Moscow University Press


Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 2 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 2

The second book of the new manual-problem of four books (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes more than 800 problems and is devoted to developing the skills of the main types of research on the topic "Functions of one real variable: differential calculus, indefinite integral."

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main focus is on systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of the methods is accompanied analysis of examples and tasks for independent solution.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 3 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 3

The third book of the new manual-problem of four books (more than 3400 tasks with solutions) includes more than 800 tasks and is dedicated to working out skills of the main types of research on the topic "Functions of one real variable: research and plotting, a certain integral and its applications.

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of methods is accompanied by an analysis of examples and tasks of various types for independent decision.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 4 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 4

The fourth and final book of the new four-book problem book (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes more than 700 problems and is devoted to developing the skills of the main types of research on the topic "Differential calculus of functions of several real variables".

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of methods is accompanied by an analysis of examples and tasks for independent solution.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Лекции по дифференциальным уравнениям
Лекции по истории и методологии почвоведения Lectures on the History and Methodology of Soil Science

The textbook contains lectures on the entire development of soil science from the time of ancient agricultural civilizations to the present day. It examines the history of knowledge about soils and methods of studying them, adding details of the general history of science and society. It shows the connection of pedology with related natural and human sciences, with the history of studying and developing land resources. The book pays particular attention to the methodology of soil science as a natural history science and to the roles of outstanding scientists. It analyzes the formation and development of soil science in different countries, international cooperation of pedologists and the role of scientific societies in the history of soil science. The concluding chapters cover the present period of soil science development, its tasks in overcoming the anthropogenic degradation of the soil mantle of the Earth, which is an indispensable component of the biosphere and the most important natural resource for the further development of human civilization.

For college and graduate students specializing in soil science, agronomy, agrochemistry, ecology and other related sciences.

Лекции по истории русской поэзии XX века (1940–2000) Lectures on the History of Russian Poetry of the 20th Century (1940s through 2000s)

The cycle of lectures by Professor Vladislav Alekseyevich Zaytsev is based on many years of experience in reading special courses on Russian poetry, as well as the general course on the history of Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century. The author reveals the diverse artistic values, essential features and peculiarities of Russian poetry of this period, shows the complex interaction of its main branches, their rapprochement and reunion at the end of the century.

For students and postgraduates of philological faculties, as well as for all who are interested in the history of Russian literature.

Лекции по плазменной астрофизике: классические основы теории Lectures on plasma astrophysics: classical foundations of theory

The book contains a course of lectures on the classical foundations of plasma astrophysics, a fundamental science that studies mainly electromagnetic processes and phenomena in cosmic plasma. The lectures everywhere demonstrate common features and fundamental differences in plasma properties due to electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. There is not and cannot be a simple unified model of plasma in an infinite variety of astronomical conditions. The idea of this course of lectures is atypical for most textbooks on plasma astrophysics. It consists in a consistent consideration of physical principles, starting with the most general, most accurate and simplifying assumptions that allow us to find simple ways to describe plasma in astrophysical conditions. On this path — from the general to the particular — in this textbook, the boundaries of the applicability of the next, simpler approximation from a physical point of view and from the point of view of its possible applications are specially outlined everywhere.

Лекции по теории аргументации Lectures on the Theory of Argumentation

Argumentation. It permeates all spheres of human communication. We come across it everywhere, beginning from highly scientific discussions to kitchen arguments. It has been a subject of philosophical and scientific understanding for two and a half millennia. This textbook examines the main issues of the argumentation theory.

The book is addressed primarily to students, as a textbook on the course ‘Argumentation Theory and Practice’, but it will also be useful for anyone interested in problems of verbal communication, logic and rhetorics.

Лекции по теории числовых и функциональных рядов Lectures on the Theory of Numerical and Functional Series

The manual contains a systematic statement of four important sections of the general course of the mathematical analysis: the theory of numerical series, the theory of functional sequences and series, the theory of series of Fourier and the main data on Fourier’s integral. The statement is most approached to a lecture course.

The book is intended for bachelors which profoundly study mathematics.

Keywords: a series, sequence, convergence, uniform convergence, operations with convergent series, summation of divergent series, double and repeated series, infi nite products, power series, Fourier’s series on orthonormalized systems, Fourier’s trigonometrical series, Fourier’s integral

Леонардо да Винчи : сценограф, музыкант, artifex Leonardo da Vinci: scene designer, musician, artifex

The book covers little-known phenomena of Leonardo da Vinci's work - his work in the field of scenography, musical practice, and research into the psychological foundations of visual activity. The leading theme of the book is a historical-semiotic study of the principles of creating iconic ensembles introduced into art by the Italian artistic tradition and, to a decisive extent, by the great master Leonardo da Vinci. The research is based on the methodology of comprehensive historical analysis of textual and iconographic material, fragments and drawings from Leonardo’s notebooks (codes). Illustrations are based on open sources and photographs of the author. Drawings from Leonardo's codices are based on digitized manuscripts available in the public domain.

The publication is addressed to students, graduate students and art experts, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in theory and history of art, artistic culture of Renaissance Italy.

Леонид Андреев. Проза и драматургия Leonid Andreyev. Prose and Drama

The manual is devoted to the work of L. Andreyev, the ‘master of thoughts’ of the Russian pre-revolution intelligentsia, the artist whose almost every new work became ‘an information excuse’ for heated literary and critical debates.

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Линейные нестационарные системы и стабилизация движения спутника около центра масс в геомагнитном поле Linear non-stationary systems and stabilization of satellite motion near the center of mass in the geomagnetic field

The book is devoted to the application of the theory of linear non-stationary systems to the problems of stabilization of stationary movements of a satellite near the center of mass under the action of magnetic moments of various nature. An original rigorous analytical approach to the study of linear non-stationary systems of a special class is proposed. Solutions to a number of specific stabilization tasks based on this approach are presented.

The book will be useful for graduate students and students of Moscow State University, as well as teachers and researchers dealing with issues of dynamics and management.

Лирика Афанасия Фета The Lyrics of Afanasy Fet

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This textbook considers the features of A. Fet's lyrics, which stand at the junction of the Pushkin era traditions and the contemporaries' future aspirations to symbolism. The author gives a large amount of material from the history of romance, elegies, and anthological poetry. The main aim of the author is to show Fet's innovative essence, his individual contribution to the development of Russian and world lyric poetry.

For high school students, university entrants, college students, teachers, philologists, and for all lovers of poetry.

Лирика Пушкина как духовная биография Pushkin's Poetry as a Spiritual Biography

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The author of this book set himself the task of investigating Pushkin's poetry as a single phenomenon. For the first time, he introduced the definition of Pushkin's creative work, first of all his poetry, as the ‘spiritual biography’ of the poet, not only showing the facts, but also reflecting the real process of life. The space of this process is time, the main collision is the relationship between Pushkin as a human and Pushking as an art genius. The central subject is the problem of higher human values, ‘ageless truths.’

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, university entrants, philology specialists and a wide range of enlightened readers.

Литературное редактирование. Общая методика работы над текстом Literary editing. General methodology of work on the text

The textbook on literary editing summarizes the experience of practical classes with students and lectures delivered by the author at the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The purpose of the book is to help comprehend the editorial work on the text from the standpoint of modern philological concepts and practical tasks of the editor of mass media. 

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, editors of mass media materials, practical journalists.

Личность и поступок.
Личность политика: теория и методология психологического  портретирования The Personality of a Politician: the Theory and Methodology of Psychological Portraying

This publication summarizes the domestic and foreign experience of building a psychological portrait of a politician's personality. It also covers the history of the phenomenon and the concept of the psychological portrait and the current state of this issue. It explores the portrait-building potential of psychological theories, methodological grounds and methods of constructing a psychological portrait. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of portraying results reliability.

For specialists in the field of political and social psychology, political science, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying political and psychological sciences.

Ломоносов и журналистика Lomonosov and Journalism

The monograph deals with M. Lomonosov's activity in the field of journalism. Lomonosov was the author of the first journalist code of rights and duties; he was an employee and editor of the only Russian newspaper in those years, ‘St. Petersburg Vedomosti.’ His ode, in essence, represented detailed art and journalistic speeches on the most important issues of Russia's domestic and foreign policy. Lomonosov made sure that the Moscow University, created under his project, was given the privilege of maintaining its own printing facility, where the first issue of the newspaper Moskovskye Vedomosti was published in 1756. He also contributed a lot for the development of Russian scientific periodicals.

The book is addressed to students of journalism faculties and everyone interested in the history of Russian culture.

Люди прекрасной Франции People of Beautiful France

This historical story is written using D'Artagnan's memoirs. Unlike in Duma's famous novels, there is no fiction in it, and it preserves the memoirs as a historical and psychological monument of beautiful 17th century France. D'Artagnan saw and knew many contemporaries: from ordinary people to kings.

The book is illustrated with works of 17th century art, sculpture, and architecture.