Moscow University Press
Учебная литература


Биофизика в 2-х томах Biophysics.

This book is a fundamental textbook (in two volumes) on biophysics, which presents the basics of modern biophysical science.

The first volume sets forth the theoretical foundations of biophysics. It places special emphasis on the problems of mathematical modeling of biological processes at different levels of living matter organization. It considers physical features, dynamic and electronic properties of the structural unit of living matter – the macromolecule as well as physicochemical mechanisms of energy transformation in biostructures.

The second volume (Chapters 15–30) deals with the physicochemical mechanisms of major processes that occur in organisms. It discusses in detail the issues of biological membrane structure and functioning, bioelectrogenesis, muscle contraction, reception, electron transfer and energy transformation in biomembranes. It considers the mechanisms of primary phases of photobiological processes including photosynthesis, sense of vision, photochemical reactions in biopolymers.

For students, postgraduates and multi-discipline specialists who are interested in the physicochemical foundations of life processes.

Боратынский Boratynsky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

Boratynsky is the only one of Russian lyricists of genius to have more than a hundred books and articles written about his art of which many conspicuously misconstrue his poetry. It is especially difficult for the young reader to understand the poet’s works. This manual can help fill in the void. Without skirting the most difficult questions regarding the poet's art, the author speaks about them in an easy-to understand manner. He places much emphasis on analyzing the works that are included in school syllabi and university curricula. Despite its small volume, the book gives a holistic view of Boratynsky's poetry as it reveals for the first time the religious foundations of his worldview, philosophical lyrical poetry, as well as the national underpinnings of his art, the connection of this European educated poet with his native land. Being the first literary work on Boratynsky, it is directly addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students and university and college entrants.

It will also be interesting for specialists in philology and every lover of Russian poetry.

Введение в историю культуры Introduction to the history of culture

The textbook is focused on revealing the essence of culture through the meaningful variety of its forms. The authors considered their main goal to involve the reader in the exciting world of multiplicity of cultural meanings. Various stages of the history of culture are analyzed by modern methods of humanitarian knowledge.

The publication is intended for students of humanitarian faculties studying the history of culture as a general educational discipline, as well as for all those interested in the patterns of development of world culture.

Введение в историю Церкви. Часть 1: Обзор источников в общей истории Церкви An Introduction to the History of the Church. Part 1: A Review of Sources in the General History of the Church

Being the first part of the university course in the general history of the Church, the book is the first systematic review of sources on general church history to have been prepared in Russian science since the late 19th century.

The manual contains an overview of material and narrative sources grouped according to a wide array of data (works by ancient and medieval historians; canonical, hagiographic, liturgical and theological sources; memoirs and archival documents, mass media sources), and extensive reference material. It particularly highlights the sources produced by international Christian organizations (WCC, etc.).

The manual was prepared by the Department of Church History, the History Faculty (Lomonosov Moscow State University), and is addressed to university students of history studying in the specialty ‘History’, as well as all those interested in Church history, world history, the history of foreign art, Christian archeology, cultural studies, social psychology and religious studies.

Введение в океанологию Introduction to Oceanology

The manual covers a range of issues that oceanology has to solve to form strategic directions in the study of the World Ocean.

For students and magistrands studying in marine science, disciplines of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, biology, geography, ecology) as well as teachers, researchers and postgraduate students in relevant specialties.

Введение в специальность: Механика (010701. 65 «Фундаментальная математика и механика») Introduction to Specialty: Mechanics (010701.65 ‘Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics’)

Most of the texts in this book are based on assignments that were published in various manuals and materials pertaining to Mechanics and Physics Olympiads for schoolchildren and students. Part of the problems were written by the staff members of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University including S.I. Arafajlov, A.V. Zvyagin, A.S. Zelenskiy, A.G. Kalugin, N.E. Leontiev, A.A. Malashin, E.I. Mogilevskiy, V.L. Natyaganov, V.A. Proshkin, N.N. Smirnov, O.Yu. Cherkasov, M.V. Yumashev, A.G. Yakushev, and Ya.D. Yankov.

For seminars which are conducted for 1st year students at the Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, as part of the ‘Introduction to Specialty’ course and for training schoolchildren for Olympiads.

Введение в специальную теорию относительности Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity

The manual outlines the main ideas of the special theory of relativity. It is shown how their consistent use makes it possible to formulate relativistic dynamics, electromagnetic field theory and relativistic quantum mechanics. In this regard, the book will be useful when studying the relevant sections of theoretical physics.

It is intended for students and postgraduates of physical specialties of universities, as well as for anyone interested in the theory of relativity.

Введение в теорию журналистики Introduction to the theory of journalism

The textbook reveals ideas about the subject and structure of the science of journalism. The basis is the characteristic of the essence of mass information activity. Such fundamental issues as the social role of the media, the peculiarities of the functioning of this social institution based on the requirements of the information order in a democratic society are outlined. A special place is given to the freedom of the media and journalistic activity, ensuring information security through the optimal functioning of various social types of media, counting on their effective performance of the role of the "fourth power".

For students of higher educational institutions.

Введение в химию твердофазных материалов Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

This is a systematic presentation of the course in the line of solid-phase materials with special properties, which is read at the Faculty of Materials Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers features of the chemical bond and structure of solids, thermodynamics, kinetics, and the mechanism of solid-phase reactions leading to the formation of practically important materials and gives an overview of the main classes of modern materials and methods for obtaining them. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching this discipline at the Faculty of Materials Science and the Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For university students of materials science, chemistry and physics; it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and specialists working in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state physics.

Введение в экологию растений Introduction to Plant Ecology

The manual describes interaction between plants and their populations and their environment and the factors that have an impact on these processes. It examines ecological and botanical phenomena at different levels and covers its various aspects (ecological plant physiology, the ecology of species, populations and plant communities).

For students of botany and ecologists of various specializations, postgraduate students and university professors who read courses in plant ecology as well as all those who are interested in expanding their biological and ecological horizons.

Вероятностно-статистические методы декомпозиции волатильности хаотических процессов Probabilistic and Statistical Methods of Decomposition of the Volatility of Chaotic Processes

The book describes probabilistic mathematical models of chaotic processes and methods for their statistical analysis. The focus is put on the special class of mathematical models of stochastic chaotic processes – subordinated Wiener processes (processes of Brownian motion with random time). To explain the choice of these models the authors use an asymptotic approach based on limit theorems for compound doubly stochastic Poisson processes (compound Cox processes) which can be regarded as the best mathematical models of non- homogeneous (or non-stationary) chaotic flows on time micro-scales. This approach leads to the distributions of increments of the processes on time macro-scales havivng the form of mixtures of normal distributions and makes it possible not only to find formal probabilistic models of chaotic stochastic processes, but also to give a reasonable theoretical explanation of their adequacy based on mild assumptions concerning the inner structure of the characteristics under investigation. The book proposes a new multivariate interpretation of the volatility of these processes by representing the distributions (logarithms) of increments of financial index evolution processes or those of plasma turbulence as mixtures of normal distribution. For the statistical analysis of chaotic processes it proposes a method of moving separation of mixtures (MSM method) enabling spontaneous decomposition of process volatility into dynamic and diffusive components. Much attention is paid to the analytical and asymptotic properties of mixtures of normal distributions. Systematic consideration is given to statistical procedures for such numerical separation of mixtures as the EM algorithm and its modifications, grid separation methods. The author discusses questions of optimal implementation of these methods and considers examples of CPC method application to analyze the impact of information interventions in financial markets and the data obtained in plasma turbulence experiments.

For postgraduate students and university professors who are interested in the modern state of research in the field of probabilistic and statistical modeling of chaotic stochastic processes as well as scientists, engineers, specialists in the application of mathematical methods and applied statistics for analyzing characteristics of financial markets and plasma turbulence.

Вершины русской драмы The Heights of Russian Drama

The aim of the first book in the new series ‘Classics of the Genre’ published by the Moscow University Press is to show the national and genre uniqueness of Russian drama, its contribution to world aesthetic development. The author links the difference between domestic drama and foreign models with special ideas of an individual’s destiny, purpose and place in history.

For philologists, culturologists, philosophers, university and secondary school teachers, students, inquisitive schoolchildren and those interested in literature and the spiritual history of Russia.

Видеосъемка развития и анализ видеозаписей в детской клинической психологии Videography of development and analysis of video recordings in pediatric clinical psychology

This publication is the first, which has no analogues in Russian, educational and methodical manual for working with video materials of children with mental development disorders. The author's long-term experience of using video recordings in research, diagnosis and psychotherapy of children is summarized. The history, theory and practice of organizing video recordings of psychological observations and therapeutic classes are considered. The technique of analyzing video recordings of children's behavior and emotions in interaction with a specialist in the method of assessing the development of affective-behavioral complexes in the light of domestic traditions of pathopsychology and taking into account the achievements of ethology and psychoanalysis is revealed. The manual is illustrated with frames from the author's scientific and practical work, therapeutic classes, video materials, a detailed analysis of which is carried out within the framework of several training courses taught at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The manual is a methodological supplement to the book "Affective-behavioral complexes: observation, assessment and development", and also provides the necessary educational and practical material for the courses "Mental development disorders in children", "Emotional and personality disorders in childhood", "Clinical and psychological studies of early development", a workshop on pediatric clinical psychology.

For students, specialists working with children, researchers of child development and parents, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in issues of mental development in norm and pathology and modern methods of its diagnosis and correction

Владимир Маяковский Vladimir Mayakovsky
The books of the Rereading the Classics series contain a modern analysis of the publications included in school literature programmes. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the works of Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries are covered in detail. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge of Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and entering any university. V.V. Mayakovsky, officially the most recognized poet of the Soviet era, has now practically lost his readership. "Mayakovsky began to be introduced forcibly, like potatoes under Catherine," wrote B.L. Pasternak in 1956. "This was his second death. He is not guilty of it." Mayakovsky was a most interesting personality and a remarkable artist of words, a skillful master, the most outstanding innovator in 20th century poetry, not only Russian. The lack of understanding and recognition of Mayakovsky by both the mass and elite readers impoverishes the consciousness of modern man. The book discusses how Mayakovsky's legacy is perceived today, characterizes his creative individuality, outlines the main milestones of his life and creative path, and analyzes in detail the works included in the curriculum for applicants to Russian universities and Moscow State University. Addressed to high school students, applicants, students, and teachers.
Военная мощь Исламской Республики Иран The Military Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The authors examine unique features of modern military construction in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) by drawing on a wide range of Russian and foreign sources. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of IRI military might and gives an assessment of the overall defense potential and its elements: the economic, scientific and technical aspects of its defense capabilities, military potential as well as its armed forces’ moral and political potential. The article briefly describes the population of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its ethnic, religious and social structure as well as the Iranians’ national and psychological characteristics. Attention is paid to the analysis of the Iranian military doctrine, its socio-political and military-technical aspects and main elements. It considers the history and current state of the Iranian armed forces, specific features of the structure and order of the functioning of the armed forces management system as a key element without which the armed forces will be unable to carry out its mission.

The book is intended for Orientalists, political scientists, students studying questions of modern international relations in general and Near and Middle Eastern problems in particular as well as a wide range of readers who are interested in the issues of the internal, foreign and military policies of oriental countries and, primarily, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Волшебный мир немецкого языка The Magic World of the German Language
Franz Stark’s book “The Magical World of the German Language” (“Faszination Deutsch”) presents in a popular form the issues of interaction between language and culture, as well as the mutual influence of the main European languages. Facts of language development are considered as historical evidence. The author of the book, an international journalist, discusses the role of the German language in the modern world, its function as a language of European communication. The book is intended for a wide range of readers. The variety of data provided is of interest to those who study the history of culture and society, European contacts, and for students of the humanities.
Вступительные экзамены и олимпиады по химии: опыт Московского университета Entrance Examinations and Olympiads in Chemistry: Experience of Moscow University.

The book presents all the examination problems and Chemistry Olympiad problems off ered at the MSU entrance examinations for the fi ve years. For each problem the detailed solution or answer is given. The book is intended for pretenders, entering the University in chemical, biological, and medical specialty, as well as for high school students and teachers of chemistry.

Вступительный письменный экзамен по английскому языку Entrance written exam in English
The manual contains the scope of foreign language requirements for applicants, methodological recommendations for organizing independent preparation for the exam and for working with educational and examination materials, topics for written compositions (essays) and information about the main difficulties and typical mistakes of students. Training materials are offered for the applicant’s preparatory work - texts for zero, initial, basic and “advanced” levels of language proficiency, which allow “step-by-step” preparation according to the principle “from simple to complex.” Samples of materials for preparation for the DVI (additional entrance tests at Lomonosov Moscow State University), entrance exams for various humanities faculties (history, sociology, journalism, international relations, art history, etc.) and examination materials from past years of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University are provided. The main purpose of the manual is to help applicants to humanities faculties to prepare comprehensively and in detail, as effectively as possible, for the entrance exam in English, as well as for various Olympiads. For those entering humanities faculties and universities with a humanitarian profile, as well as for everyone who wants to learn English.
Вычислительно сложные задачи теории чисел Complex Hard Computational Problems in Number Theory

The textbook examines in detail the four problems that have attracted researchers’ attention in the past few decades: prime factorization of large composite numbers, computation of discrete logarithms in the multiplicative residue group by a prime modulus, the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations over finite fields, the computation of the rank of elliptic curves defined over field of rational numbers. The fastest algorithms for solving the first two problems are based on what is known to be a numerical field sieve algorithm that reduces them to the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations over finite fields. These systems are so large that conventional solution algorithms are not applicable to them. Special block iterative algorithms are used instead. This area of the applied number theory is now being actively developed around the world due to its application in cryptography. Because of the absence of lower complexity estimates for solving these number-theoretic problems, the only way to verify the reliability of the cryptographic algorithms used is by running a practical test involving most advanced algorithms and most powerful computers.

Генезис просадочности лессовых пород Genesis of Loessial Rock Subsidence

The monograph describes subsidence as a specific property of loessial rocks, its genetic types, hypotheses that have been advanced in this field, some experimental evidence that was obtained both in the course of laboratory modeling and in the study of processes in virgin rock. It considers logical and graphic models of subsidence formation of loess rocks of different genesis and formulates the main provisions of particular and general theories of loess subsidence formation.

For geologists, geologic engineers, geographers, soil scientists as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of geology and engineering geology.