Moscow University Press


Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в лингводидактике: дистанционное обучение Information and Communication Technologies in Linguodidactics: Distance Learning

Current trends in Russian education and the policy of modernization require the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the process of foreign language teaching (FLT). This book is an attempt to select and organize the necessary minimum of special knowledge which could serve as a guide to using ICT in the everyday professional work of foreign language teachers. The role and place of distance learning (DL) in today’s education system, its foundations, didactic principles, strategies and methods are discussed. A concrete experience of teaching English online is considered. Suggested tasks include the practical application of described approaches. 

For students and post-graduates of universities and departments of pedagogy, teachers of foreign languages and all interested in using distance education and ICT in FLT.

Информационные технологии анализа данных Information technologies of data analysis

The peculiarity of this textbook on data Analysis is that the main attention is paid to those examples that, although using the correct theoretical models and methods, contain one or more widespread errors leading to incorrect conclusions. The necessary concepts for understanding the error are described in detail, the correct solution is shown, and alternative approaches to analyzing the situation based on data mining methods are presented.

The manual reveals the use of MS Excel, STATISTICA, Genehunter, FuzzyXl software products for various data analysis tasks: hypothesis testing, dependency search, trend highlighting, forecasting, and object clustering.

The textbook is recommended for sociologists, marketers, political scientists, specialists in finance, economics, management, public administration.

Исследователь в сфере образования: эскизы к социально-психологическому портрету Researcher in the field of education: sketches to a socio-psychological portrait
The monograph is based on the results of a study conducted on the topic “Life values ​​and professional orientations of a researcher in the field of education” by the Federal State Budgetary Institution RAO in 2015-2016. The study touches on a wide range of issues relating to the socio-psychological characteristics of scientific employees: value orientations and life fears; satisfaction with financial situation; difficulties and barriers that a scientist is forced to overcome in his professional activities; attitude to science reform; professional mobility; motivation for professional activity, etc. The data obtained during the survey are analyzed regarding socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age) and indicators of socio-professional status (work experience, academic degree, academic title, position, publication activity) The book is addressed to specialists in the field of education, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies and management.
Исследователь в сфере образования: эскизы к социально-психологическому портрету (pdf) Researcher in the field of education: sketches to a socio-psychological portrait
The monograph is based on the results of a study conducted on the topic “Life values ​​and professional orientations of a researcher in the field of education” by the Federal State Budgetary Institution RAO in 2015-2016. The study touches on a wide range of issues relating to the socio-psychological characteristics of scientific employees: value orientations and life fears; satisfaction with financial situation; difficulties and barriers that a scientist is forced to overcome in his professional activities; attitude to science reform; professional mobility; motivation for professional activity, etc. The data obtained during the survey are analyzed regarding socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age) and indicators of socio-professional status (work experience, academic degree, academic title, position, publication activity) . The book is addressed to specialists in the field of education, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies and management.
Исторические очерки о медицинском образовании в Московском университете Historical Essays on Medical Education at Moscow University

In the form of essays, the authors of the book tried to convey to the reader the main historical milestones in the development of medical education at Moscow University. They give a brief overview of the development of university medical education and the historical origins of the first medical journals and societies. The annexes list professors of the Medical Faculty before 1930, as well as the names of the papers and the names of best students from 1837 to 1915. For comparison, it lists theses subjects and the names of the best students of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the first twelve issues (1998-2010).

The book can be interesting and useful to anyone who is interested in the history of university medicine.

The publication is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov

История Звенигородской биологической станции МГУ The history of the Zvenigorod Biological Station of Moscow State University

Zvenigorod Biostation is an outstanding department of Moscow University with a rich history. The biostation is of great importance for the formation of modern areas of biology and for students' knowledge of biological processes in a continuously changing natural environment. Generations of Russian scientists have preserved the biostation as a golden scientific and cultural foundation. Associate Professor K. N. Blagosklonov (1910-1985), having collected archival materials and information from employees, using his memories, briefly described the history of the biostation in the XX century. The first edition was published by the publishing house of Moscow State University in 1987. limited edition.

This reissue, provided with illustrations, including from the archive of K. N. Blagosklonov, and detailed comments, will provide an opportunity to introduce interesting materials to a wide range of readers.

История и философия науки. Книга 2. История и философия науки об управлении History and Philosophy of Science. Book 2. History and Philosophy of Management Science

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics and law.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

История и философия науки. Книга 4. История и философия экономической науки. История и философия права. История и философия исторической науки History and Philosophy of Science. Book 4. History and Philosophy of Economic Science. History and Philosophy of Law. History and Philosophy of Historical Science

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics, law and historical science.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

История математического образования в России History of Mathematical Education in Russia

The book studies the history of mathematical education in the Russian Empire.

The book is addressed to researchers in the history of mathematics and the history of education, teachers of mathematics of higher and secondary educational institutions, students of mathematical specialties and all who are concerned about the fate of Russian mathematical education.

История международных отношений: движущие силы, глобальные тенденции History of International Relations: Driving Forces, Global Processes

The textbook examines the history of international relations as a process of shaping the world state system, reveals the driving forces of events and phenomena, global trends that have had a significant impact on the foreign policy of the leading powers. This approach, in the author's view, allows students to get a holistic view of history, to see a close connection between its main stages, to understand the origins of the foreign policy of states, the nature of wars, conflicts, revolutions, motives for rulers who confronted countries that have cooperated with other states.

The textbook meets the requirements of the latest edition of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the curricula of the History of International Relations course, which set the task of teaching future specialists to think independently.

История России History of Russia

The textbook examines the main events of Russian history from the ancient times to the present day. The authors sought to show the problems of the history of Russia in their development, combining the presentation of factual material with theoretical analysis.

For students of natural faculties of universities, non-humanitarian universities, university applicants, for all who are interested in the history of this country.

История России с древнейших времен до конца ХVIII века History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century
Proceedings of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University: Vol. 132. Ser. III: IN ST RUMENTA STUDIORUM, 37. This textbook is a presentation of a university course on the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 19th century. The development of Russian statehood, the evolution of forms of ownership and political institutions are traced. The key events of Russian history are shown, objective characteristics of its outstanding figures are given, and reviews of the main phenomena in the field of culture are given. Prepared on the basis of the latest research and publications of sources, the textbook offers the author's interpretation of many controversial issues of Russian history. For students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions enrolled in a bachelor's degree programme.
История России. Даты и события, причины и следствия. Справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ History of Russia: Dates and Events, Causes and Effects: A State Exam Preparation Guide

The handbook contains information on the most important phenomena of Russian history: revolutions and reforms, wars and peace treaties, public systems and political organizations, government bodies and state leaders, literary works and geographical discoveries, outstanding writers and scientists. The handbook was compiled on the basis of many years of teaching experience obtained by the author in the All-Russian Extramural School and in the School of a Young Entrepreneur at the Economics Faculty of the Moscow State University.

Information from this book is useful for studying the history of Russia and for those who are preparing for state or university entrance exams.

История русского романа XIX века: неклассические формы History of the Russian 19th Century Novel. Nonclassical Forms

How many and exactly what forms of the Russian novel did Russian writers of the 19th century create besides the vertex form represented by the largest works of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, I. Goncharov, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoyevsky and L. Tolstoy? What is the Russian novel of the Leszhevsky (‘Walterscott’, Sandovian) type? What and why does the Russian family novel differ from its counterparts in Western European literature? What are the typical varieties of the Russian novel brought to life by the actual humanitarian ‘ideas of the time’? How do the novel of the Russian positivist and the novel about the Russian ‘nihilist’ relate to each other? What is the Russian novel epic on the communal and peasantry values? And how is it necessary to qualify the nonclassical forms of the Russian novel of the nineteenth century in comparison with the classical form?

This and related questions are answered by the book of the honored professor of Moscow State University, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize.

For BA students, undergraduates and graduate students, as well as for teachers of higher and secondary schools and all admirers of Russian literature.

История русской журналистики XIX века History of Russian Journalism of the XIX century

The textbook consists of two parts: the first and second half of the XIX century. Various areas of journalism, the content of literary, journalistic and satirical magazines, newspapers, illegal printing are considered. The journalistic activity of A.S.Pushkin, V.G.Belinsky, A.I.Herzen, N.A.Nekrasov, M.N.Katkov, F.M. is shown.Dostoevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.P. Chekhov, V.G.Korolenko, A.M. Gorky and other prominent literary figures of the XIX century.

For students of faculties and departments of journalism of higher educational institutions.

История русской журналистики начала ХХ века History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century

The proposed textbook systematically examines the history of Russian journalism at the beginning of the XX century. When describing the press of this period,  magazines and newspapers, typological groups of publications, the author used the research of historians of Russian journalism, periodical press materials of the early 1900s, diaries and memoirs of public figures, writers and journalists. The textbook is supplemented with a textbook, which presents the most interesting publications of the studied period.

For students of journalism faculties and departments and anyone interested in the extraordinarily dramatic history of the press of the early XX century.

История русской литературы (вторая половина XIX в.) The History of Russian Literature (Second Half of the 19th Century)

This book takes a new point of view on Russian 19th century literature. It does not contain detailed biographical information nor a review of individual writer’s entire oeuvre. The author sacrificed this for the sake of creating an integral picture of Russian literature in the development of its basic ideas and meanings. The unity of literature is formed by linking writers — their consent and controversy, which is given special attention in the manual, allowing to show literature as a forum. The work analyzes best works such as ‘War and Peace’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, ‘A Dreary Story ‘, etc.

For students of humanitarian universities and faculties where Russian literature is studied, and everyone interested in the work of Russian writers and poets.

История русской литературы XIX века в идеях The History of Russian Literature of the 19th Century in Ideas

The book describes the concepts of history of nineteenth-century Russian literature from Pushkin to Bunin. The author refers to such best-known works as ‘Eugene Onegin’, ‘Dead Souls’, ‘War and Peace’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ and others, and establishes continuity and connection between them, which allows to illuminate the traditional problems of creativity of the great writers. The main attention is paid to the problem of an integral worldview of Russian classics. It shows how this problem was posed by Pushkin, how Gogol tried to solve it and how it was solved in the religious and philosophical novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

For students, teachers of universities, teachers, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in Russian literature.

История русской литературы ХХ века (20-50-е годы). Литературный процесс The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century. 1920s through 1950s. Literary process

The textbook reflects the literary process of 1920s to 1950s, the evolution of artistic methods, the specificity of the development of genres.

For students and post-graduate students of philological faculties of universities, philology specialists and everyone interested in Russian literature.