Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams
This manual differs from most publications intended for applicants in that the largest domestic university - Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov - presents all the variants of examination tasks in chemistry offered at the entrance exams at all faculties of Moscow State University over the past three years. For each option, detailed solutions of tasks or answers and instructions to the solution are provided.
The manual is intended for applicants entering universities for chemical, medical and biological specialties, as well as for high school students and chemistry teachers.
English Reader in Artificial Intelligence (pdf)
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been actively developing, penetrating into all spheres of human activity, revolutionizing them and bringing significant progress to solving numerous problems. The publication contains texts in English that give an idea of AI key areas, as well as exercises in various formats, appendixes and a dictionary for practicing vocabulary on this topic.
This Textbook is intended for students studying English at the Lomonosov Moscow State University CMC Faculty, as well as at the IT departments of other universities.
Human and nature. First steps
The manual is devoted to the description of a variety of techniques and successful experience in organizing nature research with children in kindergartens, summer camps, in a specialized environmental laboratory, at educational holidays and science festivals. A special section is devoted to family activities in which both children and their parents are involved in research activities.
For a wide range of readers: teachers, volunteers working with children, parents.
What is the sum of the angles of the polygon?
This brochure was written based on a lecture for schoolchildren, which the author gave at the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University on March 25, 2017 as part of the “University Saturday” project, carried out with the support of the Moscow Department of Education. The presentation of the material significantly complements the content of the lecture and calculates It is intended for a wide range of readers interested in mathematics: high school students, junior students, high school teachers and university professors.
Numerical and functional series in mathematical analysis (pdf)
When compiling the manual, many years of experience in teaching a course in mathematical analysis at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University were used. The first, theoretical chapter provides formulations of basic definitions and a detailed analysis of standard problems, on which most of the examples are based. The second chapter consists of 20 test options of varying complexity. The third chapter includes solutions to some of the problems from the options in the second chapter, indicating typical errors and shortcomings. The fourth chapter contains answers to the options from the second chapter. The book is intended for students studying numerical and functional series, as well as for teachers conducting practical classes.
Globalization of science does not only strengthen the competition, but also gives a range of opportunities for both investors and researchers. In particular, every researcher can easily gain an access to all promising layouts, publications, projects, grants; co-authors and publishing partners in the field of interest; create and promote own international brand or optimize data search process and publication writing process. Many of these opportunities are free for researcher with Google Scholar or Russian data base for researchers and their works – ISTINA. All mentioned options are available simultaneously with Thomson Reuters' products: Web of Knowledge, EndNote Web, Researcher ID. The aim of this manual is to introduce the above mentioned technological solutions to the target audience – researchers and scientists. Ultimate goal is to adapt most recent international and Russian research platforms, data and reference bases for day-to-day work of researchers' community.
Swedish-language mass media of Finland
The book is devoted to the study of the media system of a small language group - the Finnish Swedes. The problem is considered in the context of the development of pan-European and state media policy, the growth of competition in the media market, and the growing disproportion between large and small language groups. The strategies of individual publications and channels are analyzed taking into account economic and ethnopolitical factors. For specialists in the field of mass media, interethnic relations, language planning, as well as for students and teachers of journalism faculties.
Sixteen Chef-d’oeuvres of the Russian Literature
This book is written as a guidance for literature teachers and senior high
school pupils of gymnasiums and lyceums majoring in humanities to help them
preparing for compositions on masterpieces of the Russian literature. These are
namely Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin; Mikhail Lermontov’s poem Death
of the Poet and his novel A Hero of Our Time; Ivan Turgenev’s short novel Asya
and his novel Fathers and Sons', Ivan Goncharov’s Oblomov, What Is to Be Done?
by Nikolai Chernyshevsky; Poor Folk and main novels by Fyodor Dostoyevsky;
Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem Poet and Citizen and finally the Russian novel itself in
its national and authentic form, and certain novels of such contemporary heritors
of the literary classic of the XIX century as Vasily Belov and Alexander Potemkin.
The book is intended for the teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums and
lyceums, school leavers, students and lecturers at the Departments of Philology as
well as everyone who admires Russian literary classic and values it.
Shchedrin: The unfamiliar world of familiar books
This book was first published in 1998 and went through three editions. Now readers are offered its newly reviewed and expanded version. The author made an attempt to read the famous works of the genius of Russian and world satire anew, without political and opportunistic goals, precisely as ethical and aesthetic creations. The chapter on “The History of a City” examines the beginnings on which Shchedrin’s artistic world was created. “The Golovlevs” cannot be understood without attention to the psychologism of Saltykov’s prose, an understanding of the concept of man created by the writer. The originality of the picture of reality that developed in Saltykov’s work is expressively revealed in fairy tales, and the books “Abroad” and “Poshekhon Antiquity,” among many other things, make it possible to clearly see the foundations defining the moral ideals affirmed in his works. The study is written in living language. The author tries to captivate the reader, to prove to him that the dialogue with Saltykov’s works is not only serious, but also joyful. By comprehending the logic of the creative development of Saltykov the writer, the reader will free himself from misinterpretations of his books and make many amazing discoveries...
The evolution of the monetary systems of the Black Sea region and the Balkans in the XIII-XV centuries.
The states of the Balkans and the Black Sea region minted different coins and had different traditions in maintaining the currency system. The comparative study of these coins was necessary to demonstrate that changes affecting the currencies were determined by the genesis of the worldwide economic system and have appeared because the medieval financial approaches were universal. One thing was common for those dissimilar currencies: specie existed for the use of the authorities and of the subjects concurrently. Published and unpublished documents together with quantitative data obtained during the numismatic analysis allowed to find and to describe dates and circumstances of dozens reforms in the Byzantine and Tartar states, to reconstruct the ideology of medieval financiers. The first and the second gave us also names of the coins, their parameters, values, rates and cross-rates, different characteristics of the monetary fund as a whole. They were calculated with the use of original methods developed for the numismatic study based on the probability theory and reflecting the statistical nature of the numismatic material. The results accumulated in this book are not merely the description of the evolution of the financial systems in the region, they are the tool necessary for the research of the economic history of the Levant in the Middle Ages.
Evolution of loess-soil formations of Northern Eurasia
The monograph examines the problems of paleogeography, chronostratigraphy, and the genesis of loess and fossil soils. Based on detailed palynological analysis and a comprehensive study of reference sections of late Cenozoic deposits, a new concept of the formation of loess-soil formations and the development of landscapes in the loess regions of Northern Eurasia in the Pleistocene has been developed. The age and climatic and phytocenotic conditions for the formation and conservation of subsidence of loess rocks in the Eastern Ciscaucasia have been established. The book is intended for geographers, geologists, soil scientists, paleobotanists, specialists in geoecology, teachers and students of higher education institutions.
Ecology of the biosphere
The book introduces students of biological faculties of universities, as well as a wide range of readers interested in issues of ecology and environmental protection, to the problems of functioning of the living shell of our planet - the biosphere. The central place is given to the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus - the most important chemical elements without which life on Earth is impossible. The processes of evolution of the biosphere since the origin of life, as well as the determining role of man at the most recent – contemporary to us – stage of the development of the biosphere are considered. The presentation is based on an analysis of the latest scientific literature. This work is particularly relevant in light of the ongoing biodiversity crisis unfolding before our eyes and the ongoing debate about the causes and consequences of global climate change.
Young readers are offered fascinating little stories about the great biosphere that will help them find answers to a variety of questions.
What secrets are there in the world around us? Can predators be justified? What is interesting about meeting people who live in harmony with nature? When did life appear on planet Earth? What “blocks” does nature consist of? Can we live under an artificial dome? How to become a little hero who can save the planet? On the pages of the book “Ecology for the Curious” will you encounter the obvious? No, you are waiting for a meeting with an incredible and mysterious world.
Illustrations for the book were drawn by artist Stas Egin, who lives in the Irkutsk region, in the city of Ust-Ilimsk. In his drawings, he amazingly knows how to reflect both the comedy and tragedy of environmental problems. Stas Egin is a laureate of the International Competition of the National Literary Award "Golden Pen of Russia" in the category "Best Caricature". Stas Egin's graphic works are exhibited in the art gallery of the city of Ust-Ilimsk.
Soil ecology
The textbook (1st edition published in 2006) sets out the fundamentals of soil ecology - an integral interdisciplinary science that combines teachings about the factors of soil formation and the ecological functions of soils, as well as the rational use and protection of soil cover as an irreplaceable component of the planet. Biogeocenotic and global soil ecofunctions are comprehensively characterized - hydrosphere, atmospheric, lithospheric, general biosphere, ethnosphere, natural and anthropogenic factors of soil formation and dynamics are considered, the state of soil resources and the principles of their conservation use, taking into account the conservation of biological and soil diversity, are highlighted. The legal aspects of soil and biosphere protection are discussed as conditions for the further development of earthly civilization, and the interdisciplinary significance of soil ecology is characterized. For soil scientists, ecologists, geographers, geologists - students, graduate students, university teachers, as well as workers in agriculture, forestry, etc.
Ecological and genetic approach to the protection of animals in anthropogenic ecosystems
The monograph presents the results of empirical and theoretical generalization of original data from a 30-year study of the impact of urbanization (landscape fragmentation) on the structure and function of the gene pool of animal populations living in urban specially protected natural areas. A comprehensive ecological and genetic approach to the protection of animals in anthropogenic ecosystems (methodology, concept, strategy, technology) has been developed and tested. This approach allows for effective and cost-effective solutions to problems of preserving not only individual species and communities, but also maintaining or restoring the sustainable functioning of ecosystems as a whole. A new promising scientific direction, genourbanology (synthesis of genetics and systems ecology), has been created. The goal of genourbanology is to understand the genetic parameters and patterns of conservation and restoration of ecosystems of urbanized landscapes. For ecologists of all specialties, university professors, students, specialists in planning and organizing practical nature conservation. Can be used as a teaching aid for the courses "Systemic Ecology", "Population Genetics", "Natural Resources and Rational Nature Management".
Economics of nanotechnology
The manual shows the prospects for a radical transformation of the economy under the influence of technological progress and the progress of nanotechnology. The system of relations and institutions that ensure the progress of the economy based on knowledge and the priority development of high technologies, the socio-economic conditions and consequences of the progress of nano-technologies, the relationship between market institutions and mechanisms of social regulation and stimulation of the development of science, education, and high technologies are revealed. The main emphasis is on economics and the relationship between economics and technology. This unique interdisciplinary textbook will be useful to both economists and representatives of other humanities and technical sciences.
The topics covered in the textbook will allow students to gain the necessary knowledge in economics and acquire the skills to make independent economic and financial decisions. Particular attention is paid to sound financial behaviour; mechanism for coordinating the activities of economic agents; entrepreneurship, corporate economics and corporate conflicts; cyclical development and crises, inflation and unemployment, the influence of state economic policy. This is the second edition of the textbook, prepared by the team of the Department of Economics for the natural and humanities faculties of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, intended for undergraduate and specialist students.
Economic and financial strategy
The textbook presents the philosophical foundations of strategy theory, the methodology of strategy development and implementation, regional and industry strategizing, the financial foundations of strategizing, strategic leadership and strategic management. The textbook is written based on the strategizing methodology of a scientist-practitioner, a world-famous strategist, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, Dr. Sci. (Economics), Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation Vladimir Lvovich Kvint. The presented theoretical provisions embody advanced international experience, reflect the results of the authors' research and 18 years of experience in teaching strategic disciplines at Moscow State University, and the real strategies they have developed at various levels in Russia and abroad.
For students studying in the fields of "Management", "Economics", "Human Resources Management", as well as for students of relevant advanced training courses, leaders of companies, federal departments, regions and municipalities.
Expressive dictionary of dialect personality
The expressive dictionary of a dialect personality presents the vocabulary and phraseology of a speaker of the Arkhangelsk dialect. The dictionary contains about 1400 expressive units characterized by features of intensity, imagery, emotional evaluativeness. More than 300 of them are the product of the individual word creation of the linguistic personality. For philologists, historians, psychologists, teachers and all those who love the Russian folk word.