, taphonomy, stratigraphic and rockforming significance. The systematic part gives characteristics of the most important geology groups. The definition of taxa is accompanied by comparison charts and keys. Descriptions are illustrated by pictures and 34 paleontological tables. There is also a dictionary of terms and generic names. The tutorial is intended for students of geological departments of universities and natural-science institutes. It can be used in educational process in paleontological and geological schools as well as by everyone interested in paleontology.

To cite this article
Yanin B.T., Nazarova V.M. A Short Course of Paleontology Invertebrates. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2013. — 332 p.
About the authors
Yanin B.T.

Doctor of Mineralogy and geognosy,

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Nazarova V.M.