Moscow University Press
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Основы математической теории пограничного слоя Fundamentals of the Mathematical Theory of the Boundary Layer

The book contains the first presentation of the theory of the boundary layer from the standpoint of the theory of differential equations. It presents a new approach to the concepts of the asymptotic series and the pseudo-analytic function. The boundary layer is represented as a pseudoanalytic function. The new approach based on the method of regularization of singular perturbations made it possible to formulate a criterion for the correctness of the mathematical description of the boundary layer and to develop a regular theory for singularly perturbed problems. The book is intended for mathematicians, specialists in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, physicists, applied mathematicians and engineers who have to deal with problems describing the motion of a viscous flow and with rigid systems of differential equations.

От Москвы до Нью-Йорка. Моя жизнь в науке и политике From Moscow to New York. My Life in Science and Politics

The author of this book, Mikhail Mikhailovich Novikov, is the last freely elected rector of Moscow University (1919–1920), a prominent biologist, a deputy of the Fourth State Duma. In 1922, the Soviet government expelled him among other famous scientists and public figures from Russia. The book was first published in the United States where M.M. Novikov lived from 1949. The author gives an account of his scientific and social activities in Russia and in emigration.
For all those who are interested in the history of Russian science, education and social life in the late 19th – mid 20th centuries.

От СССР к России. Авторитарная трансформация рубежа XX-XXI веков From the USSR to Russia. Authoritarian Transformation at the Turn of the 21st century

In his monograph, Krotkov Vladimir Olegovich, candidate of political sciences, analyzes the metamorphoses that took place in the socio-economic and political spheres in 1985-2009 that were transformational in nature. The scientific work examines the whole twenty-five-year period of our country’s historical transformation as part of the three – Soviet, post-Soviet and neo-post-Soviet – main stages, which had their own chronological framework and were characterized by its own specificity and internal logic of development. Relying on the overall characteristics he had formulated, the author proposed his own definition of the political regime, which made it possible to reveal its types, subtypes and, what can heuristically be called as its polycratic and monocratic forms, which received the researcher’s special attention. On the basis of a multifactorial political analysis, he identified and revealed the specific features of the political regime within the framework of the three stages of Russia’s historical transformation, enabling him to draw a general conclusion about the functioning of the authoritarian political regime of both one-party and various personality subtypes throughout the 25-year long transitional period. The monograph is intended for both specialists in the field of political science and for a wide range of readers.

Ответственность за изнасилование по уголовному законодательству Российской Федерации и различных зарубежных государств Responsibility for Rape under the Criminal Legislation of the Russian Federation and Various Foreign States

From the standpoint of comparative studies, the monograph investigates controversial issues related to the qualification of rape, which arise both in the theory of criminal law and in law enforcement practice. The author offers specific recommendations on improving the relevant norms of Russian criminal law; he examines the criminal laws of 36 foreign states. The work also analyzes criminal cases of rape and the results of polling law enforcement officers.
For teachers, graduate students and students of law schools and faculties as well as scientific and practical workers.

Отечественная наука и научная политика в конце ХХ в.: тенденции и особенности развития (1985 - 1999) Domestic Science and Science Policy in the Late Twentieth Century: Trends and Features of Development (1985–1999)

The late 20th century clearly saw scientific achievements and advanced technologies radically change world civilization and form the basis of a postindustrial society. These patterns directly affected the USSR and newly revived Russia. Moreover, both countries (the former at the end and the latter at the beginning its existence) faced serious problems related to the ineffective system of organizing, managing and supporting scientific and technological progress, mechanisms for reproducing and making rational use of its science resources, and introducing its achievements in the economy. Prepared by a team of specialists from the Institute of Statistical Studies and the Economics of Knowledge, State University – Higher School of Economics under the leadership of professor LM. Gokhberg, Doctor of economic sciences, this monograph is devoted to the study of key problems that faced the state and the scientific community in the field of science development in 1985-1999 and the mechanisms for their solution. The authors analyze the most significant institutional changes that occurred during the period in various sectors of Russian science, evaluate the evolution of the conceptual foundations of the state scientific and technical policy and the main results of its implementation. The work also contains a brief overview of the scientific and technological development of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the late 20th century in comparison with that of foreign countries and the description of several major scientific, scientific and technological achievements made by domestic scientists. The edition is supplied with a detailed scholarly apparatus and is addressed to teachers and students engaged in the study of the history of science in the USSR and Russia at the end of the 20th century, and to all those who are interested in our country’s modern history.

Открывая Грушина. Том.1 Discovering Grushin. Volume 1

The book is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Russian philosopher and sociologist Boris A. Grushin and includes the articles he wrote over the years and his essays on the history of Russian sociology, journalism as well as the works that have not previously seen the light of the day for various reasons. In particular, this edition publishes for the first time the beginning of his manuscript ‘The Gorbachev Epoch’ from a series called ‘Four Lives of Russia in the Mirror of Opinion Polls. Essays on the Mass Consciousness of Russians under Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin in 4 Books.’ Part of the book is made up of the first ‘Grushin Readings in Mokhovaya’ which took place on February 11, 2010, at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It also includes the articles Boris Grushin’s friends, colleagues and students specially wrote for this edition. Photographs of different years, cartoons and caricatures from his personal archives will supplement the reader's ideas about the multifaceted personality of this scientist and publicist.
For sociologists, philosophers, historians, social scientists, journalists and a wide range of readers who are interested in his heritage. The editing and publishing work was carried out at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
For the design of the book the materials from N. G. Kartseva’s personal archive were used.

Открывая Грушина. Том.2 Discovering Grushin. Vol. 2

The book continues the series "Discovering Grushin" dedicated to the outstanding Russian philosopher and sociologist Boris Grushin (1929–2007).

Открывая Грушина. Том.3 Discovering Grushin. Volume 3

The book continues the ‘Discovering Grushin’ series, dedicated to the memory of the outstanding domestic philosopher and sociologist Boris A. Grushin (1929-2007). The third volume of the series contains the materials of the ‘Second Grushin Readings in Mokhovaya’, which took place in February 2011 at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the thoughts of Professor Grushin’s students, colleagues and followers. The articles and materials published in the collection present the well-known researcher’s multifaceted personality and acquaint the reader with not only his scientific but also his pedagogical heritage. This publication also includes Grushin’s hitherto unpublished earlier texts as well as the notes of the lectures he read at the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University.
For sociologists, philosophers, historians, social scientists, journalists, teachers of the sociology of journalism and mass communications, students as well as for a wide range of readers who are interested in his heritage. The editing and publishing work was carried out at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
For the design of the book the materials from N. G. Kartseva’s personal archive were used.

Очерки из истории отечественной журналистики 1870-х гг.
Очерки русской культуры XIX в. Том 4. Общественная мысль Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 4. Social Thought

Volume 4 continues the six-volume edition, prepared by scientists of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, together with other research specialists. The volume is devoted to the study of social thought in Russia. One series of essays reflects the development of social thought in the nineteenth century, the other – deals with the most important problems that have stirred the minds throughout the century.

Очерки русской культуры XIX в. Том 5. Художественная литература. Русский язык Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 5. Fiction. Russian Language

Volume 5 continues the six-volume edition, prepared by scientists of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, together with other research specialists. This volume is devoted to the problems of the development of Russian literature and language in the context of 19th Century culture.

Очерки русской культуры XIX в. Том 6. Художественная культура Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 6. Artistic Culture

Volume 6 ends up the six-volume edition, prepared by scientists of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, together with other research specialists. This volume is devoted to the one hundred years of development of Russian art and culture – painting, architecture, music and theater.

Очерки русской культуры. Конец XIX – начало XX века. Том 1. Essays on Late 19th Century-Early 20th Century Russian Culture. Volume 1

The first volume of the two-volume edition ‘Essays on Russian culture. Social and Cultural Environment. The Late 19th Century – the Early 20th Century’ was prepared by scholars of the historical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University in collaboration with researchers from Moscow academic institutions and universities of other cities. The book is a continuation of the six-volume edition of ‘Essays of 19th Century Russian Culture.’ This volume is devoted to the study of the socio-cultural environment, the components of which included the city, the village and the mansion.
For historians, students and teachers, as well as all those who are interested in Russian culture.

Параллельные вычисления в задачах глобальной оптимизации Parallel Computations in Global Optimization Problems

This paper is devoted to the analysis of complex multi-extremal models of decision-making, which is traditional for Professor R.G. Strongin’s world-renown scientific school in this field. The work contains the necessary theoretical apparatus for constructing and analyzing parallel methods based on the information-statistical approach to constructing optimization methods, the characteristic theory of convergence and the effectiveness of methods for finding the extremum, and the methodology for reducing the complexity of models under examination. It gives a description of computational schemes of optimization methods, their theoretical justification and examples of practical application. It provides a brief depiction of the software that realizes, in the form of complete software systems, the proposed methods for searching for globally optimal solutions and has found its application in solving complex applied problems and in the learning process as a medium for performing laboratory work and research. The book is intended for a wide range of students, graduate students and professionals who want to study and practically use parallel methods of global optimization for solving computationally labor-intensive applied problems. The Academic Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC), Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University recommends this monograph for use in the educational process. The monograph was prepared as part of the project of the Presidential Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy ‘Creating a System for Training Highly Qualified Personnel in the Field of Supercomputer Technologies and Specialized Software.’

Париж. Века и люди Paris. Centuries and People

The book is a chronological narrative about France’s major cultural monuments in conjunction with the history of Paris and its environs including Versailles. Particular attention is given to architectural works as most impressive historical monuments as well as sculpture, painting, historical chronicles and memoirs including those of D'Artagnan. The book is written in such a way that behind the historical monuments one can see their contemporaries - people with their unique psychology and intellect.
For a wide range of readers who are interested in history and love art.

Перспективы геоэкологии после Рио+20 Perspectives of Geoecology After Rio+20

The Youth Scientific School ‘Perspectives of Geoecology After Rio + 20’ was held at the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, on September 12-14, 2012. The aim of the school was to give young scientists and senior students an opportunity to present their research outcomes and discuss them in a broader context of the global environmental policy. The collection contains abstracts of speeches, which were made by the school’s participants. The collection opens with the notes of five public lectures delivered at the school inauguration ceremony by leading specialists from Moscow University and Russian Academy of Sciences institutes.

Поведение насекомых Behavior of Insects

The content of lecture course, which the author has been reading to the students in entomology of Lomonosov Moscow State University for many years, is presented in this tutorial. Sexual, parental, feeding and protective behavior of solitary insects is described as well as their migrations, homing, cannibalism, development of behavior in ontogenesis and its genetic me cha nisms. For every type of behavior specifi c forms, scope of changeability, factors of its determination and the role of education in behavioral changeability are given. Modern hypotheses on the formation of diff erent behavioral chara cte ri stics of insects of a big number of orders are discussed.

The tutorial is intended for students and post-graduates of higher edu ca tio nal es tablishments as well as research scientists and a wide range of nature lovers.

Политические представления и ценности россиян Russians’ Political Views and Values

The monograph presents a comprehensive political and psychological analysis of political views, values both at the theoretical and methodological level, and based on the results of empirical research. The indicated phenomena are considered from different points of view: at the level of individual and mass political consciousness, in terms of generational, politico-cultural and political-ideological dimensions. The book provides a detailed picture of the systems of modern Russian citizens’ political ideas and values and reveals the socialization context of their formation. This publication is intended for specialists in the field of political science, sociology, psychology, students and post-graduate students studying political psychology and political sociology and for all those who are interested in this topic.

Политический регион. Опыт операционализации и концептуализации понятия Political Region. The Experience Of Operationalization and Conceptualization of the Concept

Issues of political regionalistics are becoming increasingly important in domestic political science. The monograph analyzes extensive material that gives an idea of the categorical definition of a political region, the sources and factors that contribute to the formation and development of a constituent’s political subjectivity in Russia as well as the relationship between the center and the region. Of great interest is the description of the main features and attributes of a political region with an emphasis on the institutionalization of political activity and the formation of federal relations and regional elite.
For experts in the field of regional policies, representatives of government bodies, teachers, students and all those who are interested in the scientific understanding of political and territorial phenomena and processes.