Moscow University Press


Деградация почв: причины, следствия, пути снижения и ликвидации Soil Degradation: Causes, Effects, Ways To Reduce and Eliminate it

The work summarizes the results of our own research and that of other scientific institutions on arable land degradation in Russia. Under the guidance of the author, the book developed and presented the following:

  • Methodology for assessing agroecological and landscape and land improvement factors of agrolandscape degradation in Russia’s Non-Black zone to determine main directions for soil fertility restoration and increased productivity of agrocenoses;
  • Characteristics of degradation processes and major agroecological and landscape and land reclamation factors of agricultural land degradation;
  • Various complexes of successive crop cultivation measures to restore the productivity of degraded arable and natural forage lands.

The presented data and analysis can be used by central and regional authorities, the agro-industrial complex’s information and consulting centers and by scientists, undergraduate and postgraduates students of classical and agricultural universities, academies and other higher educational institutions.

Деятельностная теория учения Activity theory of learning

The book describes activity theory of learning, developed in close connection with the P.Ya. Galperin’s Theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions and concepts. Based on the generalization of a huge number of experimental data, the author shows the high effi ciency of the Activity theory of learning as a psychological basis for managing the learning process.

The book is designed for specialists in the fi eld of psychology, pedagogy, teacher’s trainers. It can be useful for teachers of secondary and high schools, as well as all those interested in the problems of managing the process of learning.

Диалектическое мышление дошкольника (возможности и культурные контексты) (pdf) Dialectical Thinking of a Preschooler (Opportunities and Cultural Contexts)

The monograph presents the results of the study of dialectical thinking, carried out by the author. The book is written from the perspective of a structured approach. In this case, dialectical thinking is viewed as a process of operating with opposites. The structural model of dialectical thinking is presented. An experimental study of the dialectical thinking of preschool children shows that it is involved in the development of understanding of emotions, including mixed ones. Also, dialectical thinking allows to solve three types of problems: to create a creative product, to understand developmental processes and to transform contradictory situations.

The book is addressed to specialists in the fi eld of preschool education, graduate students and students and everyone interested in the development of dialectical thinking.

Дороже золота русский чернозем Russian Black Earth is More Expensive than Gold

The social and political essays by Dokuchaev, an outstanding scientist, founder of soil science, are comparatively little known to the readership, but they are full of civic spirit and are applicable to our days. Dokuchaev's main concern is the preservation of the fertility of Russian ‘chernozem’ – Black Earth, which, to use his words, is ‘more expensive than gold.’

The scientist thought like a statesman: he put a lot of effort into developing natural science and agronomy in Russia, organizing academic and scientific-social institutions, improving university and agricultural education; he made an invaluable contribution to practice by organizing combined expeditions to combat drought in the country’s steppe regions. Dokuchaev’s thoughts and deeds are still relevant today and may continue to serve as a guide to action if we are to revive domestic land use on a proper scientific basis.

Древнерусская литература Old Russian Literature: To Aid Teachers, High School Students And University Entrants

This book contains a broad analysis of Old Russian literary monuments dedicated to Russian literature of the 11th — early 18th centuries. The collection is based on the work of the department of ancient Slavic literature in the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers of Moscow State University.

The book is meant for school teachers, high school students, university entrants, college students, as well as to all lovers of ancient literature.

Древнерусская литература (pdf) Old Russian Literature: To Aid Teachers, High School Students And University Entrants

This book contains a broad analysis of Old Russian literary monuments dedicated to Russian literature of the 11th — early 18th centuries. The collection is based on the work of the department of ancient Slavic literature in the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers of Moscow State University.

The book is meant for school teachers, high school students, university entrants, college students, as well as to all lovers of ancient literature.

Дьявол носит GAFA Le Diable s’habille au GAFA
The book-essay “The Devil Wears GAFA” by the world-famous specialist in the field of advertising and political consulting Jacques Segel is devoted to the analysis of the dramatic processes of transformation of advertising and public relations under the influence of the digitalization process. The author discusses various aspects of the influence of the giants of the digital industry on freedom, democratic processes, politics and international relations, while showing himself as a follower of the Latin school of communication, for which the result of communication processes is always “human in nature.” For communications experts, political consulting, diplomats, international journalists. Series “Anthology of Modern Communication” Publishing Board of the series: Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor A.S. Zapesotsky; Doctor of Philology, Professor V.A. Evstafiev; Doctor of Philology, Professor A.D. Krivonosov; Doctor of Philology, Professor T.Yu. Lebedeva; Doctor of Philology, Professor L.V. Minaeva; Professor I.A. Malyugin; Doctor of Economics, Professor A.P. Sitnikov; Doctor of Philology, Professor E.A. Osipova; Professor L.V. Epstein. Published under agreement with La Société générale d’Edition (SGED) Original title of the book: Jacques Seguéla. Le Diable s'habille au GAFA. Translation from French and comments by Philip Yurkovich. Executive editor Doctor of Philology, Professor Alexey Krivonosov Organizer of the book publication project in Russia Alexander Drozdov. Moscow University Publishing House expresses gratitude for the support of publishing the book in Russian to Sergei Chetverikov, Managing Director of Volzhsky Pipe Plant JSC
Е. Замятин, А.Н. Толстой, А. Платонов, В. Набоков E. Zamyatin, A.N. Tolstoy, A. Platonov, V. Nabokov

In this book, well-known scientists analyze works that were recently included in the school curriculum. Readers will find it useful reading the analysis of the novel ‘We’ by E. Zamyatin, prose by A.N. Tolstoy, the works of A. Platonov, ‘The Luzhin Defense’ and ‘The Circle’ by V. Nabokov.

Жизненный путь почвоведа The Life Path of A Pedologist

The renowned soil scientist G.V. Dobrovolsky tells us about his long personal and professional journey. Almost all his life except for the war years (1939–1946) is closely connected with Lomonosov Moscow State University. He passed his student and post-graduate years here and later began his scientifi c and pedagogic work as a research fellow, assistant, assistant professor, head of chair, dean of Biology and Soil Department and then dean of the Department of Soil Science founded upon his initiative. Many years of expeditions and business trips to different regions of Russia and other countries, meetings and cooperation with interesting people have brought about new knowledge and impressions that are presented in this book.

The book will be interesting for soil scientists, biologists, geographers, geologists, specialists in environmental protection and rational use of land resources.

Журналистика для здоровья нации: медиакоммуникации и человеческое развитие Journalism for the Health of the Nation. Media Communication and Human Development

This collection is the second issue of the ‘Journalism for the Health of the Nation’ series, which is the result of a major scientific, educational and publishing project of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. It focuses on the analysis of journalistic practice in public health issues coverage. It covers almost all types and types of media. Among the authors are doctors, teachers, psychologists, researchers, and journalists, which provides and interdisciplinary approach.

This collection reveals data on media content researches carried out by teachers, researchers and students of the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University. Its appendix covers extensive historical, reference, statistical, documentary material and journalistic texts, thus having a high value even separate from the book.

Задания для олимпиад по экологии Tasks for Olympiads on Ecology

The manual is meant for teachers and secondary school pupils, college and university undergraduate students studying Ecology. The materials of the manual can be used to assess the students’ knowledge as well as to facilitate their preparation for contests in Ecology.

The manual provides tasks on the five sections of Ecology: General ecology (Bioecology), Social ecology and Human ecology, Natural resources and their use (Environmental management), Environmental pollution (Applied ecology), and Environmental protection. The tasks are formulated as tests of different levels of complexity and various kinds (free-answer and alternative questions).

When writing the manual its authors applied their experience of teaching Ecology and developing the base of the tasks for different levels of the All-Russian contest on Ecology and ‘Lomonosov’ contest on Ecology at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Задачи и упражнения по языку ассемблера MASM (pdf) MASM Assembly Language tasks and exercises (pdf)
Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The manual contains tasks and exercises in the MASM 6.14 assembly language, theoretical material necessary for solving and answers to some problems. Problems were added to the second edition, theoretical material was expanded, and typos from the first edition were corrected. The manual can be used in seminar classes on the course “Computer Architecture and Assembly Language.” The publication is intended for first-year students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, students of educational programs in the areas 01.03.02 “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” (bachelor’s degree) and teachers conducting seminar classes on “Practicum on a Computer” in the 1st year of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University , and may also be useful to higher education students studying MASM assembly language.
Замятин и его роман «Мы» Zamyatin and his Novel ‘We’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This book describes the personality and fate of Zamyatin — one of the most interesting writers of the 20th century. It covers his creative behavior, his disrespect towards any authority. The book focuses on his ‘We’ novel and does not skip its political aspects banned in the Soviet period. The author focuses on the analysis of the psychological, philosophical, historiosophical and artistic discoveries of Zamyatin.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, university entrants, philologists.

Западноевропейская классика: от Шекспира до Гете Western European Classics: From Shakespeare to Goethe

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The textbook covers a number of major names and works of foreign literature from the school curriculum. With all the vastness of the period, the five offered essays represent a change in the main genres and styles from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. The book traces the evolution of literature, starting with genres that mark the collapse of the humanist utopia, the tragedies of Shakespeare and the novel of Cervantes. It continues with the satirical comedy of Moliere and the enlightenment novel by Defoe and Swift. Finally, it discusses Goethe's work and his great book Faust, which assesses the renewed character of culture through one of the key images of modern times.

For school, lyceums and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists and a wide range of readers.

Записки о становлении факультета фундаментальной медицины МГУ Notes on the Formation of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

The author’s notes, based on personal experience as well as conversations with heads, teachers and graduates, allowed him to draw the story of the first years of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the Moscow State University. The notes give the main features of classical university medical education at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. This historical and artistic publication is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Faculty.

Записки ректора Московского университета Notes of the Rector of Moscow University

The memoirs of Galkin, the 39th rector of the Moscow State University, the long-time head of the department of the New and Modern History of the Historical Faculty, cover the author’s almost-a-century-long life, which is inseparable from the history of this country and the history of the Moscow State University.

For historians, students, or anyone interested in the history of Moscow State University.

Затаенное имя. Тайнопись в «Слове о полку Игореве» Secret Name. Cryptograms in the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’

The book is devoted to a long-standing problem: the search for the name of the author of the Tale. The researcher tried to approach the solution of this problem by finding and reading the cryptograms — one of the well-known and widely spread methods of Old Russian authors to leave their names hidden.

Здравствуй, удивительный мир Hello, Wonderful World!

This is a book of short stories about beetles, snails, caterpillars, dragonflies and other inhabitants of forests and ponds. They have interesting adventures, which are both entertaining and educational.

И.С. Тургенев: логика творчества и менталитет героя Turgenev: The Logic of His Works and the Mentality of the Character

This lecture course was created on the basis of a special course, which for several years was read by the doctor of philology, honored professor, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize B.A. Nedzvetsky for students and Russian philology interns of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. The course consists of two sections: 'Logic of creativity' and ‘Mentality of the Character'.

The first section describes common literature and personal factors that helped Turgenev — the poet, playwright, essayist and author of original novels — become one of the classics of the Russian and world novel.

The second section contains a thorough analysis of the mental values that distinguish the central Turgenev characters. Those values highlight Turgenev’s characters against the characters of other Russian writers of the 19th century and the dramatic nature of their fates.

For undergraduates, post-graduate students and teachers of philological faculties, as well as all admirers of Turgenev.

Игорь Дедков: наше живое время. Книга  воспоминаний, статей и интервью Igor Dedkov: Our Living Time. The Book of Memoirs, Articles and Interviews

Igor Aleksandrovich Dedkov (1934–1994) is an outstanding Russian literary critic and publicist of the 20th century, author of many remarkable articles and books, including the ‘Diary’ published in 2005. This book includes his autobiographical essays of 1970-1990, where the literary critic appears to be a man of bold and independent thought.

The collection of memoirs of writers, journalists, scientists, school and university friends, and younger contemporaries of I. Dedkov give the reader some interesting insight on the social and literary life of the second half of the 20th century. The collection is illustrated with photographs from a family album.

The book is meant for a wide range of readers.