Moscow University Press


Русская философия: энциклопедия Russian Philosophy: an Encyclopedia
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Editorial board: M. A. Maslin, P. P. Apryshko, V. V. Vanchugov, A. A. Ermichev, V. N. Zhukov, A. P. Kozyrev, Yu. V. Kolesnichenko, N. V. Krotkova , A. G. Myslivchenko, A. P. Polyakov, V. V. Serbinenko, Yu. N. Solodukhin, A. A. Shirinyants. Compilation and scientific editing P. P. Apryshko, A. P. Polyakov, Yu. N. Solodukhin. The 5th edition of the encyclopedia provides a picture of the history of Russian philosophy and its current state in all the diversity and completeness of currents, schools, issues, views and works of representatives of Russian philosophical thought. The encyclopedia includes more than 1000 articles. Considerable attention is paid to the coverage of studies of Russian philosophy abroad, to the analysis of the main works of the largest thinkers of Russia. The authors of the encyclopedia articles are specialists in the field of Russian philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, sociology, political science, and psychology. The encyclopedia will be useful to specialists and anyone who has a deep interest in Russian philosophy and culture.
Русский  Белград Russian Belgrade
The book presents colorful stories about the people of Russian Belgrade, about the church, art, education, science, politics, revealing its originality.
Русский Берлин Russian Berlin
The book introduces the reader to the most important themes of the culture of Russian emigration in Berlin and introduces the main problems that worried Russians abroad. It presents fragments of memories (many of them have not previously been published in our country) about life in Berlin in the first half of the 20s. Russian refugees and Soviet subjects, testimonies of contemporaries and biographers about Russian publishing houses, scientific and pedagogical activities, theatrical life, and the activities of Russian writers.
Русский роман XIX века:  спорные и нерешенные вопросы жанра

This new book by Valentin Nedzvetskiy is dedicated to the problems of the modern scientifi c history of the Russian XIXth century novel. The author suggests to his readers well-reasoned answers to the argumentative questions about the substantial forms of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, Goncharov's «trilogy» novel, «five-book» novel by F. Dostoyevsky, and My Past and Thoughts by A. Herzen. Using the cast of N. Leskov's work No way out the unique issues of the Russian novel are revealed. The chapters about antique origins of the classical Russian novel; its passionate supporter Belinsky; V. Kozhinov, the bright historian of the novel genre, and a dismaying state of the Russian classic literature teaching in our universities, make this book essential not only for the specialists and students in philology, but also for all language arts teaches.

Русский символизм Russian symbolism
Russian symbolism is presented in the book as a bright and significant phenomenon in the literature of the 20th century. The monograph examines the poetry, prose and partly dramaturgy of the Symbolists - D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius, I. Konevsky, K. Balmont, F. Sologub, V. Bryusov, A. Blok, A. Bely, Vyach. Ivanov, I. Annensky and others - in a new interpretation of their work.
Русский фольклор Russian folklore

The famous teacher and scientist, academician, Professor Y.M. Sokolov (1889-1941) considers the artistic properties of Russian folklore, its features as a phenomenon of traditional Russian culture. All types of folklore are covered. The history of collecting and studying folklore in Russia is presented. The book is characterized by brevity and clarity of presentation, written in excellent language. Time has highlighted the scientific merits of the book. And to this day the surviving copies of the first (1938) and second (1941) editions are in use by the higher school. The book was also published in English. In the process of preparing for the third edition, comments were made on certain outdated provisions.

For students, postgraduates, teachers and anyone interested in Russian folklore.

Русский язык в старших классах. Орфография (pdf) Russian language in high school. Spelling
Book by Sergei Shtilman “Russian language in high school. Spelling" is the result of many years of work by a teacher who strives to ensure that children not only become more literate, but also feel independent. Spelling material is given in the form of thematic blocks. Theoretical information on Russian spelling is presented in the form of compact summary tables. The algorithm for strengthening competent writing skills proposed in the book is as follows: from simple to more complex; from the level of words and phrases - to the level of phrases, sentences and text. The texts of some trainings are literary articles, and many exercises contain excerpts from classical works, which allows for integrated lessons on the Russian language and literature. The trainings are supplied with keys. The book also contains exercises on punctuation. The manual can be used by the teacher as didactic material for lessons, as well as as a self-instruction manual for high school students and applicants in preparation for dictations, tests, and the Unified State Exam.
Русский язык и культура речи (pdf) Russian language and speech culture

The textbook “Russian language and speech culture” is intended for students of the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. It can also be used (in whole or in part) in other humanities faculties, as well as in branches of the Moscow State University. The manual covers all the main topics of the course (including the question of the norms and styles of the modern Russian language) and significantly expands the topics related to the history of the Russian language and its place among other Slavic languages. The manual includes fragments of popular scientific texts of modern philologists who discuss the state of the Russian language today. These materials will allow students to engage in a discussion about the current state of the language and to understand the active processes taking place in it as a new stage of its systemic historical development.

Русский язык: теоретический курс для школьников Russian language: a theoretical course for schoolchildren

The manual contains a systematic presentation of all sections of the course "Russian language" with an overview of the material presented in the most common school teaching materials, as well as diagrams and samples of analysis of all language units and comments on these analyses. The task of the manual is to generalize and systematize students' knowledge of language and speech. The manual is compiled in accordance with the theoretical guidelines adopted in pre-university training at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and is intended for school students who study Russian in depth (at the profile level), and teachers.

Русский язык. Справочник по орфографии и пунктуации Russian language. Spelling and punctuation reference book
The book contains the basic rules of spelling and punctuation, with the main attention paid to those of them that cause difficulties when preparing mass media texts for printing. The rules are illustrated with examples. The reference book includes a spelling dictionary. For journalists, editorial and publishing workers, public relations and advertising workers, students, applicants, as well as all those for whom the accuracy and correctness of Russian written language are important.
Русский язык. Тренировочные материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Комплексный анализ текста. Эссе Russian language. Training materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Comprehensive text analysis. Essay
The collection of training tasks is addressed to high school graduates and applicants to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The manual includes a brief description of tasks 20–24 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, a detailed explanation of linguistic terms from task 24, a writing algorithm and a sample essay sample (task 25), twenty training texts of increasing content complexity, designed to test the level of students’ preparedness for tasks 20–24 Unified State Examination in Russian. The content of the texts, which can also be used in preparation for writing an essay (review) in task 25, is close to the exam requirements. The manual will provide practical assistance to teachers, tutors and parents in preparing students for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The materials in the collection of training tasks can be used in organizing independent work for students in grades 10–11, as well as in courses for preparation for the Unified State Exam.
Русско-английский словарь по экономике. С краткими пояснениями и перекрестными ссылками Russian-English dictionary of economics. With brief explanations and cross-references
The Russian-English dictionary of economics contains terms and terminological phrases covering various aspects of economic activity and the main directions of economic theories. It includes brief explanations of terms and terminological expressions, cross-references to help in the correct choice of an adequate English word. For students, graduate students and teachers of English at economic departments of universities, a wide range of specialists, as well as people working in related fields, who, by the nature of their work, have to acquire knowledge in the field of economics.
Русско-французский словарь военных терминов Russian-French Dictionary of Military Terms

The dictionary contains more than 40,000 terms (words and phrases) reflecting the basic concepts of the use of the armed forces, the management of troops, the organization and conduct of hostilities, the maintenance of peace and security, as well as a wide range of terms on the provision of troops, on the device and use of military equipment and weapons of various types of armed forces.

Рынок труда. Занятость. Безработица Labor market. Employment. Unemployment
The textbook presents the theory of the labor market, employment, unemployment, taking into account the modern achievements of economic science. The article examines the specific features of the formation of the Russian labor market, as well as the state of employment and unemployment in the country. For students, postgraduates, teachers of economic universities and faculties, employees of the state employment service.
Рябины в коллекции Ботанического сада МГУ Rowan trees in the collection of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University

The book is devoted to the description of species, hybrids and varieties of representatives of the genus Rowan (Sorbus L.), which have been grown and observed for several decades in the open ground collection of the Botanical Garden of Biology Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

 A detailed description of cultivated varieties and natural species with an indication of their origin and biological properties is given. Data on reproduction, agricultural technology, decorative and food use of rowan trees are presented. Attention is paid to the history of selection work and rowan cultivation in our country. Data on winter hardiness based on long-term observations of rowans under the climate conditions of the Central zone of European Russia are presented.

The publication will be useful for specialists in the fields of botany, fruit growing and landscape design, and also for students and a wide range of amateur gardeners.

С математикой и информатикой 365 дней: Календарь With mathematics and computer science 365 days: Calendar
The book offers entertaining and educational material on mathematics and computer science, intended for a wide range of readers - schoolchildren, students, teachers, parents. The available facts are systematized in accordance with the calendar and are associated with holidays and memorable dates of the year - both international and Russian.The calendar contains little-known information about Russian mathematicians and cybernetics. Particular attention is paid to modern domestic and foreign specialists in the field of information technology, who through their activities have radically changed the way of human activity and continue to make revolutionary changes in the traditional way of life. The available information will significantly expand students’ knowledge and will contribute to the emergence and maintenance of interest in mathematics and computer science. The calendar can be used by teachers when preparing and conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in mathematics and computer science; it will also be of interest to any educated person seeking to broaden their horizons.
Самоуправление крестьян в России (XIX - начало XXI в.) Self-government of peasants in Russia (XIX - early XXI century)
Self-government of the Russian peasantry has a long and complex history. For centuries it has been embodied in the community. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new form of self-government was born and grew on its basis - the Soviets. The destruction of the country of Soviets led to the loss of the invaluable experience of peasant self-government. And only by recreating this experience will it be possible to revive the self-government of the Russian village. This book is based on lecture courses given by the authors at the history and law faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University. For students, graduate students, teachers of historical, legal and political science universities, as well as everyone interested in the history of the Russian village and problems of self-government.
Сборник задач по оптимизации. Теория. Примеры. Задачи. Collection of optimization problems. Theory. Examples. Tasks.

The book contains about 700 problems for finding extremes for the finite-dimensional case, for problems of classical calculus of variations, optimal control and convex programming. It contains elements of functional analysis, differential calculus and convex analysis.

The book contains the theory necessary for solving problems and examples. The basis for solving all problems is a single principle that goes back to Lagrangian. Some of the tasks are given with solutions. There are a large number of difficult tasks that can be used as term papers and theses.

For university students majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, as well as for graduate students and researchers.

Сборник статей по искусствознанию, филологии, истории

This collection of articles dedicated to Professor A.P.Lobodanov, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Lomonosov Moscow State University, on the occasion of his 60th birthday includes articles on history of art, history and philology. The articles on history of art feature different arts – music, theatre, visual arts. The articles on philology and linguistics contain both general theoretic and narrow topics. The works on history and philosophy embrace a long period of time – from Antiquity to Modern times. The authors are professors, teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Arts at Lomonosov Moscow State University, leading researchers of the State Art Institute, Professor A.P.Lobodanov's colleagues from Universities of Tomsk, Izhevsk, Riga, Barcelona, New York.