Moscow University Press
Учебная литература


«Война и мир» Л. Толстого Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual deals with L. Tolstoy’s identity as a writer and a man and gives a detailed analysis of ‘War and Peace’ on a wide range of issues. The author sheds new light on such traditional topics as the spiritual quest of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky as he dwells heavily on their religious meaning. Students will find answers to questions about Kutuzov and Napoleon, Tolstoy's views on history, the original genre of ‘War and Peace’, etc.

The book is addressed to high school students, applicants, college students, teachers, philologists, linguists and specialists, all those interested in Russian literature.

«Мягкая сила» и публичная дипломатия. Курс лекций Soft Power and Public Diplomacy. Lecture Course

The main purpose of the textbook is to provide students with sufficient knowledge in the field of soft power and public diplomacy, the main aspects of the practical implementation of this foreign policy resource. The paper highlights theoretical issues, as well as historical and modern processes of functioning of the institutions of soft power and public diplomacy of the leading geopolitical actors of the modern world: the United States, Great Britain, Germany, China, Russia, etc. This course of lectures is the first example of educational literature in Russia devoted to the phenomenon of soft power and public diplomacy in world politics.

For students of higher educational institutions of humanities, engaged in the study of international relations and global governance.

The book may also be of interest to a wider audience interested in current issues of global political development.

«Преступление и наказание» — роман-пророчество. Crime and Punishment as a prophecy novel

The books in the "Rereading the Classics" series contain a modern analysis of the works included in school literature programs. Spiritual, moral and religious aspects in theworks of Russian writers of the XIX–XX centuries are covered in details for the first time. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, which is necessary for passing school exams and entering any university.

This manual discusses the traditional "plots" and problems of the novel: Raskolnikov's theory, the essence of the crime, what is the hero's punishment.

Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the last episode of the "Epilogue", which refers to the "resurrection" of Raskolnikov - so far it has not been discussed enough in criticism and science.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, specialists in philology, as well as a wide range of readers.

«Цветные миры». Американская литература в поисках национальной самобытности Colored Worlds. American Literature in Search of National Identity

«The Worlds of Color»: The Quest for National Identity in American Literature The problem under investigation In the research is the cultural identity quest and assertion in the course of emergence and evolution of the American literary tradition. The transformation of the European background shared by non-European racial and ethnic groups in the New World is in the focus of attention. The key moments of the process as reflected in literary texts are under consideration: the conversion of Africans and Native Americans, the nascence of the double consciousness, the debates over separatism, assimilation and integration, the controversy between the patriotic and eurocentrist viewpoints, the making of new and re-making of old concepts (the primitive, the New World utopia, the American Eden, etc.) integrating the “worlds of color” in multicultural American kaleidoscope.

The book is addressed to the university and college professors, students, scholars in American literature, culture and history.

Dozen Lessons From British History: Reader Dozen Lessons From British History: Reader

Reader “Dozen Lessons From British History” highights the most important periods in the history of Britain, stresses the role of particular monarchs, public leaders in political, economic, social, cultural and legal reforms. The reader helps to acquire background knowledge and cross-cultural cometence for better understanding of spoken and written English and further studies in law, history, political and social sciences.

Key words: William the Conqueror, Henry I, Henry II, King John, Edward I, Henry VII Tudor, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, the Stuarts, Charles I, Charles II, James II, Glorious Revolution, Robert Walpole, The Victorian Era, Disraeli, British Empire, World War I, World War II, Margaret Thatcher’s policies.

English of Global Economics English of Global Economics

The manual includes texts dealing with modern economic issues and contains an overall vocabulary and conceptual basis enabling students to easily read and understand the economic literature and to have a sufficient mastery of the professional language required for written and oral communication with their foreign colleagues.

For senior and graduate university students majoring in economics as well as for a wide range of people studying world economic problems.

English-in-Law: Textbook English-in-Law: Textbook

“English-in-Law” is a textbook presenting interesting material with a major focus on legal English. It combines incentive ideas from the field of law with the strongly task-based approach. It can be used both in class and for self-study by students of law, philosophy, sociology, political sciences, etc. Its assignments and tasks help learners of English to acquire and develop useful skills of reading, writing, speaking as well as communicative and cross-cultural competences.

Key words: law, aims of law, morality, self-interest, lawyers, positive law, international law, common law, statute law, public law, parliament, government, state.

Grammatica Latina: Латинский язык для переводчиков Grammatica Latina
The tutorial allows you to quickly and efficiently master the technique of translation from Latin into Russian. The manual consists of three parts and includes, firstly, information about the structure of the Latin language, presented in the form of analytical tables; secondly, the methodology for analyzing the Latin text; thirdly, exercises aimed at developing the methodology of translation from Latin into Russian. The appendix contains excerpts from the works of Cicero, St. Jerome and L. Bruni, in which these outstanding theorists and translation practitioners present their views on the essence and methodology of translation. The manual contains Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionaries, as well as a list of Latin grammatical terms and their accepted abbreviations. Particular attention is paid to the methodology of translation from Latin, which differs significantly from the methodology of translation from modern Western European languages. For students and teachers of non-philological departments of humanitarian universities, as well as for all other persons studying the Latin language.
INMOST-программная платформа и графическая среда для разработки параллельных численных моделей на сетках INMOST: A Software Platform and Graphical Environment for Development of Parallel Numerical Models on General Meshes: Textbook

This manual encompasses the experience of creating a parallel software MPI platform and a graphical environment for developing parallel numerical models on general meshes. The INMOST (Integrated Numerical Modeling and Object- Oriented Supercomputing Technologies) technology kit is a tool for supercomputer modeling characterized by the maximum commonness of supported meshes, flexible and economical nature of its distributed data structure, its cross-platform and also the graphical environment for an interactive user interface.

This manual will be useful for instrumentation and automation developers, engineers and mathematicians, whose activities are related to supercomputer modeling: to all those directly involved in creating parallel applications or using parallel numerical models.

Revise Your Grammar. Сборник тестов по грамматике английского языка Revise Your Grammar. Collection of tests on English grammar
The manual includes tests for training and quality control of knowledge of English grammar at the Intermediate level. The purpose of the manual is to control, consolidate and develop knowledge of a basic level of grammar and the ability to use correct grammatical structures in oral and written speech. Can be used in preparation for TOEFL, IELTS, FC exams, as well as by applicants for philological and linguistic specialties, students of specialized faculties (English as a specialty), university teachers, school teachers.
Автоматизированные системы финансовых расследований Automated Systems of Financial Investigations: Course of Lectures

This book is an introductory course of lectures which allows learning about one of the largest projects on the creation of information systems in law enforcement authorities of Russia being implemented in the authorities of finan­cial investigations — automated financial investigation systems. The tutorial is intended for students of Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Higher School of State Audit (Department) as well as other educational establishments of law enforcement authorities and employees of the authorities of financial investiga­tions, and all the other readers interested in the problems of creation of infor­mation and analytical support systems for prevention of economic (financial) crime. 

The course of lectures is written for Bachelor students in the specialty 030900 “Legal Studies”, field of study “Economic Crime Investigation”. 

Агрохимия Agrochemistry
The textbook, based on the achievements of agrochemical science, presents new experimental data on increasing the efficiency of fertilizers in the interrelation of factors “soil, climate, fertilizer and plant”. Much attention is paid to the role of agrochemistry in regulating plant nutrition in order to increase yields and the quality of crop products, as well as in reproducing soil fertility, improving the balance and biological cycle of substances. All these issues are considered taking into account the characteristics of natural and climatic conditions. New ecological functions of agrochemistry have been formulated. The scientific basis of zonal fertilization systems and individual crops, their agronomic and environmental assessment are presented. For students of soil specialties at universities, as well as for students of agricultural universities.
Агроэкологический мониторинг почв и земельных ресурсов Российской Федерации Agroecological Monitoring of Soils and Land Resources of Russian Federation

The paper presents the results of long-term agroecological monitoring of the state of Russia's land resources: the dynamics of changing agrochemical and physicochemical indicators, the content of organic matter and elements of plant mineral nutrition in soils; it characterizes agricultural technologies used in agriculture and plant growing; productivity of agricultural crops; contamination of soils and products with residual quantities of pesticides, oil and petrol products, heavy metals, nitrates, radionuclides; it also covers problems of erosion and melioration of agricultural lands.

Comprehensive and comprehensive information can be used by state and regional authorities, agricultural specialists, scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students of universities, academies and agricultural higher educational institutions.

Актуарные расчеты в страховании жизни Actuarial Calculations in Life Insurance: The Manual

The manual contains a consistent and systematic account of actuarial practice proven methods of calculation of tariff rates, life insurance reserves. The methods of forming net and gross premiums, changes in the reserve during the operation of the insurance policy for the various types of long-term insurance are discussed in detail.The book is based on the part of lecture course and seminar materials that the authors have been delivering for a few years at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University at the elective course "Actuarial methods". The uniqueness of the publication and its main advantage is that in additional theoretical material it provides solutions to many problems of actuarial mathematics.

The book is designed for the students of economic and mathematical departments of universities and individuals using actuarial calculations in their work.

Алгоритмические и компьютерные методы в трехмерной топологии: монография Algorithmic and computer methods in three dimensions topology

The monograph contains an accessible presentation of the theory of three-dimensional manifolds, which plays a huge role in modern mathematics and mathematical physics. The main emphasis is on algorithmic problems of three-dimensional computer geometry. The publication clearly describes the spectacular and unexpected applications of computers in topology and geometry. The book teaches the competent use of computers to form (and sometimes prove) geometric hypotheses and test them. The application of computer geometry methods to problems of Hamiltonian geometry and physics is shown.

For specialists in computer geometry, for mathematicians, geometricians and topologists. The book can also be used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students involved in the creation of modern geometric type algorithms.

Александр Николаевич Островский Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of the school literature curriculum. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The book deals with the art of the great Russian writer and playwright A.N. Ostrovsky. The authors shed light on what has come to be known as Ostrovsky theater which became an innovator and reformer of Russian stage art. It contains a profound literary and historical analysis of the writer's major plays (‘It’s Family Affair – We’ll Settle it Ourselves!’, ‘The Storm’, ‘The Forest’, ‘Without a Dowry’, ‘Talents and Admirers’).

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, students, high school and college students, applicants, philologists and general readership.

Александр Солженицын Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of the school literature curriculum. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual gives a specific analysis of artistic and journalistic works by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The novel ‘In the First Circle’ is presented in a broader context of Solzhenitsyn's short stories of 1960s – 1990s, ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ and the epic ‘The Red Wheel’. Special attention is paid to the writer’s religious and philosophical views that help to understand both his concept of the Russian national character, his historiosophy, and the principled social stand he took upon his return to Russia.

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Александрийская школа в истории христианской мысли The Alexandrian School in the History of Christian Thought

The study guide presents a course of lectures the author read at the philosophy and history faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997–2009. The book introduces the reader to the Alexandrian School – a historical and philosophical concept, embracing a whole range of crucial issues of the late Antique and early Christian worldview. Closely connected with the reflection of religious thought, the development of philosophical ideas can be traced throughout centuries – from the emergence of the Alexandrian School to its eclipse and qualitative regeneration into the intellectual tradition of ‘The Golden Age’ inherent in Christian patristic thought. As a cultural world center, Alexandria competed with Rome and led the way in the field of philosophical education. It gave the world Plotinus and Origen, made a decisive contribution to overcoming Gnosticism as the first temptation of Christian philosophical thought.

It was from here that Arianism and Origenism began to spread, but it was also here that the Orthodox dogmas and doctrine were formulated by SS Athanasius the Great and Cyril of Alexandria. The history of the Alexandrian School continued to cause fundamental disputes until after the end of the Middle Ages. Even today Alexandrian philosophy has not lost its relevance associated with such fields of humanitarian knowledge as hermeneutics and exegetics, semiotics, metaphysics, ontology, anthropology and the philosophy of religion.

For teachers, senior and postgraduate students of philosophy faculties.

Александрийская, Антиохийская, Каппадокийская школы в истории христианской мысли. Комплект Alexandrian, Antiochian, Cappadocian Schools in the History of Christian Thought. Set of 3 books.

These study guides present lectures delivered by the author at the philosophy and history faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997–2009. For teachers, students and graduate students of philosophy.

More about the monographs

Аналитическая геометрия. Элементы алгебры. Линейная алгебра Analytical geometry. Elements of algebra. Linear algebra

This publication is both a textbook and a problem book on the courses of analytical geometry, the basics of higher algebra and linear algebra, created based on the materials of lectures and seminars that the authors have read and conducted for several years for 1st-year students of the Faculty of Space Research of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The publication covers all topics necessary for future researchers with a good mathematical background. Each section is equipped with an impressive set of tasks, the solution of which will provide a good understanding of the subject.

For university and university students with advanced study of mathematics.

Англо-саксонская модель военных реформ: история и современность Anglo-Saxon Model of Military Reform. Past and Present

This book continues a series of Sergei L. Pechurov’s publications on the origins and development of the Anglo-Saxon model of society and armed forces. The author examines dominant views (both historical and current) in the Anglo-Saxon military science on military reforms. This book, for the first time in the Russian military and historical scholarship, traces the links between military reforms in the Anglo-Saxon countries (mainly, in the United States) and the revolution in military affairs. Drawing on numerous examples the author illustrates a thorny path of these military reforms and outlines the main trends for future military reforms both in the Anglo-Saxon countries and globally.

The book is addressed to the students of military and civil institutions of higher education specializing in world politics and international law, experts in international and military security, and to a wider audience of readers interested in military planning.

Андрей Платонов Andrei Platonov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

In his book, the author draws the reader into ‘a neighborless country’ – Andrei Platonov’s unique artistic world. Most amazing heroes with an unprotected heart and anxiety for the humanity wander forever in this ‘fierce and beautiful world’. These truth-seekers, 20th-century Hamlets and Don Quixotes, are convinced that ‘a song is dearer than things, for it brings one human being closer to another’, that ‘the main thing is to sow souls in people.’ The return of the novel ‘Chevengur’ and the story ‘The Foundation Pit’ – Platonov's ‘banned’ prose of the 1920s – 1930s – allowed the researcher to uncover the writer’s dramatic path in its fullness and in the unity of personal destiny and history. ‘Without me, people are incomplete,’ said one of his main characters. Being a most active character in his own works, especially in the linguistic sphere, Platonov emerges as our contemporary and a co-author of most profound human insights into the tragic 20th century.

The book is addressed to teachers of Russian literature, high school students, university entrants, students, all admirers of Platonov’s ‘inadvertent’ and innermost Word.

Антикризисное управление: библиотека специалиста. Математическая составляющая Anti-Crisis Management: a Specialist’s Library. A Mathematical Component

This manual contains the programs of mathematical disciplines for the Crisis Management Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University's faculty of Public Administration.

A specialist in crisis management ought to master rather wide range of mathematical models which allow him to clearly formulate a problem in the emergent management situation; algorithms which in their turn allow gradually approaching the desirable result; diverse mathematical apparatus which can help in the quantitative execution of the results of management efforts. These are the motives that have defined a number of disciplines in the presented course as well as their content.

Антиохийская школа в истории христианской мысли The Antiochene School in the History of Christian Thought

This manual presents a course of lectures read by the author at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2008–2009. They reflect the path Greco-Syrian Christian thought traversed as an independent philosophical-theological tradition based on its own foundations and continuing some tendencies of ancient philosophy. The manual reflects the most important philosophical achievements of the Antiochian School – the methodological synthesis of Bl. Theodoret of Syrus and the experience of axiological constructs in St. John Chrysostom’s moral and exegetical method. It also presents the historical formation of the Antiochean approach to hermeneutics.

The theoretical course of the manual is based on the materials of fundamental domestic and foreign studies on the history of Greco-Syrian patriotic thought.

For teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students of philosophy.

Аргументация. Познание. Общение. Argumentation. Cognition. Communication.

The book contains the text of a monograph first published in 1991, the author made stylistic and other changes, and also presents two additional chapters prepared in 2023. In the monograph, argumentation is interpreted as human activity in the interrelation of its various aspects: logical-epistemological, pragmatic, ethical, emotional. In the additional chapters, the correlation of argumentative and manipulative influences is considered.

Keywords: argumentation, theory of argumentation, rhetoric, discussion, protection from manipulation, argumentation, philosophical text

Асимптотические оценки сложности управляющих систем Asymptotic estimates of the complexity of control systems

The textbook, the 1st edition of which was published in 1984, covers a significant part of the course "Elements of Mathematical Cybernetics", taught at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University for more than 40 years, as well as part of the material provided for by the mandatory part of the candidate's exam program in some specialties. The manual discusses the main classes of discrete control systems (contact circuits, formulas, circuits of functional elements). The simplest synthesis methods, the Shannon method, the asymptotically best synthesis methods, and the cascade method are described. Examples of the application of the principle of local coding are given.

Аудит эффективности использования государственных средств Performance Audit of the Use of Public Funds

The tutorial is devoted to the comprehensive review of public funds’ handling audit as a modern type of state audit. The consistency of upraise and peculiarities of audit execution in foreign countries as well as its establishing in Russia are indicated. Theoretical bases of efficiency audit are revealed and its place in financial control is stated. Special attention is given to the problem of organization and method of efficiency audit actualization on its each stage. The experience and problems of ef­ficiency audit execution by audit institutions of the Russian Federation as well as conditions necessary for its application in the state financial control of Russia are considered.

The book is intended for students of Higher School of State Audit (Department) of Lomonosov Moscow State University, it can also be of use for post-graduates and students of economic universities, researchers and specialists in the field of state financial control and employees of audit institutions of the Russian Federation.

Аффективно-поведенческие комплексы. Наблюдение, оценка и развитие Affective-behavioral complexes. Observation, assessment and development

The fundamental model of level-based development of affective-behavioural complexes (ABC) is presented in the edition. The practical issues of the ABCs’ assessment and their correction in children with affective disorders and autistic spectrum disorders are analyzed in the book.

The model has been developed based on the data of systematic observation of 439 children’s development with behavioural disorders, emotional disturbances, autistic spectrum disorders, psychotic states. The unique authorial method of observation with therapeutic actions is described. It allows to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively recordings of children’s behaviour and emotions and their development. The book contains many photos of key affective patterns of human behavior and drawings made by children during their psychotherapeutic sessions with the author.

Басни Ивана Крылова Ivan Krylov’s Fables

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

This book is devoted to the fable writing art of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, a great son of the Russian land. The author set himself the task of narrating a general story about fable, the history of the fable genre in Russia comparing Krylov's fables with those of his predecessors in an attempt to explain the uniqueness of Krylov's fables. The author also made an attempt to clarify and revise the current views of Krylov's fables being ‘simplistic’. The Russian fabulist was indeed concerned with ‘important issues’, and his fables fully bear out Nikolai Gogol’s opinion.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, university entrants, philologists and generally for all admirers of Ivan Krylov.

Биология индивидуального развития (генетический аспект) Biology of Individual Development (Genetic Aspect)

This is the first textbook in both Russian and foreign literature to provide complete information on the achievements of modern experimental embryology based on research in molecular genetics including mechanisms underlying individual development, embryonic induction and animals cloning. The book also shows individual scientists’ contribution to ontogeny; special attention is paid to Russian researchers, their priority developments and the scientific schools they have founded.

The textbook has been written based on a course of lectures read by the author at the biology faculties of Moscow and Novosibirsk universities.

For students and postgraduates studying biology, genetics, embryology, molecular biology and researchers who study the problems of ontogeny.

Биофизика в 2-х томах Biophysics.

This book is a fundamental textbook (in two volumes) on biophysics, which presents the basics of modern biophysical science.

The first volume sets forth the theoretical foundations of biophysics. It places special emphasis on the problems of mathematical modeling of biological processes at different levels of living matter organization. It considers physical features, dynamic and electronic properties of the structural unit of living matter – the macromolecule as well as physicochemical mechanisms of energy transformation in biostructures.

The second volume (Chapters 15–30) deals with the physicochemical mechanisms of major processes that occur in organisms. It discusses in detail the issues of biological membrane structure and functioning, bioelectrogenesis, muscle contraction, reception, electron transfer and energy transformation in biomembranes. It considers the mechanisms of primary phases of photobiological processes including photosynthesis, sense of vision, photochemical reactions in biopolymers.

For students, postgraduates and multi-discipline specialists who are interested in the physicochemical foundations of life processes.

Боратынский Boratynsky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

Boratynsky is the only one of Russian lyricists of genius to have more than a hundred books and articles written about his art of which many conspicuously misconstrue his poetry. It is especially difficult for the young reader to understand the poet’s works. This manual can help fill in the void. Without skirting the most difficult questions regarding the poet's art, the author speaks about them in an easy-to understand manner. He places much emphasis on analyzing the works that are included in school syllabi and university curricula. Despite its small volume, the book gives a holistic view of Boratynsky's poetry as it reveals for the first time the religious foundations of his worldview, philosophical lyrical poetry, as well as the national underpinnings of his art, the connection of this European educated poet with his native land. Being the first literary work on Boratynsky, it is directly addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students and university and college entrants.

It will also be interesting for specialists in philology and every lover of Russian poetry.

Введение в историю культуры Introduction to the history of culture

The textbook is focused on revealing the essence of culture through the meaningful variety of its forms. The authors considered their main goal to involve the reader in the exciting world of multiplicity of cultural meanings. Various stages of the history of culture are analyzed by modern methods of humanitarian knowledge.

The publication is intended for students of humanitarian faculties studying the history of culture as a general educational discipline, as well as for all those interested in the patterns of development of world culture.

Введение в историю Церкви. Часть 1: Обзор источников в общей истории Церкви An Introduction to the History of the Church. Part 1: A Review of Sources in the General History of the Church

Being the first part of the university course in the general history of the Church, the book is the first systematic review of sources on general church history to have been prepared in Russian science since the late 19th century.

The manual contains an overview of material and narrative sources grouped according to a wide array of data (works by ancient and medieval historians; canonical, hagiographic, liturgical and theological sources; memoirs and archival documents, mass media sources), and extensive reference material. It particularly highlights the sources produced by international Christian organizations (WCC, etc.).

The manual was prepared by the Department of Church History, the History Faculty (Lomonosov Moscow State University), and is addressed to university students of history studying in the specialty ‘History’, as well as all those interested in Church history, world history, the history of foreign art, Christian archeology, cultural studies, social psychology and religious studies.

Введение в океанологию Introduction to Oceanology

The manual covers a range of issues that oceanology has to solve to form strategic directions in the study of the World Ocean.

For students and magistrands studying in marine science, disciplines of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, biology, geography, ecology) as well as teachers, researchers and postgraduate students in relevant specialties.

Введение в специальность: Механика (010701. 65 «Фундаментальная математика и механика») Introduction to Specialty: Mechanics (010701.65 ‘Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics’)

Most of the texts in this book are based on assignments that were published in various manuals and materials pertaining to Mechanics and Physics Olympiads for schoolchildren and students. Part of the problems were written by the staff members of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University including S.I. Arafajlov, A.V. Zvyagin, A.S. Zelenskiy, A.G. Kalugin, N.E. Leontiev, A.A. Malashin, E.I. Mogilevskiy, V.L. Natyaganov, V.A. Proshkin, N.N. Smirnov, O.Yu. Cherkasov, M.V. Yumashev, A.G. Yakushev, and Ya.D. Yankov.

For seminars which are conducted for 1st year students at the Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, as part of the ‘Introduction to Specialty’ course and for training schoolchildren for Olympiads.

Введение в специальную теорию относительности Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity

The manual outlines the main ideas of the special theory of relativity. It is shown how their consistent use makes it possible to formulate relativistic dynamics, electromagnetic field theory and relativistic quantum mechanics. In this regard, the book will be useful when studying the relevant sections of theoretical physics.

It is intended for students and postgraduates of physical specialties of universities, as well as for anyone interested in the theory of relativity.

Введение в химию твердофазных материалов Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

This is a systematic presentation of the course in the line of solid-phase materials with special properties, which is read at the Faculty of Materials Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers features of the chemical bond and structure of solids, thermodynamics, kinetics, and the mechanism of solid-phase reactions leading to the formation of practically important materials and gives an overview of the main classes of modern materials and methods for obtaining them. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching this discipline at the Faculty of Materials Science and the Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For university students of materials science, chemistry and physics; it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and specialists working in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state physics.

Введение в экологию растений Introduction to Plant Ecology

The manual describes interaction between plants and their populations and their environment and the factors that have an impact on these processes. It examines ecological and botanical phenomena at different levels and covers its various aspects (ecological plant physiology, the ecology of species, populations and plant communities).

For students of botany and ecologists of various specializations, postgraduate students and university professors who read courses in plant ecology as well as all those who are interested in expanding their biological and ecological horizons.