Structural geology: an illustrated terminological dictionary
The illustrated terminological dictionary of structural geology is intended for students and undergraduates studying in the field of "Geology", as well as for geologists engaged in structural research. The dictionary contains 340 terms, which are arranged in alphabetical order. Almost all terms are accompanied by illustrations, for most of them there is an English translation.
Subatomic Physics. Questions. Problems. Facts
The manual corresponds to the programme of the general nuclear physics course for universities and contains a large number of various problems representing all the main sections of nuclear physics and elementary particle physics, as well as reflecting the issues of setting up and optimizing experimental research.
Subregional Resources and Instruments for Intensive Development of Territorial Economic Systems of Modern Russia
The monograph presents the author's concept of the process of formation and implementation of subregional opportunities for intensive development of territorial economic systems of modern Russia. The author focuses on the least developed aspects of this scientific problem, the importance of which increases significantly in the context of the formation of a "knowledge-based economy". Theoretical and applied issues of development of subregional economic systems of the South of Russia are studied, various heuristic resources are involved. Recommended for scientists, teachers, postgraduates and students of economic specialties, as well as practicing specialists in the field of regional economics.
Fate: psychology of myth
The universal psychological features of the interpretation of the idea of fate as an ancient phenomenon of everyday consciousness are revealed. The main variants of interpretation of the predestination of the course and outcome of individual life and ways of acquaintance with them are presented. Archetypal reactions to the predestined or apparent are determined. The reasons for the unfading faith in fate, which testify to the psychological reality of mythical representations, are characterized.
The book is addressed to fellow humanitarians and a wide range.
Supercomputer simulations in physics of the climate system
The book outlines the basic principles of constructing mathematical models for solving problems in the physics of the climate system, provides methods for their finite-dimensional approximation and the basic numerical algorithms that arise, and discusses supercomputer technologies for the numerical implementation of models. To illustrate the presented approaches, the following are considered: the problem of modeling the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in areas of complex configuration, the problem of eddy-resolving reproduction of the dynamics of geophysical boundary layers, the problem of modeling regional features of atmospheric circulation, the problem of reproducing the modern climate and assessing its possible future changes. The book is intended for specialists in the field of science about the Earth's climate system, teachers, graduate students and can be used as a textbook for students of natural sciences.
Supercomputing technologies in science, education and industry
The book contains a vivid and accessible description of examples of the use of supercomputer technologies to solve a wide range of problems in industry, science and education. The genre of the book is a selection of short articles and stories, presented in popular science form, about the real application of advanced supercomputer technologies in various fields. The authors of the book's articles are Russian specialists who presented the results of their research for publication.
Supercomputing technologies in science, education and industry
The book contains a vivid and accessible description of examples of the use of supercomputer technologies to solve a wide range of problems in industry, science and education. The genre of the book is a selection of short articles and stories, presented in popular science form, about the real application of advanced supercomputer technologies in various fields. The authors of the book's articles are Russian specialists who presented the results of their research for publication.
The plot of "Eugene Onegin"
This book examines the dynamics of the characters and destinies of the central characters, the meaning and correlation of the central episodes of the novel, the paradoxical nature and complexity of its plot structure. The functions of the author’s diverse appeals to “foreign” texts—works of Russian and foreign literature—are clarified, which allows us to read Pushkin’s masterpiece in many ways in a new way. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, students, philologists, as well as all admirers of Pushkin’s poetry.
The book is devoted to describing the author's experience in creating ultra-large linguistic resources for automatic text processing within the framework of modern information retrieval and information analytical systems. The proposed methods for presenting knowledge and processing information are compared in detail with similar projects being developed around the world. The book contains a large amount of experimental data on the currently achieved quality levels of various automatic text processing and information retrieval technologies.
The book is intended for specialists, researchers, graduate students and students interested in issues of automatic text processing, the use of linguistic resources in information retrieval, as well as information retrieval in general, and practical issues of using ontological resources.
Television in Search of Television
The book by Professor S.A. Muratova dispels the prejudice that many people have that “real” television began in the post-Soviet era. Comparison of eras allows the reader to trace the history of gains and losses of Soviet television. The author’s regular articles and reviews were published from the mid-60s – the time of the first perestroika on the air and the bold attempts of the new muse to become the great continuer of all arts. Publications of the 80s and 90s reflect the state of Soviet broadcasting, which offered a different system of values. The second edition of the book introduces the author’s speeches in recent years and concerns the current period of broadcasting evolution.
The work examines current issues in the theory and methodology of global studies: the general subject field of global studies is outlined, the content of the main categories is analyzed, and some methodological approaches are presented. Particular attention is paid to the study of global problems, global processes and globalization. The book is intended for specialists, teachers, graduate students, students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of global studies.
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
The book is based on a course of lectures given by the author (professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Modeling of the I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, at universities and research centers in Warsaw, Berlin, Liege, Brussels , USA. The book consists of three parts: probability, processes, statistics. The text contains about 200 problems and explanatory examples. For undergraduate and graduate students of universities and institutes, as well as for reference and for persons studying or using applied mathematics in their research.
Probability theory, mathematical statistics and elements of the theory of possibilities for physicists
The book consists of three parts. The first part presents all sections of probability theory for physics and mathematics specialties. The limit theorems of probability theory and the theory of random processes, which is important for physical applications, are considered in more detail.
The second part presents the main sections of mathematical statistics and considers its applications in the theory of measuring and computing converters as means of physical measurements and in the theory of statistical solutions.
In the third part, the elements of the theory of possibilities are considered as an alternative probability theory of the randomness model, which allows empirically reconstructing mathematical models of objects, including stochastic ones, whose probabilistic models cannot be constructed empirically. Applications of the theory of possibilities in problems of optimization of solutions, analysis and interpretation of measurement experiment, etc. are considered.
The book is aimed at students of physics and mathematics departments of universities.
Theory of geophysical fields
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook is devoted to the basics of the theory of geophysical methods used to study the deep structure of the Earth, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, and solving problems of shallow geophysics. The mathematical apparatus of the theory of geophysical fields is considered: the algebra of physical quantities, differentiation and integration of physical fields, curvilinear coordinate systems. Exciters, field equations and potentials, issues of graphical representation of fields, models of irrotational and vortex fields are studied. The electromagnetic field in vacuum and matter, equations of the electromagnetic field and its potentials, models of the electromagnetic field are analyzed. The textbook is intended for university students studying geophysical specialties. It may be useful to graduate students, teachers, researchers and engineers working in the field of geophysics.
This collected volume includes the articles by professors, teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty on actual problems of history and theory of art.
Intended for specialists, students in humanities and a wide range of readers.
Theory and history of the sociology of religion
The textbook summarizes the materials of educational and methodological developments of the basic course "Sociology of Religion", taught at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University for undergraduate students of the educational program in the field of Religious Studies. The publication presents both classical scientific views on a wide range of problems of the sociology of religion in historical, conceptual, methodological aspects, and the author's solution of those problems that constitute the main subject field of the sociology of religion. The appendices contain a number of cases representing examples of sociological research conducted by the staff of the department under the guidance of the author of the textbook — Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Professor of Moscow University I. N. Yablokov. For undergraduate students taking courses in sociology of religion, philosophy of religion and religious studies, as well as for all interested- engaged in the study of religion.
The scientific and auxiliary work was carried out by the Candidate of Philos. M. S. Kiselev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies.
Theory and Mechanisms of Modern Public Administration
The textbook provides a comprehensive understanding of public administration as a system of knowledge that includes methodological, theoretical and empirical components. New approaches are presented aimed at improving the management system, creating mechanisms for translating political decisions into management practice that meet modern requirements. The book is intended for teachers and students studying public administration and politics, as well as for anyone interested in modern problems of interaction between government and society.
Theory and practice of using photoluminescence of plants in environmental research
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The monograph outlines the theoretical foundations and techniques of methods for studying the photoluminescence of pigments. Basic definitions and statements of laws are accompanied by explanations and examples. The nature and basic patterns of fast and slow chlorophyll fluorescence in higher plants and algae are considered. Information is provided about devices produced in different countries and at the Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Changes in fluorescence parameters in the photostorage processes of photosynthesis under the influence of unfavorable factors and toxicants are considered. Specific examples of the use of fluorescent methods to assess the state of higher plants and algae in different environmental conditions and during biomonitoring are given. The book is intended for undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and all researchers specializing in ecology, physiology, hydrobiology, biophysics and interested in these problems.
Theory and practice of soil design
The monograph is devoted to the scientific, methodological and experimental foundations of soil engineering - an innovative direction in geoecology, soil science and landscape engineering, which allows using models of the physical organization of soils to design and create soil objects (constructozems) optimal in their characteristics using natural and synthetic materials — soil conditioners. In the theoretical part of the work, edaphic factors, processes and models of the natural structural and functional organization of soils are analyzed, which form the fundamental basis of technological modeling to identify optimal parameters of soil structures at the design stage. In practice, the proposed variants of soil structures have demonstrated high efficiency in conditions of irrigation farming and land scaping in the arid climate of the Persian Gulf countries (UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan), as well as greening and landscaping of urban areas with high anthropogenic load on the example of a metropolitan city.
For specialists in the field of soil science, environmental engineering, landscape architecture, organizations working in the field of agriculture, recultivation, landscaping and integrated land improvement, students, postgraduates of universities in the specialties "Ecology" and "Soil Science".
The advanced textbook contains material for an in-depth study of economic theory. Along with the works of famous professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov presents for the first time in Russian the works of the “stars” of Western economic thought, putting forward alternative interpretations of the fundamental problems of economic theory. The authors believe that the manual will broaden the horizons of students, because it sets out interpretations of value, price, capital, profit, distribution, economic growth, etc., that are different from the neoclassical interpretation of these categories. All this, according to the authors, will be an important impetus for a deeper theoretical understanding of the processes occurring in the Russian economy.
For students, graduate students, teachers of economic universities and faculties, researchers interested in current problems of economic theory and practice.