Moscow University Press
Научная литература


Поэты «Латинской Антологии» Poets of ‘The Latin Anthology’

‘The Latin Anthology’ is a late antique collection of small poems compiled in early 6th century Roman Africa, introducing over twenty authors. This book acquaints Russian readers with this specific literary monument. This is the first separate edition of well-thought out and stylistically balanced translations of vandal school poetry.

Правительственный конституционализм в России XVIII - начала XX века: традиции изучения Governmental Constitutionalism in 18th – early 20th Century Russia: Traditions of Study

The book is devoted to the acts of governmental constitutionalism in Russia in the 18th and early 20th centuries: ‘Conditions of the Supreme Privy Council’ (1730), ‘Introduction to the Code of State Laws’ by M.M. Speransky (1809), ‘October 17, 1905 Manifesto’ and ‘April 23, 1906 Fundamental State Laws’. The author summarizes the study of this problem in Soviet historiography. His main attention is focused on the reasons why these acts came into being and what was their political and legal content.
For all those who are interested in the history of Russian constitutionalism.

Правовое регулирование безналичных расчетов в предпринимательской деятельности на территории Российской Федерации Legal Regulation of Non-Cash Payments in Entrepreneurial Activities in the Russian Federation

The paper outlines issues of legal regulation of non-cash settlement relations and examines the organizational models of non-cash settlements, ways to improve the fulfillment of non-cash settlement obligations, etc. Legal acts are presented as of April 1, 2006.
For students, postgraduates, teachers of law schools and banking practitioners.

Правовой статус налогоплатильщика-физического лица The Legal Status of a Taxpayer as a Physical Person

The monograph explores the problems of the legal status of a taxpayer as an individual by taking into account its historical development and comparing it with the experience of taxation of individuals in foreign countries. Based on the research by leading scientists in the field of financial law, the book identifies the essence of the legal status of a taxpayer, singles out the characteristics of a physical person as a taxpayer and considers a taxpayer’s duties and rights in terms of fulfilling their obligation to pay taxes, tax control, prosecution for tax law violation and appeal against illegal actions of taxation bodies and their officials.
For students, postgraduate students, teachers, researchers, practitioners and those who are interested in problems of tax legislation.

Пресса ГУЛАГа. Списки Е.П. Пешковой. GULAG Press. E.P. Peshkova’s Lists

The book contains two studies united under the Gulag theme. The first one entitled ‘The Gulag Press’ examines closed periodicals which the General Directorate of Camps published in 1918-1955 for distribution among political prisoners. The history of the camp press is presented in the context of the general trends in the development of Soviet journalism at that period. The second study is called ‘E.P. Peshkova’s Lists‘ and deals with a unique phenomenon - the activities of “The Assistance to Political Prisoners’ Foundation which existed from 1922 to mid-1938.

Применение «жесткой» и «мягкой силы» во внешнеполитических целях. Теория и практика. Сборник научных трудов  школы системных исследований в области политэкономии международных отношений The Use of ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for Foreign Policy Purposes. Theory and Practice

The book contains scholarly works produced by the School of System Studies in the political economy of international relations and led by A.A. Kokoshin, A.N. Gromyko, A.A. Sidorov. The school was formed at the Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, based on the Department of international organizations and world political processes and the Center for security and development problems. The articles were prepared as part of the scientific project ‘Methodology of Systemic Analysis of the Practice of Applying ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for
Foreign Policy Purposes’ This project was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for leading research schools of the Russian Federation (NSH-2427.2014.6). The collection contains articles on military, politico-diplomatic and financial-economic instruments as well as ‘soft power’ tools. The publication is addressed to students, postgraduate students and university and college teachers in the field of ‘International Affairs’ and ‘Political Science’, as well as to all whose who are interested in global policy problems.

Принципы параллельного программирования Principles of Parallel Programming

In the age of development of multi-core processor architecture, the topic of parallel programming assumes great importance for engineers and designers of computer systems. The book ‘Principles of Parallel Programming’ written by renowned researchers and scholars Calvin Lin (Department of Informatics at the University of Texas, Austin) and Lawrence Snyder (Department of Computer Science and Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle), deals with the fundamental principles of parallel computing. The book explains various phenomena and provides examples of the cases when these phenomena contribute to the success of parallel programming, or, on the contrary, create certain difficulties. The publication is intended for senior university students, for students studying for their master's degree and professionals who want to learn parallel programming. The book contains valuable reliable and information that will continue to be relevant despite the hardware and software evolution.

Пропионовокислые бактерии Propionic Acid Bacteria

The monograph summarizes the results of the author's research over many years and the information contained in the literature on the unique life form of propionic acid bacteria. The author tells about the complexity of scientific research, original approaches to the study of propionic acid bacteria and the great contribution to this area of microbiology by domestic researchers who have discovered amazing facts of general biological significance. She presents the data on the ultrastructural organization of propionic acid bacteria, their biochemistry, physiology, ecology as well as new data on the genetics of these bacteria, which are important for understanding the evolution of the world of living beings.
For microbiologists, biochemists, biotechnologists.

Прорыв. Как открылись ворота страны. 30-летию начала реформ в Китае посвящается
Протестные движения в странах Центральной и Юго-Восточной Европы. Конец 1960-х - 1980-е гг. Хрестоматия. Protest Movements in Central and South-Eastern Europe. From the Late 1960s to the 1980s

The book contains unique documentary material, which has not been introduced before. The main purpose of the manual is to get the reader directly acquainted with the primary sources in the history of the opposition and dissident movements in six Central and South-East European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia) in the late 1960s-1980s. The book reproduces concrete documentary evidence of the intensive search in the regional countries’ opposition environment for ideological concepts and models alternative to the established regime as well as programs of political and social transformations. The documents published systematically reflect the evolution and structure of the opposition movements in the region, helping readers to navigate in their wide spectrum, which makes it possible to fix the key points of the history of each of the six countries and to compare protest movement models with those in other parts of the world.
For researchers, teachers, postgraduate students, students and a wide range of readers.

Психологические факторы развития и стагнации демократических реформ Psychological Factors of Development and Stagnation of Democratic Reforms

The book is a psychological study of socio-political processes in Russia in 1985-2013 through the prism of the traditional Russian mentality. In fact, this is the first book in Russian psychological literature to pose the question of how an individual lived and thought in a specific historical period, and to touch upon a number of socio-psychological problems that seem self-evident to everyone and yet traditionally escape from academic science’s reflection and critical analysis.
The publication is intended for psychologists, sociologists, political scientists and a wide range of readers, it can also be of interest to state, public and political figures of all levels.

Психология аномального развития ребенка в 2-х томах The Psychology of Abnormal Child Development in Two Volumes

This is the first anthology to be published in our country providing the necessary theoretical material for the course ‘The Psychology of the Abnormal Child’ which was read for many years at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University, and other related courses (‘Emotional Disorders in Childhood’ and a hands-on workshop on ‘The Psychology of an Abnormal Child’). The specific feature of this book lies in the fact that it has been compiled by practicing psychologists who are directly involved in working with children in a clinic or a children’s consultation office. The numerous cases that different authors describe in their articles make theoretical constructions or conclusions clear and understandable helping to recognize deviations in child development and map out ways to correct them. The domestic psychological literature knows no other publication like this in the width and variety of theoretical concepts presented in the textbook and in the extent of the book’s coverage of clinical manifestations of abnormal child development. The reader is designed both for students who are beginning to study psychology, and for working doctors, psychologists, teachers and caregivers.

Психология спорта Sports psychology

The present monograph publishes the works by psychologists from Moscow University, the institution that has accumulated considerable material in the field of sports psychology, including both theoretical fi ndings and their practical application. “Sports Psychology” is a result of long-term work carried out by many researches. The book reflects recent tendencies as well as modern methods applied in the field of sports psychology. It presents the results of experimental studies carried out at Moscow University.

The book will be of interest not only to scientists and specialists in this field, but also to a wider audience interested in modern trends in sports psychology.

Психология: предмет и метод. Избранные психологические труды Psychology: subject and method. Selected psychological works

The book of selected works by P. Ya. Galperin is the most complete collection of his publications and speeches covering a wide range of fundamental and applied problems of psychology. The publication introduces the teaching of P. Ya. Galperin about orientation activity as a function of the psyche, ideas about its development in philo-, anthropo- and ontogenesis, the theory of gradual formation of mental actions and concepts, the concept of different types of orientation activity.

Of particular interest is the planned-stage formation as a method of studying mental processes, creative thinking and the problem of the relationship between learning and development.

Равные условия для всех детей: стратегия, которая работает Giving Kids a Fair Chance. A strategy that works

A top economist weighs in on one of the most urgent questions of our times: What is the source of inequality and what is the remedy?

In Giving Kids a Fair Chance, Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman argues that the accident of birth is the greatest source of inequality in America today. Children born into disadvantage are, by the time they start kindergarten, already at risk of dropping out of school, teen pregnancy, crime, and a lifetime of low-wage work. This is bad for all those born into disadvantage and bad for American society.

Current social and education policies directed toward children focus on improving cognition, yet success in life requires more than smarts. Heckman calls for a refocus of social policy toward early childhood interventions designed to enhance both cognitive abilities and such non-cognitive skills as confidence and perseverance. This new focus on preschool intervention would emphasize improving the early environments of disadvantaged children and increasing the quality of parenting while respecting the primacy of the family and America's cultural diversity.

Heckman shows that acting early has much greater positive economic and social impact than later interventions -- which range from reduced pupil-teacher ratios to adult literacy programs to expenditures on police -- that draw the most attention in the public policy debate. At a time when state and local budgets for early interventions are being cut, Heckman issues an urgent call for action and offers some practical steps for how to design and pay for new programs.

The debate that follows delves deeply into some of the most fraught questions of our time: the sources of inequality, the role of schools in solving social problems, and how to invest public resources most effectively. Mike Rose, Geoffrey Canada, Charles Murray, Carol Dweck, Annette Lareau, and other prominent experts participate.

Радиовещание и телевидение Франции. Radio and Television in France

The monograph traces the main stages of the development of French radio and television broadcasting. The book examines the process of formation of the French audiovisual system against the backdrop of the country's internal social and political life, important international events, 20th century scientific and technological progress and the introduction of digital technologies in the early 21st century. The work focuses on the specifics of French radio and television functioning during the establishment of a state TV and radio monopoly in France. It examines in detail the legislation in the field of audiovisual media and its impact on the transformation of the French radio and TV broadcasting system.
For students, post-graduate students and teachers of faculties and departments of journalism, practical journalists, political scientists and media historians.

Радиожурналистика Radio Journalism

The textbook deals with the history, specific features and public functions of radio broadcasting, its place in the mass media system, the structure of its expressive means, radio broadcasting program genres and forms, questions of the methodology of the radio journalist's work both when broadcasting live and recording programs for future broadcasts as well as the typology of radio broadcasting organizations that has been established in Russia and abroad. It provides the first ever summary of foreign experience, international broadcasting experience and forms and methods of radio audiences surveys.
For students of journalism and television practitioners.

Развиваем мышление с русскими сказками Developing Thinking with Russian Tales

A common view is that folktales are for children. In general, this is not the case, let alone for Russian folktales. This becomes more obvious when we take a closer look at the rather violent content of these stories. Thus the challenge of this work is an attempt to reestablish the reality of these stories, intended primarily for the adult reader, by offering them accompanied by a philosophical analysis, as well as with questions inviting the amateur of tales to meditate further on the content of these narrations. Since one of the consequences of the infantilization of these stories is precisely that they tend to lose their function, which consists in making the listener reflect on the world, on humanity, on psychology, on himself etc. The allegories or metaphors they contain constitute in fact a kind of narrative philosophy, taking the form of fables or parables, all of which are meant to feed our thoughts. Of course, without excluding children.