Moscow University Press


История русской литературы ХХ века (20-90-е годы). Основные имена The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century (1920s to 1990s). The Main Names

This textbook intends to reflect a modern scientific view on the main artistic values and trends in the development of Russian literature of the 20th century.

For students of philological faculties of Russian universities, as well as for graduate students and teachers — all those who are engaged in Russian literature.

История стран Европы и Америки в новейшее время. 1918-1945 The Contemporary History of the Countries of Europe and America. 1918–1945

This lecture course examines the most important problems of the first period of contemporary history of the largest countries of Europe and America. The main attention in the history of these countries during the period between the First and Second World Wars is paid to an analysis of those sharp discussions that are currently taking place in Russian journalism and historiography concerning the historical process in this complex and contradictory period of the twentieth century.

For students, graduate students and all interested in the problems of contemporary history.

История стран Западной Европы и Америки в XXI веке (2001–2021) The history of Western Europe and America in the 21st century (2001–2021)
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Author team: L. S. Belousov, V. A. Borodaev, A. Yu. Vatlin, V. N. Gorokhov, G. N. Kaninskaya, G. Ch Moiseev, N. N. Naumova, Yu. N. Rogulev, D. V. Rodin, E. A. Susloparova, M. O. Yakimova. The lecture course reveals the main problems and trends in the development of Western Europe and America in the first decades of the 21st century. General sections discuss issues of globalization, information society, international relations, integration, and global problems of our time. Regional studies sections reveal the features of the political and socio-economic development of the leading countries of the West and Latin America. The textbook is designed for university students studying in the field of study 46.03.01 “History” (bachelor’s degree) and 46.04.01 “History” (master’s degree), as well as graduate students, history teachers in general education organizations, as well as everyone interested in world history at the beginning of the new millennium.
Итальянский гуманизм эпохи Возрождения. Идеалы и практика культуры Italian Humanism of the Renaissance. Culture Ideals and Practice

The monograph raises a number of problems widely discussed in modern science: the specific features of the social thought of Italian Renaissance humanism, the correlation of the ideals formed in it and their practical refraction, the elitism of the humanistic movement, the continuity of the humanist ideas of the 15th century and Renaissance culture of the 16th century. The author relies on the analysis of a large number of works of Italian humanists, as well as thinkers of the Late Renaissance and other documentary material. The book is illustrated by the works of the 15th and 16th centuries artists.

For historians, art historians, philosophers, literary critics, culturologists, political scientists and all interested in the history of world culture.

К тайне «Горя». А. С. Грибоедов и его бессмертная комедия. On the Secret of ‘Woe’. A.S. Griboyedov and His Ageless Comedy

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. In this manual, a modern critic re-reads the Griboyedov comedy. Since Russian classical literature in the spiritual basis is traditionally Christ-centered, the image of Christ is invisibly present in the work and there is that unshakable, absolute reference point which should be considered when analyzing the images of characters, their characters and deeds. Referring to the text of the comedy and the biography of Griboyedov, the author proves that the new reading of the comedy corresponds to the true deep design of the author in his timeless work ‘Woe from Wit’.

Каждому по его вере. О романе Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита» To Each According to Their Faith. On Bulgakov's ‘The Master and Margarita’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The title of this book (‘To Each According to Their Faith’) expresses the very essence of the proposed reading of The Master and Margarita. The author draws the reader into a leisurely journey through that ‘labyrinth of cohesions’, which, by definition of L. Tolstoy, is every true artistic work, especially such a complex one as this Bulgakov novel. The artistic and philosophical concept of M. Bulgakov's main book is viewed in comparison with other major phenomena of Russian literature of the 20th century — in particular, with the ‘Blue Book’ of M. Zoshchenko, in which the motley ‘klopovnik’ of the Soviet NEP and post-NEP life, as in Bulgakov’s novel, is depicted against the background of world history.

The book is addressed to teachers of Russian literature, high school students, university entrants, students, as well as all admirers of Bulgakov.

Как иметь дело с англичанами. Несентиментальное путешествие Having Business with the English. An Unsentimental Journey

This book is for those who are learning English; for those who are interested in the culture of England; for those who deal with problems of intercultural communication and regional studies; for those who are going on a trip to England; for those who want to learn how to communicate with the English and understand the features of their character and behavior.

Как это делалось. О тех, кто создавал современную науку How it was done. About those who created modern science

The book you are holding in your hands is about pioneers in the field of biochemistry and bioenergetics. Academician Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev shares his memories of teachers, students and colleagues, who proposed the name "bioenergetics" for a new section of biology.

Каппадокийская школа в истории христианской мысли Cappadocian School in the History of Christian thought

This textbook includes a course of lectures delivered by the author at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University in 2008–2009. It contains a review and interpretation of the basic philosophical ideas of outstanding theologians of the 4th century from Cappadocia — the saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and Gregory of Nyssa. The joint literary activity of these Ancient Church teachers gives reason to speak of the Cappadocian school as a special phenomenon in the history of patristics ‘golden age’. Having received education in Athens, the great Cappadocians linked the achievements of Christian theological thought with the tradition of ancient philosophizing as seeking answers to the most profound questions a human can ask.

The manual highlights the social and literary activities of the Cappadocian school, carried out in the paradigm of an acute ideological confrontation with the Arianism, which in the middle of the 4th century received official support of the Roman Empire. Representatives of the Cappadocian school became the ideological inspirers of the Novocenean movement and laid the foundations of the ‘Cappadocian synthesis’, selectively applying in their theological constructs the methods of Platonic idealistic dialectics.

For teachers, students and graduate students of philosophical faculties.

Карл Маркс и современная пресса Karl Marx and the Modern Press

The book by the doctor of historical sciences S.M. Gurevich examines of the works and skill of Karl Marx. It reveals the characteristics of his journalistic activities, reveals important aspects of his creative method. The author explores the possibility of using the experience of Marx as the publicist in modern journalism.

For students and teachers of journalism faculties, publicists and all who are interested in journalistic theory and practice.

Карнозин Carnosine

The monograph is devoted to carnosine dipeptide, discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by V. Gulevich. It considers the chemical properties, distribution in tissues and metabolism of carnosine. Moreover, it describes studies of its biological role as a specific hydrophilic antioxidant in excitable tissues. The protective role of carnosine in the work of neurons and muscle cells under unfavorable conditions has been analyzed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the metabolism of carnosine in neurodegenerative diseases. The work gives grounds for the possibility of using carnosine and its derivatives for diseases of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems.

The book is addressed to scientific workers: biologists and physicians, as well as for students and specialists undergoing advanced training in the field of natural science.

Каталог книг Издательства Московского университета, 2001–2010 (pdf) Catalog of books of the Moscow University Press, 2001-2010 (pdf)

The "catalog" includes books published by the Moscow University Press in 2001-2010. It is a continuation of the "Catalog", which included books for 1989-2000.

For a wide range of researchers, libraries, bookselling organizations.

Качество жизни российских граждан и его влияние на их политические и экономические предпочтения (по результатам социологического исследования) Quality of Life of Russian Citizens and Its Impact on Their Political and Economic Preferences (Based on the Results of a Sociological Survey)

The brochure gives a comparative analysis of the pre-election programs of presidential candidates of 2012 elections. It identifies their distinctive features that determine qualitative differences in the political, economic and social ways of development of Russian society and the state for each of the candidates in case of their victory correspondingly. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of objective and perceived quality of life among voters for different candidates based on the results of a sociological survey. Their findings include significant differences in these parameters, which have predetermined the voting patterns. Moreover, the authors identified the social characteristics of such citizens and made conclusions about the state and future development of the social base for supporting the development of Russia, based on presidential candidates’ programmes.

For teachers, students, sociology researchers, and political scientists, as well as for practicing politicians and public administration employees.

Качество юридического образования. По результатам социологических исследований на юридическом факультете МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова. Настольная книга декана и преподавателя The quality of legal education: according to the results of sociological studies at the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Handbook of Dean and Teacher

This book presents the results of sociological studies of various aspects of the educational process at the Facultyof Law of Moscow State University for the period from 2008 to 2017. The subject of these studies is the qualitative characteristics of higher legal education. The purpose of the work is to identify the problems existing in the educational process and develop appropriate recommendations for their solution based on the identification of factors affecting the quality of legal education and the effectiveness of educational work with students. Sociological methods for collecting empirical information such as a survey (questionnaire, interviews, interviews of experts) and analysis of documents were used as tools.

The publication is intended for heads of universities and faculties, teachers, employees of university administrations, providing the development of both professional and personal competencies of future lawyers interested in improving the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of educational work.

Квантовая теория столкновений Quantum theory of collisions

The book introduces the methods of stationary and non-stationary non-relativistic collision theory and serves to develop skills for their practical application in problems of modern physics. Special emphasis is placed on the methods and concepts used in the theory of collisions involving composite systems. The material is divided into lectures, at the end of each lecture exercises are given, selected so that the student, subject to consistent assimilation of the material, can do them independently.

The book will also be useful for graduate students and researchers specializing in atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics.

Квантовая теория. Т.10. Введение в теорию квантовых полей Quantum Theory. Vol.10. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields

Collection of scientific papers in 12 volumes.

For students, graduate students and researchers.

Квантовый компьютер (pdf) Quantum computer (pdf)
Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In a book about a grandiose project conventionally called a “quantum computer,” the limitation of the apparatus of standard quantum mechanics is formulated by the relationship “the complexity of a quantum state - the accuracy of its description.” Attention is paid to the role of a quantum computer in the theory of biological evolution and the quantum approach to social processes. The second edition is supplemented with chapters devoted to a new mathematical apparatus for a quantum computer, based on algorithms and using biological heuristics. The book contains tasks for independent work. The publication is intended for undergraduate, specialist and graduate students studying at the direction 1.2.2 “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages”, as well as for readers interested in the exact theory of the microworld and wishing to get acquainted with the modern approach to the physics of complex processes.
Кинетически-согласованные схемы в газовой динамике Kinetically Consistent Schemes in Gas Dynamics

The monograph presents a new approach to the construction of computational algorithms in gas dynamics. The algorithms are based on discrete models for one-particle distribution function. The book describes possibilities of interpreting the resulting system of finite difference equations as a model for the description of viscous gas flow and their application for modeling modern problems of gas dynamics on high performance multiprocessor computer systems.

For specialists in mathematical modeling, gas dynamics and applied mathematics, postgraduate students, students studying and using methods of mathematical modeling, computational experimenting.

Кириллические издания. XVI век - 1641 год. Находки археографических экспедиций 1971-1993 гг., поступившие в библиотеку МГУ Cyrillic Publications. 17th Century — 1641. Findings of Archeographic Expeditions of 1971–1993, From the Moscow State University Library

The book contains the results of a study of 375 Cyrillic publications of the 16th (66 copies) and 17th (309 copies) centuries, of which 363 are collected by archeographic expeditions of the Moscow University. They are included in the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts’ 16 territorial collections of the Old Believers' books in the Moscow State University Scientific Library. The descriptions of books give as much historical information about each of the copy as possible.The book has 10 indexes (some annotated) summarizing the information of descriptions and making it easily accessible to specialists of any profile.

For historians, bibliographers, researches of culture and history of the Church, ethnographers and ethnographers, as well as all lovers of Russian antiquities.