Moscow University Press
Научная литература


Жизненный путь почвоведа The Life Path of A Pedologist

The renowned soil scientist G.V. Dobrovolsky tells us about his long personal and professional journey. Almost all his life except for the war years (1939–1946) is closely connected with Lomonosov Moscow State University. He passed his student and post-graduate years here and later began his scientifi c and pedagogic work as a research fellow, assistant, assistant professor, head of chair, dean of Biology and Soil Department and then dean of the Department of Soil Science founded upon his initiative. Many years of expeditions and business trips to different regions of Russia and other countries, meetings and cooperation with interesting people have brought about new knowledge and impressions that are presented in this book.

The book will be interesting for soil scientists, biologists, geographers, geologists, specialists in environmental protection and rational use of land resources.

Журналистика для здоровья нации: медиакоммуникации и человеческое развитие Journalism for the Health of the Nation. Media Communication and Human Development

This collection is the second issue of the ‘Journalism for the Health of the Nation’ series, which is the result of a major scientific, educational and publishing project of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. It focuses on the analysis of journalistic practice in public health issues coverage. It covers almost all types and types of media. Among the authors are doctors, teachers, psychologists, researchers, and journalists, which provides and interdisciplinary approach.

This collection reveals data on media content researches carried out by teachers, researchers and students of the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University. Its appendix covers extensive historical, reference, statistical, documentary material and journalistic texts, thus having a high value even separate from the book.

Записки о становлении факультета фундаментальной медицины МГУ Notes on the Formation of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

The author’s notes, based on personal experience as well as conversations with heads, teachers and graduates, allowed him to draw the story of the first years of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the Moscow State University. The notes give the main features of classical university medical education at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. This historical and artistic publication is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Faculty.

Записки ректора Московского университета Notes of the Rector of Moscow University

The memoirs of Galkin, the 39th rector of the Moscow State University, the long-time head of the department of the New and Modern History of the Historical Faculty, cover the author’s almost-a-century-long life, which is inseparable from the history of this country and the history of the Moscow State University.

For historians, students, or anyone interested in the history of Moscow State University.

Затаенное имя. Тайнопись в «Слове о полку Игореве» Secret Name. Cryptograms in the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’

The book is devoted to a long-standing problem: the search for the name of the author of the Tale. The researcher tried to approach the solution of this problem by finding and reading the cryptograms — one of the well-known and widely spread methods of Old Russian authors to leave their names hidden.

Из истории российской фотографии From the History of Russian Photography

Popov’s book presents essays on the history of photography written using documentary materials. You will find information about photographic societies in Russia, lithographs and lithographic institutions that produced photographic forms, photographers of Russian emperors and many other materials that will help clarify some facts from the history of Russian photography and help researchers in the authentication of photographs. The publication uses photographs from the Russian State Library of Arts and the author’s personal archive.

Избранные университетские лекции Selected University Lectures

The book is specially prepared for students and teachers of Moscow State University. It contains selected university lectures by Bogolyubov, complete with several of his famous reports, most of which were read or published at Moscow State University.

The materials are arranged in three parts:

  • I. Mathematical problems of nonlinear and statistical mechanics;
  • II. General problems of the theory of condensed matter;
  • III. New methods of the quantum theory of many bodies and quantum field theory.

The lectures and reports are meant for a wide audience of students, post-graduate students, researchers and teachers of Math, Mechanics and Physics. In the References sections, the readers will find the main events and activities of Bogolyubov as well as a list of his scientific works that were included in the most complete Collection of his scientific works released in 2005–2009 by the Science publishing house (series ‘Classics of Science’, 12 volumes).

For students, graduate students, researchers and teachers specializing in theoretical and mathematical physics, as well as the history of mechanics and physics.

Императорский Московский университет в газете «Московские ведомости» (1756–1917) Imperial Moscow University in the newspaper “Moscow Gazette" (1756–1917)

The first edition of this book was prepared for the 250th anniversary of Moscow University in 2005. The book presents publications of the first university newspaper “Moskovskie Vedomosti” (Moscow Gazette), published from 1756 to 1917, which contain a significant part of the history of Moscow University. In the second half of the 18th century. it was the only newspaper in Moscow. “Moskovskie Vedomosti” (Moscow Gazette) was prepared by professors and students of Moscow University, printed at the university printing house, and sold in the university bookstore. Gazetny Lane in Moscow is named so because the printing house, where the latest issues of the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti were distributed to subscribers, was located there at the beginning of the 19th century.

The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in the history of higher education in Russia and the history of Moscow University.

Инженерно-геологические структуры Земли Engineering-geological Structure of the Earth

The monograph introduces the concept of ‘engineering-geological structure’, the classification of the logical and actual sets of engineering-geological structures of the globe, and their paragenetic series. It describes the regularities of the spatial distribution of engineering-geological super-, mega-, macro- and mesostructures of the Earth and its continents. For engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, permafrost scientists, geologists.

The book will be useful for students, graduate students and doctoral students of geological specialties in universities.

Институт социального партнерства как фактор развития малого бизнеса в России Institute of Social Partnership as a Factor of Small Business Development in Russia

The monograph explores the development of Russian small business and the institutionalization of social partnership in this area. It reveals the peculiarities of studying small business as an object of economic and sociological analysis and the role of the institution of social partnership in the development of small business. The book also analyzes the dynamics, factors and prospects of small business development in Russia and the features of the social partnership institutionalization process in small business.

For students, graduate students, undergraduates, scientists and practitioners interested in the development of social partnership and small business in Russia.

Интернет: заметки научного сотрудника The Internet: Notes of a Research Assistant

Anatoly Alekseyevich Klyosov was a professor of the Chemical Faculty with Moscow State University from 1979 to 1982, then, until the late 1980s — Professor and Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and for 12 years after that — Professor of Biochemistry, Harvard University. His area of scientific interests include: enzymatic catalysis; development of cellulose biotechnology; development and industrial production of polymer composite materials; antigenogenesis of cancerous tumors; development of a new anticancer agent and creation of a new type of drug against alcoholism (both drugs undergo clinical trials). The title of the book is symbolic. In the early 1980s, a 35-year-old professor Anatoly Klesov was the first Soviet Internet user and the author of the first article about it in the Soviet press. Many of the materials published in the book are devoted to events of his life and activities in the scientific field.

Исторические очерки о медицинском образовании в Московском университете Historical Essays on Medical Education at Moscow University

In the form of essays, the authors of the book tried to convey to the reader the main historical milestones in the development of medical education at Moscow University. They give a brief overview of the development of university medical education and the historical origins of the first medical journals and societies. The annexes list professors of the Medical Faculty before 1930, as well as the names of the papers and the names of best students from 1837 to 1915. For comparison, it lists theses subjects and the names of the best students of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the first twelve issues (1998-2010).

The book can be interesting and useful to anyone who is interested in the history of university medicine.

The publication is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov

История математического образования в России History of Mathematical Education in Russia

The book studies the history of mathematical education in the Russian Empire.

The book is addressed to researchers in the history of mathematics and the history of education, teachers of mathematics of higher and secondary educational institutions, students of mathematical specialties and all who are concerned about the fate of Russian mathematical education.

История русской литературы (вторая половина XIX в.) The History of Russian Literature (Second Half of the 19th Century)

This book takes a new point of view on Russian 19th century literature. It does not contain detailed biographical information nor a review of individual writer’s entire oeuvre. The author sacrificed this for the sake of creating an integral picture of Russian literature in the development of its basic ideas and meanings. The unity of literature is formed by linking writers — their consent and controversy, which is given special attention in the manual, allowing to show literature as a forum. The work analyzes best works such as ‘War and Peace’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, ‘A Dreary Story ‘, etc.

For students of humanitarian universities and faculties where Russian literature is studied, and everyone interested in the work of Russian writers and poets.