Moscow University Press


Сверхзвуковая плазменная аэродинамика Supersonic plasma aerodynamics

The monograph summarizes and systematizes the results on the fundamental problem of plasma physics related to the study of physical processes occurring in low-temperature non-stationary multicomponent gas-discharge plasma created by microwave and transverse discharges in high-speed flows of chemically active mixtures. This new field of plasma physics includes both fundamental research of the mechanisms and kinetics of atomic-molecular transformations in plasma, as well as applied aspects of optimization of plasma-chemical processes in supersonic air and air-hydrocarbon flows.

For researchers, graduate students and students specializing in the field of aerodynamics, plasma physics, chemical and physical kinetics.

Связи с общественностью: гражданский диалог Public Relations: Civil Dialogue
The textbook is devoted to current issues of public relations: the theory of IMC, the formation of image and reputation by means of PR, PR communications in trend management, a comparison of PR with related activities. Particular attention is paid to the essential characteristics of the network society and the emergence of new communication trends, in particular network PR technologies. For students and postgraduates of journalism faculties, specialists in public relations and a wide range of readers.
Семь бесед о филологии и Digital Humanities: Интервью и дискуссии (2015–2021) (pdf) Seven conversations about Philology and Digital Humanities: Interviews and discussions (2015-2021)

The book contains interviews of 2015-2021 with the Doctor of Philology Igor Alekseevich Pilshchikov, and a transcript of his report "Russian Quantitative Formalism of the 1910s-1930s as a precursor of Digital Humanities" with subsequent discussion (online seminar "Current methods of philological research", IRLI RAS, September 15, 2021). The discussions are devoted to the place of philology in the modern digital world, the creation and maintenance of scientific electronic libraries, digital archives and databases, Russian formal school as a precursor of modern quantitative formalism in literature research. A wider range of topics is also touched upon: from the student life of the 1980s and the philological environment of the 1990s to a variety of specific historical, literary and research issues.

Септуагинта: древнегреческий текст Ветхого Завета в истории религиозной мысли Septuaginta: the Greek Old Testament in the History of Religious Mind

The Septuagint, being the fi rst written biblical translation, was also the early testimony of understanding of the sacred text. It was not inferior by age to the scrolls of Qumran and earlier than the New Testament books, as well as than the written form of aramaic targums. The whole literature of Judaeo-Hellenism is associated with it. For the early Greek Christian communities it was the fi rst form of Scriptura Sacra. Opposition of angels and demons, idea of creation of the Universe «ex nihilo» were perceived by the European thought through the Septuagint. The study of this textual witness now seems to be more and more important and, from other side, more and more complicated, due to the scale and the depth of sources, and also due to the crisis of understanding.

Сергей Есенин Sergey Yesenin
The book by Doctor of Sci. (Philology) N.M. Solntseva examines the ideological quests of Sergei Yesenin - both a Christian and a radical, the features of the poet’s creative path, his aesthetic orientations. Yesenin's poetry is presented in the context of the motives and images of the works of V. Zhukovsky, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Blok, S. Klychkov, N. Klyuev, B. Pasternak, F. Villon and other poets. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, students, philologists and everyone who loves Yesenin’s work.
Сергей Михайлович Бонди: К 120-летию со дня рождения. Статьи. Письма. Воспоминания современников.

Sergei Mikhailovich Bondy (1891–1983) is a renowned Pushkin scholar, textual critic, historian of the Russian literature of the XIXth century, con noisseur of music and theatre, classic of the Russian literary studies. The first section of this book includes S. M. Bondy's little known articles dedicated to the poets: Baratynsky, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov, Lomonosov. The second section consists of the earlier unpublished Bondy's letters to composer M. F. Gnesin as well as Bondy's article «About the Musical Reading of M. F. Gne sin». One may also read firstly published Bondy's statements about Vs. Meyer hold; D. Bonch-Bruevich's letters to Bondy and comments to S. M. Bondy's work on Complete Academic Collected Works by Pushkin. The third section comprises letters that Sergei Mikhailovich wrote to his friends-scientists M. A. Tsyavlovsky and T. U. Tsyavlovsky, A. Slonimsky and S. Bobrov. Bondy friends' and followers' memoirs about him terminate the book. It also contains rare photo graphs from the Bondy family archive.

Сергей Михайлович Бонди. К 120-летию со дня рождения. Избранное

Mikhailovich Bondy (1891–1983) is a renowned Pushkin scholar, textual critic, historian of the Russian literature of the XIXth century, con noisseur of music and theatre, classic of the Russian literary studies. This book comprises five most signifi cant works of the scientist dedicated to A. S. Pushkin. These works, written and published in diff erent periods of time, make a priceless contribution to the treasury of the Russian philology. Key words: Pushkin, poetry, literature, art, philology, philological studies, versification, innovations, realism, artistism.

Си Цзиньпин и студенты (pdf) Xi Jinping and the students (pdf)
The book is based on a series of 25 interviews published in the China Youth Newspaper about Xi Jinping's interactions with students. The interviews cover various periods of Xi Jinping's work (over 30 years) in Zhengding, Xiamen, Ningde, Fuzhou, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Central government. The respondents include representatives of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and even the 2000s, that is, many generations of students since the beginning of the policy of reform and openness. Through this book, readers can vividly imagine and experience why General Secretary Xi Jinping enjoys the sincere support and love of hundreds of millions of young people in China. Copyright for the Russian edition is provided by China Youth Publishing Group Co. via Veritas & Mercurius Publishing Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Синдром Шегрена. Руководство для врачей

Many diseases are beyond one medical discipline, and it turns out to be a serious obstacle for their research. Creation of multidisciplinary group involving all the specialists interested – is a key to solving this problem. Such a decision was made long ago, in 1980's, by the Russian Academy of Sciences concerning Sjögren's syndrome. Uniting together efforts of several academic institutions has led to a serious breakthrough in the research of fundamental basis of this complicated pathology. Due to this, nowadays the Russian Federation is one of the ten leaders in this problem solution. The book reflects a long-term experience of the authors as well as analysis of the world literature data to present the peculiarities of clinical picture, diagnostics and contemporary methods of curing patients with Sjögren's syndrome.

Система моря Лаптевых и прилегающих морей Арктики. Современное состояние и история развития The Laptev Sea system and the adjacent Arctic seas. Current state and history of development
The monograph presents the results of 15 years of joint Russian-German multidisciplinary research in the Arctic, which were obtained during a large number of sea and land expeditions, as well as year-round measurements and observations. Based on modern research methods, including satellite observations, radiocarbon (AMS14C) dating of sediments of the Arctic seas, isotope, biochemical and other methods, the authors obtained unique materials. The main sections of the monograph present the latest data on modern sedimentation processes in the Arctic seas, hydrological, ice and hydrobiological processes, the evolution of permafrost and the development of the paleoenvironment of the seas and adjacent land.
Словарь биологических терминов

The dictionary of biological terms is addressed to students, teachers, school students, entrants, and also everything who is interested in biology. More than 2500 biological terms are provided in the dictionary from the main sections of biology (botany, zoology, anatomy and human physiology, the general biology).

Словотворчество Велимира Хлебникова Word creation by Velimir Khlebnikov
The book examines the linguistic, literary, cultural and philosophical works of the Russian avant-garde poet Velimir Khlebnikov (1885 - 1922) based on the material of the poet’s published and handwritten heritage. For specialist philologists, university professors, teachers, students, as well as for a wide range of lovers of Russian literature.
Современная  цивилизация. Вызовы и альтернативы Modern civilization. Challenges and alternatives
This work examines the trends and contradictions of modern civilization, war as a phenomenon of human civilization, analyzes the content of the concepts of “war”, “culture of war”, new forms of warfare.
Современная российская политика Modern Russian Politics
The textbook reveals the content of one of the main disciplines of the State Standard of Higher Professional Education in Political Science - MODERN RUSSIAN POLITICS. It covers the problems of the formation and development of the state system of the Russian Federation, its main political institutions, and characterizes the political process.
Современная финансовая политика Российской Федерации Modern financial policy of the Russian Federation
The textbook is written in the form of a lecture course, which is a logically structured presentation of material that reveals the essence of concepts related to the regulation of financial flows in the economy and the possibilities of targeting financial regulation towards macroeconomic stability and economic growth. The economic role of budgetary relations that form the basis of the financial basis of state regulation is considered. This material lays the foundation for understanding how methods of budget regulation “work” and how they are used to manage the movement of financial flows. The modern budget, tax and debt policies of the state are analyzed, the main problems and main priorities are highlighted, the implementation of which makes it possible to intensify the role of the state's financial policy. The book allows everyone to independently study issues related to the development of financial policy, taking into account modern theory and practice of financial relations. It is intended for training students of economic specialties, in advanced training courses, for scientists, practitioners and teachers.
Современный мир и его истоки The Modern World and Its Origins
The modern world did not emerge yesterday. It has developed over thousands of years as a result of the rise and fall of great powers, wars, conflicts and aspirations of human thought, interaction of cultures, peoples and elites. The architecture of the modern world is presented through its main centers of civilizational attraction, including the West led by the United States, Asia with giants China, India, Japan, Latin America, Africa and, of course, Russia. The book is addressed to students, master's degree students, postgraduate students, teachers of humanities faculties of higher educational institutions, as well as a wide range of readers interested in modern politics.This book was published with the financial support of the Foundation "Russian World (Russkiy Mir)".
Современный русский язык. Морфология Modern Russian language. Morphology

The manual highlights theoretical and practical issues of the morphology of the modern Russian language. The material is presented in the volume provided by the mandatory program for students of philological faculties of universities. New studies on the categories of gender, number, case, type, time, etc. are involved. The manual is written on the basis of a lecture course given by the author at Moscow State University. 

For students of philology, graduate students, teachers of schools with a humanitarian orientation.

Содержательность художественных форм Substantive Content of Artistic Forms
"What meaning does the form of a work of art itself present? What is its type and genre? What can be inferred from this or that structure, plot, rhythm? Why does a playwright perceive the world differently from a lyric poet or an epic writer, and why does an elegy imply different content than an ode, sonnet or ballad? How does "how" determine "what"?" Two eternal problems of culture: content and form and the division of literature into types and kinds - are pushed into each other in the book and mutually explain themselves. The author of the book, a famous literary scholar, esthetician and philosopher, Doctor of Philology, with rare precision reveals the meanings given in a particular artistic text by the optics of its genres - tragedy, satire, detective - even before we, the readers, immerse ourselves in the objective world of this tragic, satirical or detective story. Having become a scientific event at its first publication, the study of G.D. Gachev, analyzing classical works of ancient, Western European and Russian literature, is by no means limited to the value of a monument of Russian philological and aesthetic thought and fully retains its relevance for modern times.
Созвездие неповторимых. Мастерство русских классиков. Constellation of the unique. Mastery of Russian classics
The author opens the creative laboratory of the greatest writers of the 19th-20th centuries, the individual style of each of them, traces the continuity in Russian poetry and prose, reveals the contribution of the classics to the development of the literary language. The book is based on a course that has been taught for many years at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. For students, university professors, teachers and all lovers of Russian literature.