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Kolesnichenko Alexandr V.
Practical journalism
Shabaga I. Yu.
Grammatica Latina
Veraksa Nikolay E.
The history of psychology
Kortava Tatyana V.
Russian language and speech culture
Alekseyev Alexander P.
Argumentation. Cognition. Communication.
Lupanov Oleg B.
Asymptotic estimates of the complexity of control systems
Velichko Alla V.
Artemova Olga A.
Grekova Olga K.
Krasilnikova Lidiya V.
A book about grammar. Linguodidactic foundations of teaching Russian as a foreign language
Oleinik Olga A.
Lectures on partial differential equations
Kochergin Vadim V.
Lectures on Classical Dynamics
Tatarinov Yaroslav V.
Lectures on classical dynamics
Ilyin I.V.
Fundamentals of globalism
Antonova Elizaveta E.
Ovchinnikov Ilya L.
Plasma processes in outer space
Abramochkin Denis V.
Vasiliev Anatoly N.
Gainullina Dina K.
Practical physiology of the cardiovascular system: a textbook for students of the Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University
A guide to practical physiology of the central nervous system
Osipova Nadezhda G.
Yelishev Sergey O.
Sociology of Religion
Beloglazkina Elena K.
Antipin Roman L.
Zyk Nikolai V.
Chemistry of organosulfur compounds
Quint Vladimir L.
Novikova Irina V.
Alimuradov Murad K.
Arshinova Alyona I.
Economic and financial strategy
Nekipelov Aleksandr D.
Katyrin Sergey N.
A story for economists. In 2 volumes
Baum Elena A.
Bogatova Tatyana V.
Essays on the history of chemistry and chemical tools in the XIX century
Suzdaltseva Vera N.
Rakhmanova Lyudmila I.
Modern Russian language. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Morphology
Trofimov V.T.
Ecological geology
Grigorev Andrey N.
Martynenko L.I.
Tretyakov Yuri D.
Tsivadze Aslan Y.
Shevelkov Andrey V.
Inorganic chemistry. Chemistry of elements. Vol. 1
Shestova Tatyana L.
Global history
Matveev Sergey V.
Fomenko Anatoli T.
Algorithmic and computer methods in three dimensions topology
Shibkov Valeriy M.
Supersonic plasma aerodynamics
Yanin B.T.
Sadovnichii Yu.V.
Mathematical Olympiads of Moscow University
Sazhina Olga S.
Fundamentals of mathematical processing of observational and experimental data for astronomers
Berdicheskiy Mark N.
Dmitriev Vladimir I.
Bulychev Andrey A.
Pushkarev Pavel Yu.
Theory of geophysical fields
Matorin Dmitriy N.
Yakovleva Olga V.
Theory and practice of using photoluminescence of plants in environmental research
Vinogradova Olga I.
Colloidal systems: colloidal "chemistry" for physicists
Gallyamov Marat O.
Methods of optical and electron microscopy
Kashin Boris S.
TFFA — lectures for graduate students
Kononkova N.P.
Et al.
Educational psychology
Belousov Lev S.
Borodaev Vladimir A.
Vatlin Aleksandr Yu.
Gorokhov Valeriy N.
Kaninskaya Galina N.
Moiseev Georgiy Ch.
Naumova Natalya N.
Rogulyev Yuriy N.
Rodin Denis V.
Susloparova Elena A.
Yakimova Mariya O.
The history of Western Europe and America in the 21st century (2001–2021)
Starostin Viktor I.
Ignatov Petr A.
Geology of minerals
Trofimov V.T.
Korolyev Vladimir A.
Engineering geodynamics
Kislov Aleksandr V.
Climatology with the basics of meteorology
Koronovskiy Nikolay V.
General geology
Morozov Viktor M.
Kalenova Vera I.
Linear non-stationary systems and stabilization of satellite motion near the center of mass in the geomagnetic field
Yablokov Igor N.
Theory and history of the sociology of religion
Chernyaev Aleksandr P.
Lykova Ekaterina N.
Borshchegovskaya Polina Y.
Radiation medical physics
Nikabadze Mihail U.
Development of the method of orthogonal polynomials in the mechanics of micropolar and classical elastic thin bodies
Esin Boris I.
History of Russian Journalism of the XIX century
Bardyshevskaya Marina K.
Videography of development and analysis of video recordings in pediatric clinical psychology
Nakoryakova Kseniya M.
Literary editing. General methodology of work on the text
Тolpysheva Tatyana Yu.
Shishkonakova Ekaterina A.
The determinant of lichens of bogs of boreal and tundra zones of Russia
Trofimov V.T.
Engineering Geology
Ledentsov Leonid S.
Somov Boris V.
Lectures on plasma astrophysics: classical foundations of theory
Gashkov Sergey B.
Kravtsev Sergey V.
Real and complex polynomials. Theorems and problemsReal and complex polynomials. Theorems and problems
Aksenov Viktor l.
Balagurov Anatoliy M.
Fundamentals of neutronography
Zub Anatoliy T.
Management of organizational changes
Lyapina Lyudmila A.
Grigoreva Marina E.
Shubina Tatyana A.
Obergan Tamara Yu.
Fundamentals of physiology and biochemistry of blood clotting
Tatarinova Lyudmila E.
Russian literature and journalism of the XVIII century
Alekseev Vladimir M.
Galeev Elfat M
Tikhomirov Vladimir M.
Collection of optimization problems. Theory. Examples. Tasks.
Pytev Yuriy P.
Shishmarev Ilya A.
Probability theory, mathematical statistics and elements of the theory of possibilities for physicists
Lobanova Natalya A.
Slesareva Irma P.
Textbook of the Russian language for foreign students-philologists
Soboleva Elena V.
Chemistry of combustible minerals
Petrunin Yuriy Yu.
Information technologies of data analysis
Makhonina Svetlana Ya.
History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century
Balashov Vsevolod V.
Quantum theory of collisions
Lupanov Oleg B.
Summary of O.B.Lupanov's lectures on the course "Introduction to Mathematical Logic"
Kashkarov Pavel K.
Efimova Aleksandra I.
Zoteev Andrey V.
Kozlov Sergey N.
A course of lectures on general physics for chemical faculties of universities
Dzikevich Sergey A.
Aesthetics: the beginnings of classical theory
Panferov Semen V.
Savchuk Artem M.
Sadovnichaya, Inna V.
Analytical geometry. Elements of algebra. Linear algebra
Petrov Sergey V.
Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity
Bardyshevskaya Marina K.
Affective-behavioral complexes. Observation, assessment and development
Tarasova T.I.
Dozen Lessons From British History: Reader
Tarasova T.I.
English-in-Law: Textbook
Khoroshilova E.V.
Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial). Book 1
Khoroshilova E.V.
Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 2
Khoroshilova E.V.
Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 3
Khoroshilova E.V.
Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 4
Linkov V.Ya.
Crime and Punishment as a prophecy novel
Milaeva Elena R.
Inorganic Medical Chemistry
Melik-pashaev Aleksandr A.
Novlyanskaya Zinaida N.
Psychology of artistic creativity
Krotov A.A.
Smirnov A.
Sviderskaya Marina I.
Lungina Darya A.
Introduction to the history of culture
Bugrov B.S.
Golubkov M.M.
Russian Literature. 19th-20th Century
Ilin Vladimir A
Lomov Igor S.
Lectures on the Theory of Numerical and Functional Series
Sadovnichii Yu.V.
Mathematics for MSU applicants
Kuzmenko Nikolay E.
Eremin V.V.
Popkov V.A.
Chemistry. For school pupils and university applicants
Kuleshova Natalya S.
Podtserob Aleksey B.
Political Islam: a study guide
Naumov A. O.
Soft Power and Public Diplomacy. Lecture Course
Zhukov Vyacheslav N.
Philosophy of law
Khoroshilova E.V.
Elementary mathematics. Part 2.
Khabibulin A.G.
Financial Safety. Financial Investigations
Popova Ludmila.V.
Kurakov A.V.
Tasks for Olympiads on Ecology
Gaponova I.A.
Nosova E.G.
German fairy tales. Texts and exercises
Saunin A.N.
State Audit
Mironova Dagmar
Political Philosophy
Sabitov Idgad Kh.
What is the sum of the angles of the polygon?
Aleksandrov Vladimir V.
Bolotin Yuriy V.
Kulikovskaya Nina V.
Special practicum on theoretical and applied mechanics
Falin G.I.
Elements of mathematical statistics
Kudina Marianna V.
Innovative Economy
Sergeev Igor N.
Lectures on differential equations
Galeev Elfat M
Galeeva A.E.
Golubev Yu.F
Fundamentals of theoretical mechanics
Khoroshilova E.V.
Elementary mathematics. Part 1
Florya B.N.
History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century
Shtilman S.L.
From the heading to the last line. Learning how to read classics.
Khoroshilova E.V.
Mathematics in the Unified State Exam and Olympiads: the Application of Identities and Inequalities
Shaitanov I.O.
Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev: poetic discovery of nature
Filippova M.M.
Svetovidova I.V.
Entrance written exam in English
Sukhova N.P.
The Lyrics of Afanasy Fet
Golubkov M.M.
Maksim Gorky
Dmitrienko Sergey F.
Shchedrin: The unfamiliar world of familiar books
Koshman L. V.
City in post-reform Russia: sociocultural and legal aspects
Natyaganov V.L.
Luzhina L.M.
Methods for solving problems with parameters
Melnikov N.B.
Artemeva L. A.
Applied Functional Analysis. Tasks with Solutions
Kryukova Olga S.
Russian language. Training materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Comprehensive text analysis. Essay
Gilyarov A.M.
Ecology of the biosphere
Zagryazkina T. Yu.
Francophonie: Culture of Everyday Life
Stepanyan K. A.
Guide to F.M. Dostoevsky's Novel ‘The Brothers Karamazov’
Poltavec Elena YU.
A.S. Pushkin’s Novel ‘The Captain's Daughter’
Litnevskaya E.I.
Russian language: a theoretical course for schoolchildren
Demin A.S.
Pervushin M.V.
Old Russian Literature: To Aid Teachers, High School Students And University Entrants
Linkov V.Ya.
Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’
Kuzmenko Nikolay E.
Ryzhova Oksana N.
Terenin Vladimir I.
Entrance Examinations and Olympiads in Chemistry: Experience of Moscow University.
Chalmaev V.A.
Remaining a Human Being in Wartime: War Front Pages of 1960s – 1990s Russian Prose
Valentey T.V.
Borisenko T.I.
Zimina S. V.
Revise Your Grammar. Collection of tests on English grammar
Tsygankov P.A.
Political Dynamics of the Modern World. Theory and Practice
Kupryashin G.L.
Solovev A. I.
Theory and Mechanisms of Modern Public Administration
Panova O.Yu.
Colored Worlds. American Literature in Search of National Identity
Voropaev V.A.
Gogol: Life and Art
Lucenko E. M.
Guide to William Shakespeare's Play ‘Romeo and Juliet’
Solnceva N. M.
Sergey Yesenin
Gurevich A.M.
The plot of "Eugene Onegin"
Alekseev A. I.
Gavrilov O.V.
Glushkova V.G.
Educational and methodological kit for students of grades 8-9 of general educational institutions of Moscow and the Moscow region
Yanin B.T.
Sadovnichaya, Inna V.
Fomenko T.N.
Khoroshilova E.V.
Mathematical Analysis. Differentiation of One-Variable Function: Theory And Problems
Zaharov I.V.
Theory of economic analysis
Ilyin I.V.
Ursul A.D.
Los V.A.
Sustainable development and global processes
Saunin A.N.
Performance Audit of the Use of Public Funds
Pechurov Sergey L.
Anglo-Saxon Model of Military Reform. Past and Present
Anishchenko V.N.
Khabibulin A.G.
Automated Systems of Financial Investigations: Course of Lectures
Shakhalilov Sh.
History of International Relations: Driving Forces, Global Processes
Kuprin P.N.
Introduction to Oceanology
Averin Yu.P.
Dobren`kov V.I.
Dobrenkova E.V.
Quality of Life of Russian Citizens and Its Impact on Their Political and Economic Preferences (Based on the Results of a Sociological Survey)
Sazhin V.I.
Bondar Yu.M.
The Military Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Anishchenko V.N.
Khabibulin A.G.
Criminal and Financial Threats to the Implementation of Socio-economic Reforms and Projects in Russia (economic and legal review)
Semushkina S.R.
Organizational Behavior. A Manual
Podporina I.V.
Modern financial policy of the Russian Federation
Fedotova L.N.
Sociology of advertising activity
Sudar G.S.
Koreneva E.V.
Kuzmina E.V.
Aanishchenko E.V.
Financial intelligence
Zhulenev S.V.
Elementary financial mathematics
Evseeva L.P.
Polish Media at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
Shirinyants A.A.
Russian Socio-Political Thought. XI‒XVII Centuries.
Zorin A.V.
Fedotkin M.A.
Monte Carlo Methods for Parallel Computing
Strongin R.G.
Gergel V.P.
Grishagin V.A.
Barkalov K. A.
Parallel Computations in Global Optimization Problems
Lin K.
Snider L.
Principles of Parallel Programming
Denisov D.V.
Kotlobovsky I.B.
Actuarial Calculations in Life Insurance: The Manual
Grigoryan A.A.
Shikina G.E.
Anti-Crisis Management: a Specialist’s Library. A Mathematical Component
Ilyin I.V.
Ursul A.D.
Global Research and Evolutionary Approach
Nikonov V.A.
Public Administration Matters
Yanin B.T.
Nazarova V.M.
A Short Course of Paleontology Invertebrates
Ivashchenko N.P.
Methodical Recommendations for Developing a Business Plan for an Innovative Project
Volskaya N.N.
Morphology of the Russian language. Editors' Helper
Davankova E. G.
German for history students. Practical course
Mikhael fon Albrekht
Burlatskiy F.M.
About Political Science. Selected Works
Zagryazkina T. Yu.
Rudchenko Lyudmila S.
Modern French people’s way of life
Knyazev S.V.
Moiseeva E.V.
Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 2: Acoustic and Perceptual Phonetics. Workbook
Ivashchenko N.P.
Bachelor Students’ Practical Manual for Seminars and Independent Work Based on the Course of “Innovation Economics’
Evgenyeva T.V.
Selezneva A.V.
Psychology of Mass Political Communication
Ivanova A.P.
Slastushinskaya M.M.
Advertising: Everyone is Right in Their Own Way. A Manual on Speech Development (Over 100 Creative Tasks)
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
Safonova T.N.
Vasilev V.I.
Likhvantseva V. G.
Kovalenko V. I.
Modern Russian Politics
Sorokin A.V.
The theory of social wealth
Ilyin V.V.
Theory of knowledge. Symbolology. Theory of symbolic forms
Kuyarova L.A.
Brand management
Jioeva A.A.
Pavlov M.Yu.
Economics of nanotechnology
Vassilevski Yu.V.
Konshin I.N.
Kopytov G.V.
Terekhov K.M.
INMOST: A Software Platform and Graphical Environment for Development of Parallel Numerical Models on General Meshes: Textbook
Zaharov V.V.
Timofeeva T.Yu.
Roslavceva S.A.
Zinovkina T.N.
Anisimova Zh.M.
French: preparation for the Unified State Exam
Nazarenko A.L.
Information and Communication Technologies in Linguodidactics: Distance Learning
Tishkov V. A.
Shabaev Yu.P.
Ethnopolitical science: Political functions of ethnicity
Lobodanov A.P.
Kumylganova I.A.
Ivashchenko N.P.
Practical Manual for Seminars Based on the ‘Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship’ Course
Zelenskiy A.S.
Mogilevskiy E.I.
Yumashev M.V.
Introduction to Specialty: Mechanics (010701.65 ‘Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics’)
Grechnikov E.A.
Mikhailov S.V.
Nesterenko Yu.V.
Popovyan I.A.
Complex Hard Computational Problems in Number Theory
Petrunin Yuriy Yu.
Neurocomputer Paradigm and Society
Bazhenova O.I.
Timofeev N.S.
Legal Basis of Municipal Economic Activity
Turkov A.M.
Guide to ‘A Book about a Soldier’, A. Tvardovsky’s Poem ‘Vasily Tyorkin.’
Ranchin A.M.
Guide to ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’
Shelekhov S.L.
Guide to Chekhov’s Comedy ‘The Cherry Orchard’
Yablokov E.A.
Guide to A.P. Platonov’s Novel ‘Chevengur’
Remnyova M.L.
Old church language. Tutorial + E-course (CD)
Lykosov V. N.
Glazunov A.V.
Kulyamin D. V.
Stepanenko V.M.
Supercomputer simulations in physics of the climate system
Gorbunov A.N.
Three great poets of England: Donne, Milton, Wordsworth
Vasileva V.M.
Motuzova G. V.
Bazhenova O.I.
Burlin Yu.K.
Sokolov B.A.
Khain V.E.
Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas
Savrey V.Ya.
The Antiochene School in the History of Christian Thought
Savrey V.Ya.
Alexandrian, Antiochian, Cappadocian Schools in the History of Christian Thought. Set of 3 books.
Savrey V.Ya.
The Alexandrian School in the History of Christian Thought
Osipov E.M.
Institute of Social Partnership as a Factor of Small Business Development in Russia
Marinko G.I.
Panina E.M.
History and Philosophy of Science. Book 2. History and Philosophy of Management Science
Grinberg T.E.
Communication Concept of Public Relations: Technology Models, Synergistic Effect
Krotov A.A.
Malebranche and Cartesianism
Skrynnikova I.A.
Marketing in the Service Sector
Kupryashin G.L.
Modernization of Public Administration: Institutions and Interests
Fedotova L.N.
Public Opinion in Advertising and Public Relations
Knyazev S.V.
Moiseeva E.V.
Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 1: Phonetic transcription. Articulatory phonetics. Workbook
Popov A.M.
Krasilnikov S.S.
One hundred and eleven problems in atomic physics
Salieva L.K.
Valentey T.V.
Syrovatskaya G.I.
Bobrov Yu.K.
Ruhadze A.A.
Gusein-Zade N.G.
Lebedev Sergey A.
Philosophy of science: general problems
Zhulenev S.V.
inancial mathematics. Introduction to classical theory. Part 2
Dobrovolskii G.V.
Nikitin E.D.
Soil ecology
Solganik Grigoriy Ya.
Media language and politics
Simonov V.V.
An Introduction to the History of the Church. Part 1: A Review of Sources in the General History of the Church
Bryukhanov A.L.
Rybak K.V.
Netrusov A.I.
Molecular Microbiology. Textbook for colleges and universities
Savrey V.Ya.
Cappadocian School in the History of Christian thought
Khromov S.P.
Petrosyants M.A.
Meteorology and Climatology
Sarnov B.M.
Guide to Mayakovsky
Kornyakov K.V.
Kustikova V.D.
Meerov I.B.
Sidnev A.A.
Parallel Programming Tools in Shared Memory Systems
Annenkova I.V.
The Unbanished Thought. Philology of P.M. Bitsilli
Korobov D.S.
Fundamentals of geoinformatics in archeology
Pugachev V.P.
Organization Staff Planning
Rihter A.G.
Legal Foundations of Journalism: Reader
Shirinyants A.A.
Perevezencev S.V.
Russian socio-political thought. XI - XVII centuries.
Korolev V.Yu.
Probabilistic and Statistical Methods of Decomposition of the Volatility of Chaotic Processes
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
Turgenev: The Logic of His Works and the Mentality of the Character
Klimov G.P.
Invariant Conclusions in Statistics
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
History of the Russian 19th Century Novel. Nonclassical Forms
Zapadov A.V.
Lomonosov and Journalism
Tyurin Yu.N.
Multidimensional Statistics: Gaussian Linear Models
Fedotova L.N.
Public Opinion and Journalism
Berezkina O.S.
Essays on the History and Theory of Political Science
Valentey T.V.
Danilina V.V.
Korneeva Yu. A.
Speech Communication in Business
Shirinyants A.A.
Russian Socio-Political Thought. First Half of the 19th Century
Lukashevich N.V.
Klimov G.P.
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Klimov G.P.
Queueing theory
Makeeva V. M.
Smurov A.V.
Belokon M. M.
Ecological and genetic approach to the protection of animals in anthropogenic ecosystems
Nazaykin A. N.
Effective advertising text in the media
Rakityanskiy N.M.
The Personality of a Politician: the Theory and Methodology of Psychological Portraying
Afanas’eva N.B.
Berezina N.A.
Introduction to Plant Ecology
Skulachev V.P.
Bogachev A.V.
Kasparinsky F.O.
Membrane Bioenergetics
Annenkova E. I.
Guide to N.V. Gogol’s Novel ‘Dead Souls’
Gogmachadze G.D.
Agroecological Monitoring of Soils and Land Resources of Russian Federation
Zemlyanova L.M.
Humanitarian Mission of Modern Globalizing Communication Science
Tutov L.A.
Sazhina M.A.
Belov G.A.
Logunova L.B.
Semennikova L.I.
Sidorov A.B.
History and Philosophy of Science. Book 4. History and Philosophy of Economic Science. History and Philosophy of Law. History and Philosophy of Historical Science
Linkov V.Ya.
The History of Russian Literature (Second Half of the 19th Century)
Gurevich S.M.
Karl Marx and the Modern Press
Dobrovolskii G.V.
Lectures on the History and Methodology of Soil Science
Kashkarov Pavel K.
Efimova Aleksandra I.
Mechanics and Electromagnetism
Loginov V.A.
Ivanitsky L.
Moscow Clinics. Selected Chapters
Solganik Grigoriy Ya.
Fundamentals of Speech Linguistics
Aleksandrova F.S.
Fursenko D.I.
Practical Course in the Russian Language for Foreign Students Studying in Non-Philological Universities in Russia
Ranchin A.M.
Guide to the Poetry of A.A. Fet
Duzhina N.I.
Guide to A.P. Platonov’s novel ‘The Pit Foundation’
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
Goncharov's Novel ‘Oblomov’. A Guide to the Text
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
Poltavec Elena YU.
Russian 19th Century Literature. 1840s through 1860s
Kuzmenkova M.A.
Public Relations: Civil Dialogue
Linev A.V.
Bogolepov D.K.
Bastrakov S. I.
Being a Leader
Afanasev E.S.
The phenomenon of artistry: from Pushkin to Chekhov
Yurina A.L.
Orlova O.A.
Rostovceva Yu.I.
Paleobotany. Higher plants
Kamynina A.A.
Modern Russian language. Morphology
Klementiev D.S.
Sociology of Management
Oleskin Alexander V.
Kartashova E.V.
Botvinko I.V.
Humanitarian biology and ecology
Timoshina A.A.
English of Global Economics
Bogolubov N.N.
Selected University Lectures
Klementiev D.S.
Putilova L.M.
Osipov E.M.
History and philosophy of science. Book 3. History and Philosophy of Sociology. History and Philosophy of Politics
Smyshlyaev A.V.
Sorokin A.L.
Oral translation course. Spanish - Russian
Voytyla Karol
Personality and Action
Velichko Alla V.
A Book About Grammar. Russian As a Foreign Language
Zaitsev V.A.
Lectures on the History of Russian Poetry of the 20th Century (1940s through 2000s)
Chernyshov A.V.
Media Music on Television
Bogolubov N.N.
Quantum Theory. Vol.10. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields
Barkov S.A.
Organization and market: confrontation or agreement
Kormilov S.I.
The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century (1920s to 1990s). The Main Names
Polyakov L.V.
Basics of Political Consulting
Gerasimova M.I.
Geography of Russian Soils
Kuzina E.B.
Lectures on the Theory of Argumentation
Popkov V.A.
Korzhuev A.V.
Methodology of Pedagogy
Eremin N.I.
Nonmetallic Minerals
Ivleva G.G.
Raevskij M.V.
Garbovskiy Nikolay K.
Translation theory
Vsevolozhskiy Vladiimir A.
Fundamentals of hydrogeology
Pimenov Vladimir V.
Fundamentals of Ethnology
Sokolov Yu.M.
Russian folklore
Dobrovolskii G.V.
Urusevskaya I.S.
Rychagov G.I.
General Geomorphology
Mineev Vasiliy G.
Tretyakov Yuri D.
Putlyaev V.I.
Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry
Kalinin E.V.
Engineering-geological Calculations and Modeling
Bogomolov B.P.
Infectious Diseases
Yazkov E.F.
The Contemporary History of the Countries of Europe and America. 1918–1945
Terekhova E.V.
Non-State Financial Supervision
Lebedinskiy V. V.
The Psychology of Abnormal Child Development in Two Volumes
Butyagin P.Yu.
Chemical physics of solids
Lunin V.V.
Nenajdenko V.G.
Ryzhova Oksana N.
Kuzmenko Nikolay E.
Chemistry of the XXI century in the tasks of the International Mendeleev Olympiads
Kuzmenko Nikolay E.
Terenin Vladimir I.
Ryzhova Oksana N.
Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams
Avramenko A.P.
Bugrov B.S.
Golubkov M.M.
The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century. 1920s through 1950s. Literary process
Pustovoit P.G.
Constellation of the unique. Mastery of Russian classics
Selishchev A.M.
Old church language
Miroshenkova V.I.
Fedorov N.A.
Latin language textbook
Mihailova I.A.
Bondarenko O.B.
Stepanov V.M.
Molecular Biology. Structure and Functions
Marakushev A.A.
Bobrov A.V.
Metamorphic Petrology
Belousov lev V.
Fundamentals of General embryology
Zharikov V.A.
Fundamentals of Physical Geochemistry
Sherel A.A.
Radio Journalism
Bernshteyn S.B.
Comparative grammar of Slavic languages
Ilyin V.V.
Philosophy and History of Science
Goldenntsvayg G.D.
Swedish-language mass media of Finland
Dunaev S.F.
Practical Course in General Chemistry
Gurevich A.M.
Russian Criticism of Pushkin: Selected Articles, Comments
Rubin Andrey B.
Aashmarin I.P.
Suhova G.S.
Kamenskii A.A.
A Guide to Practical Studies in Human and Animal Physiology
Kukushkin Yu.S.
Timofeev N.S.
Self-government of peasants in Russia (XIX - early XXI century)
Dzarasov S.S.
Kapustin B.G.
Morality in politics. Reader
Dmitriev A.V.
Fundamentals of Statistical Physics of Materials
Pavlenkov V. A.
Labor market. Employment. Unemployment
Kuvshinov V.A.
History of Russia
Sarnov B.M.
To Each According to Their Faith. On Bulgakov's ‘The Master and Margarita’
Remnyova M.L.
Development of the Russian Literary Language in the 11th – 17th Centuries
Korzhuev A.V.
Seidelman Feliks R.
Soil reclamation
Ilyushin A.A.
Nekrasov’s Poetry
Kormilov S.I.
Vladimir Mayakovsky
Rostovtseva I.I.
Zabolotsky’s World
Dmitrienko Sergey F.
Innovations in the School Curriculum. Twentieth Century Russian Poetry
Chalmaev V.A.
Andrei Platonov
Mildon V.I.
The Heights of Russian Drama
Atabekov I.G.
Practical Course of General Virology
Tarasov V.V.
Epidemiology of transmission diseases
Korochkin L.I.
Biology of Individual Development (Genetic Aspect)
Skorospelova E.B.
Zamyatin and his Novel ‘We’
Zaitsev V.A.
Nikolay Rubtsov
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
From Pushkin to Chekhov
Baevskiy V.S.
Kasatkina V.N.
The Poetry of V. A. Zhukovsky
Rihter A.G.
Legal Basis of Journalism
Buyanova E.G.
F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novels
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
Filippov V.V.
Russian ‘Village’ Prose
Zhuravleva A.I.
Makeev M.S.
Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky
Golubkov M.M.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Trofimov V.T.
Averkina T.I.
Spiridonov D.A.
Engineering-geological Structure of the Earth
Bazhenov A.M.
On the Secret of ‘Woe’. A.S. Griboyedov and His Ageless Comedy
Anninskiy L.A.
George Vladimov's Fortresses and Footholds
Nepomnyashchiy V.S.
Pushkin's Poetry as a Spiritual Biography
Kling O.A.
The Poetic World of Marina Tsvetaeva
Shaitanov I.O.
Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Poetic discovery of nature
Smirnov V.P.
French liberalism in the past and present
Shaitanov I.O.
Western European Classics: From Shakespeare to Goethe
Krasukhin G.G.
E. Zamyatin, A.N. Tolstoy, A. Platonov, V. Nabokov
Zuev N.N.
Konstantin Batyushkov
Bugrov B.S.
Leonid Andreyev. Prose and Drama
Buntman N. V.
Kuznetsova G. P.
Shumilova G.E.
French for applicants: Tests and keys
Sarnov B.M.
The Last Creative Act. The Mandelstam Case
Kormilov S.I.
M.Yu. Lermontov’s Poetry
Zubareva E.Yu.
Prose of the Russian Abroad (the 1970s and 1980s)
Nedzvetskiy V.A.
I.A. Goncharov’s Novels
Shapovalov G.M.
Commodity marketing
Titaeva N.A.
Nuclear geochemistry
Korovin V.I.
Ivan Krylov’s Fables
Zuev N.N.
Osipov Yu. S.
Potapov M.M.
Basics of the method of dynamic regulation
Trofimov V.T.
Genesis of Loessial Rock Subsidence
Chetverushkin B.N.
Kinetically Consistent Schemes in Gas Dynamics
Dzerzhinskij F.Ya.
Comparative anatomy of vertebrates
Marr R.
Shmidt G.
Personnel management in a social market economy
Voevodin L.D.
Legal status of the individual in Russia
Shtark F.
The Magic World of the German Language
Et al.
Proceedings of the Moscow Mathematical Society. Volume 56
Bolikhovskaya N.S.
Evolution of loess-soil formations of Northern Eurasia
Fedorov V.A.
The End of Serfdom in Russia
Rozen V.B.
Fundamentals of Endocrinology
Ishkhanov B.S.
Subatomic Physics. Questions. Problems. Facts
Krasukhin G.G.
Guide to А.S. Pushkin’s Novel in Verse ‘Eugene Onegin’