Moscow University Press


Ода величию духа Ode to the Grand Spirit. Dialogues
The dialogue between Chingiz Aitmatov and the Japanese thinker Daisaku Ikeda is devoted to problems that have always worried humanity and that have arisen quite recently. The influence of literature on the formation of a child as an individual, self-awareness and the power of self-analysis, the traditional origins of Eastern thinking, motherhood and childhood, world religions and the influence of culture on politics. The topics of their conversations are varied and complex.
Океанические скарноиды Oceanic Skarnoids

The book, consisting of 12 chapters, presents the author’s improved Concept of the oceanic skarnoids which he recently published in the book ‘The New Paradigm minerageny’ (2010). Chapter 1 deals with databases, and parameters fields of ocean skarnoids, including such ‘key’ depostits as Uludag, Felbertal, Tyrnyauz, Yaogansyan, Shichzhuyuan, Srkytoye, Kiyalyh Uzen, Bayan. Chapter 2 is devoted to mineral resources bases of tungsten, molybdenum and tin in leading countries (China, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia). Chapters 3, 4 and 5 contain descriptions of 100 deposits of oceanic skarnoids. Chapter 6 speaks about the basic geological features, genesis models, field types, geological features and search criteria of major stratiform deposits of the oceanic skarnoid class. The history and the priorities of the concept of ocean skarnoids are given in Chapter 7. Chapters 8 and 9 contain information about the domestic and foreign ore provinces of oceanic skarnoids. Chapter 10 examines deposits with affinity for the skarnoid W, Mo, Sn deposits: 1) Skarnoid Fe, Cu deposits; 2) W, Au deposits of Muruntau Olimpiada, Kumtor and others. Chapter 11 is devoted to the issues of further developing the Concept of Oceanic skarnoids including the genesis and sources of ore material, elaborate search features and criteria as well as deep-water drilling in the Gulf of California in the Pescadero and Farallon pull-apart basins. Chapter 12 covers prospects and some projects for identifying the largest deposits of the ocean skarnoid class.
For geologist-surveyors and specialists in the field of regional geology and minerals, for students and postgraduates.

Опера о чуме (pdf) The Opera on the Plague (pdf)
Recommended by the Academic Council of the State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology as a textbook for in-depth study by students of medical, biological and veterinary institutions of higher education, as a teaching aid for students of professional training courses on working with pathogens of especially dangerous infections. The book examines the plague, the most dangerous bacterial infection that has caused three terrible pandemics in human history. The author proposes to look at the well-known subject from a different angle: from the point of view of the bacterium itself, which is the prima in the opera (Italian “business”) of life, and its influence on history and culture; from the point of view of the destinies of people - heroes and war criminals. The book includes a large number of illustrations and descriptions of clinical cases, therefore it is addressed to medical students for in-depth study. It can also be used by students of biological and veterinary universities, residents, in advanced training courses for doctors and in training specialists in working with pathogens of especially dangerous infections. In addition, the language of presentation allows us to recommend it to everyone who is interested in the amazingly dangerous world of microorganisms, and is also preparing to enter a university.
Определитель лишайников болот бореальной и тундровой зон России The determinant of lichens of bogs of boreal and tundra zones of Russia

The proposed determinant based on modern ideas about the systematics of lichens makes it possible to make up for the lack of knowledge of these organisms in swamp ecosystems. The first sections provide brief information about the biology, ecology, practical significance of lichens, and methods of study necessary for the identification of species. In the main part, various keys are given for determining lichens (genera, lichen species, taking into account their substrate confinement and in the absence of fruit bodies); diagnoses of 107 genera are given, before which keys are given for determining the species of these genera, as well as diagnoses of 345 species. After the name of the species, its synonyms are given, and after the diagnosis of the species, the types of swamps and the substrates on which these taxa occur in swamps are indicated. 

The determinant is designed for botanists, geographers, employees of specially protected natural areas, students, postgraduates, as well as nature lovers interested in lichens.

Организационное поведение Organizational Behavior. A Manual

The textbook analyzes problems facing organizations and employees in the 21st century. In addition to the fundamentals of organizational behavior, it examines the current state of rapidly developing organizations that face uncertainty, constant change and the impact of high technologies. It presents various models, technologies and tools of business changes aimed at radical organizational transformations. The manual contains a brief overview of the theoretical material, practical assignments and examples of case studies with a breakdown by topic, materials for students’ independent work and homework, recommendations for writing term and diploma papers. The manual is intended for students of economic specialties.

Организация и рынок: противоборство или согласие Organization and market: confrontation or agreement
Organization and market are not just elements of economic space. They represent special systems of rules of human behavior. They create unique scenarios of interaction between individuals and groups of the population. They are specifically fixed in the culture of different countries. In the age of globalization and high technology, the relationships between organizations and markets have become much more complicated. This book will help you understand the modern intricacies of these socio-economic institutions. It is intended for everyone who, for various reasons, is interested in the socio-philosophical and sociological understanding of the economic life of society - students, graduate students, teachers, managers and entrepreneurs.
Основы геоинформатики в археологии Fundamentals of geoinformatics in archeology
The textbook “Fundamentals of Geoinformatics in Archeology” includes 11 sections corresponding to six lectures (introduction to GIS, basics of cartography, use of global satellite positioning data and remote sensing data in archeology, geophysical and non-destructive methods in archeology) and five practical classes (basics of working with desktop GIS Maplnfo 8.0, Arc View 3.1 and ArcGIS 9.0; introduction to spatial analysis and the use of three-dimensional models in GIS). The manual is equipped with an electronic CD with numerous illustrations, several examples of working in GIS, as well as an extensive list of recommended literature for each section. The publication is intended for archaeologists, historians and a wide range of readers interested in the use of geoinformation methods in archaeology.
Основы гидрогеологии Fundamentals of hydrogeology

The textbook discusses the composition and structure of the underground hydrosphere, types of groundwater and conditions of their formation, the principles of hydrogeological zoning and the main types of hydrogeological areas problems of use and protection of groundwater: fresh mineral therapeutic, industrial and thermal power, as well as methods of field hydrogeological work, widely used in various types of research and surveys.

For students studying in the direction of "Geology", it can be used when reading the course "Hydrogeology" ("General Hydrogeology") to students of the specialties "Hydrology" and "Geoecology" of geographical faculties of universities, as well as for students studying in the specialty "Prospecting and exploration of groundwater and engineering geological surveys" of technical universities.

Основы глобалистики Fundamentals of globalism

The manual includes materials for self-preparation to the examination in the course “Introduction to Globalistics”. The book outlines the subject field of global studies, and topical issues of Globalistics as an integrative science. The manual covers the basic categories of Globalistics: global issues, global processes and systems, globalization, sustainable development.

Основы лингвистики речи Fundamentals of Speech Linguistics

The book outlines the basics of speech linguistics, a new branch of linguistics and a new scientific discipline and defines its subject, methods of research, goals, tasks and prospects of study. It considers speech in theoretically and practical terms as a relatively independent area, an aspect of the single complex ‘language – speech’ phenomenon and examines in detail the components of the process of speech activity (speech production): Addressee (speech producer) – Speech (code, message) – Addressee. It shows the specificity of speech, patterns of its development and operation, the importance of speech linguistics for functional and practical stylistics, speech culture, rhetoric, general linguistics and modern scientific areas such as pragmalinguistics, anthropocentric linguistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics and others. The work is intended for a wide range of readers – university students, post-graduate students, teachers of journalism and philology as well as for all those who are interested in the Russian language, its purity and expressiveness.

Основы математической обработки наблюдательных и экспериментальных данных для астрономов Fundamentals of mathematical processing of observational and experimental data for astronomers
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook contains information from mathematical statistics for the initial processing of observational and experimental data, and is also provided with examples, including from the author’s research. The conclusions of formulas that are usually not given in similar literature are presented. The manual is supplemented with materials on probability theory, combinatorics, linear algebra, necessary for solving a wide range of applied statistical problems. The publication is addressed to students of physics departments of universities studying in the areas 03.00.00 “Physics and Astronomy” in the specialty 03.05.01 “Astronomy” (specialty), as well as for researchers.
Основы математической теории пограничного слоя Fundamentals of the Mathematical Theory of the Boundary Layer

The book contains the first presentation of the theory of the boundary layer from the standpoint of the theory of differential equations. It presents a new approach to the concepts of the asymptotic series and the pseudo-analytic function. The boundary layer is represented as a pseudoanalytic function. The new approach based on the method of regularization of singular perturbations made it possible to formulate a criterion for the correctness of the mathematical description of the boundary layer and to develop a regular theory for singularly perturbed problems. The book is intended for mathematicians, specialists in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, physicists, applied mathematicians and engineers who have to deal with problems describing the motion of a viscous flow and with rigid systems of differential equations.

Основы метода динамической регуляции Basics of the method of dynamic regulation
The book is based on a course of lectures given by the authors at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University. For the first time in educational literature, the dynamic regularization method developed by Yu.S. Osipov and his students is presented - a method for solving unstable inverse problems for systems of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, etc. For the sake of completeness, the presentation includes auxiliary material from functional analysis, which is necessary for rigorous mathematical formulations of the inverse problems under consideration and justification of the convergence issues of the presented method. For undergraduate and graduate students of universities studying in the specialty "Applied Mathematics".
Основы нейтронографии Fundamentals of neutronography

The physical foundations of low-energy neutron scattering methods for studying the structure and dynamics of matter in a condensed state are described. The textbook is written on the basis of courses of lectures given by the authors at the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The book consists of three parts. The first part contains a consistent presentation of the principles of the theory of low-energy neutron scattering. The second part is devoted to the methods of obtaining and forming neutron beams, as well as their registration. The third part is devoted to basic experimental methods of neutronography, describes the principles of the device of experimental installations and measurements, as well as methods of interpretation of experimental data based on the theory described in the first part.

For students, postgraduates and researchers working or beginning to work in the field of research of physical, chemical and biological systems at the microscopic level.

Основы общей эмбриологии Fundamentals of General embryology
The textbook presents, taking into account the latest data, the main sections of embryology (developmental biology): development of germ cells, fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation and neurulation processes, development of various classes of vertebrates, basic patterns of organogenesis, cell differentiation and growth processes. Descriptions of processes at the cellular and supracellular levels are combined with a detailed consideration of the molecular genetic mechanisms of development, especially in relation to embryonic induction and cellular differentiation. Separate chapters are devoted to a brief presentation of the fundamentals of the theory of self-organization and comparative evolutionary embryology. As a supplement for those wishing to delve deeper into the problems of modern embryology, a collection of problems is provided. For the students of biological specialties at universities, graduate students and researchers in the field of developmental biology and cell biology.
Основы политического консультирования Basics of Political Consulting
The book is a presentation of the fundamentals of advisory activities in the field of politics. It is written as a manual for those who study political counseling as an academic subject in the programme of the faculty (department) of political science at a Russian university. On the other hand, it is a methodological guide for those who, having their own experience of professional political consulting, intend to present this experience in the form of a training course. A story about the professional activities of those who help Russian politicians in their struggle for power, an introduction to the basic skills of political analytics and some of the techniques of their struggle in election campaigns will help readers make their own political behaviour more meaningful, responsible and productive.
Основы статической физики материалов Fundamentals of Statistical Physics of Materials

This publication is the first textbook on statistical physics for students specializing in physics, chemistry and mechanics of materials and condensed-matter physics (solid state physics). It examines in detail the basic methods of statistical physics and those of its most important models that are widely used in condensed-matter physics. The textbook includes both equilibrium statistical physics and physical kinetics.
For students and post-graduate students of the faculties of materials sciences and the physics and chemical faculties of higher educational institutions.

Основы теоретической механики Fundamentals of theoretical mechanics
The textbook is based on lectures given at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University and corresponds to most curricula. It will help you study the subject independently and actively master the methods of theoretical mechanics most often used in practical applications and fundamental research. The presentation is based on the methods of differential geometry and the geometric theory of differential equations. The main theoretical provisions are illustrated with examples. For students, postgraduates and teachers of higher educational institutions specializing in mathematical, natural and technical sciences.
Основы физиологии и биохимии свертывания крови Fundamentals of physiology and biochemistry of blood clotting

As part of the curriculum, this textbook provides a fairly general, complete basic understanding of the basic (including classical) physiological concepts and principles used in the study of the blood coagulation system. The application of modern biochemical approaches to solving the problem of physiological regulation of the blood coagulation system makes it possible to understand the mechanisms of interaction between the processes of coagulation and anticoagulation.

The textbook consists of two parts, the first of which covers modern theoretical concepts of the physiological foundations of blood clotting processes occurring in the body, their relationship with the function of the body's anticoagulation system. The second part is devoted to the practical application of the theoretical knowledge on hemostasis and includes the implementation of tasks in the direction of professional activity of students who study primary and plasma hemostasis, humoral agents of the anticoagulation system of the blood, the relationship of the coagulation and insulin systems of the body. This is the most important difference between this textbook and other books on the physiology and biochemistry of blood clotting.

The textbook examines the current state of the hemostasis system and introduces readers to blood research methods used in physiological and biochemical laboratories and medical practice.

It is intended for students and teachers of biological and medical universities, researchers, doctors.

Основы физической геохимии Fundamentals of Physical Geochemistry

The textbook provides a complete course in basic physical geochemistry. It considers the subject and methods of physical geochemistry as a science of the physicochemical regularities of mineral, rock and ore formation and gives general points of the thermodynamics of equilibrium natural systems, which are a special type of systems with completely mobile components. It derives main thermodynamic relationships that characterize natural processes and shows their application. The book gives a detailed description of the questions of theory, topology, methods for constructing diagrams used in geochemistry, petrology, and the theory of mineral deposits.
For students, graduate students and all specialists involved in the study of physical and chemical regularities of natural processes.