Moscow University Press


Финансовая безопасность. Финансовые расследования Financial Safety. Financial Investigations

This book is the second amended and revised edition of the same textbook. It contains key concepts in the field of economic and financial security, gives an idea of the features of detection, disclosure and investigation of financial crimes. At the same time, special attention is paid to the disclosure of practical examples of combating crimes, the investigation of which is carried out by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

This manual can be used as an additional source of specialized training of unique specialists — «financial investigators», bachelors and masters of law, possessing in addition to basic criminal law training complex of special knowledge and skills in the financial and budgetary sphere.

Финансовая математика. Введение в классическую теорию. Часть 2.
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 1
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 2
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 3
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 4. Часть 1
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 4. Часть 2
Франкофония: культура повседневности Francophonie: Culture of Everyday Life

This tutorial is devoted to the theoretical and practical questions, related to the culture of everyday life of France and countries of Francophonie. It consists of 5 sections:

  1. Culture of everyday life as a scientific problem; 
  2. Culture of France and culture of everyday life; 
  3. Francophonie and regions of France: cultures of everyday life; 
  4. France and Russia: literary and historical aspects of everyday life; 
  5. Everyday culture in the practice of teaching of the French language.

Intended for students, post-graduates and everyone interested in the culture of France and Francophonie.

Франкофонные исследования Francophonie studies

The monograph is devoted to the study of francophonie — a unique multifaceted phenomenon that has linguistic and cultural components. It aims to show the ways of studying francophonie and to clarify the dynamics of its development in the context of current theoretical problems. It also aspires to identify the features of francophonie research as a scientific direction and a promising academic discipline.

The monograph is a multidisciplinary research and is written for a wide range of readers — students, master degree students, and postgraduate students, teachers and researchers and everyone who is interested in the French language, the cultures of France and French-speaking countries.

Keywords: Francophonie, International Organization of Francophonie, francophonie studies, France, francophone countries, French language, culture, spatial variation, area.

Франкоязычный мир. Взаимодействие и контакты

Le recueil est consacre aux contacts et infl uences qui caracterisent le monde francophone au sein de la culture mondiale. Il comprend 5 parties: Сarrefours des cultures: nord, sud, est, ouest. Carrefours de l'histoire: epoque de 1812. France: aspects de la culture. Francophonie: langue et cultures. France et Russie. Le recueil est destine aux etudiants, aux ecoliers et a tous ceux qui s'interessent a la culture de la France et de la Russie.

Франция и франкофония: язык, общество, культура France and Francophonie: Language, Society, Culture

The monograph is devoted to the study of the language, society and culture of France in the context of the Francophonie. The author considers the theoretical and practical aspects of the unity/variance of language and culture, the development of national and cultural identity, the anthropology of space, everyday culture and its reflection in the language, linguistic and cultural politics as well as some terminological issues.

The book has an interdisciplinary nature and is intended for a wide range of readers: philologists, historians, specialists in area studies, culturologists, sociologists and representatives of other disciplines, researchers and lecturers, doctoral students, under- and post-graduate students, and everyone studying French and interested in the culture of France and Francophonie.

Французский либерализм в прошлом и настоящем
Фундаментальные основы языка политики. Продвинутый курс английского языка

The present book is a sequence in the series of course-books in Рolitical English and is aimed for students of international relations, politics and journalism. At the same time, the book can be widely used by the students, as well as post-graduate ones, who study at the schools of foreign languages, philology, history, state administration, etc. Covering the area beyond those of language course-books, "Fundamentals" supplies a great amount of information on the key issues of modern political culture, including Anglo-Saxon political culture, as the one being part of the language under study. At the same time, being primarily an English language course-book, it supplies lots of linguistic information, including data on the specific functioning of the newest English language. Methodology of language delivery is a combination of modern methods of communicative approach with a traditional one, based on the text analysis. This combination of the leading foreign methodology with the best traditions of the Russian one guarantees a most optimal result and most adequately meets the real needs of a contemporary Russian student.

Химическая физика твердого тела
Химическое загрязнение биосферы и его экологические последствия

In conditions of growing anthropogenic degradation of the environment a knowledge of general and specific patterns of distribution and accumulation of various pollutants in the environment of different regions and of ways to improve them are necessary for professionals in the field of protection of the biosphere. In the book sets out the theoretical and practical aspects of the activities of researchers and practitioners. The textbook contains a summary of the study of environmental management, of the significance of chemical contamination in modern society. Much attention is paid to valuation approaches and methods of chemical substances in the environment and assessing of their performance. There are described the principles and methods of remediation of the polluted soils, the assessment of the environmental impact of chemical pollution of the biosphere.

The textbook is intended for students who are training on specialties in soil science, ecology, biology, geography, natural resources and management and all those are interested by a current state of environment.

Химия XXI века в задачах Международных Менделеевских олимпиад Chemistry of the XXI century in the tasks of the International Mendeleev Olympiads

The book presents all the tasks - theoretical and experimental - of the last five International Mendeleev Olympiads of schoolchildren in chemistry. This is the result of a great work of a large team of chemists from different countries, information about which is also presented in the book. The reader is given the opportunity to cover the whole system of tasks of the Mendeleev Olympiads, to get information about the directions of development of modern chemical science Olympiads.

Химия горючих ископаемых Chemistry of combustible minerals

The textbook characterizes organogenic elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur) that are part of both the living matter of bioproducts — higher plants, phyto-, zooplankton and bacteria, and combustible fossils. The main part is devoted to the description of the properties and composition of combustible minerals: natural gas, oil and naphthides, peat, brown, hard coals, anthracites, sapropelites, oil shales, as well as their secondary changes in deposits in the zones of hypergenesis and catagenesis. An idea of analytical methods for studying their properties and composition is given. The connection of the molecular composition of living matter with the composition of caustobiolites — chemophossils and their precursors for the geological and geochemical interpretation of analytical data is traced. Examples of material and material-genetic classifications of caustobiolites are described. The review of modern methods of interpretation of data on the molecular composition of oil and organic matter of rocks is presented. The abiogenic and organic concepts of the origin of oil and the arguments of proponents of biogenic hypotheses and sedimentary-migration theory of the origin of oil are considered.

The textbook is intended for students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying in the specialty 1.6.11 "Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields" at geological faculties of universities.