Moscow University Press


Немецкие сказки. Тексты и упражнения German fairy tales. Texts and exercises
The book is one of the components of the educational complex for students of humanities faculties of universities studying German, and is designed for independent work by students under the guidance of a teacher. The book is provided with line-by-line comments. The texts of the second and third sections are given a brief annotation containing biographical information about the writers and information about the history of the creation of the work.
Немецкий язык

The textbook contains an introduction (about the Germanic group of languages, about the historical periods of development of the German language, about the political structure of Germany), an introductory phonetic course (with rules of pronunciation, reading, stress, types of intonation, texts, poems, songs), a basic course (with texts about universities in different countries and on current topics), as well as exercises on phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and word formation of the German language.

The textbook is accompanied by a reference book on German grammar, which is referenced in the main course. The purpose of the textbook is to give students the skills of oral speech, reading German fiction, journalistic, scientific literature, and also to familiarize them to a certain extent with the culture of the countries of the language being studied.

Немецкий язык для студентов-историков. Практический курс German for history students. Practical course
The manual contains a detailed presentation of sections of German grammar, historical texts, grammatical and lexical exercises. The purpose of the manual is to familiarize students with the basic grammatical phenomena of the German language, teach them to see the grammatical structure of the text for its understanding and translation, and instill in them the skills of independent practical application of acquired knowledge both in oral and written speech. The manual will help students master the grammatical system of the language necessary for communication, i.e. in speaking, listening, as well as in understanding foreign language literature and the ability to extract key information from original sources. For students of history departments at universities who are focused on a long period of study, especially for those starting to study German as a second foreign language.
Необыкновенная история. Истинные события The Extraordinary Story. True Events

Ivan Goncharov's autobiographical novel ‘The Extraordinary Story’, dated 1875-1876, partially 1878-1879, is almost unknown to the modern reader. The storyline of these highly interesting memoirs is devoted to the creative conflict between Goncharov and Turgenev.

For a wide range of readers.

Неорганическая медицинская химия Inorganic Medical Chemistry

The textbook “Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry” is devoted to describing new interdisciplinary trend as a part of medicinal chemistry and the use and development of metal-based drugs.

Неорганическая химия. Химия элементов. В 2-х томах Inorganic chemistry. Chemistry of elements. Vol. 1

The textbook systematically describes the course of inorganic chemistry (chemistry of elements) in accordance with the standard program of the discipline "Inorganic Chemistry" for chemical faculties of state universities on the basis of a long-period version of the Periodic system of Mendeleev. Structural data, the basics of the valence bond method, the theory of the crystal field, molecular orbitals, the modern version of the polarization theory, the Gillepsi method are widely used. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching inorganic chemistry at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of Chemical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For students of chemical faculties of universities, it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and anyone interested in inorganic chemistry or working in this field.

Нигилизм или консерватизм? Русская интеллигенция в истории политики и мысли Nihilism or Conservatism? Russian Intelligentsia in the History of Politics and Thought

The book includes a study of ‘Political Culture of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia. An Experience of Conceptual Analysis’ and other works of different periods written by Professor A.A. Shirinyants, head of the history of socio-political studies department of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It is devoted to the problems of history, phenomenology and ideology of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia.

For political scientists, philosophers, anyone who is interested in the history of socio-political thought in Russia.

Николай Рубцов Nikolay Rubtsov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual is devoted to the poetry of N.M. Rubtsov, a major Russian lyricist of the second half of the 20th century, which is rooted in the national classical and folklore tradition. It gives an outline of the poet’s life and creative path, examines the features of his artistic world that determine the main themes and motifs of the lyrics, characterizes the genre and style peculiarity of his poetry and analyzes the most significant of his poems.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students of philology and a wide range of readers.

Нилова Пустынь. Монастырь и мир The Nilov Monastery. Monastery and the World

The book is dedicated to the Russian Orthodox shrine which was once famous and is now being revived – the Nilo-Stolobenskaya Pustyn or Nilov Monastery on the island of Stolobny on Lake Seliger in the Upper Volga region. It presents the history of the monastery, its spiritual and cultural traditions, symbolism, architecture and planning of the monastic complex, development of church arts. The author traces the formation of the iconic and sculptural image of Reverend Nil of Stolobny, a Russian saint and miracle-worker.

For historians, art historians, painters, restorers and all those who are interested in the history and culture of Russia.

Новое в школьных программах. Русская поэзия ХХ в. Innovations in the School Curriculum. Twentieth Century Russian Poetry

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

In this book, the reader will find under one cover two issues of the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series. One of them analyzes the art of poets from among those who defined the face of Russian lyric poetry from the pre-October period to the mid twentieth century. Special attention is paid to the creations by the two most illustrious Silver Age poets – Alexander Blok and Anna Akhmatova. The other issue contains articles about poets whose artistic gift revealed itself vividly later on in the post-war decades.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students, philologists, and all lovers of Russian literature.

Новый миллениум для России: путь в будущее The New Millennium for Russia: A Road to the Future

The work is the eighth book of the ‘Theoretical Political Science: The World of Russia and Russia in the World’ series following the publication of ‘The Philosophy of Power’, 1993; ‘Russia: the Experience of National and State Ideology’, 1994; ‘Philosophy of Politics’, 1994; ‘Political Anthropology’, 1995; ‘Reforms and Counter-Reforms in Russia’, 1996; Russian Statehood: Origins, Traditions, Perspectives’, 1997; Russian Civilization: Content, Boundaries, Opportunities’, 2000). In discussing the eternal Russian problem of disharmonious components of the social order (values, power, people, economic and political systems), the author makes serious generalizations regarding the conditions for optimizing generative, socially-changing resources, voluntary discipline and cooperation in achieving ideals.

For social scientists and a wide readership.

Ностальгия. Избранные стихи Nostalgia. Selected Poems
Chong Di Yong is the founder of modern Korean poetry, who gave it the rhythm of a new era and a modern sound. The features of his lyrics are the moderate use of sensual poetic vocabulary, allegory, symbol and personification, which form the basis of the technique of alienation. It is they who allowed his poems to take a worthy place among the masterpieces of modern Korean poetry.
О Гейдельбергской обезьяне. Современная латынь.

De simia Heidelbergensi. Liber ad usum discentium Linguam Latinam hodiernam denuo editus. Appendix ad praecepta «Linguae humanitatisque Latinae» Ordinis professorum qui linguas peregrinas et regionum proprietates explorant in Studiorum Universitate Mosquensi Lomonosoviana.

О политической науке. Избранные произведения About Political Science. Selected Works

This publication contains the selected works of Fedor M. Burlatsky, a famous scholar and author, one of the founders of modern Russian political science, a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, which he wrote for more than half a century of his creative activity. The book deals with the formation of political science in the USSR and modern Russia, the current problems of political science research including the formation of political systems, institutions and processes. The author pays special attention to the phenomenon of political leadership.

For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, all those who are interested in political science.

Образ жизни современного француза: праздники и будни Modern French people’s way of life

The textbook contains original non-adapted materials on cultural-specific, general cultural and everyday life subjects. It includes texts, vocabulary, exercises, and, in certain cases, lexical-grammatical comments.

For university students, postgraduates, school pupils and everyone who continues his or her study of the French language and culture.

Обратные задачи Штурма - Лиувилля с нераспадающимися краевыми условиями Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems with Self-Adjoint Non-Separated Boundary Conditions

The present monograph provides the first systematic analysis of inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions. The work summarizes and complements the results, which the author obtained and published in journal articles.

The book consists of three chapters. The first chapter proves the earliest theorems on the uniqueness of solutions of inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions; to prove their point the authors used the method of mapping of solution spaces. The second chapter presents the author’s theorems on the uniqueness, solvability and stability of solutions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions, and a pencil of differential operators. Appropriate examples and counterexamples are also given. In contrast to the first part, the basic method for solving inverse problems is the one of auxiliary problems rather than one of mapping solution spaces. The third chapter presents the results of reconstructing the boundary conditions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with the known differential equation.

Общая геология General geology
Printed in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook reflects modern data and ideas on the Earth as a planet, its place in the solar system and in the Universe. Basic information about the internal structure of the Earth and methods for studying it, about the geophysical fields of the Earth and the processes that change its surface is presented. Methods for determining the relative and absolute age of rocks and the geochronological scale, as well as the main endogenous and exogenous processes, tectonics of lithospheric plates, technogenic impact on the geological environment and the initial concepts of nonlinear geology are considered. The use of graphs, tables and pictures makes it easier to learn the material. A list of recommended further reading is provided for each chapter. The textbook is intended for the students of geological specialties and anyone interested in geology.
Общая геоморфология General Geomorphology

The textbook deals with the history of the development of geomorphological science and provides general information on landscape and factors that determine the formation of topographic features; it describes endogenous and exogenous processes and the topographic features they create. Much attention is paid to slope processes, as well as geomorphological processes occurring on the World Ocean floor. The third edition incorporates changes and additions made in accordance with the latest achievements of science and includes graphical appendixes.
For university students of geography, geology, mining and a wide range of specialists in the Earth’s topography and its evolution.

Общественное мнение в рекламе и связях с общественностью Public Opinion in Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising and public relations operate in the social space solving their professional tasks and dealing with the mass consciousness or with its relevant social cross-section – public opinion.
For public relations and advertising the study of public opinion is to research public reaction to these activities, company image, goods. services produced by such company and implications of its activities. Studying interrelationships between PR and advertising activities and public opinion has a pragmatic meaning: it helps these corporate institutions to function in society in a more effective way.

Общественное мнение и журналистика Public Opinion and Journalism

The manual examines the relationship of journalism and public opinion. Journalism is understood here as a structure, process, professional activity of collecting, processing, managing according to certain standards, transferring socially significant information in society for solving certain tasks remotely on a regular basis. Public opinion is a conglomeration of opinions, interests, preferences, likes and dislikes, relationships, behavioral patterns in society. This explains the mutual interest of journalism to public opinion, since this world of opinions characterizes society. Public opinion is interested in journalism, because the structures that study public opinion supply the public with this information. The process of studying public opinion, the methodological apparatus of surveys is professional knowledge. Journalists, too, should have it. The Book is addressed to students of journalism faculties.