Moscow University Press
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Математика и миф сквозь призму геометрии Mathematics and Myth through the Prism of Geometry

The graphic material which is offered to the reader is an attempt to ‘photograph from within’ the peculiar world of modern mathematics. A.T. Fomenko, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a Moscow University professor, has long been known to be also a very original artist. This book includes a collection of illustrations he has drawn over many years.

Математика и опыт Mathematics and Experience

In his book the author makes an attempt to draw a large-scale comparison of various approaches toward the relationship between mathematics and experience that have developed mainly as part of prioriism and empiricism. The comparison is performed by examining it from a purely theoretical perspective and considering various historical and philosophical situations. The author explores possible alternative approaches that go beyond the aprioriism-empiricism dilemma in interpreting the relationship between mathematics, experience and experiential knowledge.

The book is of interest for mathematicians, philosophers, specialists and teachers of the history and philosophy of science, undergraduate and postgraduate students of mathematical and natural-science specialties.

Математика и реальность. Труды Московского семинара по философии математики Mathematics and Reality. Proceedings of the Moscow Seminar on Philosophy of Mathematics

The new thematic volume of the proceedings of the Moscow Seminar on the Philosophy of Mathematics was prepared following the results of the Third All-Russian Conference ‘The Philosophy of Mathematics: Topical Problems’, held September 27-28, 2013 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University with the priority theme of the 2013 conference being ‘Mathematics and Reality’.

For philosophers and historians of mathematics and physics, philosophers, logicians, mathematicians, psychologists, lecturers conducting postgraduate courses in the history and philosophy of science, post-graduate students and students of mathematical and natural sciences specialties.

Медиа Польши на рубеже XX-XXI веков Polish Media at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century

he key features of journalism development in the Republic of Poland since 1989 till the present day are analyzed in the monograph. Associated with sociopolitical changes, a wide review of printed and audiovisual media in the last twenty-five years is given for the first time; the influence of scientific-and-technological progress and digital technologies on the information complex of the country at the turn of XX—XXI centuries is shown. Special attention is paid to the role of the world media corporate groups and their impact on the media transformation and development of a new media model in the Republic of Poland.

The monograph can be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers of journalism faculties and departments and to anyone who is interested in the development of modern journalism.

Медиатизация медиа Mediatization of the media

The term “mediatization” is generally used to characterize those changes that culture and society undergo under the influence of the media. The present research uses this term to assess the transformations of the media themselves from the industrial viewpoint. To speak about the mediatization of the media means to look at the Russian mediatic environment bearing in mind the industrial conflict between the media — the conflict that results from the clash between the Internet, that is freely developing, digital milieu and the media system that is deliberately organized and institutionally framed.

Меняясь сам, изменял мир к лучшему. Памяти Г.В. Барабашева By Changing Himself He Changed the World for the Better. In Memory of G.V. Barabashev

Materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the memory of G.V. Barabashev (Moscow, 2004). The collection contains articles devoted to the topical problems of constitutional and municipal law as well as memoirs about Georgy V. Barabashev, a famous scientist in the field of state studies.

For students, postgraduates, teachers of law universities and a wide range of readers who are interested in state and legal subjects.

Местное самоуправление в системе государственных и общественных отношений Local Self-Government in the System of State and Public Relations

The monograph is devoted to the study of local government in Russia. It examines the ideological and scientific-theoretical foundations of local self-government, its historical forms and institutions. Particular attention is paid to the aspects and subjects of interaction between local government, state and civil society at the present stage of Russian statehood development.

For students, graduate students and teachers of law. It will be interesting and useful to central and local government officials, all those who are interested in finding out how to organize the management of society’s affairs in the most effective way.

Метеорология и климатология Meteorology and Climatology

The tutorial book is based on 5th (2001) edition of "Meteorology and climatology" by Prof. S.P. Chromov and Prof. M.A. Petrossiants, which has been rewritten and contributed by Prof. Petrossiants. A selection of the papers presented before was extemally reviewed and, along with additional articles, represent the contemporary understanding of atmosphere circulation processes, resent problems of anthropogenic effect on global climat and various aspects of climate change in the future and the past, atmospheric radiation, temperature and precipitation regime etc.

For students, graduate students and scientists specializing in the field of meteorology and climatology.

Методы Монте-Карло для параллельных вычислений Monte Carlo Methods for Parallel Computing

The book outlines methods for solving problems using statistical modeling. The algorithms under consideration are intended for use in parallel computing on computer systems of various architectures. The authors consistently describe methods for obtaining independent streams of pseudo-random numbers and random vectors with a given distribution law, methods for approximate calculation of high-dimensional integrals and numerical solution of some classes of differential equations in ordinary and partial derivatives and simulation modeling methods.

The book is designed for those students who are introduced to elements of computational mathematics and parallel programming as well as researchers who apply numerical modeling to solve applied problems.

Методы решения сеточных уравнений Methods of solving grid equations

The book presents modern fast direct and iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations with a large number of unknowns and sparse ill-conditioned matrices. Such systems arise in the grid method for solving boundary and initial-boundary value problems for partial differential equations. The main part of the book is devoted to the construction, justification and algorithmic implementation of methods, as well as the construction of various types of preconditioners, the use of which allows to increase the efficiency of iterative methods. At the end of each chapter, information is provided that complements its content and allows the reader to navigate through a structured list of cited publications. The book contains three appendices, one of which is a summary of information from linear algebra used in various chapters. The book includes a large number of algorithms implementing these methods, and a detailed subject index.

The book will be useful to specialists who use existing effective grid methods to solve differential equations, and to researchers engaged in the development of new methods. It will be useful for university students and postgraduates specializing in numerical methods and applied mathematics.

Keywords: direct methods, iterative methods, convergence, preconditioning, grid equations, systems of linear equations, sparse matrices

Мифы и реальность Древней Греции Myths and Reality of Ancient Greece

The subject matter of this book is the main historical and cultural monuments of ancient Greek pre-literate and written periods; mythology is compared with archeology and is also seen as a historical monument; the book traces the evolution of culture from the depths of savagery to the heights of the intellect.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, but contains material that may also be of interest to specialists.

Моделирование нелинейной динамики глобальных процессов Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamics of Global Processes

The monograph examines global processes in inanimate nature, the organic world and social life from the perspective of nonlinear dynamics. It discusses the modern picture of the world and the place nonlinear science occupies in it, classifies global processes and characterizes models of global evolution processes of the Earth, life and society as well as the world economy and politics.

For a wide range of specialists in the field of Earth sciences, life, society and global process modeling.

The book will also be useful to graduate students and university students whose future profession is related to global studies and mathematical modeling of processes of a different nature as well as to all those who are interested in global research.

Модернизация государственного управления: институты и интересы Modernization of Public Administration: Institutions and Interests

The book presents a mechanism for modernizing public administration, which includes priority goals of national economic and social development in its political agenda. It shows the role of such mechanisms as the political market, lobbyism and accountability. Much attention is paid to the institutional design of reforms. The author presents factors that determine both the success and failure of institutional construction in public administration.

The book will be of interest to specialists in the field of public administration, students of management, economics and political science and all those who are interested in the problems of political development.

Мозговой штурм Brainstorm

The author talks with Russian scientists about the origins of our problems and modernization prospects and about ways to involve young people in building ‘a knowledge economy’. His essays introduce readers to the unique scientific centers of the past and today many of which still operate under cover of strict secrecy. Among the heroes of the book are Nobel laureates and ‘fringe scholars’, 18th century inventors who did not get any recognition and ordinary residents of restricted-access cities.

Московские клиники. Избранные главы Moscow Clinics. Selected Chapters

Based on lecture and seminar materials, the manual presents the historical period of the 19th – 20th century development of Russian medicine illustrating it with the examples of Moscow hospitals. It speaks in detail about the history of six major Moscow clinics, which were named in honor of great Russian physicians, graduates of the medical faculty of Moscow University. At the end of each chapter it gives some background information about the scientists (N.V. Sklifosovsky, N.I. Pirogov, A.A. Ostroumov, S.P. Botkin, G.A. Zakharyin, E.M. Tareev).

For students, interns, graduate students, doctors and all those who are interested in the history of the national health care system.

Московский университет и советский атомный проект Moscow University and the Soviet Atomic Project

The book tells a story about the involvement of MSU-related scientists and specialists – its graduates, teachers and staff members – in creating Soviet nuclear weapons and our country’s nuclear industry. It contains many previously classified materials and fills in the blank pages in the history of Moscow University.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 1 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume I

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition.

Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 3 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume III

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.