Moscow University Press


Из истории российской фотографии From the History of Russian Photography

Popov’s book presents essays on the history of photography written using documentary materials. You will find information about photographic societies in Russia, lithographs and lithographic institutions that produced photographic forms, photographers of Russian emperors and many other materials that will help clarify some facts from the history of Russian photography and help researchers in the authentication of photographs. The publication uses photographs from the Russian State Library of Arts and the author’s personal archive.

Из творческого наследия профессоров и выпускников Московского университета (1755–1917) From the Creative Heritage of Professors and Graduates of Moscow University (1755–1917)

The book is addressed to graduates and teachers of Moscow State University. It is meant for a wide range of readers interested in problems of national history, culture, literature and journalism.

Избери жизнь Choose Life: A Dialogue
The book-dialogue between the outstanding English historian Arnold J. Toynbee and the famous Japanese public figure, president of the peacemaking socio-religious organization Soka Gakkai Daisaku Ikeda was published for the first time in Japanese and English. Three whole decades have passed since then. Nevertheless, the dialogue touched quite deeply on a very wide range of serious problems, which even today have not become any less relevant. Problems such as education and upbringing, the inner world of a person, the subconscious and psyche, manipulation of consciousness, science and religion, attitude towards nature, international economic and political relations, problems of war and peace, processes of demography, urbanization, globalization, etc. have become even more acute in the modern world, and with this in mind, the authors candidly share their views on the past, present and future of human civilization. The book will definitely be of interest to a wide range of readers interested in the processes occurring in the human community in the face of the challenges of the 21st century.
Избранные психологические труды. Том 2. Психология труда Selected psychological works. Volume 2. Psychology of work
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The book includes the works of an outstanding Russian psychologist, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, professor at Moscow University, E. A. Klimov, dedicated to the psychological problems of professional studies and man as a subject of labor. The works reflect the results of an analysis of the mentality of representatives of different types of professions (socionomic, technonomic, signonomic, bionomic, artonomic); programmes for the psychological study of the phenomena of professional consciousness and self-awareness of the subject of labor have been outlined; outlines the basic concepts of occupational psychology as a branch of science and profession. The book is intended for both beginning psychologists and experienced researchers, practitioners, teachers of occupational psychology and related disciplines.
Избранные труды Selected works
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Responsible editors: A. N. Darin, I. A. Digailova, I. V. Rublev. This publication includes selected articles by the outstanding Russian scientist in the field of mathematics, mechanics and control processes, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Borisovich Kurzhansky. The works are grouped into the following sections: optimal control, guaranteed positional observation, identification, trajectory tube theory, dynamic programming and control synthesis problems, game control and observation problems, stochastic control systems, ellipsoidal calculus, synthesis of controls based on measurement results, synthesis of impulse controls, infinite-dimensional systems. The book will be useful for researchers, graduate students, and students specializing in the field of mathematical theory of controllable systems.
Избранные университетские лекции Selected University Lectures

The book is specially prepared for students and teachers of Moscow State University. It contains selected university lectures by Bogolyubov, complete with several of his famous reports, most of which were read or published at Moscow State University.

The materials are arranged in three parts:

  • I. Mathematical problems of nonlinear and statistical mechanics;
  • II. General problems of the theory of condensed matter;
  • III. New methods of the quantum theory of many bodies and quantum field theory.

The lectures and reports are meant for a wide audience of students, post-graduate students, researchers and teachers of Math, Mechanics and Physics. In the References sections, the readers will find the main events and activities of Bogolyubov as well as a list of his scientific works that were included in the most complete Collection of his scientific works released in 2005–2009 by the Science publishing house (series ‘Classics of Science’, 12 volumes).

For students, graduate students, researchers and teachers specializing in theoretical and mathematical physics, as well as the history of mechanics and physics.

Императорский Московский университет в газете «Московские ведомости» (1756–1917) Imperial Moscow University in the newspaper “Moscow Gazette" (1756–1917)

The first edition of this book was prepared for the 250th anniversary of Moscow University in 2005. The book presents publications of the first university newspaper “Moskovskie Vedomosti” (Moscow Gazette), published from 1756 to 1917, which contain a significant part of the history of Moscow University. In the second half of the 18th century. it was the only newspaper in Moscow. “Moskovskie Vedomosti” (Moscow Gazette) was prepared by professors and students of Moscow University, printed at the university printing house, and sold in the university bookstore. Gazetny Lane in Moscow is named so because the printing house, where the latest issues of the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti were distributed to subscribers, was located there at the beginning of the 19th century.

The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in the history of higher education in Russia and the history of Moscow University.

Инвариантные выводы в статистике Invariant Conclusions in Statistics

The book is based on a course of lectures delivered by the author (professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Modeling of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, at universities and research centers in Warsaw, Berlin, Liege, Brussels, and the US. The book deals with statistical problems that are invariant under a suitable group of transformations of observed and estimated quantities, for example, the choice of the coordinate system in which these quantities are measured. For such problems, the choice of the optimal solution in the class of invariant statistical solutions is simplified. For frequently used invariant statistical models, such solutions are explicitly defined. The book gives many examples as well as some commentary on the problem of reconstructing a multidimensional function from observations.

For students and postgraduate students of universities and institutes, as well as for reference and for individuals who study or use applied mathematics in their studies.

Инженерная геодинамика Engineering geodynamics
The textbook outlines the basic principles of engineering geodynamics - an important scientific direction of engineering geology, and also comprehensively characterizes its scientific sections: endogeodynamics, exogeodynamics and technogeodynamics - and their influence on engineering and economic objects. For the first time, the theoretical foundations of engineering geodynamics are presented in a form accessible to students, including the history of its formation and development, structure, content, conceptual and terminological base, problems, as well as a nomological base (laws, regularities of theory, hypotheses, etc.) and methodological foundations. Much attention is paid to solving practical issues related to geological and engineering-geological processes, their engineering-geological assessment and methods of engineering protection. The textbook is intended for university students studying in the field of "Geology", as well as graduate students and specialists working in the field of engineering geology, hydrogeology, geocryology, environmental geology and geoecology.
Инженерная геология Engineering Geology

The textbook discusses the theoretical and substantive provisions of engineering geology and its scientific directions. Its structure consists of five parts. The first of them describes the theoretical foundations, content, structure and tasks of engineering geology, its position in the system of geological knowledge. The second, third and fourth parts set out the fundamental
positions, structure and content of three scientific areas of engineering geology: soil science, engineering geodynamics and regional engineering geology, respectively. In the final, fifth, part, the general provisions of the methodology of engineering-geological research, their implementation in
the system of engineering-geological surveys for construction are considered.

For students and postgraduates of classical, geological exploration and mining universities, as well as specialists related to the study of engineering and geological conditions and solving environmental problems.

Инженерно-геологические расчеты и моделирование Engineering-geological Calculations and Modeling

The textbook considers methods of mathematical modeling used to solve engineering and geological problems and based on the use of a mathematical model of the rock massif stress-strain state. It describes the fundamentals of the similarity theory and the field of application and possibilities of experimental modeling of methods of equivalent materials, polarization-optical methods and analog modeling used in the engineering-geological study of natural processes. The book also gives the technique of engineering-geological calculations for structure foundations, stability of slopes, processing of the banks of reservoirs, deformations of rock massifs around underground cavities, deformation of the surface during the development of minerals and pumping groundwater or oil, etc.

For students and post-graduate students of universities and other higher education institutions studying in engineering geology and hydrogeology, as well as specialists engaged in engineering and geological surveys and feasibility studies for the design and construction of engineering structures.

Инженерно-геологические структуры Земли Engineering-geological Structure of the Earth

The monograph introduces the concept of ‘engineering-geological structure’, the classification of the logical and actual sets of engineering-geological structures of the globe, and their paragenetic series. It describes the regularities of the spatial distribution of engineering-geological super-, mega-, macro- and mesostructures of the Earth and its continents. For engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, permafrost scientists, geologists.

The book will be useful for students, graduate students and doctoral students of geological specialties in universities.

Инновационная экономика Innovative Economy
This textbook is devoted to the issues of Russia's transition to a new stage of technological development. In it, in the course of examining a whole range of theoretical concepts within the framework of various scientific schools and the results of their practical implementation, the essence of innovative development is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the national innovation system of Russia, issues of formation of the innovation ecosystem and infrastructure elements, directions and forms of implementation of the state innovation policy, trends of scientific and technological development of the country. Modern theory and practice are presented in interaction, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. This approach allows us to analyze modern problems of innovative development based on the best world and domestic experience. The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and teachers of higher educational institutions in management and socio-economic specialties, as well as for those who solve issues of innovation and public administration in practice. The textbook was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of grant No. 17-02-00059-OGN "Russian model of the knowledge economy and the system of professional training of personnel: organizational and economic foundations of innovative transformations".
Институт социального партнерства как фактор развития малого бизнеса в России Institute of Social Partnership as a Factor of Small Business Development in Russia

The monograph explores the development of Russian small business and the institutionalization of social partnership in this area. It reveals the peculiarities of studying small business as an object of economic and sociological analysis and the role of the institution of social partnership in the development of small business. The book also analyzes the dynamics, factors and prospects of small business development in Russia and the features of the social partnership institutionalization process in small business.

For students, graduate students, undergraduates, scientists and practitioners interested in the development of social partnership and small business in Russia.

Инструменты параллельного программирования в системах с общей памятью Parallel Programming Tools in Shared Memory Systems

The textbook describes methods and tools for developing, debugging and profiling parallel programs oriented to work in systems with shared memory. It considers various software packages, such as Intel Thread Checker, Intel Thread Profiler, and Intel Threading Building Blocks. The book gives introductory information on Intel Parallel Studio package and Intel MKL library. It demonstrates the whole cycle of development, including the creation of sequential implementation as a basis for comparison, preparation of the parallel version, its debugging, profiling and optimization. The study is conducted on model problems that do not require presence of specific subject areas knowledge. It requires reader's acquaintance with the basics of programming (the base language — C. C ++), some problems require information from higher mathematics (the Dirichlet problem).

The textbook was developed in the Laboratory of Information Technologies (ITLab) of the Faculty of the Higher School of Management of the UNN using materials prepared under the Priority National Project ‘Education’ with the support of Intel Corporation and the Grant Council of the President of the Russian Federation (Grant No. NSH-64729.2010.9).

For teachers and researchers, as well as postgraduate students and students of higher educational institutions.

Интернет: заметки научного сотрудника The Internet: Notes of a Research Assistant

Anatoly Alekseyevich Klyosov was a professor of the Chemical Faculty with Moscow State University from 1979 to 1982, then, until the late 1980s — Professor and Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and for 12 years after that — Professor of Biochemistry, Harvard University. His area of scientific interests include: enzymatic catalysis; development of cellulose biotechnology; development and industrial production of polymer composite materials; antigenogenesis of cancerous tumors; development of a new anticancer agent and creation of a new type of drug against alcoholism (both drugs undergo clinical trials). The title of the book is symbolic. In the early 1980s, a 35-year-old professor Anatoly Klesov was the first Soviet Internet user and the author of the first article about it in the Soviet press. Many of the materials published in the book are devoted to events of his life and activities in the scientific field.

Инфекционные болезни Infectious Diseases

The textbook presents modern data on the most common and rare infectious diseases of man, the history of their study, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology and prevention. It gives the materials necessary for a modern doctor to timely recognize an infectious disease and effectively treat the patient. It gives special attention to unsolved urgent issues of infectious pathology.

For students of medical universities and medical faculties of universities, as well as graduate students, clinical residents and general practitioners.

Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в лингводидактике: дистанционное обучение Information and Communication Technologies in Linguodidactics: Distance Learning

Current trends in Russian education and the policy of modernization require the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the process of foreign language teaching (FLT). This book is an attempt to select and organize the necessary minimum of special knowledge which could serve as a guide to using ICT in the everyday professional work of foreign language teachers. The role and place of distance learning (DL) in today’s education system, its foundations, didactic principles, strategies and methods are discussed. A concrete experience of teaching English online is considered. Suggested tasks include the practical application of described approaches. 

For students and post-graduates of universities and departments of pedagogy, teachers of foreign languages and all interested in using distance education and ICT in FLT.

Информационные технологии анализа данных Information technologies of data analysis

The peculiarity of this textbook on data Analysis is that the main attention is paid to those examples that, although using the correct theoretical models and methods, contain one or more widespread errors leading to incorrect conclusions. The necessary concepts for understanding the error are described in detail, the correct solution is shown, and alternative approaches to analyzing the situation based on data mining methods are presented.

The manual reveals the use of MS Excel, STATISTICA, Genehunter, FuzzyXl software products for various data analysis tasks: hypothesis testing, dependency search, trend highlighting, forecasting, and object clustering.

The textbook is recommended for sociologists, marketers, political scientists, specialists in finance, economics, management, public administration.

Исследователь в сфере образования: эскизы к социально-психологическому портрету Researcher in the field of education: sketches to a socio-psychological portrait
The monograph is based on the results of a study conducted on the topic “Life values ​​and professional orientations of a researcher in the field of education” by the Federal State Budgetary Institution RAO in 2015-2016. The study touches on a wide range of issues relating to the socio-psychological characteristics of scientific employees: value orientations and life fears; satisfaction with financial situation; difficulties and barriers that a scientist is forced to overcome in his professional activities; attitude to science reform; professional mobility; motivation for professional activity, etc. The data obtained during the survey are analyzed regarding socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age) and indicators of socio-professional status (work experience, academic degree, academic title, position, publication activity) The book is addressed to specialists in the field of education, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies and management.