Moscow University Press


Теория массового обслуживания Queueing theory
The book is based on a course of lectures given by the author (professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Modeling of the I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, at universities and research centers in Warsaw, Berlin, Liege, Brussels , USA. The main attention is paid to the structure of service processes, service systems with priorities, with division of service time, optimization of the service order, statistical estimation of service process parameters. The text contains more than 150 problems and explanatory examples. For undergraduate and graduate students of universities and institutes, as well as for reference and for persons studying or using applied mathematics in their research.
Теория общественного богатства The theory of social wealth
The course “Theory of Social Wealth” is taught in the third semester of the undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Теория операторов Theory of operators

The textbook corresponds to the program of the courses "Functional Analysis", "Operator Theory", "Analysis III", which are taught at universities and pedagogical universities. The book presents the basic set-theoretic concepts, presents the general theory of metric, topological, linear topological and normalized spaces, the general theory of measure, measurable functions and the Lebesgue integral. The theory of operators in Hilbert space, the spectral theory of self-adjoint operators, traces of operators, applications of methods of the theory of analytic functions in the spectral theory of non-self-adjoint operators, the theory of the Fourier transform and generalized functions are considered in detail.

For students of universities, pedagogical universities and universities with advanced study of mathematics. It can be useful for graduate students and researchers.

Теория перевода Theory of translation

The textbook is devoted to the general theory of translation, a scientific discipline that studies by various methods and techniques the structure and patterns inherent in any translation, regardless of the pair of languages being compared, the form of translation activity and the conditions of its course, the content and functional orientation of the translated texts.

It is intended for students studying the theory of translation within the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies", the direction "Linguistics", as well as for persons studying under the program of additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication", and for a wide range of readers who want to get acquainted with this type of complex and socially significant cognitive and communicative activity.

Теория перевода Translation theory
The textbook is devoted to the issues of general translation theory — a scientific discipline that studies, using various methods and techniques, the structure and patterns inherent in any translation, regardless of the compared pair of languages, the form of translation activity and the conditions under which it occurs, the content and functional orientation of the translated texts. Designed for students studying translation theory within the framework of the specialty "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication", for persons studying in the additional qualification program "Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication", as well as for a wide range of readers wishing to get acquainted with this type of complex and socially significant activity.
Теория познания. Симвология. Теория символических форм Theory of knowledge. Symbolology. Theory of symbolic forms
The monograph is devoted to the epistemological theory of symbol. The nature, functions, and forms of self-realization of the symbolic person are explored. For specialists in the field of philosophy, sociology, logic, scientific methodology, art history, psychology, cultural studies.
Теория риторической аргументации Theory of rhetorical argumentation
The monograph examines argumentation in public speech as a philological problem. The content and artistic form of a rhetorical work are subordinated to a very specific goal - to convince the listener or reader of the acceptability of the ideas put forward by the author. Rhetorical prose contains argumentation. However, rhetorical argumentation differs from scientific evidence: the word is convincing. Therefore, studying the structure of a rhetorical argument is important for understanding rhetorical literature.
Теория экономического анализа Theory of economic analysis
The textbook discusses the essence and role of analysis of the economic activities of organizations, the organization of analytical work, the fundamentals of the theory of economic analysis, techniques and methods for its implementation, and the information base. The methodology for analyzing the use of fixed assets, working capital and labor resources of an organization is revealed. A system of indicators for assessing the efficiency of using an organization's economic resources is presented. Teachers will find in the course of lectures successful examples, clear definitions and methods for briefly presenting the theory of economic analysis. The textbook contains examples and basics of methods used in the practice of economic analysis in the Russian Federation. For students, teachers of economic universities and departments, practicing accountants, economists, auditors, financial managers, analysts and consultants on economic issues.
Терминологический словарь (тезаурус). Гуманитарная биология и экология Humanitarian Biology and Ecology

This publication outlines the contents of seven lessons on humanistic biology – the sections of biology that are directly linked to social and humanitarian issues and at the same time to modern ecology. The subject has been the focus of attention of the Club of Biopolitics since it was founded in April 2010. A working group that this club set up has produced the present manual. In addition to the text of lessons, the manual contains recommendations for the school or university teacher about students’ assignments, questions to them, illustrations and reference sources.

The authors hope that the manual will contribute to higher efficacy of education which is one of the most urgent tasks Russia faces today.

Территориальные пределы местного самоуправления в РФ

The monograph covers issues related to the territorial organization of local self-government in modern Russia. It examines the scientific and theoretical foundations for determining the territorial limits of public power at the level of state organization closest to citizens. The focus is on one of the areas of implementation of the modern policy of the Russian state related to improving the management of society. For students, graduate students, teachers, deputies, employees of state and municipal bodies.

Территория государства. Правовые и геополитические проблемы Territory of the state. Legal and geopolitical problems
The book by the famous public and political figure, Chairman of the Russian All-People's Union party S.N. Baburin is devoted to the territory of the state - a problem that is relevant not only for Russia, but also for many other countries of the world. The article examines the main characteristics and legal regime of the territory of the state, the territorial factor in its internal and external functions, issues of the legal regime of the territory in international law, problems of state borders and state-territorial integration in the post-Soviet space, the "Russian path" of the revival of Great Russia and some other issues. For a wide range of readers, scientists and specialists, all those interested in politics, the past, present and future of Russian statehood.
Технологии параллельного программирования для процессоров новых архитектур Being a Leader

A lecture read by V.A. Nikonov, the dean of Faculty of Public Administration (Lomonosov Moscow State University), before first course students on September 2, 2011.

Технологическое прогнозирование и планирование: российский и зарубежный опыт, перспективы для отечественного оборонно-промышленного комплекса

The monograph provides a detailed review of the main advanced forecasting principles and gives examples of how they are successfully used for the development of high-technology indus­ tries (including the defense industry) in the leading foreign countries. Special attention is paid to current Russian forecasting practice in technological development and planning of the state defense order. The emphasis is placed on the key features of technological forecasting in the in ­ terests of national defense and security. The book is designed for responsible executives and professional staff members involved in the development of advanced weaponry, military and special purpose equipm ent, as well as in the modernization of the domestic military-industrial complex.

Технология: кулинария, уроки правильного питания. 5–9 классы: учебное пособие для общеобразовательных учреждений (pdf) Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons. Grades 5-9 : textbook for general education institutions

As a result of the training, students will learn about the requirements for the organization of the workplace, the quality and storage of products, and learn how to determine the nutritional value of products. In addition, students will get acquainted with modern kitchen equipment, safety equipment, master the technology of cooking and decorating healthy dishes, as well as the basics of serving and etiquette. The textbook has been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education as an additional educational program on the subject "Technology". It is included in the UMK for grades 5-9 in the course "Technology: cooking, nutrition lessons".

Товарный маркетинг Commodity marketing
The textbook examines modern problems of marketing development in Russia, as well as the adaptation of the theory and practice of global marketing to the specifics of market reform in the country. Special attention is paid to modern concepts of marketing, its dual nature, and the development of technology in modern Russian conditions. For teachers and students of state and non-state higher and secondary educational institutions, businessmen and marketing practitioners.
Травма военного детства. Блокада, эвакуация, оккупация Trauma of military childhood (Blockade, evacuation, occupation)

The book by M. A. Gulina and F. V. Gulin “Trauma of War Childhood (Siege, Evacuation, Occupation): Historical and Psychological Research” is based on a long-term and so far the only study of the psychological consequences of the Siege of Leningrad, conducted since 2005 under the guidance of Professor of St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Marina Anatolyevna Gulina.

The book contains a psychological, historical and psychoanalytic analysis of more than 120 interviews with elderly people who experienced the Great Patriotic War as children. The authors' goals were to reconstruct the internal picture of the war, including the Siege of Leningrad, as children and adolescents saw it, as well as to search for possible connections between childhood traumatic experiences and the lives of veterans today. For the first time, the psychological (conscious and unconscious) consequences of the Siege and evacuation are discussed, as well as the impact of the psychological trauma of the war on the next generations of Leningraders.

Традиции и инновации в профессиональном образовании

The work presents current problems of didactics of higher professional education, as well as the theory of adult education. Special attention is paid to the methodology of pedagogical research.

For teachers, managers, researchers of higher professional education, students of advanced training faculties for university teachers, beginning graduate students, students and master's students of classical pedagogical universities.

Трансформация дискурса в люксовом и премиальном брендинге Transformation of discourse in luxury and premium branding

The monograph examines the influence of social trends and the digital economy on the transformation of communication between luxury groups and haute couture houses, occurring in synergy with the evolution of management models. Attention is paid to the impact of an inclusive culture on human resource management, the concept of sustainable development and "responsible investments" on the image and reputation of actors in the field under study. The directions of the evolution of network discourse, the emergence of new heroes, the cooperation of luxury groups with leading companies in the field of digital technologies, new formats of intercultural communication are investigated. The monograph gives an idea of the sphere of luxury and premium brands as influential media transmitters of values to society and at the same time responding to social impulses.

Тренировочные задания по испанскому языку DELE и ЕГЭ

This course aims at providing comprehensive preparation for the State Exam and the International Exam in the Spanish language. The course contains two full practice tests in the format of the State Exam and one full test in the format of DELE "Escolar". This course is followed by the CD-disk with authentic materials and documents, regulating the structure and the content of examinational materials for the State Exam (Exam Specifi cation and Codifi cation of the Spanish Language) and contains the State Exam demo test 2013 as well.

This course is designed for teachers and teacher consultants, who manage the preparation of senior pupils to the State Exam and for all the students, who are going to prepare for the State Exam individually or with the help of a teacher, using all the tips and typical test items that allow them to evaluate the level of their preparedness.

Три великих поэта Англии: Донн, Милтон, Вордсворт Three great poets of England: Donne, Milton, Wordsworth
The book contains essays on the work of three major English poets: John Donne (1572–1631), John Milton (1608–1674) and William Wordsworth (1770–1850). These are poets from different eras, although Donne and Milton both lived in the 17th century, and from different artistic movements.