In this manual political-and-eventful, economic, spiritual and cultural
history of Germany is presented along with suggested course schedule for
seminars, discussion questions and lists of references are literature for seminars
and repots.
The purpose of this manual is to develop practical skills of oral, written and oral-written translation, ‘at sight' translation, abstracting and annotating of the scientific text on economics. It will be of interest for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students of economics, students of the program Translating in the Sphere of Professional Communication, apprentice translators and for all those who aim to master economic translation on their own.
Scientists of Moscow University — Full Members and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The publication is dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Moscow University. It presents in alphabetical order all the full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences who graduated from Moscow University or taught there throughout its entire existence - from 1755 to the present day, with a brief summary of their biographical information, an indication of their scientific achievements, membership in domestic and foreign academies, educational institutions and scientific societies, prizes and awards. A short list of their main published scientific works is given. The dictionary has 18 appendices, which provide generalized data on the materials included in it.
Pharmacokinetics of antitumor drugs: fundamental and clinical aspects
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, subsidy agreement No. 075-15-2021-1060 dated 09.28.2021
The monograph provides an overview of fundamental and clinical research on the influence of genetic polymorphisms on the effectiveness of anticancer drugs, and also describes the results of a comparative analysis of the level of representation of pharmacogenetic information in clinical recommendations and instructions for the medical use of anticancer drugs in Russia and other countries of the world. A number of problems have been identified and options for the development of pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine in the Russian Federation have been proposed.
The book is intended for researchers and practicing doctors of various specialties, for students of medical and biological universities.
Federalism. Encyclopedia
The encyclopedia, which includes about 500 articles, examines fundamental problems in the theory and history of federalism. Considerable space is devoted to the typology of modern federations and the characteristics of their main forms; key terms and concepts affecting the problems of territorial-state structure and management are presented. The issues of the history of the creation and functioning of supranational international institutions, associations and organizations are outlined. The views of domestic and foreign classics of federalism theories are considered; significant attention is paid to state and political figures who developed and implemented ideas and projects of a federal structure.
For government officials, specialists, teachers, graduate students, and anyone interested in the problems of federal relations.
Federal Law on Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights
This commentary contains a detailed legal analysis of the provisions of the Law on the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation, an overview of the practice of recent election campaigns, and judicial practice in electoral disputes. The authors considered it necessary not to consider the commentary as an authorized retelling of the Electoral Law, but to focus on the most notable problems of the act under study. The book is addressed to participants in the electoral process, officials and deputies of state and local government bodies, organizers of elections, referendums, teachers, graduate students and students, as well as everyone interested in issues of electoral law and referendum legislation.
Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev: poetic discovery of nature
The books in the “Rereading the Classics” series contain a modern analysis of works included in school literature curricula. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th–20th centuries are thoroughly covered. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and admission to any university. The manual is a creative biography of F. I. Tyutchev. The poet's personality is revealed in connection with the theme that determined the dignity and place of Tyutchev's lyrics in the history of Russian poetry - the poetic discovery of nature. The changing perception of natural life in relation to his own inner world became the reason for Tyutchev to recreate the developing dialogue between the soul and nature. The texts of the poet’s classic poems are considered as its individual episodes: “Spring Thunderstorm”, “Noon”, “Not what you think, nature”, “There is melodiousness in the sea waves”, etc. For teachers schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, as well as a wide range of readers.
Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Poetic discovery of nature
The books of the series "Rereading the Classics" contain a modern analysis of works included in the school literature curriculum. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries are thoroughly covered. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and admission to any university. The manual is a creative biography of F. I. Tyutchev. The personality of the poet is revealed in connection with the theme that determined the dignity and place of Tyutchev's lyrics in the history of Russian poetry - the poetic discovery of nature. The changing perception of natural life in relation to his own inner world became a reason for Tyutchev to recreate the developing dialogue of the soul and nature. As its individual episodes, the texts of the poet's classic poems are considered: "Spring Thunderstorm", "Not What You Think, Nature", "There is Melodiousness in the Sea Waves" and other poems. For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, as well as a wide range of readers.
The phenomenon of artistry: from Pushkin to Chekhov
The book by Professor E.S. Afanasyev presents articles on the works of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, on the literary connections of A.P. Chekhov with Russian writers of the 19th century, published in periodicals from 2000 to 2009. The articles are united by the problem of the artistry of literary works, which underlies the methodology of interpreting artistic texts. For literary scholars, teachers of literature, students of philological faculties.
The book sets out a general approach to describing the propagation of plasma of electrical breakdown of gases at all its stages, based on an analogy with the processes of propagation of combustion and detonation fronts. An analysis of experimental and theoretical studies of electrical breakdown is given, physical and mathematical models are proposed, and the basic mechanisms of breakdown are investigated.
For scientists in the field of electric discharge physics, electrophysics and high voltage engineering, graduate and senior students.
Philology: Ever Lasting & Young
The collection contains the articles devoted to the anniversary of Prof. Remnyova
and reveals the modern state of philological science at the Philological
Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. All the authors represent the
new specializations and subdivisions of the Philological Faculty as well as its
international projects.
Philosophy and History of Science
The textbook corresponding to the new program of the course "History and Philosophy of Science" for graduate students and applicants contains a positive interpretation of the basic models, principles, ideas of modern methodology of cognitive activity.
It is designed for persons undergoing special pre-dissertation training to pass the candidate's minimum exam, and for anyone interested in methodological issues.
Philosophy and methodology of science. Current issues
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The monograph examines current problems of philosophy and methodology of science: philosophical foundations and structure of modern methodology of science, scientific rationality, cultural and historical types of science, scientific truth and its criteria, patterns of development of science and scientific knowledge, axiology and praxeology of science, methodological culture of a scientist. The solution to these problems is given from the standpoint of three new concepts developed by the author in the field of philosophy of science: the positive dialectical concept, the level methodology of scientific knowledge, the consensual nature of scientific truth. The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in the problems of modern philosophy and methodology of science, but primarily to the young generation of scientists, in whose hands the future of science lies.
Philosophy of history
The book is devoted to the consideration of the foundations of the historical process. It analyzes such significant problems of modern social science as the presence in the total human experience of life reproduction of certain cross-cutting dependencies, schemes, structures that specify the nature of traditional units of history, starting with the people (state, nation) and ending with the genus Homo sapiens as a whole (the totality of civilization). For social scientists, a wide range of readers.
Philosophy of naivety
The collection contains reflections of major scientists - philosophers, cultural experts, art historians. On the pages of the collection, famous artists and writers share their thoughts about naivety. The publication is illustrated with color printing. The reader will find here reproductions of genuine masterpieces from temporary naive art, represented by the most famous museums and galleries specializing in this field. The book will be useful to scientists and teachers, representatives of culture and art: philosophers, historians, cultural experts, art historians.
Philosophy of science: general problems
The textbook outlines the general problems of modern philosophy of science: ontological, epistemological, socio-cultural, value-based and practical. Only with such a broad, multidimensional approach to science is an adequate philosophical reflection of science as the most important subsystem of culture and knowledge of the real patterns of its functioning and development possible. For students, graduate students, applicants, researchers, university teachers and anyone interested in the philosophical problems of modern science.
Philosophy of law
The textbook highlights the main problems of the theory and history of philosophy of law. Much attention is paid to the methodology of philosophical and legal research, the status of the philosophy of law as a scientific and educational discipline. Axiology and ontology of state and law, issues of legal culture and legal awareness are examined in detail. Theoretical provisions are based on a wide social science material on various branches of knowledge.
For students, graduate students and teachers of legal, philosophical, political science and other humanitarian universities and faculties.
Philosophy of the history of philosophy in France (the problem of patterns in the development of intellectual culture)
The monograph analyzes ideas about the meaning of the historical and philosophical process, characteristic of French intellectual culture. To what extent does the past of philosophy allow us to predict the future? The book examines a series of responses taken within the same cultural tradition. Isolating theories of the historical and philosophical process as a special subject field of research allows us to look at the specifics of cultural eras from a special angle and highlight the features of various stages of the intellectual history of France. For undergraduates, graduate students, and anyone interested in the history of philosophy.
Financial Safety. Financial Investigations
This book is the second amended and revised edition of the same textbook. It contains key concepts in the field of economic and financial security, gives an idea of the features of detection, disclosure and investigation of financial crimes. At the same time, special attention is paid to the disclosure of practical examples of combating crimes, the investigation of which is carried out by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
This manual can be used as an additional source of specialized training of unique specialists — «financial investigators», bachelors and masters of law, possessing in addition to basic criminal law training complex of special knowledge and skills in the financial and budgetary sphere.
inancial mathematics. Introduction to classical theory. Part 2
This second part completes the presentation of the main sections of the so-called classical financial mathematics, started earlier in the first part. More precisely, it represents that part of it where elements of probability theory are used. However, the goal is the same: to acquaint young people with an elementary theory that offers practical recommendations for solving a wide variety of problems in the life around us. Much in the book should be understandable to inquisitive schoolchildren, although it is mainly intended for university students with significant mathematical training. This means that the entire book is intended for teachers, bank employees, business school students, and professional participants in the securities market.